
Saturday, August 31, 2019


Proverbs 23 KJV - When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, - Bible Gateway

     This is an excellent site found on line of Bible helps and many translations one can direct link to for today's chapter....For decades, a Bible is opened daily and chapter read and some parts always seem to have personal meaning as well as reflecting the world around us...that 24/7 is transmitted directly into our homes and

              Proverbs is the common wisdom of the time of King Solomon...who eventually lost touch with his great wisdom and insight and fell into the ways of some of his 'foreign wives" of those who followed the fertility goddess religion of evil human sacrifice and infanticide of burning up their first born......and not only did he fall into their ways.....but BROUGHT THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION RIGHT INTO THE TEMPLE....where Abraham long before had been shown by the Almighty that this is not good and offered an animal that can be eaten as food as sacrifice instead....An honor to our animal life who gives us sustenance for life to continue... and we have now evolved so that less of most of our diets are meat...and more of plant....BUT big money has anything we eat...laced with chemicals that add nothing to good nutrition and actually cause more harm..and to some great and too often deadly the  great cost of all of health care has to be a shared cost in some..way as few could afford healing with the horrible costs of combating the harms put into our bodies by mouth and even breathing....and efforts to share costs for other ways to accomplish much has been stopped by systems in place by the wealthy to keep on being wealthy and not adjusting for the common good and finding other ways to make money and not harm life and the planet in the outcome..

         How much wealth does one provide a lavish lifestyle for one and family and heirs for generations?  And forget those who work for them for less than fair share of profits...and the higher cost of food and medicines...and cleaning up earth and air and water...that part of their monies should be used for....Nothing in scripture says its wrong to be wealthy and live a good life....But when this great wealth turns one into an uncaring hold on power that has no good intent for any,,not even for themselves and descendants.....then they are not the masters of their world or selves but have fallen into the worse kind of slavery to the master of evil....whose mission is death and destruction of all creation...given to we the people to be rulers of this world now...since the fall of one who rebelled and took 1/3rd of the fallen angels with him.....and no good came of this free will of one....

      We now have the free will of all....and another trickery into a two could not the Garden of Eden...showing us that its going to take a COMPLETE NUMBER OF ALL to resist evil as we help each other do so....And when we do not accept our calling of rulership and not even for the first time in human history we really do hold official leadership more than ever in this world at the ballot box; we have all fallen into the trap of apathy.....and have given up on all of us....and allowed ourselves to be slaves of an evil slave master.....and race, creed not any differences among us matter....we are each a blessed and wonderful creation of the Almighty who loves each one of us unconditionally  and are here with  FREEDOM AND FREE WILL  to choose the good and reject the evil.....and a whole of human history that should have taught us....that some basic guidance from the I AM WHO I told to Moses who this  DIVINE LOVE  is that has manifested into flesh in Christ and Holy Spirit to be among us to accept of the Divine Love and pass it the song says...

         And many who access this site are not labeled as Christian....but that is not a requirement for salvation of ones soul for eternity and overcoming evil for all time....Its believing in the Divine Love that is and was and always will be that we were created by and through to be good and wondrous and loved and share that love and caring to one another in this world....but NOT LET EVIL TEMPT US  and help others who start to fall into it....

millennials...whom studies say is Pro Life.....AND a sense of community...but still alive in spirit of free will to share ideas and protest when ideas do not seem to be good ones adopted by those in high offices who turned their responsibilities over to contractors to do as they please….and when evil still exists in this world...soon one entity of no good took over and now rules us...even in control of our weapons of mas destruction around the world....

    G7, G8 or even G20 LEADERS MEET AND HOLD NO POWER OVER THIS CABAL....ALMOST... and can start WW III  from any side at any time...and we the people still do not have 95% voting so that those elected to seats of governing not doing it....and presidents who have had that right stripped by law in the House of Representatives since 2002 and much by executive order back to the 1990's....and many get unhappy with them...when they do not act to protect our lives rights and public treasury....

