
Sunday, September 29, 2019


Esther 8 KJV - On that day did the king Ahasuerus give - Bible Gateway

    This is an excellence site of many translations and Bible helps...

          Spent time answering for EEO and prayers needed it can help resolve no safe meds for me and millions of others in this world....that can bring us back to healing and costs far less as what has worked for years and decades should not be rejected for something new, that does no better.....and laced with additives none knows what it is.....and downright life ending for too many of us discriminated against …

   At times some cover sheets and VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGES will be shared.....and if this is some avenue others think might help to resolve this....its your free will.... and also heard from EEOC....and may begin as already have a case number.....which HHS Civil rights office has refused to even give me as former HHS employer where injured.....and never was SSA the employer as what has been called an EMPLOYEE DUMP into the  Sec of labor's office on the first pay period when SSA became an independent agency and no way to even post file or filings now  as new company under Bill too many complained about Lynn Blodgett....has software that excludes older cases....and at FECA  there can be a life time of changes,  filings for medical bills....and even payments going out.....and we have had some major catastrophes inside SSA when part of HHS...and not just our office.....and why SSA began to build their own buildings...rather than rent once independent of HHS which was the employer.....and still is for several agencies under them like FDA...

       SO with EEOC SANCTIONS VS THEM they discrimination never stopped and my filings of ongoing retaliations for former actions ignored....and the one assigned but only allowed to answer HiPPAA but govt contractors not under them....AND NEVER GIVEN ANY RIGHTS TO EEOC  ETC  AS IGNORED...MY EEOC RIGHTS AS EMPLOYEE OR FORMER ONE...STILL BEING RETALIATED AGAINST IS MY ASSERTION..MADE....AND  them taking orders from DOL hires the Blodgett's over if they are the Sec of HHS as well as DOL and Commissioner of SSA...and Director of OPM  and all obey them....their verbal words and act to do harm to me.....from only those verbal orders....MORE POWER THAN A CESAR of ancient Rome by our own law of 2002 that put the power of all of us under a cabal of companies....with one family name common to all leadership  and none in the govt has any idea how interconnected and trying to find out myself...led me to set up this blog to keep track.....and its a BEAST SYSTEM OF REVELATION THAT IS NOW NEARLY WORLD WIDE.....and only the people at the Ballot Box can turn this back to we the people being the rulers of our whatever form of govt we might have....

   And the last time, this corrupted horror got control and abused it, against the people and disappeared the public monies....few inside it can survive with souls intake  as well as physical lives and livelihoods.....and when Rome has ended in horror with the most innocent govt officials...who should be in charge...regionally have no support from above....or Congress and they bluff their way through and cause more harm...pretending they know and have no access to records one data to know.....instead of telling the truth...WE DO NOT HAVE ANY JUDGES ORDERS MS ADAMS REFERS TO AND NO ACCESS TO FILE....AND WHAT IS AVAILABLE IS A MANIPULATION TO CAUSE HARM AND MORE DISCRIMINATION....AND OFTEN NOTES FROM PAST VERBAL ORDERS OF THOSE WHO WORK FOR THE AGENCY...BUT ARE NOT EMPLOYED BY IT AS REAL GOVT EMPLOYEES STILL ACCOUNTABLE TO THE LAWS OF THE LAND.....

       And with so much needed to be done for lives of all of us  and security of the nation....we have devolved into name calling and made up false allegations...against whomever gets in the way of this beast system...whether it be a president or just a humble civil service person like me since 1968 trying to stay alive a few more years....and should medically be able to but for none of those cheap and older meds made for life has become something expendable by those now holding the power we did not elect....and 95% did not even get out and vote....that could.....and that comes back on all of us...RULERS WHO DO NOT RULE.....AND WE ALL SUFFER FOR

   VOTE AND BE PART OF THE SOLUTION  so when the election has ended   those seated in power from local to federal know  the mandate or majority of all of us actually hired them.....and we expect them to serve us well as best as they humanly can....and for those of faith say some prayers or good thoughts as their success in making deals....or compromises. On success for all of us and our nation….and not forget...that not one be harmed by the final plan or decision....even if not all think its the best way.....we have a governing document that can change or  amend things as we go along if some one or group is left out and include none be harmed....for JUSTICE DENIED ONE DOES DENY IT TO ALL OF US...

             One Human family on this planet....and not all think that now...but as one of faith....I read my Bible and it says one man and woman  began us....and some of the fallen angels and Lucifer....fell also....and those fallen angels somehow had children with the daughter of them.....Bible does  not fully say more....and speculation's all over and we may not know the whole truth until we get past overcoming evil with good.....and as one of faith Christ returns....etc.

    So some saying now that some of us are  REPTILIANS....and not human....some of us  may have been products of some genetic manipulations....but we all have the spirit was poured out on all flesh....and we are now one human family and care and love each other....and stop hating  that can go back so long ago....many do not even remember why they hate...

