Romans 6 KJV - What shall we say then? Shall we - Bible Gateway
This is a direct link to an excellent site f many translations and Bible helps....and Keep the Information Highway open for any who wish to share and those who are searching for anything standards of a Free society. Where very little is illegal online where control of humanity is stopped more than ever in history to all find their way to good they share and search for Truth....and learn of the bad outcomes from bad choices....and know the way of wrong is not the way to the good of eternal it?
We all struggle with desires that entice us to do this or that and most is not illegal , even if just ourselves..
This is a shortened post spent much of the day going through nearly 10, 000 back log of e mails...and some filings for various agencies etc.
Found a posting from the FDA UNDER HHS PRESS RELEASES OF A new medicine for a disease ….scelaredoma...and some of us millions may have something like that or part of toxic and chemical injures....FDA's press release FDA has not officially said that our diagnoses which is usually some degree of toxic or chemical damage to the top layer of this organ in the body...which is the mucous membrane....
The peer review published in medical journals has already started a propaganda the chemical industry is going to have to stop additives to meds and even foods that are making us sick...and rising health care this has been generally known for years by the medical profession...but without the govt accepting it....we humans have suffered from this....and changing diagnoses on cabal's controlled govt paid for data bases....has led to known even existing who has reactions to often the common chemicals that medical facilities are laced levels higher than any other be 'super clean' and contention is that the initial healing from whatever 'got 'you gets a second injury and ends up with most of us not able to tolerate the same common chemicals...also found in most products one uses in their homes and everyday even lesser levels… at levels now said to be parts per trillion...but used to say parts per billion for years....when the safe levels for most is parts per 1 million and rarely not more than that....
Discrimination is physically even to being deadly for some of us.. harming not just emotional harm....and grave financial loss that also happens and has happened for years...when officially the govt has had Infor withheld...or some had undue influence from sources in an illegal or unethical manner to allow this farce of ignoring that toxins and chemicals can get in the wrong mix an cause lifetime disabilities that become progressive disease and too often bring on death before one should be...
Now wonder what all this scarring really is in my lungs....and particulates....and moles that turned from brown to black on 1/10/89 and whole body turned the color of the toner ink that OSHA said was the real culprit in our area...the last group over come...over several hours and no warning others were already being over come by a toxic pool that began with fumes coming us a center of the office stair well under the door...and interacting with any other of the chemicals that are in a modern office environment including multiple copy machines that used liquid toners...etc.. and too many have already died....and most of us expected to from our injuries if any still alive.....and since all but me got turned away from medical care the first day on 1/10/89 few have had nothing ...while I got a bull's eye on me for becoming one of the few MEDICAL PRECEDENT CASES IN THE USA PER THE AFL-CIO and a target for tobacco and chemical be disappeared....and records began to disappear out of even govt offices when the first Gulf war soldiers and civilians came home with toxic and chemical injures and some sued Dow Chemical for bug spray unsafe to be sold to any of us in our local stores...
The initial research on chemical injures was done by picking some chemicals in a cigarette and proving what they did to the body....and I was a patient of the one who headed up that who oversaw a protocol that got me sent back home the second time...when the first time sent back over objections of the reviewing doctor at FECA (federal workers comp) and a work activity report ended up submitted not in my doctor which was the same as FECA doctor....and sneaky way to not be clear that I had to have a purified air environment and non exertional and he did fill one out later....and many records from him with office notes are in his handwriting and the first one is not...AND NO HANDICAP REGIONAL OFFICE PERSON OR VOC
And in 1996, when Linda Tripp said that Bush 41 made our office toxic fumes etc. a matter of national security....THEN MY PLEADING FOR YEARS FOR EXTRA SECURITY ON MY FILE...ENDED WITH THE ONE TIME A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION OCCURRED..WITH govt cannot be trusted and contract it out....with NO OVERSIGHT....AND WORSE THAN EVER AS AT LEAST THEIR OWN JUDGES ORDERS GOT TO THEM....AND NOW THEY KNOW NOTHING AND ITS MORE ROUTING ALL OVER THEN MOST UNDERSTAND....AND WE ARE ALL SUFFERING IN SOME WAY FROM WHAT IS GOING ON...VS US AND OUR RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF EVEN STAYING ALIVE.....and we can all grow a plant or tree to help the Earth survives….but who is able to manufacture pills and machines to test to know what pill is needed and what few of us can do ourselves... really none of us can have good and best healing alone...and maybe that is the plan for us to find ourselves in our own created mess and find our way to taking all be rulers as Christ said we are meant to be....and make sure that whether govt be big or steps in and has legal means to stop harms from being done...that end rights nd lives and livelihoods...