           WE GOT FOOLED...and still rarely does anyone deal with the real govt for years and we all have data and records of all kinds, even medicals unprotected and too often illegally altered steal in our names....from the peoples' monies.... AND NO GOVT ALLOWED TO ACT.....all our president can do is be over the Dept of Defense...whose contractors...have become controlled by the same international cabal of one entity of 1000= corporate names and illegal deal partnerships that violate so many laws even fair and free market.....and even securities nd exchange laws...

  With trillions missing to do with as they please....and much as far back as 1973, is my personal belief from what I personally have why I never got into day trading.....

        That does not mean one should not have a 401K other tax breaks are there and some laws we hope will still exist...and if one does not have a lot of least your paycheck is higher...and trust that at least part of your investment will be around when its time to collect on it...

  But this one  has no personal access to systems and let those with algorithms, EXPERTISE .use all their skills to invest for those in those kinds of various investments... and would never use much of our worth to play a risk game that human sentiment and tweet words or speeches by one fed chair COULD RISE OR FALL WORTH OF STOCKS IN A DAY OR EVEN AN HOUR..

   This has nothing to do with common sense...of investing in a good product or service that many wish to purchase and investors reap some part stock holders..

            And if this one ever should become one of high wealth.... DO NOT TRY TO FEED ME THE DELICACIES OF THE RICH  as no way  is raw fish....and other things oohed and aahed over considered good food....with all the pollution...radiation  and germs and bacteria that at least cooking would neutralize from harming us or our beloved pets...and other animals..

   Caesars of Rome act rats and rodents and mice.....and NO THANKS...BUT READ ITS BEING SLIPPED INTO FOODS AND NOT LABELED... as most of us would never buy it...would we.... When contractors rule....maybe the good steak is on their table and we got cemented together some and some of unknown origin....This alone may create non meat eater in this world more than all the chemicals used and still in much  when we buy it to feed ourselves and families....and buying organic….even the official organic can be raised or grown that way....and then chemicals used in the higher cost....

  So what to do for the most of rely on some brands that seem to be OK and pray they do not sell or merge or hire the cabal managers to take over and add other things and embezzle and scam good companies...we have relied on....BEING A WISE RICH PERSON....IS BEING A GOOD RULER.....AND KEEPING SURE THAT ALL IS LEGAL AND ETHICAL....AND NONE HARMED....OF WORKERS OR THOSE WHO PURCHASE WHAT IS OFFERED...

                      In the common wisdom of the world since the beginning of our creation as good....To be in higher position is to be a servant of all....Not a door mat or slave....a SERVANT WHO WASHES THE FILTH OF EVIL FROM THE FEET OF THE WORLD MIRED IN A SWAMP OF CORRUPTION WHERE EVIL HIDES TO RULE FROM......AND WE ACCEPT THE PRIESTHOOD AND PRIESTESS HOOD....TO MAKE THINGS AS BEST WE CAN FOR ONE AND ALL... so that when we look out over our families...communities and nations and world should one ever rise that high...that we have done well and best to serve others....and then when we sit down to common sense good food....that nurtures the TEMPLE OF OUR PHYSICAL BODIES OUR SPIRITUAL BODIES ARE FILLED WITH GOOD THAT IS A LIGHT SHARED TO ALL THE WORLD....ONE BY ONE....

   P S  If one comes from  cultures where some things are eaten  that mine does not....still follow common sense and knowledge and cook well...etc.. But surely one would not arrogantly brag how they had this or that....that would not sound good to if this is how to act rich...when in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth...we Christians are taught to pray for by Christ....the higher one holds position  the more one is he servant of all....and awesome responsibility when one is singled out for office...or even action to be taken for good....ALL ARE CALLED TO ACTION...some of us will be famous in this Earthly realm and may ones actions reflect historically as good and best is attempted and even achieved....But most of us are famous in the Book of Life for the intent of our hearts  and actions attempted to do good...and help resist evil from harming one and all of us....'  

