
Friday, August 30, 2019


Judges 19 KJV - And it came to pass in those days, when - Bible Gateway

    This is a direct link to an excellent site of Bible translations one can link and read the full chapter..

              For years, a Bible is opened at random and chapter translations are varied each time through....Every day some part has special meaning as well as reflects the world around us...

              PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS  a series begun 9/23/17 AND CONTINUED FOR not the ZODIAC...its the older Bible prophecies given to Adam and Eve first family  using all the constellations and wandering stars we now call planets....before we had written scripture...and since the Tower of Babel...the terms are older and those changed into and meanings not the same....and our current languages have a BABEL of understanding...of where they came from and what was meant before and after the  FERTILITY GODDESS RELIGION OF HUMAN SACRIFICE.. even BORN BABIES.....GOT INTO THIS WORLD...WHICH MOST OF THE WORLD HAS NO PART OF NOW....WE ARE ON A PATH BACK TO THE GARDEN OF Eden....but not there yet....and Evil is not giving up all...Whose side are you on? Pray all choose the way of life and love...and  respect for each life as precious...resist the one of death and destruction of even creation itself...

     Spent much of the day; faxing some medical records to former doctors of their good efforts that made me a type of legal medical precedent case for the millions of us with no safe meds now due to illegal and holocaust actions of one entity of 1000+ corporate names which now has near total control of all health care in USA and much of the world now as well as most of the rest of our lives in every area AND NO GOVT ALLOWED TO AUDIT OR PROSECUTE CRIMES.....EVEN THOUGH FEDERAL MONIES ARE BEING USED FOR THEIR WORK...….AND MORE THAN THE NATIONAL DEBT HAS GONE MISSING WITH WORK NOT DONE  OR DONE ILLEGALLY with holocaust results..

             To cause massive deaths and harms....its not longer necessary to put all on trains and send to some ovens somewhere.. and affects all groups, faiths and race etc...equal opportunity to lose all.....Its all in systems   that get altered and when all rely on them to save lives and NO GOVT ALLOWED TO STOP REAL DEADLY CRIMES....LIKE ALTERING DIAGNOSES  from what doctors determined into COPD  from other kinds that react to most of the common chemicals...with life ending results    WE ENDED UP WITH NO MEDS MADE FOR MILLIONS AND SOME STUDIES SAY 20 MILLION ANOTHER COURT TESTIMONY SAID 55 MILLION.....AND INSIDERS SAY 50 ,MILLION HAVE DIED BEFORE THEY NATURALLY OR MEDICALLY SHOULD......and if this is not a holocaust to beat all in human history...just in the USA...what is..

                 Some of our meds can be compounded and added to distilled water in our humidifier bubble cups attacked to our liquid oxygen if one is not an injured worker in this USA....AND NO ONES CLAIMS WILL GET INPUT AND PROCESSED  and suppliers know this and will not take one as a the cabal of one...also controls all workers comp in the USA.....and a 1988 law gives one as soon as coded permanent as usually is in a few months...and approved by workers comp.....and later by other insurers and medicare… is all under ONE ENTITY MANAGER AND CONTRACTOR CONTROL..... EVEN THE FEW COMPANIES STILL SURVIVING...NOT OF THEM...are forced to use their illegally designed systems and go along to get along  as no recourse when NO GOVT IS ALLOWED TO STOP ILLEGAL ACTS CAUSING MASSIVE DEATHS, HARMS AND PUBLIC FUNDS GONE MISSING.... as well as laws disregarded and not complied with AS NONE TO MAKE THEM......and although the law causing this in all but the DEPT OF DEFENSE IN 2002 by earmark that gutted a 6000 page bill that would have given more protections and rights for all ..   into an official overthrow of the USA ….and much the same has gone on nation by those elected to office and leaders ignore the duties of office and let this happen////EVIL IS a SNEAK...

       But much of laws in health care had enforcement of them suspended by executive type orders as far back as 1994.....and  CONGRESS HAS NO REGARD FOR PROTECTING SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICARE ALONG WITH THE REST OF THE GOVT...US OR OUR PUBLIC FUNDS...

         And when few even bother to vote....WE THE RULERS OF THIS NATION...HAVE GIVEN OUR APPROVAL FOR A HOLOCAUST....It takes 95% of us voting in all elections to have those elected be sent their by anywhere near 50% of all of us who could vote....

