
Saturday, May 29, 2021


JOB CHAPTER 16 KJV Spell check has not worked right since election day....and as the world is in chaos as we humans still will not follow the good...and get trapped by evil..and it insideous ways to get us to do all we aare tauught not to do by our Heavenly Father, and even after Yahusha came...die and rose so we all could have a clear path to life eternal....we still are in the strggle to ovr come the temptations of evil and are we finally beginning to undeerstand tha we are not alone....we have the Divine who loved us unconditionally...but gave us the freedom to love one another as He loves us....and we make our choices for good or evil....and one day...evil will be taken out...and pray none of us chose the wrong side of all time.. Been watching and intense new series on Amazon Prime today....and for being pretty much a shut in...with no access to therapeutic oxygen and not doing well as even MEDICRE KNOWS I AND MANY OTHERS WERE AND HAVE BEEN APPROVED FOR IT FOR LIFE.... but the one entity world wide who can provide it...has chosen to let us all die....and govt contractors here, there and round the world and UN...have decided humanity has no right of life...and have decided to play as if gods....and be like gods...and decide who lives and who does not....and the TRIALS OF JOB. have become the trials and rribulations of all of humnaity now....and is this the reason for the oldest and earliest book kn the Bible....said to be ond of Jacob's descendants living in the rich area of Egypt before their enslavement.....and the warning that evil is about to surface....and to keep the the promise of redemption, renwwal..and salvation for eternity is ahead....and there is a DIvine Plan...for each one of us....and we can choose the that we understand the shallowness of evil's ways....and the glory of life, love and the letting our light of love shine in a dark world....that evil has been able to nearly destroy more than once..... Most of the entire more with our times...most think we are now in....and signe in the neaven like the starmap of Revelation chapter 12..a one time celestial all of known history.....seems to indiecate the last phase of the struggle of humanity vs evil and its cohorts is has arrived and dates are not clear to all....but seems the process of teh Divine plan...has begun....and when it will end...and evil is no more to bother us....ew have indications....but first...what calendar...are to go by....and we could not even celebrate all that has been said to be correct this year....and for the original moon/sun one of shared with Moses and our ancestors who walked out of Egypt with Mose and led by the Divine for 40 years of daily miracles....a generation to get the teachings of an evil system...out of our way...and the next generation who never lived in it.....and even their shoes did not wear out... Do the math as several have online....and its statisctially impossible we did not have one or more ancestors there....and this has begau a process of over 3000 years of a new way of thinking far from the evils of have no family community carings for each others..rights and life....and takkng care of this planet to support and sustain an orderly system of govt that promotes indiviual rights of life and personal freedoms and even of thought....yet have a system in place that is fair and those who would do harm...can be stopped in manner that is just.. The series the Undergrond a study in the origins of evi....and its not all pleasant....and it will make one think about just how we get into hatreds....and injsutice....and the desparation one can have when they are having their lives unjustly taken and all human rights suppressed... JUST AS NOW....AS THIS BLOG HAS SHARED SINCE 12/08...AND THE LAW OF 200 TOOK AWAY...LUR CONSTITUIONAL AND HUMAN RIGHTS....LEAVING US WITH NO GOVT TO PROTECT ALL THE GOOD WE HAVE FOR GOVERNING DOCUMENTS AND LAWS....AND LEAGING THE BEAST SYSTEM F REVELATION....NOT JUST ONE NATION..OR A FEW...IN TURMOIL..WITH EVIL ALLOWED TO ROAM.....BUT ONE ENTITY WORLD WIDE....AND NO GOVT IN CHARGE...OF ,BY AND FOR US...TO EVEN BEGIN TO ADdRESS THE CONCERNS... And this seires which seems to be intended for more than one season.....also shows the ones among even the unjusticly treated group....making money off the miesry....and a lot is shown....of how one is raised to be such....and have anger....and now we need to learn better how to over come evil....and act as one human we genetically are... and even thoe who say we are some kind of nephilim of the fallen angels....CHRIST TOOK CARE OF THIS FALLEN STATE WE ARE ALL IN AT THE CROSS....AND HIS RESURRECTION....and a promise to be fulfilled maybe very ooon of an outpouring of his Holy Spirit OUT ON ALL FLESH.... So may we please stop trying to say...this or that group cannot ever find salvation....or that only my group is the few elect to be that few would become dictatrs...and all teh world be thought o=zombies....could not sound more like an anti Christ Spirit....ALL MEANS ALL ARE INVITED..... and tha is up to each of choose the good over evil.... and yes we may still have divisiona of labor and some kind of govt.where we are all kings and priest...on the foundaton of the ALmighty....but He is steadfast...and surely has not spent all of human history..prepareiing us to removed all freedom, free will....and