Sunday, May 23, 2021
Spell check has not worked right since election day...and the world has dissolved into chaos..that did not begin then...but seems to be getting more revealing of the confusion of the masses by a few wishing to 'play god' and be the worshipped divine and over human history..
Whatever day one finds salvation for all of eternity..PRAISES BE and GLORY! But for many trying to figure when Christ is returning..beware the confusion made for all for thousands of a few and then others trying to split all of us up so we cannot put the facts and truths together for a whole truth...and one day He will return...the ONE OF TRUTH...and all will be revealed..
So as many gather and sing praises to Pentecost today... be glorified....but go to the source back in leviticus...and others places...and several online who have researched and shared this....Most of those of faith celebrated the coming of the Holy Spirit atfter the ascension and resurrection of Christ....and an agreement and deal to create a one world religion and govt...back in 325 AD has caused mass confusion that only with much research over the last several devades....has truth begun to emerge....and it always was there in one just read the BOOK OF INSTRUCTIONS THE HOLY BIBLE..
So its pretty much of consensus that the Feast days given to Moses by the Almighty on the mountain....was a divine plan of the first and second comings of Christ....and beginning with passover....when He became the sacrifices save all os us to have eternal life and resurrection of the dead....then...and the last days one....and other feast the spring months of this first coming...and the Fall feasts of His second coming....and yet we do not even know anymore when they are to be the way of commerce gave us a calendar..and more than one over time....that is not LUNER/SOLAR ONE of the Bible..
So what does the Bible say about the time of the Harvent Fesat for the growing of wheat...and the celebration that was turned into Pentecost...a greek word...for 50 and wheat does not grow in 50 days but the Bible says...7 Sabboths completed.....then the new moons do not count into the counting...but even if a couple of them did....we would only be to 49 + many including codesearcherdotcom and others.....still have 50 more days to count then we have the feast day...that Constantine turned into the word Pentecost....and had agreement with the leaders of Judaism of the time....even as Contantine systematically split Christians and Jews from each other....and there is no Chirstianity without the faith that Christ showed by example He example....and this is not all the ins and outs of dogma as He often chastised the priesthood of the time for the lack of direction of the heart faith....and got into rules that had to be followed that over time....lost even the whys of doing...
not unlike human order rules of where to tie up ones horse when coming to town.....and we now have rules on when and where and how to park our cars....and soon...we may not even need the car's computer that drives itself...will find the closest parking space...and deliver us where we wish to go...
So celebrare every day as salvation of the Holy Spirit arriving to save its here now and always to comfort and guide us....but in case one is trying to count and figure out what is to happen when....DO NOT LOSE ONES FAITH...if this or that date is not the time we are taken to safety when evil is taken out of our realm......
And not forget that salvation is an invitation to all....and have all found there way to redemption and salvation yet...and how is ones own soul an example to others....and find our own way to prayer and communication with the we pray for all to accept the things seem to be getting worse and evil is on its warpath...of its last battle....and we are not each all alone....and its past time...all come to know in their hearts what is truth and what is not....and remember no human can save us for eternity.....only the one of the DIvine Love...who manifested to us in human flesh can to take on our fallen state of flesh...but also of the Divine....and died, and rose to be victor over each one of us...can follow Him to life eternal...and that is forevermore....freedom to be and use our free will to choose the good...and never be tempted and tricked into false ways and detours to distract us....and may not one of lost to eternity....its each ones choice....
In the name of Yshuaha, thanks for sending us Your Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us....and always know where we are...and the condition of our hearts and souls....and be there for us.each help us through so much confusion and some among us...who have lost their way of following the truth...and leading so many of us astray.....and the most important is salvation for each one and all of us...and may nothing obstruct us from doing this....and pray for the peace of things are not going so well in this world....and we seem to be getting further and further away from Your teachings and example of how to live our lives....for the salvation of our souls...and eternal lives ahead....
Prayers for healing for so many of us...being placed in real physical jeopardy by those who have grabbed control of healing in this world....and the shunning of our good doctors who know so much..and being coerced to not use it to help....and why have we let this happen to us....and we know its the tricks of the one of lies and deception....and we folloing the master of lies on our way to hell on earth and forgetting to pray for heaven on You taught us to pray for....and clearly said HELP THE SICK AND FEDD THE HUNGRY....and se seem to not be getting either we its not what we can each do so many are trying...but its an effort of each following Your prime directive of LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS YOU LOVE US....and thanks for Your love that sustains us...through every pain and hardship....and the comforts we have to konw the promise is ahead....and better times..will be....but its rough getting through these days...with no theapetiv oxygen pulled by one world wide monopoly deciding who gets to live and who does not....and those thinking that if they appease evil it will save them....and You taught us and its common sense...that evil is out to end all of humanity and creation itself....and why does it wish death and destruction as its the end of his power...he must have deceived even itself to think he can rule....over what...nothing will be left.?
May those who have taken it on themselves to think me and mine are not worthy of being and having rights...find their way to be redeemed and be saved in You and know we mean no harm to anyone...and will rejoice in the salvation of any one....and give praise and thanks for keeping our own....even as we face all kinds of deceptions and destractions.....and we know You are on any date or time...and if many decide to celebrate pentecost..or the wheat harvest twice or all 50 or 1002 days....glory and praises OF our prayers and songs going up to You....and the gift of life eternal, now and forever one day...
In Your Holy Name, Yahusha...Amen!
I had never studied this back in all those rule books of the many christians....focused on Christ....and to study about Him is to study what He did and lived as well as celebrate all days as the ones of the indwelling of the Holy one of the signs of the end of the age....before the second coming...this is to happen...of a outpouring of the Holy Spiirt..before then....and may we find our way to love over hate...and peace over war....but beware that evil is still here..and will not be happy to lose any control of our souls...will he??
Linda Joy Adams 5/23/21
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