
Saturday, November 27, 2021


"DEUTERONOMY CHAPTER 25 KJV >>Spell check has not worked right since election day and getting onto MIcrosoft edge for a few days, did allow grammerly to be added which has some benefits over ABC spellchecks. But its still came to the final post, edits and corrections and paragraph indentations disappeard. >>SO am back to updated Chrome and still added the >> for where the paragraphs were when written.. Will not give up the trying. and for one with not being able to exert sure is a lot to do for the family and household just on line. Thankfully, am able to help in whatever way possible as even shopping for specials in light of shortages really beginning to show up. And do expect after the Christmas to find stores not replenished as they were in the past. Maybe not even those after christmas sales, as we once had if little replacement product is going to be arriving soon. >> Hopefully, my cautions are not the harsh reality coming, but many experts in all kinds of area, seem to be warners of dooms. We pray they will not be. But the real world around us is in horrific shape, physically and spiritually . Just as in this chapter, the last verse refers to the Spirit of Almalek, the demonic is said to describe that tribe that justice, fairness and goodness..seems to not have much affect on them. and one that the Old Testament says that that YHWH ordered all to be annihilated, when conquered. A Harsh live in when its ordered by the one worshipped...thru a prophet to end all the life of ones who are of such a people. >>THAT IS THEN...and we do not live in such a world. As its says that at the cross, the sins of all were taken and forgiven. but not all have accepted this blessing of eternal life through belief in Yhusha, the word make flesh. Yet, wars have continued and the world is not at peace. And what peace we do seem to have is with a mighty and powrful army ready to intrvene if a nation decides to invade another and agreements made to back up the ones on both sides and most have no desire for another WORLD WAR. Yet here we are letting such all unravel into horror and hell on Earth. >> How do we deal with those who break our laws in such as way that there is no repentance or sorry for what one has done to another? What do we do with those who decide to continue to murder, steal and perjure themselves in cover ups that lead to corruption of even our highest officials and leaders of nations? What is being morivated by evil and not the temptatiohs of greed and power? How do we even know how to judge fairly, the motivations of another's heart? >> We can understand someone stealing when they are starving or their family is and we try as a society to have ways of helping feed those in dire straits so none need take up theivery to survive. And yet the streets are filled with hungry and homeless and WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TAX DOLLARS we pay that these problens are taken care of? Then we find out that congress removed any oversight of what is done by govt contractors with the public funds given to them to take care of those in need..and help them be able to find their way to having a home and able to help themselves not be hungry. And what did we do, pass good laws, after experts said what is best..and how often did we even listen to the ones in need? Some did, and we had programs that were working very well, and here came a backlash and some often among the elite did not like it if they could not gain profits from it...and ended with many good programs...gone too soon. >>The last attempt over the last few years, that took off to help in small businesses in poorer and often minority neighborhoods owned by those in the area, was taking off..and many of those are now gone, burned to the ground in
peaceful protest" PROTESTS AGAINST EMPOOWERMENT OF THOSE LESS FORTUNATE AMONG US...often people of minority groups. Wasn't that what the 'protestors' were for, chances to help the poor become able to take care of themselves? Something is wrong with the MOTIVES of those who called themselves "protestors" and turned into annihilators led by some kind of evil instead...and common sense is just not there...How does one deal with such an offender? We surely do not wish to go back to ancient times. and have the way of life be like the wild west where gangs ride up and loot and steal. That is history that we thought we had put to rest within the last hundred years, with police and sherrifs....and even national guard when a movement of lawbreakers turn into violent acts and peace is disrupted for everyone. >> All of us have rights, as that is part of the nature we are created to have and care about each other..And to turn that into hate and destruction means we have become like animals who stalk their prey and attqck with death to survive. We look at our loving pet cats and dogs, as we feed them from cans and bags of food, but without us they would resort back to the wild or not survive. Have asked, when the Rapture happens, who is going to take care of our pets, or is there a place up there for all of our animals? As we are to take care of things here on planet Earth, and our animals also are part of that...and some even are consiered part of our personal families. And do not assume all are just eating cans and bags of pet food either, they get slipped the good stuff we humans delight to eat.. also. >>So, there are some hard tings to deal with in the Old Testmane of our Bibles, just as there are horrible things still going on in this world. But in our times, even capital punsihment is not the way, in many places. For me, it seems that we have given up on when we end a life, instead of making sure...the one who is found to have done the deed is just removed from being able to hearm others again. Nothing is perfect in this world, where evil exists, and humans fall into following it. And as for the 'good old days,
