
Monday, November 29, 2021


DEUTERONOMY CHAPTER 22 KJV >> Spell check has not worked since election day 11/20 and its a universal issue around the world as shared by others online...So when this posts edits and paragraph indentations are expect my use of >> as notice for a new paragraph. The words get out, and so far, for one who is non exertional..sure is a lot to do for a >> WATCH CREDIT CARD ITEMS CLOSELY- as a charge showed up and the credit card linked it to show the order number from the store on my online credit card account. yet..nothing matches it and only bought one large item.and the tax was not that amount either.. The line at the credit company and store via phone was 10 minute wait and just too tired to hang will try when fewer folks are calling.. One does have time after their formal monthly statement and bill arrive to question...and it was less than $10.00 and in the shopping rush of the season, something like this could be missed... It helps by having the reference back the order number from the store, but it also lets..anyone with access to the go in on a major retail chain...and even a few dollars from everyone could be millions of dollars disappeard and many think it was something else.. >>So the ability for the charge on the credit card company to link back directly to the order. the thieves this year may find themselves caught, so do not think you will get away with new system programs at some retail outlets, are giving extra info so the buyer can keep watch, and help others to detect if there is an issue... >>And why, have tried to get to using only one card for retail purchases, as its only one to have to watch. and now, may have to cancel the card and report the number stolen, and this did happen earlier this year. so that means....sure hope its not the card, and something else in the system itself. But if its a charge I did not make, then the safest is to cancel and have another one mailed.. >>Now, we know why credit card interest rates can be high and always pay off balances each month, even if all of us do not quite get it done....So THEIVES BEWARE....the major stores, have a new app...and its going to be easier to get to you GO AND SIN NO MORE... and deal with the consequences of what one may have already taken... >>Fortuanately, we no longer have laws where thieves can lose a hand for theft...and that is the journey to fairness and justice, from salvation is the goal, even for a theif and a smaller theft might be community service and pay a fine or pay back the merchant...for their loss...and if a theif can be changed to be saved for no more theivery then we can all rejoice.. And even those who are chronic theives, we have jails and prisons to keep them from continuing, and before so much of our public dollars could be stopped from the biggest theiver running our nations as govt contractors all....with the more ethical ones....struggling to compete to even meet the bid, of the internatonal cabal...that can underbid as they are set and ready with their systems to steal...and GOVT IN USA DEFUNDED ANY AUDITS...OR the INJUSTICE IS OUR OWN CONGRESS allowing this to happen to the people and the security of the nation as a weakened ecomony fueled by lawlessness harms all of us...even to shortages in staying alive in health deadly mess of taxpayer funded systems with NO PROTECTION OF ANY GOVT AT ALL TO MAKE SURE THEY ARE SECURE AND LEGAL...AND WE KNOW THEY ARE NOT...from individuals....complaints, such as mine. >>But complaints, that are filed with fraud lines, never make it to the real govt, as they are also govt contractors and of course, the upper management know they are the same shells of the thieves.and all the good intent of the first employees to take and process the report...will find it never gets out of their company....and that is the one they are illegally never to let the public know their corporate they are told to lie and break the law and say they work for the govt agency, when they are not employed by it, and if they were would be audited for their work and if money was stolen or illegal acts committed could be prosecuted under our legal system... >>This shows the major hurdle which the fallen state of humanity led by Satan and and his fallen angels of 1/3 of heaven that rebelled are around and have trick humanity who should know better into committing all kinds of evil and wrong things...and the 10 Commandments tells us what we are not to do..and its the basics of all crimes, as well as tells us what to do that should help us form legal systems that the goal is the salvation of the soul of the one committing the crime to become a better person we can then trust to be loose in society and " GO AND SIN NO MORE." as Christ did often, when the one breaking the human made laws, saw they were changed to not repeat the sin... Laws are of differing levels of harms done. and we now have elaborate civil and crimimaal laws, to try and address each situation and the severity of each act. >>And when Christ came the first time, we taught us a lot of how to become better at laws and rules for an orderly society, saying LEAVE VENGEANCE TO those who have not repented and been saved.will face Him on a final judgement day and the worst punishment is LOSS OF ETERNAL LIFE WITH HIM AND THE GOODNESS OF NO EVIL.... AND FREEDOM AND FREE WILL,,,,IN A WORLD WHERE NONE CHOOSE TO EVER DO ANYTHING TO BREACH THE PRIME DIRECTIVE OF : LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS HE LOVES US... and in this chapter we have laws that reflect some love and caring and promotion of salvation, but we are also dealing with a society that has no jails or isolate some who continue to do harm from