
Monday, May 31, 2021


JOB CHAPTER 13 KJV Spell check has not worked right since election day.....and it presents itself as working then fails to save...and not sure what all are getting to see on line....even as it finally looks it staying so? The sign of the times...tied to the international world wide web of informations going to and fro...and how could one simple spell check not working be a sample of the bigger issues of who did we ask to serve us well in places of elected leadership in this world....And the taint is so bad....and getting worse....and yet we have WW III ahead of us....with decisions and policies being made that affect the existence of each one of us and creation itself.....and all sides are endangered for can't those being duped understand that the master plan of evil is to end all humanity and creation itself....and then what? Has evil thought of any fufure...and maybe it does and knows it has not future...and wants none of have one to.. And we are in periless times...where blood falls on blood to the sheddding of our own..among us.....and the fog of deceptions had us forget to do the math...and know that the world is now filled with the descendants of the Hebrews who walked out of Egypt with Moses and learned of a new way of thinking...that was the original from our Divine....I AM WHO I AM...YAHUAH...and we fell into the traps and snares of Evil.....and did what we were asked not to get into....All KNownledge...and we still can not reist the temptation...od knowledge and begin using it for death and desructons instead of for good to help all of us and creationn itseld...we are ALL ASKED TO BE KINGS AND PRIESTS....and that is the generic words to mean all of humanity...male, female...and whatever modern ways...have some deciding they are neithers......and we have fallen into such a way...that we have forgotten who we are and who we are meant to be TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS HE LOVES US....AND LET THE LOVE OF HE DIVINE....OF THE FATHER SON AND HOLY SPIRIT OF ONE...OF ALL TIME, ALL POWER AND ALL KNOWING....AND IS.WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE.......and never wishes us to be thought ozombeies....or not have freedom to use our free will for the good and love Him back.....and accept it and pass it on...THE WHOLE OF CREATION IS BASIED ON THE DIVINE POWER OF Johsn says in his gospel in the Bible Yahusha....(God) is Love....and its not the GREEK CONCEPT of many forme.....but the power of creation....and we have and share it or we are nothing....and somehow...creation is affected by all of watch over all and have fair and justice for one and all in a world of order and caring for one another... A few rules to empower our freedom...and not restrict it in any way.....We have order for the good...of all...just as we have traffic lights so we do not harm each other with crashes and worse... And we are faced with the real we deal with all the moves, stories..and Bible references we often to forget to go back to the inspired resource for the answer to find TRUTH... As one who reads the Bible as the TRUTH of the INSPRIED WORD OF THE ALMIGHTY.....and only could it reveal the intricate and amazing info of events of he Bible codes hidden until the time...when we had computers to easily deciptire....and each letter a scripture...that more fully is explained by the clues given us....thousands of years ago.....and there for us to find in our time.....and its TRUTH.....and one can ask the queustion...NOT IS IT TRUE? BUT HOW IT IS TRUE? and to take that one change in the way of thinking....puts us on a the WHOLE TRUTH...we may not know until Christ returns...and all is revealed....and maybe by that time...will it even matter.....of this or that date for an event....or we will have know the time...we are to know it....and will as believers in Him...and saved for eterntiy... So when we have groups in this armed conflicts to end lives and destroy all history or knowledge of one or many even existing....that hatred is satan turning blood vs happened in the first shed blood of humanity Cain on Abel....and a blood curse on the world....when any blood is the ground calls out for justice.....and we go to wars....and blood is shed....and we need to be sure in our may be a forgiveable sin..on the day of final judgement...... What are we doind going to war? what is the motive..? do we even know what some few in this world....want this armed confliect of death and destruction....Why? so one or a few or one eorganizations....can rule over others....they have no caring members of the human family?? MEMORIAL DAY.... is a time we reflect on those who have fallen in battle and served our nations....and we have to face...that we sent war....and asked them to serve....and if our motives were not for any good....we all carry the blood of our own...and others on us to account for on the final day of judgement before the Divine...And anyone who says shedding of blood is seems only one can forgive us for our actions....and say...we were faced with situations...of even self survival....and not to forget that Christ allowed Himself to be an innocent man.....when His only crime was defying evil....that has become the bad spirit of a world....even of the priesthood of His own practiced faith......and whose sin is the shedding of bllod... when it comes back on all of ever let hatreds and a few gain conttol and all follow this one or few...and go along to get along...right up to judgemnt day for the sins of our actions..which is approval....of our non actions...of even speaking out and following.... Obvviously....there are forgiveable Christ forgave many and said go and sin no why do we still shed the blood of others...and let the family of humamity...forget to love one andother....and have letal stop the few who do harns......and better why are we not being the priests to each we never raise another monster to do evil again.....and we can study history if we allow books...and the vast sharing of info....not be we raise a monster...that will go out and be a Hitler...or any other doing grave harms....and living a life of lawelessness and uncaring for any but its own power and wealth....and often....are bent on they have nothing to look forward their faith and knowing of the eternal good...promised to all who wish to have it....and all one has to take the path of life and love....and....believe in the DIvine...who made us to be able to freely choose the good over the evil......And in my own lifetime....we had WWIII and we know nations and masses followed one fallen into real evil.....and even other leaders fell