              Esther was a Jew and many were taken into Babylon when Israel and then Judah got captured...and occupied only to have the next empire conquer....and so on until post WWII and Israel after thousands of years became a nation again....and HISTORY WAS FORGOTTEN   and many did not know  and not taught much in public schools  as forbidden to know any history done in the name of religion or faith...SO LITTLE HISTORY EXISTS TO KNOW  and we remain ignorant of why we do things and why we like this nation and not that one...etc..

           Years ago,, our son was in college with one of the SHAH of Iran's relative....and informed him that the people of Iran know they are descended from Esther...their Queen of many thousands of years ago.....AND HERE COMES THE disrupt a ruling family all at once....and a lot is still not known of who did what....but evil did not end with the deposing of Hitler...and his horror of a warped sense of not all humans are equal in this world....and some are to be annihilated....and who made him god,,,he did  and why some consider him one of the world's anti Christ's  as prophetically one even worse than him is ready to rise...from a Beast system of power over the world….ALREADY NEARLY IN PLACE...THAT HAS NO POWER OF ANY GOVT TO STOP IT...UNLESS WE THE PEOPLE WHO ARE THE GOVTS OF THIS WORLD DO SO AT THE BALLOT BOX...…

       And in the middle east and others where ancestry is still known as history also.....and should be respected after world wars to not fully disrupt border and tribal lines... they know the name  ADAMS  and will ask...are you from  RUTH  OR LATER ONES FROM ESTHER....or are you from Esau...who were not of Ruth's descendants who married Boaz and descendent became King David...

   And those who evangelize to those of middle east and elsewhere in this world..where nations...are younger, like USA and have no tribal histories when most came from all over the world....and that is the past history.... and when Bible is read.... stories...told that when genealogies are read..we often stumble over pronouncing. names...but to those from the MIDDLE EAST...listen and know their ancestors are in the Bible....they are part of history.... and when one knows history...then one can unravel why hate started and end it..forever more...

    We held an election...and if your side did not bother to get out and vote...and stand up for your right to vote....then get over it....and help support the ones elected to do the best possible for us....and deal with them....who is your, the people or some special interests of these beast allowed to grab control and nearly has total control but for our efforts to bring them back under our govts and laws and obey the rules we have in place until we change them....

                 So why does Iran hate Israel now? with those who considered themselves as descendants of Esther removed from power completely and not a stage of a constitutional monarchy first...??

   Who is it they really hate...and why??  Israel and Iran...are distant cousins.... and whatever wars and disputes of the past thousands of years...who is trying to play god....and be god and declare anyone not of their side....bad??  Israel got the 10 Commandments to live by that instructs them that no leader is god...and we are not to worship or idolize them....and if they (covet) abuse power while in office...we the people have a right not to tolerate this and remove them from office.....and most nations have peaceful means to do this called ELECTIONS... And the USA has the best model as it covers nearly every possible scenario of change in authority in peaceful manner.....But for the awful things going on now....that all we know...should not be...and only makes this nation weaker inside and from outside...and any who wants our downfall as a nation or people....WHY ARE YOU EVEN IN OFFICE? 

      I only have one vote...and that is all any of us have....but we can show we mean business to be rulers as we are to 95% voting in all elections..and I fill our one form a year...and all get mailed to me...and others have many times to show up around election day and just DO IT... so its a clear mandate of who we select to take care of our business for and and of us.... The Bible says in the later days..which most seem to think we are already in or close to being in...ONE CANNOT ESCAPE PERSONAL INVOLVEMENT IN ONE SIDE OF GOOD OR CHOOSE TO ALLOW THE EVIL FEW GRAB OUR RIGHTS OF EVEN LIFE FROM US...

  GOSSIP IS A SIN....and am tired of gossip and slander and worse running the waves through the muck of the DC SWAMP  now we need to make it clear..if you wish to be any level...get busy and pass laws needed for decades....and do your best to be fair and just to all....and we may not all be fully pleased....but watch out that the least among us is not harmed by what you decide....

  and on election day  we will say good job and stay around another term or decide to give another a chance to do better for us at what ever level we hired you from local to state or federal....

          Vote and be part of the solution!

                      In the name of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus..may we never forget to be the rulers of this world and take care of all the good you gave us to be and have....and pray for our leaders to get busy and solve no safe meds for us...and me to survive...IN your HOLY NAME  AMEN!

                                   scroll down the side..or click on month and find  REPOSTS of

                                      FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

                                      MEDICAL REGIMEN  in 5 parts in sections of 9 Daily Recaps

of what my doctors and I have done or would not even be alive now....but still whole body inflamed and swollen from not able to neutralize...ether alcohol..etc....many of us cannot tolerate...PLEASE DO NOT TRY ANY MEDICAL TREATMENTS WITHOUT DOCTOR..INVOLVED..

                                       VIOLATIONS OF CIVIL RIGHTS PAGE; 62FF since 8/5/19

and will share the general with all to ask for prayers for help for me and all others....and all affected when life is cut short....and if older meds work...and cheaper...what's wrong with that...until full cures can someday be found....


Linda Joy Adams 9/29/19



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