
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Daily Recap 12/11/13: White House Directive to Label and Discredit ? President Obama Born In Tpeka Ks.

(1) Linda Joy Adams This is a link to my facebook page and recent commnts on th White House Directive to expand the govt into labeling more and more as Mentally ill.Sounds good for all to be aware and enourage those who need help to get it. This is linked just after this posting.And is linked to Facebook. BUT:
The last paragraph changes policy in effect since 1956 at Social security where the issue is not to be raised unless ones medical records or the info is volunteered or the employee of the govt observes behavior that is unusual and then one was to describe the behviour and not make any diagnosis since we were not doctors. IF ONE HAS PROBLEMS AND NEEDS TO TALK OR NEEDS SOME KIND OF TREATMENT THEN PLEASE DO GET IT.
we all go through times of stress and sadness and we rely on spiritual help, loved ones and friends and others to talk things over with and find our way to go forward with our lives in spite of great difficulties. Its those that can't work through these events that may need to seek help and even then it may not be something one should be 'labeled' with.
If one has a heart condition, or other physcial problems; one does not get ingnored by the currnt powers that be as does those with such a label. The discrimnation is horrific agianst some of the most vulnerable among us who do need to be listenend to when they express concerns and needs. Just as all do when they raise issues that affect not only themselves by everyone else.
Dictatorships and tyrannical govts have always wanted to discredit those who qeustion their excessive use of powers against the people and in the modern era, this is the easiest way to do so. Unfortuatey there is grave privacy concerns when one does get professional help in the current system.
What leaves the doctor's or counselors office on a claim for pay,etc. ends up in a National Health Insurance Data Base, a govt contract held by Embleme Health International. The last I checked That is formerly Group Health. who also holds many Medicare contracts.etc. and has promoted fraudd and facilitated it in that program as I've wrtten about many times over the last few years online and here.
This data base is a govt contract and neither they nor govt officials are bound by the HIPPAA law. So if ones health plan is regulated by or is a govt health plan its not covered by the HIPPAA or privacy laws and these unacccuntable contractors( Govt calls them Partners now) virtully all are from the cabal that has gained control of the flow of info of most govts of the world and soon will be into China and all of Asia if the Trade treaty is allowed to go forward with all the secret deals as others have.
This means that our individual rights and private conerns might as well be posted out there on You Tubel At least most of the people of the world might show more compasison than those holding power. And errors can more easily be corrected and identified out there.

(lease forgive some of the typos I miss, etc as spell check not working right now.)
WHAT ONE MAY NOT BE AWARE OF IS THT ALREADY THIS CABAL IS IN CONTROL HAS ONES MEDICAL REOCRDS IN THE NATIONAL DATA BASES AND ALTERED INFO whether done in error like a typo or if done INTENTIONALLY After leaving the billing personnel of ones DOCTOR OR HEALTH PRACTICIONER can't get corrected and those in control of this can make these kinds of errors and there is no way to get errors correcrted.
A congressional study done over 7 years ago on Wrongful Death Malpractice cases brought this to light in the attempt to identify what had caused deaths to occur. This data base used more and more for medical treatment especially in emergency rooms and HAS BEEN DEADLY FOR WAY TOO MANy and for way too long. Let alone those who end up suffering from wrong care or proper care obstructed which occured in 2007 when I ended up in an ER suffering from a super bug bacterial infection that had pressed on the optic nerve and caused a cataract that had become brittle as those from long term cortisone steroid treatment often do and one does not know there is a problem until it 'smashes' and the head pain was unbearable and felt like I had broken glass in my eye on top of that.
No care was given exce[t to offer me a narcotic for pain which I declined as instructed to do for years by my doctors as heart and lung patients need to determine cause of pain and treat that before using any kind of narcotic pain killer as t masks chest pains and angina,etc.which was also was occurring but any exertion causes that on me and just a routine EKG shows it. What I neeeded was an antibiotic and this got deleyed. I later was told by hospital persponnel that my medical reocrds in the data base were so messed up that it c;ouded the judgement of the doctor seeing me and I got rudely brushed aside. And down right horrific treatment when I declined the narcotic. That' how bad it can get. Over the next few days I suffered and other doctors accessing this data base tried to give me narcotics and got madder as I refused until I was able to get in to see an ENT specialist and got a super antibiotic as the infection was so severe and by this time its had gone into my lungs also.