And that was medical precedent number 2, being over illegal acts and no help , to accommodate me....and already the FECA office in NY had been planning to put me on permanent disability back in Fall of 89....AND GOT dumped back in at work and over heard there was some grand jury testimony that NO ONE BADLY HURT ND ALL BACK AT WORK...…
and a real fight to stay alive when in later years a former Military doctor informed me that THEY KNEW IN 1/89,,,I WAS AN OXYGEN PATIENT FROM DAY ONE..... but not allowed only one body part can be injured was the diagnoses from a cover up that ended 9/11/01.....and the NJ Whitewash 9/11/Commission...(this happened in Jersey City and go to DAILY RECAP ADDED 9/11/16 and read hard truth...of just how this nation allowed a cover up to go on...with layers of corruption from city, state and federal that landed this nation in the horrors this president came out of retirement to try and correct...and worse is that a law got gutted in 2002 by earmark that overthrew the USA> contracting had begun full scale for work of govt to be done...and NO EXISTING BUDGET CAN BE SPENT SINCE TO AUDIT..OR INVESTIGATE CRIMES BY A CONTRACTORS...AND ONE ENTITY HAS TAKEN VIRTUAL CONTROL AND MORE MONIES MISSING REPORTED THAN THE NATIONAL DEBT and only the DOD and military still under presidential authority....and not the rest of the the president of the USA has been unable to carry out the laws of congress as the US Constitution mandate...since 2002 by law....and in health care...a lot of enforcement of laws suspended by executive type orders....and this contracting to some I am aware of years ago...with suspect ethics....and in other areas of govt also...besides HHS.....we basically had NO GOVT IN CHARGE ALREADY UNDER WAY.....and CONGRESS DID NOTHING TO STOP THIS of either party over the years...but for a few isolated bills that slipped out but limited in scope... Compound that is the real threat to member of Congress wishing to do what is right..and their jobs to do....A GAG ORDER RULE....TO NOT MENTION, CONTACT OR HAVE A CONTRACTOR Testify when NO OVERSIGHT EXISTS...AS MOST STILL IS AND ALL OF HEALTH CARE....with all of us under some kind of federal monies being spent....on us..even if not govt health plan...all under this cabal's 1000+corporate names as even private industry now has to hire their managers to deal with their govt contractors….and too much documented by all...and nothing can be done...BUT
FIRE FOR CAUSE A CONTRACTOR OR NOT RENEW THE CONTRACT....and a couple have occurred...only to have a relative sit up another company and get the contract////and cover up who is occurred at day new contractors' Bill Blodgett listed...and I got print out and linked here..and the next day...BLEACHED..? AND MOST THINK THEY ARE FEDS AND GOVT OFFICES as illegally allowed to impersonate they are...
So spent the day preparing a CA-1 AND CA-2. and not sure who is my employer since the issues has come to light that for maybe decades an 'employee dump ' has occurred away from our original agency and we were HHS to US Dept of Labor on 10/11/94 for me...and Medicare judges got the confirmation from them.they send to HHS..but hidden to facilitate theft of Medicare...on multitudes of us...NO SECURITY ON SYSTEMS FROM INSIDE THE GOVT......but MY PERSONNEL FILE WENT MISSING AND NONE KNOWS OR CARES WHERE...IT IS ALONG WITH A MILLION DOLLARS LINCARE THE LIQUID OXYGEN SUPPLIER WAS TOLD I GOT MYSELF....AND EVEN US ATTY'S OFFICE SAID NO WAY WOULD FECA send a check for medical....and will not service me until I pay from that and all attempts to find our where...led to OIG OPM and an embezzlement of @ 200 million...just happens to be the same amount that disappeared... AND A Forbes magazine article linked to this site. Investigations reported that --into a shell company linked To the Clinton Foundation that Lynn Blodgett VP of Affiliated Computer of the first of this cabal from back in late 1980's after setting up private prison systems in USA....and grew into a world wide entity that is outside of govts' s control nearly of the whole world....A system that one of faith might know as the BEAST SYSTEM OF THE LATER DAYS THAT THE ONE OF EVIL COULD RISE FROM...AS NO GOVT CAN TOUCH HIM....but they can fight to renew contracts with evidence....but all those fraud lines and screening of complaints and evidence....NEVER GETS PAST THEIR CABAL.....AS I FOUND OUT IN 4/09... AND CONGRESSIONAL TESTIMONY OF 2/17 THAT ENDED THE CAREER OF A MEMBER OF CONGRESS FOR HOLDING THE HEARING...ETC...AND FAMILY THREATENED TO RESIGNATION..FOR HOUSE CHAIR OF GOVT REFORM...
