
Wednesday, August 25, 2021


2 KINGS CHAPTER 9 KJV Spell check has not worked right since election day...but the words are still getting out...minus edits and corrections and missing paragraphs...indentations...that will not save....and the rest of the world is in far deadly shape then a a less than perfect writing to warn since 12/08 of things put in place and that injustice to one and then a few and then more was going to keep on growing until none can hide from the reality of its pervasiveness into everyone's life....and evil's intent to the annihilation of all of humanity and creation itself... And the respect for life, and property rights and even a pepple to be a nation and have borders and boundaries.....all are to respect when inside their land....has been trashed....even among nations that do pretty well to have a fair and just constution or laws to live under....and try to be fair....even as evil always seems to raise its ugly trickster head to bring all of us his pit of hell for all of eternity...rather than be saved for eternal life...with the Divine Good....the one John callS YAHUAH IS LOVE....and sound like Starwars was trying to tap into something.....when called the FORCE but far this is the DIVINE LOVE WE ARE EACH THE IMAGE OF TO BE THE REPRESENTATION OF HIM IN THIS WORLD.....And awesome blessing to have and be and follow the good by our freedom and free will of the best of all for each one of us....and we know in our souls...that separation is not our souls....or in the physical world..... we are indivicuals first....then one of two....bound together....than families...and communities...and nations and world.....but each is special part of the bigger units of all we are part of... We are choose and to deny life and love binds the soul into bondage to evil.....and only in Love of the Almighty can we ever be love and be part of each and all groups of the whole... WE ARE NOT SATAN'S THOUGHT that is of the opposing entity of no good intent for any of us....and those who sell their soul for wealth and fame and power over all.....You have none....of these without hate and death...and desruction of all even of the end goal of evil.... Called to overcome...evil with good....and one day.we will have the resturn of Yahusha....and evil will be removed and that is the one separation pray none of us...have chosen the wrong and evil side to be on... But within a couple of generation of the Kingdom of David and the promose to spring.....his son fell to the abomination of desolation in the temple he built and glorified as he did it........and murdered his own childen to evil in the temple.......and his sin...took away the promise to his heirs....and given to another to be the ancestor of Christ's mother..through Nathon another son of David....and was that the prophet Nathon who called his own father to repentance for the grievance sins...committed getting bathesheba as a wife....and his son Solomon...given the inheritance and then...lost it forever for his heirs.......but not from King David... mosre research....but the Bible is a summary faith history...and its sounds would be.... A foreshadow of his heir who would be the Divine in part flesh and his heir be His mother.....calling the world to repentance.....through the heritage of King David.... But the nation split and sin came and went....until its went into utter horror in the Northern Kingdom...that got conquered and dipersed to the whole world....first......and seems we may be fighting vs their descendants in Afghanistand now a sub group of the TALIBAN....THAT MISED THE MOSAIC LAW WITH THE WAY OF iSLAM...WHEN CONQUERED.....AND SATAN HAS SET UP BLOOD VS BLOOD....THAT STILL KNOWS THEY ARE.....wehre the rest of the world.....has no idea th math clearly shows its statistically impossible we each did not have one or more of our own ancestors who walked out of Egypt with Moses away from an evil be isolated in the desert for 40 years of daily miracles and a prime direcvie of LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS HE LOVE US...and 10 basic rules of governing...the world constitution and bill dof rights.....our own is basied on of human rights of each......and an ideal of those bill of rights....and we the people as the rulers and ministers of all......even is our govts...have differing types...the people are not under idola...but are free and independent persons.....and when a leader forgets they are the servants of all in high position...we have the right to not live under tyranny and thankfully the USA founders gave us peaceful means of removal.....and its not to be used lightyly, but when it is needed to be done, it needs to happen for the good of the nation...and its security...against enemmies.....we may have let inseide our an army ready to overcome us....and we face the ultimate annihilation not overseeing what our govt is doing....and respecting the rights of each of have those inaleivnabel right of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness....grounded in our rights to personal property of even our faith..and private thoughts..... In the name of us from not overseeing things...and having up to date deal with new technology used to have an orderly and fair and just society for each one of us......and may our leaders have the courage and guidance from You to do what is right and good....and not follow evil to horrors worse than the world has ever seen........and You have said it will be bad....for what we let go on...until what do we do? and You and the hosts of heaven....have to intervene....and pray to help us get through some bad times... And prayers for Doyle and me for healing as being taken from me for voting got the other not fair and just in a frree society where each has rights even if we vote for differing people......surely evil is not that...petty...?? And prayers for extended family members and others of the world family of humanity to find You to guide all through these time...until You return....and the call comes to go to safety in whatever and when is to be.....and we WAIT PATIENTLY ON fulfill things we each are not aware that not one of lost to eternal life with You..... and may whomever is seated in the highest offices of the or future...serve us well....and be guided by Your love for all of us...and do the best if one is able to do so.....they can...figure out the best for one and all....and success by our success to glorify You for now and always.....In Your Holy Name...Yahusha..Amen! Its stifling hot by late afternooen and the price of electricity....quadruples as we are told to conserve....and save money.....and get e mails and charts....but its too hot for even the most able to get mouch done....using electricity.....and even with the rain we get plenty of....its stil very hot....but not as bad as some are having in the USA and world.....and the loss of life....must be grave all over from all kinds of disasters.....and pray we survive this....and me...and millions being denied theriapeutic oxygen....liwuid or compressed qith without the banned irritant gas ozone sucked into the concertrators of less than pure kind....and causing inflamming of lungs and entire lymphatic system.....and those in charge do not care...they gave a monopoly by three regultions to stop others who could even provide life cheaper.....and caught in a price war....and approved for life by three health plans.....and injured workers caught in required litiggation....and our access to go to manufacturer direct for 13 years....cut off...recently.....and how many already dead.....due to trreatment to stay the same bunch now in contorl of covid......and cannot verify any data or facts from a govt contractors......and a systematic...removeal of care for 1/6th of the populatoin with issues with chemicals....since 1989...when we had the standards and research from promote life and sustain it for decades as my case proves as one of the 6 tracked for threatment standards....and had to be gotten rid of long ago or the gulf war vets would been paid....and I had been picked up from injured at my federal in Jersey my co workers had been denied care and t4esting at local the dirty evil had already been instituted of real genocide....that has gradually been allovwed to take over from healing.....and step by step......those prover 39 chemicals...that harm....humans....own govt reasearch in 1988.....and used to keep warning labels on cigs for smokers.........began to be put in aur foods, meds and vaccines.....over the WARNING LABELS AND LISTED UNDER FALSE AND MISLEADING INGREDIENTS.....and not the chemicals...they really are or turned processed..... So all the info rages over vaccines....but for us...we have had no safe ones since 2010...when Movartis was ordered to sotp makking the preservative free ones.....and some of the sysmtoms some now the reserach from 1988, still accepted for xmokers to not smoke are warned but the rest of us who get these elsewise into our food, meds vaccnes....we are NOT WARNED....and since 2014...none at the companies will truthyfully answer if none the patient is in what will be put in our boides....and we have NO GOVT ALLOWED TO SAVE OUR LIVES....OR EVEN WARN US WHAT THEY ALREADY KNOW....AND LET THOSE WHO MAKE WHAT WE TAKE INTO US......DISREGARD....OUR RIGHTS TO NOT BE ASSAULTED OR MURDERED.... and ween we ask....and are lied to...them that is intentional assault or murder....?? seems to meet the criteria....many sit on death row for same intentionally deeds done...?? Linda Joy Adams..8/25/21

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