Getting surgery scheduled for sinuses, etc and the cataracts took long delays as my cardiologist considered it too risky for the sunus surgery to be done in a stand alone surgical center and finally was able to get it acheduled 150 miles from home with another aurgeon and it was a good thing because this wss unusually serious damamge and part was inoperable and they kept me overnight from it. Doctor said in 25 years of doing this kinds of surgeries he had never seen such severe damage which orignated from the job injury on 1/10/89 and over the years had had little medical care as OPM only allows one bady part to be treated. I didn't say that ACS's Manager did that proceses bills for Fed workers comp. Of course wrkers comp was ignored even though I wrote it done on all papers it was part of the accepted conditons. and I did file a seocndary claim on the cataracts, etc which has yet to be permitted to be seen by any one at the US Dept of labor by Lynn Blodgett CEO and his underlings. I ge/got blamed and delayed and denied medical care for the illegal acts of those inside the govt and o inside the partners of the govt.
What can one patient do? If the govt can't enforce its own laws and rules? Then the coding for the procedure got miscoded and I got blamed for that when Medciare paid less than $2000 for a proceedure well worth what is paid for serious surgery. The amount for the surgery was around $20.000 and the doctor's bill is still under appeal by me but it got paid as if he had done some in office quick check.The office manager at the doctor;s office go t so mad at me they turned the $18.000 bill over to the credit bureaus with no attempt to wait for appeal to be answered on an issue that seems obvious on the face of the record what was done in the operating room.
Even though I had appealed the bill they had not even bothered to do that. Why? Too often their malpractice insurer is also the same entity as the liablity insurer for any named thrd party that caused the injury in the first place. Now , few ever get these kinds of abuses of power documented and its not easy to do. But it is why a few sometimes get such huge damage awarda from juries as much of it is the abuses like this that have occurred and large law firms are able to get documented that it was done dierctly by the ones being sued. AND THE GOVT ITSELF IS THE REAL ABUSER as they do not enforce ther own laws when such things go on and shoudl not occur. In my case, my health ams are all govt. ones an supposed to be regualted by the govt.
TORT REFORM has to start inside the Govt and their Partners FIRST and foremost to make any real reform occur. In my case they are to see it does not occur and have blatantly defied their mandated protection against these criminal wrongs against this injured federal employee. Assualt , attempted murder, theft of medicare, destruction and falsifying govt records, etc. and the list is lengthy and numerous and is an example of just how bad things can get. Worse of all its way too common place for too many others; as a result of the actions of those allowed to do as they please and rob us of life and livelihood.
The cost of usual and customary medical care for my injures are far less than what might be compensated for such illegal and punitive actions being allowed to continue. Health is a precious itme and being injured and suffreing from chonic and painful medical problems is not easy, but the powers that be want one to be broken in spirit and all rights denied first and foremost andthen they will hire someone to hold my hand as I meekly die so they can be absolved of paying out any monies so they can build another house or buy another sports car or gain more power and control of more people. I don't understand the motivation of those who act like this, but it must be the Satanic spirit in effect for sure.
I have welcoomed in the Holy Spirit of Christ( non Christians might call it the force of love and compassion,etc. but I consider it a Divine power ) That is a power that is unbreakable. My physcial body might be broken, I may not understand everything and may sometimes, unintentionally , err in what I do, but I have asked for the ultimate Divine help and Satan is weak in comparison to such an entity.
If the Govt is too weak to stand up to this "beast' then I have to hand the battle over to one who is ALL POWERFUL to guide me in what I should do. My faith book, does not instruct me to give up and lay down and die. It says to 'fight the good fight' and put on the 'amrour' of Christ empowered by the Holy Spirit to go forth to do good and expose evil so that one day all of us can bind up this evil one and his 'fallen angels' that should never be allowed to roam and harm for years in an out of control manner and too many be decieved by the enticing manner in whcih we are drawn into follow this evil bunch. We are given the promise of eternal life beyond the few years one lives on this Planet.
BUT I CHOOSE TO LIVE as long as possible on this planet and enjoy the wonders of Creation and the people whom I find good and compasisonate with few exceptions. Then Damage awards will not include those PUNITIVE DMAMGES for abuses that have occurred and have become way too common place as the govt does nothing to regulated na stop it and Congress doesn't seem to understand this is one area some money needs to be approapriated and some real over sight done to make sure thse abusers of authority are stopped. What is each of them being 'called' to do by the Holy Spirit that most who are seated there ssy they follow, too.?
