
Thursday, August 29, 2019

( its when the lungs get infllammed and swell up and blood backs up in lungs and doew not get through to the left ventricle...( this has been known for years....and I live with it and tested for it...?? toxic and chemical inhalation injuries major cause... propaganda war is real... but some may get this this way....but NO STUDIES DONE OF A SINGLE MASSIVE EXPOSURE WITH MANY GENETIC TYPES AS TOXIN AND CHEMICALS ARE NOT TO BE ACKNOWLEDGES AND ARE NOT TREATED..AS NO MEDS MADE FOR US....EXCLUDED FROM STUDIES AND TRIALS SINCE THE FIRST GULF WAR VETS CAME HOME...WITH INFLAMMATIONS FROM LYMPHATIC ORGAN...that is the new accepted research - this article may well be true...but do not be fooled an disregard the larger millions like me and many of our active duty military now in Halls of Congress fighting for our rights of life..)Inflammation triggers silent mutation to cause deadly lung disease, study shows - Nexus Newsfeed

Inflammation triggers silent mutation to cause deadly lung disease, study shows - Nexus Newsfeed

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