
Monday, August 30, 2021

( are we in a nightmare dream of nonsense in charge now/ time for all to tell the truth...and step up and do what is needed for security of the nation and people - seems hatred of Trump has blinded those in charge now that they have real jobs to do...for all of us and the nation?)Secretary of State Blinken Claims US Never Gave Taliban Kill List - Then Admits US Gave Names of American Citizens to Taliban (VIDEO)

Secretary of State Blinken Claims US Never Gave Taliban Kill List - Then Admits US Gave Names of American Citizens to Taliban (VIDEO): Secretary of State Antony Blinken joined NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday and told host Chuck Todd the US never gave the Taliban a “kill list” before admitting the US gave the Taliban a kill list of Americans. US officials gave names of Americans and Afghan allies to the Taliban to grant entry into Kabul…

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