into the horror.....and we celebrated the heroes who came home....alive or honored their burial sites.... But it took all those who followed the charisma of the one of it does appear to come full of promise and light shinings.....and we have to learn to know what is real Divine Light of Love...and what is fake that is quenched in the way of death and destructioni....and no excuse for anyone to even think the resons are good ones and none in this world....should even put anyone into situatoins....where war and blood shed...seems to be the only way out.....One has to go beyond the simple lies of why? and fine out what did we do or could have done...throughtout have changed the outcome of the way of things in this world....What is the sin we each have to account for of what we did or worse did not stop the path of evil from ever being followed by one or more or even ourselves..until we find it hard to get out of the tangled mess....and find our way back to the better and good way....for the goodness of eternity... In the name of Yahusha....thanks for sending us Your Holy Spirit to guide us to the better way....and help us know evil when it begins to shine as if good and its we do not get into more wars....and hatreds.....and face the few doing harms....and making sure we have legal systems...and other means of stop evil before it becomes our rulership.....and with the law of 2002....we have govts of the world...and UN..where we are to be able to idscuss...and help stop evils fn this world in a place of ahring....and ehre we are...the world ruled by an entity accountable only to itself....and a few sell outs in each nation and group...who bowed and facilitied a real over throw of humanity to the way of no freedom, free will.....and more blood shed...before ones time...then wars have ever taken.....So we honor those who stood and do stand up for You and the good...vs evil and its ways of death and destruction for all of creation and us You made good and free to be good....and may we honor You and prise You for that and follow Your TRUTH AND LIFE ETERNAL.... Prayers for those of us...facing our real demise at the hands of a few in charge now....who deem who is worthy of living and hwo is not....and seems to be hell bent to create no univerasl good....and how did we let this happen...and so many fallen for the lies and deecptions of those who have grabbed power and control in govts...and companies...and others places we go to for our needs for healing and nutrirition...and forgot and did ensure...the good is a heaven on earth...and not the way of premature death...and destuction of any way of goondess and life....for one and all.......and may all beware those who say...they or their group are the only be saved...when Your invite..was for all to be....and asked us to make sure...all are invited to the be with You for eternity.... May anyone going after another for hate and destructon as if this or that one is not worthy....not forget all You suffered for all of be saved....and if one is doing harm...pray for their salvatoni...and stop the harms...and if not make sure we have a fairr and just legal system...and help...for those who must be stopped from doing one and we have those in real dispaire...bent on taking out themselves...and many along with them....and not let evil...let us ignore others in pirtual trouble....and have the way to help for salvaton...around for what each of us can do....make it be better for one and all of us....and one day...You will return..and evil will be removed...and pray that not one of us..chooses its way over You...seems incr3edululous any would....but some have fallen so badly into evils traps...and some with addictions...of the mind and soul and body.....that how do we reach that one....seems one alone...or even a beyond us...and we need help to make sure...we find he better ways....and no more harms....and may someone help find the way to the right to breathe for those of us...not able to do so due to vnjuries....and diseases....and I choose to live.....and know its part of the way...we all are on back to You and life eternal....but this chould not be.....and may help be made for me...and millions...of me being left to not exist...due to lies of science led by one now being exposed for nearly 30 years in control of fact and sicnece in the govt....and has changed the facts of do this and hen say do that and has wielded the pwoer of the place in be the expert of knowing...and even is indicated as the one suppressing the treatment of me...and all like me for 30 years + and none stepped up to help when it was me....and now to 1/6th of all of us....and now the whole world in lockdown....and then fights to allow treatmests available...and othere doing harm...and one supplier of right to breathe in the world now...but for a few...and all due to rules and regulations...put in place to allow total contorl and the ressons make no logical sense nor medical either....and accidents occur...everywhere and we need to find better safey like a warning buzzer....instead of saying all die...and nonone can have the liuied or compressed air...of real pure oxygen..WITHOUT IRRITANTING AND HARMING GAS XALLED OXONE BEING SUCKED BACK INTO ONES LUNGS.....and the whole world....fallen into the lie and believeing it that its good to breathe in what irritated ans inflammes the senitive tissue of the lungs....and goies on through to cause death before one should.....the art of delusion of the devil is real and pervasive....and help us know when the lies surface....and we not get duped into them....Thanks fr letteing me know of the activated carbon N95 inserts or would not be alive yet....but its not the total solution....but has allowed me to live a little longer....but in may case those who have responstilbity to not let this happen to at US DOL FECA has chosen to follow the ordesr of ;ET HER DIE; and that is an order to 1/6th of the world what is donie to done to all in same situations...and the power of be and has been world wide bowing to....and we let this one and its cohorts....gain conrorl and we did not elect them...we have others who have been seated to serve us well...and why have they failed to do so....and the taint of if they are he ones to be there?/ the harms have been and over the last several years....and back and back since the fall of humanity....and we fail to learn and over come....and please help us finally get to be the overcomes...and all the stopped and never again... let any bad happen ever again.... In Your Holy Name....Yahusha...Amen Linda Joy Adams....5/31/21

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