Most of us lose all rights of life and livelhood in the mix of getting injured badly when all I did was go to work one day for the govt as I'd been doing for almost 20 years at the time and done my job the best I could. Then we find ourselves up against a very small and powerful entity trying to get any kind of care and rights and justice at all.
Let alone the medical care that is needed and known to be what is needed to sustain life as best as possible and not permit further harm to occur. When one has a full body burn of the mucous membranes as I did, more than one body part is affected and needs medical attention for best survival. We saw this after 9/11 where, rightfully, attention was on getting medical care for the Ground zero workers and ignoring that all of those stuck in lower Manhattan Island and surroudning airway areas were affected breathing in the toxic fumes as air has no boundaries even if the International Cabal wishes it so.They have no power to control where the wind blows. ( Some say they do, in part which woudl be a concern if such power wasbeing garnered as what they would do with it)
In all of this,also, is survival for the doctors/ It becomes easier to 'let go' a patientaught up agisnt such a
beast' so they can continue helping those whose care is less controversial and realted more to allergies from seasonal pollens, etc. If they should help one patient up against all this and they will no longer be able to practice medicine as they can't do so with out malpractice insurance in this 'beastly system.' Doctors need Whistleblower Protection that has some eal power in it against thses abuses. Anf that insurance is written by the same interconnected entities controlling all of these abuses in the first place and is the worse nightmare of lack of 'trust busting' that is occurring.
So in 2007, After medical care delayed and denied and some permanent injuries from delayed care occurred,, I researched and asked questions to find out why and what happened and learned about this fraudulent nightmare called the national data base of insurers and all the bothced up and msessed up records doctors are being asked to use to guide them for medical care, especially in an emergency room. And if more and more people find ther doctor seeing thousands of patients, ones perosnal individaul rocords may not come diretly to mind when the doctor walks into the exam room or in a busy emergency room when one is being treated by an ER doctor and relies on some semblance of accuracy in ones computer medical files.. used to help determine what needs to be done.
What was done was surgery up around the brain and fortunately this doctor has years of experience and was also certified for all that was done and attempted. But I lost him as a doctr afterwards for on going care due to the malfeissnace occurring inside the govt Partners. . The concerns of the cardiologist which were in his medical records had never made it to the nationall Data base,either so when Hospital review boards were asked to schedule surgeries, they were accessing this national data base as their liabiity insurer wishes them to do and my total real medical reocrds that were missing to easily justify the need my own doctor was raising. What my own doctors of great esteem in community and medical preofesion hold were being ignored. THAT'S HOW BAD IT CAN GET!
On top of that physical therapy for injury sustained from the fall the day before that had raised the conerns that the head pain might be from that got delayed for 7 months and I still do not have full use of that body part. from the delays as the physcial therapist said it had 'atrophied.' and he is excellent and has done wondorous things for many patients. He was able to show me so I understood it all.
So Federal workers comp has to consider this in the mix of doing schedule awards. which is negotiable but the dollar amounts keep mounting as the govt can't control the abuses gone out of control. I should have had treatment and all be done within a few weeks at most And it wasn't. At least the ER doctor should have prescribed an antibiotic and made the proper referrals to the right specialists. All I eventially got was to the eye doctor from the second hospital Doyle took me to and that doctor at least examined me which did not occur at the first one and I was first told I had cartaracts in both eyes. While I spread super bug bacteria through the second hospital and I can see directly how these infections take hold in hospitals when patients come in and infections are not even checked or looked for. Infection and inflammation is often a root casue of many medcial complaints and why are they being ignored when they had gotten so out of ocntrol as happened in my case?
An older doctor with common sense.saw me at the second hospital after a long wait in the waiting room and oxygen running low in my hand held tank because the first hospital ahd overheard my Husband say he was taking me to the other hospital and they ahd called ahead to block the medical care there until Doyle called Blues Nurse who had sent me to the ER in the ffirst place to ask what the doctor should be checking for or should do. What I should do? After that, I did get seen. The patient had to call the iinsurance company, rather than the hospital? Afterwards, compounding all the problems was that Blues had been deleted off the system at Medicare's contractor so all they were getting was Medicare and Federal workers comp and they were ignoring my Blues card which would guarantee full payment from some of the three. PLUS ANOTHER's MEDicAL RECORDS MIXED IN WITH MINE ON THE NATIONAL DATA BASE. AND NO ONE WAS TAKING A LOOK AT THE PATIENT PRESENT. NEITHER HOSPITAL WAS THAT BUSY!
