
Sunday, August 1, 2021


1 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 22 KJV Spell check has not worked right since election day...and thought that changes were being save....but are this confusion....makes is seem the message is not as together as thought it was getting out.....and have tried several things and it just will not stay working.... But, the words are there and will try to use some other way to mark paragraphs other than just the usual enter to skip a line and spaces to indent... I have been able to get hard copies of the corrected with pragraphs....reinstated...... At least the words...and am trying to be a better typist...although got an "A" in typing class....never was the top typist when that job was one....and did regular type office work for jobs during college... what a change since the 1960's when....there used to be a whole room of those typing from written notes or dictaphones..or recordings......and now all gone....and the CEO of the company has to do his or her.etc own typing....but they surely have some hi tech people to straighten out their spell check...messed up.. Have not bought microsoft office aps....and when we get windows have plans to get that software as begin to do filings....of all the back logs of appeals....that need to be done....and right now....just trying to sort out....all the info coming in from so many directions....and there are due processes filed....many times over the years....but none seem to understand...especially in the medical been robbed paying for illegally programmed systems...and everyone overpaid more than your corporations are even worth......and all seem to think if they hire a manager...they do not have to know....and yet....often hire one who is not even registered with the conflicts of interest all over when every entity is a shell of the whole cabal whole ruling the world now and in contorl of nearly every nation's govt, and data and files...and even the head of the nation bows to their masters....and are not in charge....and the same at the UN.. so as we get constant conflicting info....from govt officials...and UN who act as if they know and verified....and have not done any as they they pass on what they are told.....and it seems the beast system of revelation..and if worse is taking over seems to be......gobbling up ownership as all get paid less do to 50% theft loss of the ones they hired to take care of things for them...and the govt in as much a horror.....and around the world...things are not good...and we, the people who are to be in charge...and have the vote in nearly every nation on earth now......and we forgot to over see that precious sceptor of our rulership and the taint is world wide...and confidence in our own ability to discern and know who is best to serve us well....has also been tainted.....and its past time....we do that one simple act of volunteering to oversee chain of custody....and not let anyone of any side usurp it.... That is from local to federal and all parties....and nothing is worse than to have a special agenda in a local area....and all be under a tyranny that the rest of the world often will ignore.. Its happened....and why we have those pockets of corruption in some cities....for years...and we the people can not break free be able to have leadership of, by and for us...that will serve each one of us..fairly and justly...and not be sold out to aome speical agenda....vs the people and what is best for all and not even one among them be harmed for the will of the most is upheld.. We strive for perfection....but know we each have our weaknesses and failings.....(and forgot to mark the pragraphs...already set apart...and seems will not survive) King David...was said to have a HEART FOR THE DIVINE....and he committed nearly every sin of breaking every commandments....yet he repented....and found salvation.....But since he was a man of war....and had taken life in battle as well as the contract hit on the husband of Solomon's mother....he took as mistress and then wife...... there is still a blood curse that occurs for any death other than natural in our fallen state...of humanity...since we lost our eternity in the fall of the first family....and whatever Satan got them ninto....being duped by the master of deception... So King David...who had long before gotten two deeds and paid fair market price for two pieces of land...One for his castle and grounds....and the other on Mt Moriah....of the threshing floor for the Temple to be the ark of the covenant was still in the tabernacle tent.... But we know by human history that we cannot pass on our own salvation and belief to our descendants and others....and each one has to find their own way to salvation....but we can be a good model...and when we have had things done by some we honor in family or community or nation...who have done bad things along with good....its important we help all understand...that one can be a repentant sinner...and be saved...but one cannot go out and do a lot of sins...and when one knowingly does things thinking that one day...they can repent and be saved....makes a mockery of the whole of ones life of good....and King david seemed to be one...who got into a lot of messups...but repented and "had a good heart for the Divine" but led astray big time and lost the promise of his descenand being the mother of Christ...and that was given to another son of King David...we know little of, unless he is he same Nathan...who called his own dad to repentance for a lot of marry Solomon's mother.... Another Bible mystery...and would help make another Bible story more fully understood by some who are knew to some of the concepts.....and we have much to do yet for the salvation of all of humanity to have chance to find their way to solvation....and if they could all know their historical roots in the desert with the math says all had to have at least one or more there.....than we mmight be able to solve the mystery of our own personal faith history of how we got to where we are now...and know we are all Hebrews of the Poeple of Yah....and why do we fight and war....and hate each other when we are all one blood and family...?? So he got all the items needed to build....and had them if he did< why did Solomon got Hiram of Tyre to come and help seems it was not in the instructions..given....?? Was this intended to be grand and sacred but Solomon went and did even more....of fine work? Somehow, something else is being shared here...we do not always fully understand.. But, King David....gave the reason for Solomon of all his children...and back then culture said sons....would be the next it was not always the eldest....and at times in the inheiritance it was not...who got the blessing of leadership....or the lifetime office of servant of the people...if those in high places remember the teachings of the Almighty to be highest is to be serveant of all... and wonder is this teaching needs to be shared better in our seats of political their places of faith....and prayer and study. and pray they each have a spiritual life...they attend to....and many do, but se have some...who seem to not be aware of the office of service each holds when they are there to represent the people and nation.... we pray for them....and especially for those we may think need a little keep a hedge of protection from temptation to forget their awesome responisibilities of the office they hold.... The shedding of blood is called a curse from the first murder of Cain of Abel....when death seems to have first ever occurred...and any shedding of blood is and always has been a curse on this fallen state we are in....Is some shedding of blood, forgiven by the intent and nature of our hearts on juddgemnt day.....and we all hope so....Our laws allow for being called as a soldier in war, or self defense....and accidents etc.....but its the nature of our hearts...that is judged....and we each will face the Almighty one day....and be judged for ourselves...for what we are and have done...and repentant of sins...and redemptions is a gift we should never assume and take lightly as its our eternal future at stake... In he name of Yahusha, help us find our way back to You and our eternal salavation for repentance of our sins.....and may we be redeemed by Your own blood spilled for each onf oe us to be able to have that eternal once it seems we were intended to have in the Garden of Eden...and we really messed up and fell into the trap of the evil one and its cohorts.....and here we are....and maybe sooner than later. we will be back to eternal life and not have to deal with temptations of we know better...and You wil have removed it from around us...and pray that not one of us...choose to follow evil and Not You.....the ultimate deception to be so not know You are the way, the truth and life itself for always and forever...and always was.... Prayers for DOyle as he gets into some tough physcial theraphy....and trying his best to get home to us....and may it be soon....and nothing else happens....which in these seems....anything can....and has and so many in this world are going through horrors and may none lose hope and know You are there always....and can guide them through always, in this world or in the next ahead...of only goodness.... Help me survive as along as possible too....and will try a suggestion from Doyle...that is not against anything of dr....and see if that helps some....but one lungs and heart...and whole body will be one that is all will in some way....we yet to fully understand....and.....pray that none of the human family loses their way home to You... Thanks for the cooling rain...we are having and thought it might be a heard some thunder....but seems to be gentle and cooling down...the hear we have had today and a few days now...and do not recall...even on the forecast yesterday...but You are in charge.....and thanks for it....and surely our animals....wild and domestic...who seem to know You in osme way....we humans find too easy to know there is a natural way of things...and its always...from You.... May those getting into some things of the evil side....may they stop being duped and find that the way to You is the way of peace on earth one day...and peace of the soul even is a world that seems to have done mad and chaotic at times....too often now.. In Your Holy Name....Yahusha, Amen! Linda Joy Adams 8/1/21 H

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