for me, its not great right now, but do not think they were better to be in a world...where we did not even think of having rights of all..even if some do take it to extremes of violence that harms the whole movement forward to peace on earth one day... And for that we will not fully have until one day, Yahusha returns as the KING IF KINGS. and evil is removed and its cohorts...and not sure where they will be taken to...but that is the conern of Him.and just pray none of us have decided to follow evil over good and end up with the evil one in some kind of hell...none of us would choose to be part of. surely hope not. -------------------------------------------------- >>In the name of Yahusha, help us clean up the mess we have let happen to us, when we should know better not to fall into. You came and taught us better ways to be and care for one another, and we let some come among us and fool us into thinking they were taking care of things fairly and with caring for one and all...and we got tricked and fooled...and losses all over and now threat of another viral strain of called OMICRON and what happened to COVID AND DELTA are they now gone....and did evil decide not to let loose all the bad viruses names after the letters of the GREEK ALPHABET FROM E-N... Where did they go to? ?? Prayers for DOyle and me and so many others in need of healing in a world where we have had leadership take us down a path of genocide for the last 30 years, even suppressing the good healing knowledge found and could help so many...How did we let evil take over and make our sick bodies become profits to be sick and injured and less if we are healed or never get sick...And You said to heal the sick and feed the hungry...or we end up in a hell...and we have as we let..those motivated to use all kinds of proven bad things to be put in food meds and vaccines to take peace from this world. that only with our freedoms and human rights we have as free people to be able to know the good You show us and are...and follow You instead of a path of evil to real hell right here and now. >>Prayers for the US Supreme Curt as they face some of the most crucial decisions soon over our basic rights of life, and rights....And for this new strain of virus to be found one day, and the next cases already found in UK and world wide lockdowns....and even in home be worn..which a virus is so small it will go through anything that we can even breathe through...and pray common sense my own doctors have had we use a cheper non cream salve muciprin for over twnet years to cut down on germs..and said by some it can help with virues also....and who would think and impetigo med would help fight what lockdowns and harming chemicals in what is being said to help stop it.....and yet we hear nothing about what does protect maybe even more than a mask....but an invisible one of a checp medicne..ones doctor could fight off germs that we usually get into our boides through our nonse and mouth....where even the probiotic salvarius....might be one to fight bad things as its the good bacteria...we often lose with our modern toothpastes...that kill nearly all germs and that kills the good ones also...And why those who deal with such matters say to brush your teeth first....then use the probiotic salivarious to put back the good we just killed off to clean our teetn.. >> And PRAYERS FOR THE US SUPREME COURT to not force mandates of any medical item...we know is lacked with harming chemicals and going to cause harms and even death....just for that...and a list that was published and now not public of those who medically might not wish to take some meds or vaccines....due to their medical issues...that could cause more harms and deaths.....and whomever suppressed medical knowledge and then threatened ur good doctors to not tell and decide with their patients if the risk is too great... Pray what we all thought was human rights and freedoms to be upheld....on the forced mandates...could be jeoparidized by a world wide massive mahcine of information being sent out in days from the UN and heads of nations.....that this is worse than the former... Maybe so, but IF ONE IS SICK, STAY HOME as one would always do and should...and employers should respect that, as for one to come to work sick then all can become so... >>We can police ourselves in our own lives and places we go, by making sure when one is obviously sick, go home...and now we know a lot of work can be done at home if one is able and its time to change our lives for the better by using what we have learned and building on it for the good of have more rights and freedom and peace on earth, when You return..and no more evil it will be gone....In Your Holy Name, Yahusha Amen! ---------------------------------------------------- >>For those who read the Old Testament of our Bibles...and wonder what is the way to be and live and laws to have....Where in the 10 Commandments does it refer even to the punishments to be meted out? In ur times we know a lot more about human behvior and motivations etc..and we do have to protect society from those few who would do us harm...but what do we do, when we have allowed the ones doing harms to masses have gained powerful places to be over all of us, and made deals to turn our nations over to an unaccountable one world maze of entiies as contractors.and not over see the work that its being done legally, and rights of all upheld...and the monies used as they are to our laws we are to live under...all of us...equaltity under the law is all are or we end up with a few in tyranical power that is not even offiically the govt here, around the world or at the UN. Time to pay attn to our elections and make sure the chain of custody is kept over our sacred sceptors of rulership, our if anyone does not end up serving us well, we only have ourselves to consider that we did not use our best knowings to pick the ones who would do the best as servant of all... And all over the nation, court cases are being brought, but when its done, its charges for a few ballots, not the mass numbers as it only take as one or more for a chanrge to be brought.and if we charged some with messing with millions....we might be holding the same trial until 3021, and BY THAT TIME WHERE WILL ALL BE...? maybe into the eternity of peace and far too late for any one case or a few to change what is happeing already, those primaries for next fall...elections when...that is whre we need oversight....or we can end up with little choice among the final two choices...and in many areas of the nation...THE PRIMARY IS THE GENERAL many vote for one party .. and the only choice on the final ballot might be a protest vote of an Independent or third party... We, the people do hold the power, unlike in ancient times. and we should be able to use it wisely and never have to get to needing harsh puncishments...ever we have stopped evil behaviros before they even get a chance to develop among us as we care...and understand so much more as to how people can get to being one way or another...and right now... >>Much of the major concerns is what our young are being taught and we know much is not going to lead to peace nd goodness and respect for rights of each of us at all...and to have a say is at the ballot all the speeches do not matter in the end....the votes do..of who is going to make policy decisions...that afect our hyoung now and our future as humanity as they become our leaders and rulers of tomorrow. Linda Joy Adams 11/27/21"

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