One staff member alluded to more than that was occurring inside these partners of the govt or the govt itself. And its hard to even get as much info as We have been able to garner. A doctor in Phialdelphis back in the mid 90's said that all 90 of us n duty at the Social security Telesersivice center in Jersey city in 1/89 had been 'black balled' for life by the peer review( another internatinal cabal interlocked entity) and all of us could expect obstruuction of even the most routine of medical care for the rest of our lives. and no wonder deaths have aleady occured and other atrocities. This is a life long "DEATH PANEL SENTENCE" against those who just went to work one day.
Preachers who warn of Armegeddaon need to realize that we have been given one chance after another to stop this evil war machine of the elitists over and over and the chances so often start in our own nations and govts with individuals being allowed to have their rights of life usurped. . Federal workers comp and the on going abuses reflects what is happening in all of govt and its entites and partners as workers get injured in all areas and when bad things occur that should not have it becomes a microcosm that throws transparency on the whole of corruption that exists. Congressman Burton has never been asked to chair much of anything since and some drug up from his earlier personal life to push him out of the way and no one else seems to have stood up and ask the hard questions that needed to be asked and laws passed to stop unconstitutional behaviors.
Back in 2007 at the second hospital after Doyle called Blues I did get a cat scan to rule out concussion etc. and found the initial damage, and Doyle went the next day and got the radioligst report which led me to get to the Sinus doctor I had seen some and he got blocked from doing any surgery at his hospital.. , but no surgery of any kind could occur until the infections was under control and that should have started with a prescription and at the time MRSA was of prime concern in all hospitals and due to lack of attention to my situation, more sptread of infection may well have occurred due to no treatment and care of the patient. So one may not die from the errors , but one can be severely affected and real physcial harm occur. Upwards of hundred thousand die of thses kinds of infections in hospitals,*Congressonal study that never got into how and whys reflected in my situation)
So each individual should be assessed when even the most cursory real attention should have discovered it. My pain was so severe , I didn't recognize infection had gotten beyond the sinues and spreading. If my real medical records had been avaialble instead of the fraudulent mess, maybe iit woudl have been assessed rarely rapidly and I would have left with needed prescription, etc.and poer referral instead what got written up was false and derogatory and just adds more fuel to the fruadulent mess to obstruct on going care. HIPPAA would not address this at all in the Dallas Region so the system does not work and Congress seems to think it is and doesn't want to know it isn't or why? So black balling gets compounded more and more...
What is often going on is that secret deals among insurers is in effect to HIDE TReaTMENTS AND SEVERITY OF MEDCIAL conditions TO MAKE IT HARDER TO PRESENT A LIABILITY CASE. IIf anyhting it rases the over all damamge costs but those that hold power think they can continue to get by with these atrocities and so far they have..
So medcial prividers and hospitals check the Partner of Medciare;s computer and see an illegally altered record with Federal workers comp being in effect for pirmary and medciare andthoing else and I am holding a Health insurance card in hand from an Employer Plan not being seen on the record and other info which casues them to call me a liar about coverage raher than checking directly with the Employer plan. And at that time Texaa was enforcing a strict law on job injuries where once treatment was stated it had to go forward even if there is long delays to get paid. So starting care with an obviously botched up record meant olng delays from illegal behaviors ones own govt would not stop. All tied into the same cabal.
With ACS-Xerox now in total control in every place records go or are sent in some way or another or through interlocked subsidieries or partners, etc.; total obsturciton of medical care and life can occur. Plus under the new laws these entites now get to manage the hospital and medical provider ones is seeking medical care from.' ANY ONE SEE THE ABUSES OF COVER UP OF Ilegal behaviors being easily occurring? And down right coercion against the medical profession wanting to take care of patients and do good things for them.
With such total controls they can do as they please And if one wishes to go further they can insert the medical records of another patient into ones computer file and no way to get them separated back out uner the current system with this Partner of the govt. Someone with a real mental illness could suffer from a physcial silment, too; and they may not be able to reaserch and find out what to do, may not have insurance that opens doors in most hospitals and doctors offices and may not have any fmaily to help them get to another hospital when care is denied. . Then by the time they get care- astronomical costs are spent to care for what should have been addressed initially up against this mess filled with typos , errors and intentional mixups etc. You know I have physical problems and an outdated computer and typos get missed. If I was doing your data entry and you had no way to correct errors.... Yet even the best worker can err.
