
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Daily Recap 12/12/13: 'NEW WORLD ORDER' HIDES TOPEKA BIRTH?: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

P P S I M M O N S News and Ministry Network: DEATH SHOCK! Hawaii's Dept. of Health Loretta Fuddy Dead in Plane Crash
I published a comment to this article and pray it will be published.
I had asked Lt Zullo months ago to please check for a criminal investigative file Hawaii on this. from 1961-62. As I understand his grandnmother went through many actions to setup a fake birth for him in Hawaii and almost got it entirely through and the actions got caught , but am not aware if there was any felony conviction. I assume not as that would or could have ended any banking career. My undsrstanding from persosnal eye witness bits and pieces from back in 1961 and what I have from other govt sources later and more recently; is no one was caught or at least prosecuted as to who got all the paper work through to almost be issued a certiifed record. I/E theft of blank from hospital and newspapers notified as it got on the list from there but only the notice of birth issued and when the full records never arrived from the hospital, the actions were discovered. My rememberance, from other govt sources, is the blanks were on a clip board in the hallway at the hospital and any one , even the public; had ready access to them. Maybe the twins birth records, (actually born there) getting separated ( out of numerical sequence was an almost 'divine' accident that caused the exposure? So Hawaii had lax laws, but those in charge were doing due diligence somewhat and the result as I recall was Laws got changed as a result of the laxness getting exposed. .
Those born in Hewaii bfeore the state laws got tightened up should check with Social Security before they file for benefits to find out if other supoprting documentation might be needed like early church, medical or school records in order to establish their citiezship and age, etc. as this ind of events casus everyones records to be 'suspect' that similar forgeries might have occurred. Like one 'shoe bomber' making everyone have to take off their shoes for years at airports.. Avtions of one affects us all.
Me at age 16 and Stanley Ann being 15 back in 1961, I never understood why Presieen's grandparents were taking all these cover up actions at the ttime. Was Daniel Wayne Pope, my first cousin; who had almost spent 20 years in military service under the assumed name of Stanley Dunham and might be a concern? and much of his work was always considered 'intelligence' type. hush hush...
Then I learned more I was not aware of then from a future Adams In -law who was in the maternity ward at Forbes air force base hospital in Topeka Ks at the some time having her baby when President was born and she later recognized my mother and asked what and who this white girl was that had the black baby and I explained she was a relative my mother was helping. She's a deescendant of the founding Adams of this nation. And was the one that informed me that apparently her Dad, serving in Africa had planned for the baby to go to Africa with her husanad and he ld raise him there and thus did my cousin et al file the Kenya Record to support that?
And Ann meds her final decision to rsise her own baby after my in- law had a converstion with her? Was this why my mother did not come home until the afternoon after he had been born already in the early huors of the morning? My parents really got mixed up in all this to help a great niece thaey had never met and mst of my family had not known her, either in time of graet need and the authorities wanted someone to tkae custody in an emergency situation when their rpime concern wias covering up three murders and two attmepted murders of his mother and he, unborn.
I have to admire my parents trying to do the best they could and honor both parents conflicting wishes but focusing on the young woman and baby on the way to do best by them. But it was not easy for Anns to have two parents at odds as to what actions to take and no one seemed to be asking her or me, her peer; who acutally had known her some and had no idea she was my seocnd cousin and also knew more of the full situation going on. The Horrific harrassmment ayoung teenage couple went through just because they were interracial.And when I tried to intervene to stop it, it got turned on me soon before the murders took place. (Read my Daily Recaps over the last year + since 7/26/12 of the details of all of this)An its still not settled as no one wants to get the Topeka Ks records and end it al.
To make matters more bizarre, back then; is when my mother told my Dad she had been informed that another cousin of mine was flying to Hawaii to run around the beach as if she was Ann and not pregnant in summer of 1961. None of ths made any sense to me, at age 16 at the time and getting bits and pieces of all this shared and overheard by me.
It still doesn't! Back then if a 15 year old got pregnant in those years, she often would get married and that would end the matter even if it was to just give the baby a name. Or there wouldbe an adoption. The terrible social stigma was ended which no longer exists as it did then. But this was an open murder case and it still is of the real 'Da'd and two others, classmates of mine foro school and three families lost loved ones and society did not care a bit about it.My Dad went to the apper after the bbodees washed up and still it has been covered up, why? of the racist attack against his parents and he unborn and almost cost 5 lives in the mix. And the ocver up has continued to this day.
I've never known of even an inquest or any kind of real investigation.And rumoros persisted that too many other 'bodies; went into that river and never washed up and their deaths went with out justice, too. That's not justice and when thses horrific murders occur, and society lets these things go unchalleneged ten we push our sense of right and wrong to the back and other injustices occur and the whole lurid mess snowballs into wars and other horrific holocasuts and atrocities that affects all of us in very perosnal ways. When we allow one to have no justice then there is no justice for all. Cover ups is not justice. Even if no one is ever convicted in a court room, there needs to be a full investigtiton and full understanding of the hows and whys so these kinds of horrific events never happen again.
Any one born in Hawaii in the years befeor Hawaii tightened up their laws on recording of records, should check with Social Security so when they file for benefits to know if they will not need other supporting documents like early school, medical or church reocrds to support the birth record as when one record becomes 'suspect.' thtn all are.
I don't think there was ever a certified record filed as the a initial attempte got thwarted and the final record never issued is what I understand from the total of what I know. The newspapers got notified and the Notice of birth went out which always says on them they are not the official one and the certified one is issued after the full records arrive from the hospital which used to be about thirty days in most states. .
I had no idea until a couple of years ago that he was using a Hawaii birth for the place. ITS IN KANSAS and I wish someone would get it and end all of this nonsense of eligibiility. Focus on what Presdent Obama is or is not doing as President and take actions based on that. If the birthers had listened to me early on when I tried to get them into Topeka Ks, then the focus during the election would have been on politics and policy of the condidates. and no one knows if the outcome would have been different or not. Or if the 'New World Orde cabal'r would have continued pushing its agenda no matter who was elected. as they have been for the last thirty years or more with varied kinds of persons in the Oval office. .
The oeiy concievable reason to keep thisissue up might be the 'New World Order eleite ' trying to vreate a persona of a man of color from Kenya as a more acceptable candidate for the Muslims and African nation states to vote for as UN Secretary-General as its past due for the next one and Gen Moon steyed in a second term when it was time to change. to someone from North America as it our turn to be represented. And if forced to a vote in the UN some from other parts of the world may not vote for candidates ofld Pres red. Some thought Bill Clinton would be able to be accepted, but that has been set aside by those who run this world and are now focueds canddiate Pres Obama?
Those from the evanelical right and other with grave concern; who have spent so much time decrying the New World Order as of the anti- Christ system and then went out and did the very thing they got tricked into to doing. Make known and spread the false bio that he was born in Africa and even accenting his Muslim ties from his adopted fathers whether it be true or not and I have seen him particpating in Chistian worship services and had no reservations his beliefs were as sincere as any one else there. A fake boio to allw him to be voted in at an even higher office over the world.What happens when those who voted him in based on false info, find out he isn't whom they thought he was?Good people are being tricked ito the tricery of the Devil himself and good people have allowed themselves to get caught in its snares. Pray for Presieent Obama who may be being tempted beyond what any of us will ever be. .
Otherwise what is the big deal of whether one is born in Topeka KS as its in the USa. After all its one of the major birth p;aces of the civil rights movement and for the first Presdient of color to be from there, seems to fit very well no matter what one thinks of his politics!

