
Monday, December 16, 2013

Daily Recap 12/16/13: CHRISTIANITY UNDER ATTACK: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

P P S I M M O N S News and Ministry Network: Time Magazine Puts Two Red Horns over Pope`s Head on Cover! I am not Roman Catolic nd so do ot accept all ther doctirnes. But I do not doubt the sincere fiath of ther belife in Christ nor the bsics of is teachings they profess and follow.
So far I hae heard notheing or read notieng that woudl indicate that Poep Franceis is against Christ at all.
One may debate and discuss dirffrent understandings of scirpture. So far some seem to have twisted what he has siadabout therich. Does any one think that we have a few very rich and powerful in this world right now, who have literally done worng in robbing fomr teven ther own owrkers. They gain greater wealth than one woudl ever need , while the workers whom they ire rely on public asisstance , all of us have to share with ther own workers.
If one is so wealthy, then they the brains to figure out someway of helping out even ther own workers in some way. Christ never said a rich perosn coudl ot be saved, but its much harder as they have temptations beyond what the average person has.
Christianity was spread by such rich men as Joseph of Armamteha who raveled and raded and share the Good Nes of Christ along the way. Not every one who is rich is aksked to give up everything, buy now means. Its a matter of what each of us is called to d with what we have.
Some who have great wealth set up Foundaations to help out. But how often is this occurring in the current era? Even our Tax laws no loinger encourage it.

So those who are trying to label the Pope as somehting way far on the left, should sit down and read the words of Christ most seem to say they are followers of before they start pointing fingers of ignorance.
It's sad to see one of the leaders of Christianity to have such a childish prank pulled and its not the first famous figure this has been done to.Since its been done before, it dose not seem to be a 'mistake
IN our media , all teachinga and Biblical scirpture is being pulled apart and debated and this is good in itself to further deeper understandings. Too often, its not an honiest debate for better understanding, but a degradation of the tenants of Christianity and a blatant attempt to mislead what the faith principles really are. .
I don't personally ask if the Bible is true, but how its true and some stories in the Bible do have to be taken in historical context and understanding sof the people at that point in historical times. Its part of the dialogue we need to have to gain ultimate truth of humanity itself.

There have been terrible atrocities which have occurred against those with in the membership of my own prostestant sect in Africa and other sects have had reports of such horrific things occurring in their own membership rolls in parts of of Africa and the Middle East and other parts of the world almost on a daily basis. Yet, the media does not choose to share this much, if at all. This Time "prank' could just fuel the flames of hatred. Pope Francis is still the leader of the largest group of those who profess to belive in Christ and follow His teachings.
I wish the Tiomes would cover some of this attack on Christianity. whose folowers are imperfect humans just as the rest of humanity is.
Since 1945 when the world decided to have a form of world government, there has been periodic elections that often not paid much heed to. Secretary -Gemeral of the UN
In the beginnig there was not so much to preside over except have a forum to prmote dialogue stop wars and create a world peace of sorts. At least most of us had that desire.
But within a few years, the UN had an Army that went to settle a dispute in Korea and since then more and more powers have been ammaseed into that authority. And alot of monies. Even more in recent times of soveringn rigts of the USA and others have been turned over to that governing body.
This makes the next eletcion, there, very crucial for each one of us. Its like any election where speicl interest groups within the nation states and among those of great power and wealth in this world exert influence on the out come. Often , a man of quiet admisntrative tye has been the one elcted form other parts of the wrold. A caretaker of sorts. It was known in 1945, that about now, North America would be the part of the world from which the next leader would be elected as it is to e 'passed' around regions of the world.
There is a large block of now independent African nations and in the Middle East which are increasingly not as many Christians as they once had in them. And many there are facing ani hilaiton and we need to pray for and help our fellow members of humnaity who are going thorugh terrble times becasue of their faith.
Others who are not Christan , surly must understand that horrors , maassaces and murders are not the way toward peace on earth. Its not a 'freedom of religion' at all.
In may areas now having such things happen, once were areas which for long times had those from diverse religions living in peace among themselves. Which leads one to beliive that some entiity(ies) is exerting great influnce to stir up such strife among those who had already chosen to find ways to coexist.
So when one looks at the totall oover all picture of things going on in this world, one must not forget there is a campaign goig on world wide for a pisiton of elected leadership that now holds more power than anytime in hhistory over the whole world. Even Ancient Roman Ceasars did not hold such total power.
We are already getting asked for whom we will vote for, for USA Presdient in 2016. And we have no real idea who will be on the ballots , yet. But another elction has been underway for decades already as to whom well be the next Secretary -General of the UN. Don't forget that election may have a graeter impact on each of us as so much power as been turned over to that political body.
in the USA, We will probably elect a President who is much as we have had over the last few decades who will bow to wealth and powr and at the same time try to appease the voters who may disagree on issues. Its why its so important for all to register and vote no matter what kinds of rules and regs get put in place; in order to exercise our basic rights of citiznship which is our right to decide who will have suthority over us.