And I got more threats and Lynn Blodgett going around to many heads of agencies already in defiance of dozens of agency judges orders in multiple agencies...ordering things to be doe for me....and the ongoing practice with him having control of all workers comp in the USA for several years now as sub contractor of insurers....and blocking any oxygen suppliers from sending in claims...and when they are they are never input and a small company can go broke serving and never getting stop one from getting permanent medical as mine would be paid his manager said if they input and the gig would be up and her orders were to LET HER DIE...ON ME....and deny all rights to inputting my claim as the whole organized crime ring would collapse?? and decades of unprocessed oxygen clams in USA as NO RIGHT TO BREATHE when NO GOVT IN CHARGE TO APPEAL TO FOR RIGHT OF EVEN LIFE.....AND THAT INCLUDES EVEN HAVING MEDICARE PAY...which did pay.....and then an regulation that made no medical sense forced all small company our of liquid oxygen business in the USA...and my hearing to address the illegal way it was forced on the whole nation with no due process back in 2007? Cabal companies will not allow to be sent to a judge to rule on....and then go on to court....and HOW MANY HAVE DIED FOR JUST THIS SERIES OF ILLEGAL ACTS....AND FEW OUT THERE HAVE HAD MUCH SYMPATHY OR HELP....AS RUMORS AND SLANDER AND WORSE THEN FAKE RUSSIAN DOSSIERS WITH WE CIVIL SERVANTS AND AVERAGE WORKERS WITH NO WHEREWITH ALL TO FIGHT BACK.....AND ONLY DUE TO MY YEARS IN GOVT TO KNOW LAWS AND OW THINGS ARE TO WORK....AND STILL NOT ABLE TO FIND OUT ALL NEEDED....ITS BEEN A HORROR..AND SWAMPED UNDER A MOUNTAIN OF BACK LOG THAT TO DO IN PERFECT LEGAL ORDER....WOULD TAKE A 100 EMPLOYEE LAW FIRM...AND I AM NOT A LAWYER...
So filed the paper to add in the Lymphatic organ....but so far no doctors just for this....and THIS IS EARTH SHATTERING CHANGE....and if we are to survive....whatever climate does...we have to stop ignoring science and good medical knowledge and lower health care costs for fewer such injures and get this out of our food and medicine....and those in cities...need to get out...and look around...we have land along highways that could be producing food...and yards of green neatly cut lawns that no one can eat...and produces no food even...and could....So wake up....we have not even tapped the ability to produce good food for ourselves that is safer just because it gets from fewer hands and shuffles in the world to our table in a day or two.....and one can smell the nutrition...we rarely ever get from a can or 'fresh' aisle of a grocer...
And when our own filtering system gets damaged and inflammation is caused at low levels of exposure...IT GOES ON THROUGH THE ENTIRE BODY.....AND INFECTIONS...AND EDEMA...ETC...AND IN THE LUNGS... chemically induced ASTHMA'S AND PNEUMONITUS AND LUNGS SWELL UP AND BLOCK BLOOD FLOW TO LEFT VENTRICLE...that routine EKG's no longer test for as THE MEDICAL RULERS OF THIS CABAL..DECIDE....not our good doctors. who went to school and years of experience who wish to heal....but make a living to pay their bills as all of us have ...or almost all of we are not able to write ourselves checks from the public treasury in amounts far exceeding anything legally owed..
And instructions are to send this filing to the cabal who illegally says they are the US Dept of Labor to post and do not disappear or pull apart....and always do....and LOCAL OFFICE has nothing....and any who give out info...has spewed out false info...and a prior manager found files of my and others a few years back and flew one in from ACS in London KY to have them SHRED THE FILES OF PENDING MATTERS FOR ME AND OTHERS AND OIG DID NOTHING.....AND THIS WAS BEFORE I KNEW OF THE LAW THAT Said NO INVESTIGATIONS ALLOWED AND HOW MANY DIED....OVER THAT ILLEGAL ACT....AND THEN THAT MANAGER RETIRED AND NEVER INVESTIGATED as the contractors did it.....JUST AS COMEY HIRED A CONTRACTOR TO DO IT....AND ANOTHER CONTRACTOR TO LEAK...INFO...