I have spent a lot of time posting the last couple of days and very exhausted as have not recovered yet from my ordeal in 7/13 when I could not get the full prscribed amount of oxygen. Still using a defective tank, and holding it together with Kracy glue and gorilla tape and our son Michael just delivered it filled so life can continue another 10 days. My prayers and greatful thanks go out to all of those who have asissted and helped in so many ways and its not over and may still not have a good outcome in this earthly plane of existence.
The details of what is coming next yea for all of us in this International Health care package from the New world order has things that have little to do with health and best care and wellness and peope'ls money will be taken for it and health concerns from such things as toxins and chemcials may well be rationed even more and indications it really is being doneinto Death Planels which already exist in the current govt health regualted plans. I know, as one who has a documented established medical case and medcial treatments that have kept me alive for almost 25 years with a chrocic progressive disease from an traumtic severe exposure is proof one can live a long life with an injury that used to usually eend iife in a matter of five years. But that right of life is being shortened and has been done so step by step and piece by piece. over the last coudpleof decades with FDA almost totally under the influence of the few that don't wnat to use care and prudence with the chemicals and toixns they produce and use. . Products that have given us a modern life style, but care and a little extra cost is needed to make sure illness and injury do not result and cost more in the long run with loss of life and health.
At the same time over these years modern medical scince and our good doctors have found new and better treatments to prolong the lives some few eelitists want ended sooner than our Creator intends to occur. Free Will is what we were created and have and we must choose whom we will follow. The one of life and love for all or the evil one of death and destruction..
Condolences to the loved ones of the Hawaii official who died and it does seems 'mysterious' but I pray the investigative 1961 file can still be located on this. But if Preident Obama would just ask for his Topeka Kansas birth rcord, and give a truthful explanation of how he never knew, w then...It would not change eligibility at all and wouldn't the whole matter be made moot? Since Congress certified the election, then they would have to decide any future actions. The proof would be did he know and when did he know it?
Linda Joy Adams 12/12/13
stilll no spell check and paragraphing pray I didn't miss deteceing too many typos.

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