   And on the final judgment day...nearly every faith knows such is in some way.....The BOOK OF LIFE IS OPENED.....and what is your personal bios say....And what is the condition of our heart and soul....A MERCIFUL DIVINE...IS OPEN TO FORGIVENESS AND REPENTANCE.AS THAT OCCURRED IN SOME WAY AT THE CROSS AND RESURRECTION OVER DEATH FOR EVER IF WE CHOOSE THE GOOD WAY....and believe in it....and Christ has offered each one of us to be our lawyers when we are judged....the human face of the Divine Himself who knows us better than any human or evil fallen.....but so smart to trick even the most wise as Solomon into a terrible abomination of desolation....

   And its predicted in the Book of Revelation before Christ comes....the whole world...or many will be fooled and one imitator take charge rising from this Beast system that is nearly in control now...that is no govt of, by and for the people....and so close to even our attempts to vote it out by electing some who will take back rulership for good. And just fairness....may soon be gone....BUT NOT YET....

            WE ARE THE ARMY OF GOOD....AND THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION AGAINST EVIL IS THE BALLOT BOX... that nearly all now have access to....and more being added this world...And this is all elections  as the state and local is the check and balance on federal and international power also...

   When the fake Christ enters the temple in Jerusalem and kills an infant or human on the altar....that is the abomination of desolation....that ancient Israel fell into twice by its own kings...and the moral leadership of the priesthood  did nothing … understand if we are still here not Raptured that we got the ultimate fooling of all of time and history....forced on us...

                  We have a promise of Divine Intervention when the master plan of good is about to be ruined and us his blessed creation destroyed Evil's intent....and the lesson not learned of resistance finally revealed as how awful and creation ending it can be  and that will not be allowed to occur....and believe and we will survive....but its not going to be easy and impossible without nearly all of us on the good side...Its already a holocaust  that exceeds any of the past in history....and has been warned of since Adam and Eve defied the good and fell into this place in the universe to find our way back  to the Garden of Eden and heaven on earth....for good....

                   And the promise is that Christ will come and bind up Evil and any that still chooses the way of death and destruction of good and all of us and the creation of the universe we are all to live ins...and take care of....and if here are any non earth beings around....the Bible says the evil doers at the time of Noah flew off somewhere and said they returned...after the Flood....but did all....and this is some we have been warned about and all are offered salvation.....but predicted they may never accept goodness, happiness of the peace of the soul.....WHY WOULD ANYONE CHOOSE EVIL OVER GOOD..?

                  Vote and be part of the Solution!

                        In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus may all find their way to accepting Your Divine Love for each of us....and choose to serve and share in whatever way You call us to do and be...And pray for our leaders now to do good and serve all of us well...and find common ground of solutions each one of us can survive with....and help make this world and universe a heaven on earth for one and all.....May the processes I have started find good results for me and so many others cast off with not rights of even life....and no safe meds made....due to many being fooled and tricked and others not caring...along as they thought they were not affected.....And may the new leadership at US Dept of Labor pay my bills as awarded and the laws provide we have no other systems in place.....and if my prayers for the Blodgett's in rulership if that be the name...will not change to service for good,,,our laws and legal systems have to be allowed to be used to stop the evil control over all of us and much of the world. now...May Your Divine Love change their hearts to do good and be fair and just  and do the work they were contracted to do legally and not withhold or tell lies to one and all.....Go public with who did what and whom you took false info from if not the highest ones ...and lets let TRUTH AND JUSTICE PREVAIL  AND SALVATION  You offer even to the worse offender to change and be saved for eternity.... But if they will not change...PLEASE HELP THOSE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ALLOW EXISTING BUDGET TO BE USED BY A SIMPLE LAW....TO STOP THOSE NOW ALLOWED TO WRECK DEADLY HAVOC ON ALL OF US ..HERE IN THE USA AND AROUND THE WORLD...