   There is nothing more feared by evil than all of us being participants in ruling this although we may disagree on the how to get things done...most of us want the same good outcomes of rights and freedom and not be robbed and murdered by those allowed to run amok among us and be in total control with no govt at all allowed to stop a holocaust....that has grown into that....with ONE BY ONE AMONG US GOING ALONG TO GET ALONG.....AND IT HAS GROWN into an overthrow of even rights of living...

   And many good people have become self righteous...and have given up as if its the will of the I AM WHO I AM...that we just do nothing and the Divine will intercede all the time....when its pretty clear that we were created to be thinking and social human beings....and Christ said heal the sick and feed the hungry or hell is the result./...We live by our actions....and some things are a collective one...where one or a few cannot do this alone...One vote each....takes nearly all of show we are the rulers and stop evil from overtaking us...and now having to remove its tentacles now encroached among us....And so many good people caught up even inside them as employees who never understood what they were being lured into  and trained to break laws …..nice people to deal with the public   but a few steps up in the hierarchy that leads to one the opposite...evils being done...

      NO matter whether one believes in lots of govt controls or little....WE STILL NEED GOVT TO STOP THOSE AMONG US WHO STEAL, MURDER AND PERJURE....and a legal system to take them to..for justice...and pray for the day...none ever harms another...but we are not in that world yet...

    And the few at the top,  who are inside the govt...are in places to let this cabal continue in power....and too often the political levels come and go....and may never know they are not in charge of anything...And pass on false into to Congress they got from the contractors that cannot be illegal to do so....AND CONGRESS SITS INSIDE THE BELTWAY ALLOWED TO THINK THE WORLD IS WONDERFUL....AND HORRORS ARE GOING ON ALL OVER....AND THEY CANNOT BALANCE A BUDGET....AS THE MONIES ARE BEING STOLEN..AND DISAPPEARED....NONE COULD.... One has no idea what amounts are even needed anymore its so skewed far from how many need what...where...

                    There are two horrors in the Bible that cut to the core of anyone with any kind of empathy for human horror.....Besides bloody wars...which are the most evil of sin vs the Divine Good...( I am a Christian...but some who access this site are not....and the teachings of the Divine from Moses on the mountain to a renewal of basics taught by Christ….have permeated the whole world and most faiths and human thinking....and we even have HUMAN as what all of us should have and none be denied... DIVINE LOVE  shared....and without this we are thought zombie slaves of evil one and its cohorts....and none of us are called to be that...  so Besides wars....that are horrible...

   Two events never can and should be forgotten...

    One was the most horrific torture of a human being and crucifixion on a cross of Christ....and as a believer resurrection which in some Divine miracle...has enabled all of us to have eternal life...just be accepting by belief in this Divine Love..

   A horrible slaughter of the most innocent among us...with no evil intent towards a NO GOVT IN CHARGE THEN...RUN BY A CABAL OF CONTRACTORS...TOO MUCH LIKE WE HAVE NOW...  that had engulfed much of the known world then...

   But the Bible prophecy of the RIVED ROMAN EMPIRE MODEL of the Beast system of Revelation that the most evil rises from as end of age evil ruler of all... comes out of NO GOVT IN CHARGE...or govt would stop it.....and so far our own govts of the world have let this overthrow of our human govts set up to keep peace and most have rights and life as best we can....has ignored what has been happening....trusting some not worthy of trust...who have fallen into the evils traps...

  And in our times...artificial means have taken over too many with drugs...and perversions that lower them into lust...not love....and if the Epstein issue reveal anything is the perversion that those with high level powers...and wealth....can fall the hardest into evils few among most  could even begin to believe could be....

         Welcome  TO THE ANCIENT EVIL WORLD....WE STUDY LITTLE most have studied the Bible stories of a far different people  descended from Abraham....and the sub group of  those descended from a whole new way of thinking when Moses came down from the mountain and revealed that NO LEADERS IS A GOD AND WE ARE NOT TO IDOLIZE AND WORSHIP THEM AS INFALLIBLE.....and if one becomes a tyrant...(covets abuses power when in authority..) we have the right as the people to remove that one...