continuing to do so.....and we still have not completely given up on vengeance when the seriousness of the crime has caused terrible suffering and even loss of life... >>>And for me, part of that is sin of all of society that somehow one ever got to be such a wicked person, and our laws even address that but too late after one has grown up with taught hatreds, and little ethical values...and those being raised in a society where they see adults causing mayhem and vandalism and violence with no LOVE AND RESPECT FOR EACH AND ALL....means we are teaching our young a way of life that led to a wicked world....too many times in human history...and a general lawlessness....and even worse of overt diestruction and even human sacrifices as it a deity of any kind of love would wish that to be done... >>We are on a learning journey, and our laws and rules over time reflect just how far we have succeeded on the road to THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN BEING HERE ....We have come along way, as most are not cutting off body parts, or stoning or killing for adultery actions we know that some things are going to be taken care in the DIVINE COURT OF THE FINAL JUDGEMENT and that court decides ones eternity, a never ending sentence..and one better get their act together or end up with evil and its cohorts in a place apart from anything that is good..... I do not know and do not wish to end up there....and that means a heart that is sad for the things others do to harm one, even me as now has been as shared here on line...But, I cannot do to you, what you have to save yourself from, the wrath of the Almighty for the havoc and harms and losses of life and livelihoods so many have suffered for the actions of what some have and are doing right now...So steal less than $10 from me, and other from another...and for someone, it may be the medicine they cannot purchase for their child, or the amount to not lose their happens in this world, that it can come down to only a few dollars stolen from one, is the difference in the outcome of whole life's journey turned from making it through to a better life, or ending up in real hardship and horrors....and surely on that final will have the whole of humanity shown of all the harm just one illegal act has led to and rippled through the whole world.....and when you face that your one ilegal act to defy the Divine law, and that of the law of society to stop the harms even a small theft can do...means.. >>We do need for our legal maybe address this more., and trials...often do. in sentencing as he victime share the harms done by the crime...But the effect, keeps on going...Just as our good and loving and caring acts, also keep on going to help make this a heaven on earth...and why those who do nothing, have also sinned....and why the medical commnunity needs to understand that any claims with a Medicare card, in a unsecured system that has and is being used to steal from all of us,,in your name and the patients and their heirs.....and eventually your own pay cut to make up for the illegal acts we know and document on indiviudal cases,,,,DO THE CONDITIONAL PAYMENT AND PAY ATTN AS TO WHOME YOU HIRE HAS FOR OWNERSHIP OF THEIR MANAGEMENT AND BILLING SERVICES as the current liability comes back on those who hired them....and the govt got defunded by law in 2002, from even auditing who nd shuting down the biggest organized crime ring in the history of the USA and world....and why we are now heading into another world wide lockdown....all under this beast system control as govts and UN cannot verify any data or facts about anything...and we take their honorable? word for the truth,, if the elected? officials will not serve and protect and uphold the US Constitutional mandate of: "for the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation" then its past time we oversee our elections and find some among us to encourage to run for office...and forget the money, as its the VOTE THAT COUNTS...and we should never have another certifier of an election that can not count and says thre was more votes than voters and not be relived of duty for having lost touvh with realtiy where a gradeschool child can count better than that.... It all unravels back of what did I do or not do....and most of us forgot to keep a watch out for each other and our precious one legal vote each...and those who say, we have the whole stolen....and were warned of the dangers of things going on..that party was not ready with an army of volunteers and lawyers ready to file...when things got suspeicious....and it can be either party or none that could do something illegal and now is the make sure our laws are up to date as many of them were made before wi fi and does that mean one cannot bring their cell phone into a pollng place as it might access a machine? high tech issues being discovered and often the election officials. are not trained to know....and a lot to make a heaen on earth and we do nt know when christ will return it may be tomoorrow or not even in our lifetime...but we have turned into a hell on earth and its not all natural disasters either.... >>All last year, I said go vote.....but I blew it and forgot to say, oversee the elections and volunteer and know the rules....and have some at least online training to know what one is to do and not to wear campaign buttons while poll watching...etc.As, I did pick up from the media, the parties were not ready to oversee this as once they did....and we cannot deny we have a lot to do from all parties....and little can be done in a govt where the people are the boss, and we forget to make sure...our efforts to lead, at the ballot boxes of this world are not