  And may those in the path of a hurricane...and other disasters human made or a fallen state this world is in....spare us and others ….AND pray this id not Jeff's doing as some are saying....but pray none could be so evil....but we know some have become so...and so many do not know what to do....and forgot our lessons in school that we are the rulers and voting is the way we wield the highest power humanity has ever had overall..under Your Divine Help...and may one day You return  and we never have to deal with such evil ever we have fully learned not to fall into its traps....ever more...for eternity...

   Forgive me my sins of impatience and attempts to try and stop this that seem not to be the best way to get through to many   and help me go through years of records and find key info that can help unravel a horror that is said to not just be me......but thousands...dumped in an employee hole at US Dept of Labor for decades now  and seems some under illegal and unconstitutional gag orders or just fear to tell the legal truths of our situations... that seems to been done for illegal wishes of some inside govt....but outsides interests that the govt is legally bound to go to court on our behalf and the public's for restitution….and such is designed to reveal and stop evil things going on that should never have gotten many injured in the first place.... corruption of evil's ways of greed and whatever motivates those with high earthly power to do what can harm one or many.... and condolences to all those who have lost loved ones in this horror of no govt in charge  and our leaders who have to make this trust the good people in the govt to stop this and do their jobs for the first time in years since 2002 by law....and back much earlier by executive and in other nations as well....who got entrapped into this....You gave us brains to use....and surely among the billions of us..we can find the answers from one and many to get through this and make things work for good for one and all.. may we find something other than cfc's to use for pirbuterol...for rescue inhaler...that used to be prescribed over 40 years ago as a water soluble pill for left ventricle heart failure which is not routinely even checked for on most EKG'S NOW....A SUBTLE EVIL TRICK TO HIDE NEED AND DIAGNOSE BY TESTING  UNTIL ONE DAY...LIFE ENDS....LONG BEFORE  Your wish is for it to natural or medical treatment would...In Your Holy Name...Amen!


                    scroll down the side of this blog...for :

                           FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS

                             (KEEP THE INFORMATION HIGHWAY OPEN)

                           MEDICAL REGIMEN

                               (9 DAILY RECAPS THAT INCLUDE  5 PARTS OF WHAT THIS ONE OF MILLIONS WITH NO SAFE MEDS AND HANGING ON.. please do not try any medical treatments without your doctor knowing and some of these does need prescriptions to find alternative ways to stay alive...

    UNTIL CONGRESS ACTS and now our military in the Halls of Congress for themselves as they are among us said to be 25 million up to 55 millions of all of us just in the USA...and no govt allowed to audit and know a real deadly holocaust that is ongoing with some say 50 million lives lost by illegal acts...of the cabal that cannot be touched as existing budget cannot be used...and the current SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI  NOW HOLDS THE POWER TO PASS A SIMPLE LAW ALLOWING THE GOVT TO SHUT THIS ORGANIZED CRIME RING DOWN....US ATTY S' CALLED A RICCO CASE WORSE IN USA HISTORY.... and the same model now growing world wide...that the last time caused an EMPIRE TO FALL....ROME....  and the most innocent to be crucified by middle govt too scared to obey the laws and let an innocent one not be crucified....and now   hundreds of millions and billions  are harmed daily.....and its only we the people who can get us out of this and hold on to Divine guidance to help...until Christ returns as I believe and the evil leaders of this are expelled from creation to never bother us again...along with any so far fallen they will not choose to repent and be saved for eternal life either....and pray all of us end up on the good side...  

p.s Comey is not being arrested as he hired a govt contractor immune from arrest to do the illegal deed? The highest level knows about this law....and has not let many know as they abuse it...for? media needs to get this truth corrected in their rhetoric...

           Vote and be part of the solution...

Linda Joy Adams 8/31/19

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