
Monday, November 1, 2021


JUDGES CHAPTER 10 KJV Spell check has not worked right since election day 11/20 and we seem to have fallen more and more into the mire and muck of no confidence in the integrity of any part of our govt, judiciary..and we wonder at times whom among us can we even depend on anymore when...the basic of morality and laws and rules to govern a just and fair society seem to been forgotten...and 'LEFT BEHIND" as world political entities...demonstate that is the new way of being and living...and seems its back to worse than ever of a 'cave people' mentality of everyone for themselves...and the most ruthless and law breaking seem to be winning the battle against most of us.... And when caught in the can find they are left out of even the basics of sustaining life.... So, when the systems fail us paid for all over in health govt funds...even if ones health plan is not....its all under govt funding with NO GOVT OVERSIGHT OF OUR TAX see its not messed with and its been intentionally done so for years now....even the rules and laws do not matter.....and that puts every life endangered even if one is well and an instant accidents..etc can happen and the world ends up in a lockdown..from a virus to fear....from terrible harm....and yet only some end up that way while most just have something like a seaonal few bad days or so....But anyone can end up needing real medical care....and anti viral remedies may not be enough.....yet we seem worse off than a 150 years ago when we had no medical science to help beyond those home remedies of the natural source...and we now dig into old books....and new ones published trying to find what one can do for themselves to survive... as the system is so broken....and one can not get transferred from one to another....and even the a constant cyber war horror of systems gone into chaos and are lives depend on them to get the needed info from one party to another and we get the medical care to sustain life... And with ones own family doctors being completely left out of any updates or knowledge of what has even happened on maybe hundreds of patients......and we have an impossible sitution for sustaining life... So...over a week now...and a patient on dialysis for a year....three times a better and home....but still to be on one knows where or why the transfer did not happen......and wrote yesterday our area is a dot on the national map as if we had a pilot project to start 11 months ago.... and only more recently.....when I checked a few months back....of where and what possibilites as never gave up hope of return to home.....after two miracles of surviving death.....and shared some The initial. regulations got sent to Federal registrar for regulations.....and I missed so much gone on and life threatening crisis of me as well as others...etc....that... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmIINTERNET CONNECTION LOST---------- And what we have is a disconnect that has a good idea...begun....and another administration that apparently not aware....timely....and now trying to implement....but in the meantime....we apparently are in an UNDERSERVED AREA.....and...something needs to be done for my loved one and yours and anyone in need now......and its about time to put our own doctors back in charge.....and respect their knowing and not haveing to be 'managed' by layers of govt contractors....and other contractors highly paid.....and the basic care is not there.. and RATIONED HEALTH CARE....when all the money is going for non direct needs and non direct persons...that provide the care....and we are in a mess......and to removed oversight of govt contractors in 2002 law....means CONGRESS is not protecting anyone of us....and has endangered all of anyone can need health care in an instance....or another virus fly around the world.....from anywhere and we all scurry indoors to avoid it......and not to demean the many who have died due to it.....but its not the only things that was collapsed years before....back to 1994 when executive orders....done to suspend oversight and enforcement of laws...and now all of us are under federal funding for health....even if our health plan is not a a look at the laws....that our health insurers are now govt contractors.also.....and in comes the layers of govt required managemnt and we have too many invovled in each ones care.....and our doctors at the bottom of the pecking that promise of one can keep ones doctors back in 2010 was not just a lie....IT WAS A FANTASY WE CAN HAVE PATIENT AND DOCTOR DECIDE ANYTHING WITHOUT THE WHOLE LAYER AND LAYER OF OTHERS ABOVE DECTATION WHAT LITTLE CHIOICE WE EVEN HAVE TO SUSTAIN LIFE....AND WHAT IS MEDICALLY BEST....BY THOSE TRAINED TO KNOW.....IS BACK WITH OUR OWN DOCTOR....AND MAYBE A COUPLE OF SPECIALIST....AND PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS THAT HELP SET TREATMENT STANDARDS AND WHO ARE ALL THESE OTHER PEOPLE INVOLVED AND WHY? Other whose salaries combined all above us in the pecking order....of doctor on bottom and patients next up all of us squashed by layers of highly paid managers....of all kinds and systems people who do not follow fedeeral guidelines or laws....and up to 50% or more of Medicare is missing last seem at the govt contractors.....and is not even reflected in salaries etc.......and CONGRESS WILL NOT PROTECT MEDICARE AND SOCIAL SECURITY as they removed any legal right of the govt to do so back in 2002 law....and will not put it back.....and its about time...they listen even to agency offiicals.....and agency judges....and ethical contractors