There are osme in the western parts of the world, who have grave 'concern' over whom can win a UN election this next time which is very soon up on us. SOme had rasied the name of former Pres Bill Clinton, but currently he is jsut too Cristioan for some in other parts of the world since 9/11/01 which rasied hatreds and wars more than has happened in more recent times. Religon,is going to be a factor in the UN election. Something that rarely ever is in an USA election any more.

It also may be the motivating factor in creating a political persona of one with two Muslim adoptive fathers and a false birth in Africa, while hiding the real birth in Topeka, Kansas plus being a person of color. A created persona in the works longer than one may even consider, maybe even him. Its the mindseit ofthose in gret pwoer, to keep that power and often plans and plots are started decades earlier as to whom will be brought forward for this high positon or that one at some point in human history.
As I've share over a year ago, here of the hsoitry of my exptended fmialy on both sides; I knew in 1953 tht Pope John Paul II was being readied into the right place to be Pope from 1948 on and he became such in 1978. Thirty year campaign in the works. Its how those who have power retain power. Some are good leaders and some are not.
Just who is behind the 'birther movement?' One might be very shocked? They've known he was born in Topeka Ks of an interter racial American couple and the real question is why are they hding this? I raise the issue that it is not about American politics, at all. Its about something much bigger and a few wealthy and powerful wanting a 'puppet' in power they can control at the UN which will soon be the higher authority in matter of USA soverignty in almost all areas.
A 'puppet' to be controlled as too many of our own Presdients have been in the last several decades of our history when getting the fincial supprot to run for office has to come with a selling of ones soul to a great extent. All because we, the people, don't participate as we should. 95% voitng in all elections for 10 years surely would turn this around and sshow those elected we are their boss and not big money.Even a welathy person, only has one vote.
Another reason for the promotion of a one world relgion is politic?.
And the stumbling blcl to that is Christ. One is either aginst Him or for Him and the Jews' only disagreemnt is they are a expecting their Messiah to come, whom Christians say has already been here once and is coming back. So Jews and Christians get bonded together and told to strip ourselves of the very beliefs that make us who we are even if the rest of the doctrines might differ.
IOn religon is impossible due to CHRIST! Better to have a Freedoom of rreligions and expect all to respect each other to have faith disagreements and live in harmony despite those. With Freedom of speech to allow us to ahre or fiaths to promote understandings. Something our founders well understood after the religous wars aomong Christions and even with Muslims over the previous centures then.
Our USA Constitution and Bill of Rights is well founded in the lessons of history and UN does not have such a balance of powers and checks on abuses of those powers as our founding document does we are governed by. In recent years we have allwed to be tattered and torn until its bravely still hangs together only by the sheer will of the people whose innate sense of freedom and basic human rights keeps it from falling completely apart.

Times Magazine, Shame on You! You are not helping out at all in such times of struggle! Your Free Speech right allows you to be 'childish, but more is expected from you. If you have some kind of 'secret', 'inside' knowledge to support your expresson, please do share it! We want to kknow.
Linda Joy Adams 12/16/13

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