The same names in this case and others like me seem to be coming full circle to some of the same ones in public scandals....and they must be laughing at all of us....???
DOW SPLIT FROM DUPONT EARLIER THIS YEARS AND NOW ALL THOSE WHO SUED DOW FROM THE GULF WAR...?? WHERE ARE YOU NOW??? AS DUPONT OWNS THE PATENTS AND LIABILITIES FOR YOUR DAMAGES?? My harm from them is the additive in my main med Dow-Dupont made....and will I be forced to sue Dupont under FECA law?? for current inflammations that even my solution is only partly neutralizing as shared online here in MEDICAL REGIMENS...and always ask your doctor before trying any treatments...please...
A war of survival is underway....and its not climate change ,,,its our own lives right now..and as for the climate...WE CAN ALL GO GREEN GROW A PLANT...IN YOUR WINDOW SILL IN THE CITY...EVEN HELPS IF ALL DO IT...-GREAT PROJECT FOR A CHURCH OR FAITH PLACE GONE 'LUKE WARM'...TO DIG IN THE DIRT AND MAKE IT GROW BEAUTIFUL LIFE SUSTAINING FOOD...AND SOME COMPANION FLOWERS TO KEEP BAD BUGS FROM THE FOOD pretty grass does little good to keep us alive...
In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus...may we find our way back to better health and nutation than ever before since the Garden of Eden And may we help the earth to sustain us one by one as we change our daily lives to help out as each is able and or called to do...
And pray for blessings on these filings being prepared now...that the way for me and others will find a medical system that is allowed to treat and know that the whole body is an interconnected whole and one part is harmed...the whole is affected in some way...….just as humanity is affected when one among us suffers injustice...then we have accepted that the same can be done to us.....and we are called to be Over comer by You and not cover FACE THE TRUTH AS YOU TAUGHT US THAT TRUTH WILL SET US FREE....and can also give us healing for our physical needs as well as spiritual ones.....Amen!
please scroll down the been repeating every few days now...and set up too long today....etc..but not giving up hope when the INFORMATION HIGHWAY sent me this post of a glimmer of hope when the official govt press release....acknowledges what has been circled around like a deep dark secret in the depths of the swamp....but just the organ that goes throughout the human body that connects all parts together.... Just as Ezekiel's risen bones are connected..SO IS ALL OUR LIVING FLESH IN A BODY...
2. MEDICAL REGIMEN in 5 parts over 9 Daily Recaps of what I am doing to stay alive when being blocked as millions are from medicines...and treatments by this ones in control that are not our doctors NOR THE GOVT...EITHER....and why the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT AND ALL GOVT HEALTH PLANS ARE A MEDICAL FAILURE...UNTIL HEALING IS THE PRIME DIRECTIVE AND NOT A WAY TO SCAM AND STEAL BY A CABAL ONGOING YET.. AND over management controls etc of the whole industry of care policies and protocols and our good doctors have to be managed by them....says insurers also managed by them??..
A nation run by an organized crime ring tat has fanned out around the world...
VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION-- do not forget those crucial state and local ones...and we need 95% voting so a real mandate of most of us hire one to be seated in power....and keep it up a few they know WE ARE THE RULERS...AND THEY SERVE US....NOT ANOTHER... AND AS ONE OF FAITH...WE ALL ARE ACCOUNTABLE ON A FINAL JUDGMENT DAY FOR A TICKET TO A GOOD ETERNAL LIFE OF NO EVIL ALLOWED...
We can be forgiven of our sins but if our heart is not repentant and a newness of being like a new person from a new beginning.....we are only fooling our selves is we think we can say I am sorry and go right out and do the same harms over and over.....and that is a cycle of addiction that can be as harmful to our souls as the artificial ones of drug and other kinds of physical addictions....we must never fall into and get help if one begins to fall into.... Now we know that inflammation = pain....and it is going to go all through the body.....and I AM NOT A DOCTOR...but a patient of many good ones and common sense and that scientific method we got taught back in school is going to lead us to solving a lot of need for some to grab those pain pills....and that industry is on its last hurrah.....and even over the counter not often promote any real healing and may do more harm...said my doctor for years….and ask your doctor...but some natural organic spices....have been used for thousand of years....and Cayenne pepper has in it one main thing also in cannabis….without the "high" effect that can cause legal issues.... ask your doctor and so much that is helpful is on line....just ask your doctor as they know a lot and can at least quietly steer you away from harm...
Linda Joy Adams 9/7/19
Saturday, September 7, 2019
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