personal responsibility and love for one another.... THAT LOGIC makes no common sense....and sould like evil's plan for the destruction of creaation and each of our eternal lives...and we sell out our souls to evll and give up being human....and loving and praising the divine for our life...and wonder of all He has made for us to live in and all these to love and they care for us in return....FREEDOM IS PART OF WHO WE ARE.....trying to be not....and not even possible....but all is possible through Him...and if nothing else....we have a series...of intense emotion...and teaching and not for the young....but its not as graphic as some horror movies....the telling of the uselessness of he violence and real....and we see the face of evil...around us many scenes from the show.....and still have episode 10 to view....If youth do, my personal advice is for the adults to watch it with...them....and have discussions about it.....)we seem worse on dramas on to and moves every day....that are actually trying to let the the message....and this series...has the the horror....of real history...and some lenciency with that....but its shares things that did and have happened....and even in Biblica times....the BIBLE IS FILLED WITH THE SAME HORROR STOERIES....TRYING TO TEACH US HOW TO NOT GET INTO SUCH...AND LET IT BE....BETTER THAN THAT FOR ALL OF US.... in The name of Yahusha....heal save us from the horrors we allow ourselves to get into....and prayers for those facing deadly injusices right now....and I am milions are in that direct catefory....but its evil on its last hurrah....and its being led by household names.....of big power...ruled by hidden entities....of their generals....and others we let have authority ove thowe we elect...or thought we did....have fallen into not over seeing our rights and general welfare be upheld...nor the secuirty of our the Us constitjtion mandates....based solidly on Your primes directive and the basic rules of good govt of teh 10 commandments....and we have had some word games played non us in "covet' means abuse of power when one is in authority....and how that got changed into meanind...greed or jealousy....strips the whole meaning....the whole ancient world...knew how differnient the 10 rules were...than the rest of the evil world....where one worwhips their leader as divine and could never sin, make mistakes....and do evil abuses of power.....and we are not to worship 'strange gods' who ask for murder of our warriers and most be slain on an alter of worship....again...we have had some real messing with our the last couple of hundred years.....and back in 1776, hose who were educated read the Bible in original languages...of Hebrew...and ancient and studied history. also...things Satan does not wish us to learn from....lour own human history...of what has good outcomes and what actions...and choices end up in horror stories... And it seems some may nver choose to be saved....but we are asked by You not to give up...and one day when You return....may none choose to deny You...the obvious good...of all of eternity....and we will be ready for whatever You wish for us to take on next like going on out to the whole of the universe....and heaven on earth....and of the whole of creation...never marred by evi...hatreds and death ever again... And as for me....will be glad to share whatever each of led to do to help....and joy in doing...not angst...of dealing with horrors we let evil get us into... In Your HOly Name...Yahusha..Amen One in the household...had gotten prime...for movies....and deliveries....and after I got a free introduction....they let me know...that all of us...were under the same one charge. they knew and know a lot about all of these times....and helps us not be overchrged....and for one like me...shut in now...if one iten is needed....can get quick shipment...and no shipping charge...and someone driving to a store....or stores...when something may not even be in stock...does cut down on carbon emissions...? so no need for that carbon tax...we can get this done...just as we are getting it done.....and its less than...local or some of the movie channels...with less choices on satellite.... To me its not the sharing of all of our info....but some laws and real be able to access for help...when abuses or illegal things occur....and that we do not have in health care or govt funded mattiers...where the bigger prbblems govt is not even snoping...they have no access to our info....the govt pays to get on all of us....and the govt has NO ACCESS OR CONTROLS OR WAYS FOR US TO STOP ILLEGAL ACTS WITH IT...and worse...our tight blantant thefts and even early deaths for illegal acts...any real govt...or non govt contractors....would and could be prosecutied stop harms to laws we have in stop the few among us that are led by evil...and not what most of us are like....forced to go get along....and when one is NOT PROTECTED by those our own govt...allows to have leagal immunity by our laws...that is unconstiutional and since 2002 defunded govt does not work well as evil have not yet been removed by the Divine...and why we need human legal systmes..that are fair and just to deal with those who do real harms and evils....and break laws..made to help us all care for one another...and uphold our rights.... Linda Joy Adams 5/29/21

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