The reasoning that everyone having health care would reduce these kinds of things from happening and over all lower costs is false when these kinds of abuses are allowed to occur and why Congress has to address some of the issues I and others have raised as it affects over all costs and life itself . AND IN THE MIDDLE OF ALL THESE CHANGES- the coding system is being changed next year. This should have been done first so all were uused to the expanded coding system in the medical profession first before the new systems get more messed up with errors and no way to correct them.
No wonder the systems are crashing, yet Congress never allowed any testimony on these underlying problems that would collapse any major change. Congress has earned their low approval ratings for just these reasons. And any one who speaks out, surely is being coerced in one way or another back into silence. Our basic common sense and lgic in this nation and around the world tells us these kinds of problemms are going to collapse anything anyone tries to undertake. Corruption is a stumbling block for any nation or people and until its stopped only gets worse and collapses the total.
This is an expample of just how bad it is and most times the patient is not aware and neither is ones doctor of what has occurred with ones medical records. Its been a well- guarded secret and many were very unhappy when I found out these things and began sharing them. Its our lives at stake, is all. Its too often why a doctor is getting such resistance for some kind of care to be approved for the phyacial medical problem they know one has and needs some kind of test to be run to check it out. Sometimes the test may be a simple lab test of less thatn $50 to run. And the results are needed to go forward and choose the best kind of treatment. I have had this occur just recently over the botched up rrecords.
In my case at least two other patients have their medical records mixed iin with mine and one medication was put down that has similar sound to another. That one error could csue a doctor to think I had a compeltely differnt problem than I have ever had or been diagnosed with.. Compound that with the current software programs being used in the new systems of reocrds that has no way to list adverse reactions that are chemcial sensitivities or respiatory conditions that react to irritants with inflmamations without the allergic reactions which is a completely opposite kind of reaction and treatments can be the exact opposite and if the wrong care given, death or severe injuries occur. . THESES ARE THE REAL DEATH PANELS ALREADY PUT IN EFFECT AND WORKING TO REDUCE POPULATION!
. But unless one can get through the cabal obstruction the tests needed to diganose the diffrence may never get done for most. I had all these done early on and can at least present it to my doctors to choose to rerun or follow and they know medicaly that once has such permanent conditions there is no cures for them.
ITS GETTING WORSE! But if one has a break in time with no insurance claims or those reocrds have been deleted like they've done with my insurance coverage from those govt contracted computer systems-- the excuse of you have had a miraculous recovery is being used for medical conditions where there is no lnown cure and no one went to church and got prayed over and cured either in some mirauclous healing service.
When the 'miracle?' is our govt allowing the illegal felony destruction of records from the patients computer records or never ,ake them be input which is how Federal workers comp contractor ACS-Xeros has sucessfully hid I have been an oxygen patient consistently for 18 years. And numerous doctors okayed and signed for it based on valid medcial documentation consistent with the usual and cusotmary care for this kind of toxic chemical lung injury that affects the entire body in various and complex ways in a progressive disease with no known cure to date. They don't input ans so it never happened as its not on the computer file. Pure evil!
Eery possible excuse is being used to get out of paying those claims coming in next years when most will have health care coverage and expect to then receive the care. THERE IS STILL NO WAY TO CORRECT THESE ERRORS by ones doctor nor by onesself. One can't even get a copy of it to check. What is now being given you initially at the doctor's office under the new rules is NOT what will go in to this national data base as it may b get altered or changed, etc. data base. BUT if that is altered by soms processing govt contractors or companies in error whether intentional or just a clerical typo/ No way to correct it under the HIPPAA law which is there to enforce and stop thse kinds of problems that can cause real harm or even death.
In 2009 The Acting Director of Medicare, Don Berwick MD had as one of his first agendas to get the National Health Insurance data base under HIPPAA as its a govt contract held by Emblem Helth International formerly Group Health. WE ARE GETTING INTERNATIONAL HEALTH CARE NEXT YEAR?
Soon he was being bombarded to be not confirmed over political views. on abortion. Something he, as Director of an agency would not be deciding since those are laws passed by Congress and dealt with by the US Supreme Court.