trying to do what is right and forced to use illegally designed systems...that end up disappearing monies......and no recourse as no govt to make the laws be obeyed.....and that is our life that is not being allowed to be sustained and saved nor or health...either to recover....and be fully well again.....and its all but the DOD...with NO GOVT OVERSIGHT....and the DOD is far less involved in natirional seucurity we have all those other parts that also NO OVERSIGHT LIKE HOMELAND SECURITY....NSA THAT LETS THE GOVT CONTRACTORS SNOOP AND NO ACCESS TO THE INFO....AND EVEN THE DEPT OF JUSTICE HAS NO ACCESS TO THE DATABASE OF THE FBI....and its not guaranteed as accurate for any check on anyone.....and a direct link to the govt contractor......of at least one who got a gun...and killed a lot of people...when laws would not have permitted the sale if the system reflected the a major issues.....ignored by the media as if they did not wish to face what a defunded govt can do......and systems altered of our medical info..and health info in general.....can. and has ended up as a leading cause of death.....and no tranfers of patient info goes from anyone to a layers have to review all over as if our good doctors who save our very lives we entrust to them..cannot be trusted to get records from anther and see the whole without it being a summary.....and that leading cause of Congressional study of 2007 indicated cannot be accessed by patient nor doctors.....and....if altered as too often has been....and it can surface at times......and then all layers of management all over many entities....involved with every medical contact with how bad it is......and.....everyone gets scared.....when truth gets out of illegal acts by contractors......and doctor did not do it....and cannot stop no govt allowed to back the doctor and patients.....for illegal acts....that cause real harms....and worse...loss of lives..... SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL DOCTOR... In the name of us from what we have allowed our Congress to get us into.....and may we get back to caring for one another....and following Your commands to heal the sick and feed the hungry or we end up in a hell when You taught us to pray for Heaven on Earth instead.....and we should be close to it....and able to fend off evil better.....and we have allowed corruptions to get into every level even into our judidicary....and that is not good....when judges even in agencies can be oxtracized and worse for even following the law...and ruling as the laws say.... May we support our doctors being shoved aside by layers of many entities now......and get back to healing....and cures.....and not have us be some profit making end for some few its not us...nor our good doctors often paying off student loans for years......and...we have to figure out how this can work for one and all of us......and am sure we can....if all would follow Your truth and life and one day when You more evil to deal with and pray not one of us...has chosen the side of evil and is lost to eternity with You.... Prayers for our local medical sources to get thihgs back in good order for Doyle...and find out needs and may they be met.....and for me also....and all the other milions and more here and around the world.....and thanks to those new people in health care....who have gotten things going to put some kind of pilot plan in motrion.....but its time needed for the process.....and what is needed is letting our local medical sources figure out what can be done now....even short many areas and some of these layers of managenrs of amny entities.....just have to be told we are going to trust each other to do best for those in need....and even if tents have to be set up to have dialysis machines in for some to come be it.....and run them 24/7 if needed.....and then maybe find out why so many are in this shape and stop what is going on in this conveyor belt health care than too many are ending up with loss of kidney use....and that is Your way....surely....and its for Your glory we do wish all could be healed instantly....but it would not give some would defy any acknowledging the need had gotten so bad....and keep on causing harm...and not stopping and being repentant and save lives and kidneys....and lungs...and other body we are each one miracle of creation of each one of us....and we still have not got it figured out how You made us each one..... Thank You for me....and all my loved ones.....and friends all over the and others in person.....and we are one human family...and made to care about each other....and to love is happy....and to hate is sadness and dispair....and we need heppy....not the other evil one's end us and all of creation.....praises and prayers for common sense and healing to truumph.. In Your Holy Name...Yahusha...Amen! Hope this is not lost now....and hope is real....and my prayers for those inside the Biden administration trying to do things for healing for one and all......even as politics get us into areas we do not all agree on......and if we can cure diseases.....and injuries.....and have nutritious food not made into some kind of imitation of the real.....maybe some other issues will resolve themselves also.....that cause a few to impose their wishes as if all should be like them.....and we can let the best they made to be.....and....put life and health first of those inalienable rights we are all to have and were made to have....or things just do not go well in this any of us... Linda Joy Adams...11/1/21

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