Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Spell check is contemptable yet....but its my not taking some time and figure it out and evem do some searching and ask some tech within the power of this mere human...
So often, one knows of the evil in this world...and tries to pretend its not affecting ourselves...yet by our ignoring aid and abet it...That is as the saying goes "when good people do nothing .evil flourishes) and nearly everyone I have known in my nearly 76 years are basically good people...The few of grave concern...often have had my concerns well known....and what if this one mere human had made some extra effort...and tried to help...what would have been....would it have made a difference or be swept into its circle of evil...
Its not easy to know what to do...But one thing is to be fair and just in our daily dealings in this world...whether at ones place of work...daily life or anywhere else we meet people and even in our own families.. Have we done all we were expected to do...and do it well and be fair and just? Maybe that is the effort we are to let those who have fallen into other paths...that there are still those in this world...who care about others...and willing to do the best they can for even one who seems to not be acting as so all are to be offered...but not all accept..the offer of goodness....
We may never know this side of heaven...what little we did in our interaction had some impact for good...and maybe was just one step on the way to their salvation...Many stories exist of some paths followed by those fallen into all kinds of evil...entrapments....and like some sneaky sales practices....we have put in place a 'good set up." (sounds like a contradiction of words)...
Somehow there are many led to do a little and that leads to a hedge of protection from the evil influences of this world around the fallen into the traps of hell" and bit by bit....a final act of acception of salvatioin is made....and no one famous evangelist...can take full credit...and its not about self agrandizing credit...its about...the glory of knowing that following the Holy SPirit and just being as called to be....may be a postivie influece on one or many finding their way out of the pit of hell's entrapment they have let themselves get into...and this side of heaven...we may never known until one day all will be known and we meet that saved one and we know how many of us...had some part in this soul being present with all the others....and who was lost has now been the Almighty took on the form of flesh...cane and died from out ignorance of knowing divine good when prsent among them...blinded by the evils of the world that seem to right and really was very wrong...for the glory of salvation for eternal life..
And at the heavenly feast...we all have peace in our souls....and celebrate all those who chose the good way....some later than others....but we made it into the good...and that is all that happiness is...and always will be and a free gift to have....we just have to care....and do the best we humanly can....
And along the way we do have the injustice and evil in this world....and in hind sight we can even get mad at ourselves for not doing somehing we realize we could or should have done....and like Yahusha...said to so many sinners he met....and accdpted His mercy...along with His forgivness of the repentance of our sins....and said...GO AND SIN NO MORE...and we set out to do better...and keep self contempt away from we do try our best...but in a world of evil....there are times we dare not someones and somethings..will need the Almighty to deal with this one as we have limits....not on our caring...but what each can do...alone...or even with others....and why we have all kinds of experts in special groups...and often using public monies..and the worse sin of all...seems to be when we allow our tax dollars to be put into funds to help those beyond what each one of us...could safely enter to help beyond the knowing of caring......and when some unscrupulous govt contractors is allowed to skim and scam the funds....and not do the work....then we all suffer....and have inner angst..of why things are not going well...and why all this human misery around...and our taxes go up and all do pay in one way or another...and the more we pay...the more is taken from the needs taken care of....and then we find out that since 2002....that politician we sent to take care of things....SAID NOT TO OVERSEE THE USE OF THE MONEY.. and allowed all this to happen....and then we wake up that we the people sent them to serve us well...and none being served well....and then we find out our whole process is tainted...and we are not sure...did we elect these folks or were we ourselves robbed....and many say we are wrong...but the math..being gathered just seems that we were...and now what are we called to do?
What we sould have done all along...and as the rulers of the world and ministers of each other...WE ARE THE SINNERS who rejected the call..TO BE THE ARMY OF VOLUNTEERS OF OUR WEAPONS OF OUR TIME AND EFFORT...TO HELP OVER SEEN THE PROCESS..that only numbers of us..can do...from knoking on doors to clean up any taint of voter offering info of how to be voter....and then be there for all kinds of over sight and monitoring...etc...on election day and after that crucial oversight job of monitoriing the process....And watching some videos understand the process....and those need some to make some...and post...and just a little time....and minimal amount of money needed...and generous as the effort is maybe allow some to take a vacation day..etc...and go help...even if one in charge can not to keep the rest of the world functioning....again what is your calling and mine...maybe you are the one who makes it possible for others to go help... its that complicated path of salvation of our souls....and knowing we did figure out what each can do....and more often...the world goes well for one nd all...for what everyone does...and it may be from behind the scenes...and not the one doing the visible acts...on the front line...WE DO EACH HAVE OUR UNIQUE AND AWESOME CALLING...and we know that there is one entity that is Divine outside time and place that is, was and always will be....and HE KNOWS WHAT WE DID...and He also knows what we did NOT do...and why we have angst...for what is not going well in this world...and ignored that divine nudge in our soul when something was telling us what we should do...and we did not act...Faith without works is that ignoring that unseen 'nudge' from the Divine....we know but no voice from heaven...or majical event...but from that inner peace....that is saying we should do we know as a caring person...we have some way to help and help others and one by one we do change the we are not expected to be change the whole world....that is the role of our Divine Creator Yahuah...Yahusha..Rauch...we often call three in one....and even within Him there seems to be a Holy order of duties...some more visible and at other times...hidden doings...we know but is within our souls....and the whole world may never know...but we know the one who counts does know...and one day...may we all be able to hear the DIVINE VOICE..SAY.."Well done, good and faithful servant." and we know and have divine peace in us to go and pass it on....and heaven is always and forever the good of eternity....and may none ever be duped into the sins of the other way...even the sins of ignoring that nudge of even unseen...and never fully known actions..we take to make it possible for another to be our representative to serve us well... and we share the goodness when things go well. for even one...we never knew...or that one be ourselves....
BE PART OF THE SOLUTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in the name of Yahusha...may we listen when that nudge of our inner soul...calls us to action...and may we have he knowing of what we should do and what not to do...and leave to those better trained....and oversee other parts of the human misery and suffering is gone forevermore....and we know and call this a notion, a humch...and we give You credit for Your Holy Spirit is comfort and guide us....and may we find our waking up of the deceptions we have lived in and around know You...and TRUTH REVEALED... and never ever again...let there be any taint on this world...and our divinely given rights as kings and priests to one nd all of each other...and we know that DIVINE RIGHT OF what You made each one of us to have and be....and not also be Priest of all..and now understand...that is our acts of caring of all the acions of the spirit of our faith...een the power of prayer....for one and all...and those in need..of any kind...and that sure does seem to be all of some kind of our prayers go forth...for guidance to know what is best to do....and good is always and forever even with evil stil around....and may we not follow it...and not try to tackle the really bad....and pray You come soom to remove it forevermore...just give us a nudge.nsoe know..what we should do...and help us do it the best we can in Your Holy Name...Yahusha Amen!
Linda Joy Adams 1/27/21
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