
Tuesday, August 31, 2021


1 KINGS CHAPTER 20 KJV Spell check has not wroked right since election day and here we are with more disasters of natural, spiritual...and where did all those put in charge come seems little media coverage as in past of qualtifications.. As mess ups take place in the current govt. which since 2002 law is really those of the intl cabal of govt contractors.....of a beast taken into a further step many the intl financiers of theirs swoops in a buys up our already broken health and next would be rentals owned by many who are not really wealthy at all..... A systematic demise of humanity and every stablity of society has been sytematically been put under a master plan of destructoin into the control of one....and we yet to know who is the one....but we of faith now its one that is Satan himself....bent on the demise of all of humanity...even those who do his bidding...and worship giving him their sould...and estistence for up their promose of eternity of only good with the one of Love and life....eternally? And just because one wins a battle.....does not mean....they are of the good there are times that the Almighty has let evil take out evil......and why is it that this world rasies monsters...who wish to rule the whole world....and all bow to him.....and not have any freedom of thought or freedom of independence....of ownership....How think of such a world.....and we have come close too many times under one monster after another....and all seem to end in massive human shedding of blood to conquer all in one way or another.....and for what to have great wealth and pwoer..... And if none is free to admire their great free will....what good is it to "own the whole world...and lose their souls"? And we are on the verge of a situation in the world now...that has upset most who care about each one....and know if one is not of value....then none of us some are left behind....and others may have taken their place who have come into the welcoming people as wolves amonng us....not do any all... And how do we know who is who? We are in a time of real troubles for sure.. In the name of Yahuaha, save us from the mess that we have let happen to us over the last few decades....since the last world conqueror.....never quite made it as the people of the world...finally had to go to war against him....or more than ,many million wuld have been anniholated in what we call the holocast......and for the first time in history...we are one world by commuication....and travel to and fro....and world wide bio terrorism....has become a faster means of mass genocide...that even a few nukes that can annihilate all of us....just not right away..... Help us....out of this...horror the people of the world have gotten duped into of wars on wars....and a few groups created t cause terror....and some created by our own be that evil taking out evil.....and it soon turned on the good people of the world. instead....... Prayers for Doyle and me.....and for some more strngth today with two twice as much ozone...made.....and have to make another flat of zone filters with empty bubble cups....and N95 mask acvated charocoal inseerts......and being apprvved for life for the real oure of lquid or copressed air....and the govt officials say OZONE IS GOOD TO BREATHE AN IRRITANT GAS THAT INFLAMMS...right into lungs...and does not list it of how much is contained in the less than therapeutic....from doctors can legally prescribe and deny any harm to be done.....and not be sued for malpractive when one is that 1/6th of the population that has damage to their body's filtering system...the moucous membrane common in toxic and chemicall inuures that are not allowed to be treated this bunch in charge now, has been since 1989 and we took a turn into less health and less rights of living....from where we were in 1988 with 39 chemicals proven by the govt as harming to humans.....and put the warning on the pack of cigarretts.......and many stopped smokeing only to turn around and ingest the same food, mes....even weaponized to cross the cellular membrance.......and then vaccines.........and knew that huge numbers would be harmed....but hid the truth under....misleading addtives of potator starch and celloulose....and worse is to call chemical flavorings used in cigarettes as Natural flavorings and can be from real plants....but often has never seen anything organic........and a deadly situation for meny, DISCRIMINATION OF THE DEADLY KIND VS A REAL HANDICAP.......AND THE LAST WAS AN FDA REGULATION THAT NEVER GOT MEDIA ATTN....THAT WE WERE GOING INTO MAKE ALL SICK....AND DIE SOONER.....AND MAKE LOTS OF MONEY FROM THE MISERY.....BY A FEW WHO WOULD.....AND WE FINALLY HAVE OUR NUMBERS TO 1/6TH OF ALL OF US....AND DAILY NUMBERS ARE ADDED.......AND WE CURRENTLY HAVE APPROVED WHAT THE fda knows will harm by own govt.....and still does as that warning is still on the pack o cigarettes not to ingest those 39 chemicals......but go ahead and take in food, meds..and even in 2010 orders to Novartis not to make a preservative free none worthy to have safetuy as the govt contractors....had illegally altred all our medical records on the national contract of all of matter what kind of health plan or none....and illegally alter cyber info....and 1/6th of the population does not exist that our own doctors had said we do........and neithr patients, our good doctors or THE GOVT ITSELF SINCE 2002 LAW CAN HAVE ACCESS TO AUDIT...OR EVEN USE EXISTINB BUDGET EITHER TO PROSECUTE FOR INTENTIONALLY ASSAULT AND OR HOMICIDE......when the govt's own proof says could happen to many....and some real fast harm.... So none helped the few of us..dealing in this fight for life over the last few decades....and now all face injustice......and surely will stop making fund of our disability.....and realize its happening all around....and too many have mourned over the graves of loved ones who left to go to You too soon... sorry for my own complaints of where this has me now struggling to figure out how to survive when those our own govt...says should let do us in....and eveually all of any who will not give up their minds and souls to evil.....and pray for the day..You return...and evil is taken away for good.....and pray we can then....have only the good....and love for one another...and each know how precious each one of us is.....and love each other as You love us......Help us get through this.. And help Doyle get done whatever is needed to find his way home and we be able to make it possible....for a few years of better health......and one more sickness or injury....and we heal and cure...and keep better health for all of eternity when none ever needs healing again....and all is good..... Prayers for all those in so many tragedies now.....and no assurance of anyone coming to help......I understand Your prayers for my nephew and others suffering losses of all kinds.....until one day....we find our way to You...and never suffer loss ever again.... In Your Holy Name...Yahusha, Amen... beware thinking the winner is the good it may be the Almighty holding back and letting two of the same ilk take on each other....and we not drug into the fray..... Linda Joy Adams....8/31/21

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