Unfortunately all the good Pro Life people seemd to immediateey follow like sheep those who were guiding us away from a person who was trying to take some regulatory actions to promote life for all of us and stop some of the deaths and horrendous injuries that have occurred which have been doucmented by Congressional committes seven years ago. Yet, Congress took no action, and when the Director that was up for confirrmton wanted to take some common sense corrective action, it was not met well by some and he was not confirmed. We still have no corrective action and next year almost all of those in the USA will have claims and medical info going into that system that is not protected from error or intentional mischiefand a whole system being put in place that refuses to recognixe that chemicals and toxins can cause injury and harm when in the wrong mix or useage and too often these events do occur and the medical care is already been blocked in a REAL DEATH PANEL already put in place with what has been allowed to be implemented over the last decade or so since Cong Dan Burton got 'silenced' . .
We ae being deceived into thinking we have protections that do not exist. And Why doesn't Congress address these issues. It doesn't matter what ones health plan or insurance policy is etc. You are going to be in that big fruadulent mess of errors and in some casses malfeseicance at play and the results could be deadly or lile in my case in 2007 when I as first badly affected by what was in there it took long delays to get medical treamtent and surgerie . I even had a super bug infection that took weeks to get the care for. All because of the intentional mess in my records and the mixing of other patients records into mine. One may have been unintetional, but its there any way. The earlier one wasn't innocently done? We learned that from an anonymous caller from a govt agency who tried to tell Doyle that another's records were intentionally mixed into mine and this has caused all kinds of hardships and oxbstruction of medical care. As soon as this occurs in one system it then gets passed on and on to other systems in perpetuity.The 'falsee world bbecomes the 'real world' we are placed into living by and can have deadly consequences for those caught in the mess.
We have a HIPPAA law that that medical providers take care of our privacy and rights very well under and do their best for us. But to have all that good effort disappear as soon as they file a claim for payment makes no common sense and it makes no commn sense for Congress to not change this and it makes even more illogical reasoning to allow the powers that wish to 'misuse' the system to be allowed to continue doing so.
Its the modern era of means of discrediting the masses that question tyraany by those in power. In the case of us now, the authority of those who rule has been turned over by our elected officials to an unacocuntable entity that is inerlocked legally and finacially within itself. Its a 'beast' that is out of control and we , the people and our elected officials must take back the authority to right wrongs and correct errors and uphold the rights of each of us to have fairness and justice under our system of governance. What is going on is UNCOnstitutional and many times criminal and some need to be investigated and prosecuted for deeds done, but Congress will not appropriate any monies for accoutnablility not even for internal audits to be done to discover just how bad these practices of abuse of power and clerical errors have become. .
So each of us whose medical care records end up being sent in somewhere for payment have given up privacy of the most personal points of our lives and what comes up and spewed around may end up in an altered state before that is done. Personally, I think ones doctor should be able to use a Passward and be able to submit corrections when they check our records; but many may never check the national record? And their office files may be fine. Often, real problems occur in an emermergy room when treatment can be the most adversely affected if the information access is wrong. or in 2009, when a speicilast I saw on a cosult saw me and prescired a medcition that cuased severee blleding which led to thousnads of dollars of genentic esting to rive ai coudl ot take any kind of blood thinner and if my real m records had benn availaible on that national data base accessed it would clearly have shown I was prone to internal bleeding since injred 1/10/89 and other rocords documented over the years tohat would never result in any kind of such medication that thinned the blood be given which has that side effect well known.
Another recorrd that got into mine and this would patient number three? I know of is a heparin injection on a bill where no such injection occurred during a medical teet of any kind and the hospital quickly deleted it from their billlng files, but claim ahad already gone in and paid. What about the national data base? Once in it can't get it out.? Its not in my personal medical reocrds at the hosipital or doctor, but its in there and its may causee another doctor to prescibe a medication that cause serious life threatening bleeding. Get your records together on a disc and pray they will be looked at if you are unable to speak when undergoing medical care. But if the computer says its so, what you present may well get ignored in this system being forged into place. and already in it.
So we have got the cart before the horse with the rush to get everyone some kind of health plan. But effort has to occur to make sure we don't harm patients by error or intentional malfeisance along the way. And only the govt 'of the people, by the people and for the people' has the power to correct this. Those in Congress who truly want to address these concerns and take actions must be supported and if we diagree on some issues, at leasst support them on the issues that promote life for all of us.
I am pro life, but those on the other side often are more pro life then one raalizes and see the total picture of a society where if the govt has to intervene to help out, it goes the second mile to make sure the kind of help given gets done so that the end is self sufficientcy for the individual and their rights and dignity prserved. Freedom!
Linda Joy Adams 12/11/13

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