compromised here , there or anywhere... We know now and much is being attempted in our courthouses, but that is going to take too many elections without changes to stop anyone trying to do something illegal.. and the option is VERY LEGAL..for all parties to over see the process....and any judge that does not respect the law and say one can read this page from 50 feet away, should be RECALLED ON NEXT ELECTION DAY... >>Its been shown, who some of those we need to use our power of rulership over and say, no more...we are not going to let you SIN NO MORE...even if it means recall...and often all those judges on some ballots we have no idea, whether they have been fair and just and upheld our laws....and maybe some websites of those who have an opinion could be shared more online for us to have some when it comes down to our personal lives and quality of it or even having it....depends a lot on who is near us in our local and state levels of the President is not over anything anymore but the Dept of Defense since the law of 2002, and we need everyone else in office to try and have just and lasting peace in this world and not start another world was, and heaven help us...we may find out our years of neglect of the process may have led us to this...---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>In the name of Yahusha, save us from what we did not do so we can try and clean up the horror and mess that has happened as we pretended all was well in this world. And we should not forget that evil is still around to tempt anyone of us to ignore...injustice and unfairness...and what we are teaching the next generation of leaders in this be like by what we let be taught them that were values that are not Yours...and who could argue that what You ask is not the best way...Help us share that and be blessed in knowing Your Love for us is all of us, even the ones who have lost their way and hope they find salvaton and repentane for thwir we also need to do for our relatoinship to You... >>Prayers for Ooyle and me..and so many others....being denied health care that is known and even with plenty of insurance....some allowed to run things...have decided they can choose who is worthy to live and who is not..and seems the ones who follow Your good way, are deemed not to sorthy so they must be following the one of evil and its cohorts who rebelled against You long ago...and pray one day we never have to deal with them again..unless they will repent and be saved...That is yours to deal with, as need Your help now, to even survive with some who follow its ways over Yours... >>And pray for those who seem to care, then try to ignore it and pretend all is well, and doing nothing to help even themselves in a world where anyone can find themselves in really bad situations of harm and danger and loss of health and life and livelihood....and Prayer for the US Supreme Court to not panic and pass mandates for every germ or bug or virus that pops up in this world....and we have treatments as well as sick leave to allow the sick to recover at home with doctor care...and the world not lose all sens of freedom and rights.. And maybe if they try to shut down churches again we can have small groups in our homes....and be connected to our places of faith online....and even choirs have sung online in each ones separate homes....Many churches got online last year, and never stopped and as a shut in...its a blessing to at least be there in cyber space...with those we know...and keep up...Not quite the same....but You said 2 or 3 gathered together in Your name...You are there...and until they say, we are limited to numbers in a one nation said 10 or wrong....then 10 or more is a place of worship and we can honor and praise You as we wish to do...and even join onlline with others of the same congregation is we ae forced into such loss of relationship with each other... >>Help us to find ways to not lose our faith in You and have even Sunday school for the Young as online classroom as they have had to do for school too us be wiser than the one who would keep us from our knowing You. In Your Holy Name, Yahusha, Amen!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> Now, to get up early and get ahead of the crowd, calling the credit card company to find out what that charge is and maybe overnight the system will find the issue and correct...but cannot see how and that means cancelling the card number as stolen...and then adjust bill pay as it may be a week before its returned....and this is getting worse than some have become desparate to make money and how much worse wil it be when prices keep going up, as one local store had celery at $3 for one plant online and another only had cut up pieces in a plastic offer... and found groceries are cheaper in Tx then OK as for one thing grocery pick up is still being taxed as "fast food" and not tax free for things we eat and the state legislature needs to address that TELL ME HOW A POUND OF RAW HAMBURGER IS READY TO EAT BURGER FROM THE LOCAL BURGER CHAIN? And how is it a retail chain will charge more for the same can of food in one state than another...only a few miles apart? So its a time consuming job to shop online...but if that is how I can help my own family survive a few pennies at a time than that song of Brother can you spare a one state, may have it to share, but in another will the same retail chain...and we can find out online from our the whole store inventory for each store is now available at our fingertips... The good mixed with the sorrow of a charge, cannot explain...from the face of the system record tonight... >>Linda Joy Adams 11/29/21

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