  The original definition of covet...was understood by the founders of the USA...and why the 10 Commandments were placed in seats of that all who entered knew....that humans were seated who could make mistakes...and we all have a responsibility to not let that happen...and remove one who does harm to one and all. etc….

  Its the basis of the US Constitution of checks and balances.....and depends on the rulers being the ultimate power at the ballot box....The world was not perfect back in 1787  and many were not even free to vote...and women were the last group who became really rule... but the ideals were there just as they were when Moses came down and found the people backsliding into the horrific evils of the fertility goddess religion. of human sacrifice....of even born babies....or close to that final stage of evil....

       When the Hebrews finally arrived back home after gone for 400 years....the govt was a patriarchal council ….and each tribe of Jacob's  descendants...were intermixed with the trespassers over time who had moved in  and they had wars etc. over rights to land..etc…

        But, one main rules of life was to avoid mixing with those of a faith of pure evil with human life having no value for each one...And they pretty much did....and with fewer people in this world....and some battles won...that backed others off....they did live in their own groups...and tribes...

        But some wandered , visited and even worked elsewhere....and one example is of a Levite...the priestly tribe...and his concubine... who did not heed the warnings and entered among the evil.....with  one of his tribe who lived there taking them into his home...knowing they would not survive...the night..due to the evil in the streets....and even then....just as those who visited Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah hundreds of years earlier. Found a mob at the door. Wanting a man.......and this bunch was a woman asked for....And the  concubine was offered out and abused and worse...all night long and died on the doorstep found in the morning...

   When the Levite got back home...with her body....he cut her up and went up and down the ladder of exports of each the division of land gave each tribe sea access... and left part of her body....AS A REMEMBRANCE OF THE WORSE KIND OF EVIL HUMANS CAN DO TO EACH OTHER..... when humanity forgets anything good exists  and falls into the full control of evil....

               And often its the leadership of that town or area...that has led all right into as they become immoral and commit evils that our laws even forbid....

   Women did not have much rights. anywhere in ancient times and part of the evolution of our thinking is to recognize that in the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN....and heaven on Earth we are to strive to have....MALE AND FEMALE...ETC..ARE EQUAL ...AS EACH ONE IS LOVED UNCONDITIONALLY BY THE DIVINE LOVE...

                And throughout the ancient world this one woman was remembered to not forget the most awful depravity the human soul can devolve into and never let one or any of us ever fall that far....yet its happened too many times in human history.....and  DO NOT FORGET THE HOLOCAUST... as its not just the last centuries either... ONE DOES NOT HIDE HISTORY...ONE FACES IT AND LEARNS WHAT NOT TO DO  AND ITS CLEAR WHY ONE SHOULD NEVER LET SUCH BE DONE AGAIN....

    No nation, people or even ancestors seem to have not fallen into following real evil.....and until we learn how not to be tricked back into it....we cannot have that Heaven on Earth Christ taught us to pray for.... as we have FREE WILL to choose the way things are.....BUT  evil cannot be bound by just one as its also one by one who avoids doing the good and thinks it will not matter.....but one by one adds up to a holocaust...that engulfs all....and the most innocent...seem to be crushed under it first....and the rest lose next....

          Vote and be part of the solution!

                    In the name of Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus...You gave us  FREE WILL and a brain to use.....and with billions of us on this planet earth  we have all You gave us to make a heaven on earth....and resist evil and its cohorts the best we can help each other in this...until the day You return  and remove any wishing to be and follow evil even when You offer the most wonderful way of love and peace...and joy of the soul....and love for one another....

  Pray for our leaders to follow the good   and may we say Thank You for serving us well when we vote to keep them in office another term....And for those who forgot to serve humanity and the good,  we need to obey Your commandments given to Moses...  and send them home to not due any more harm...or worse them not do anything to have stopped real harms....And prayers for the Blodgett's named as rulers control who have been obeyed to do real harms for one and many and me....with lied and destruction's and altering of records...until life is being lost by too many this side of  normal life expectancy even with medical being removed very evil and systematic actions....and most of us not understanding what has happened until  all of us caught in it.....and now to find our way back out to the good path...of caring and love for one another...of even rights of life itself....    pray for the success of our military in the Halls of Congress fighting for safe meds for all of us  and our group left out of the right of living...And pray for those in the path of Hurricane Dorian...that we be spared one more many good and loving people are caught in the possible well as those fallen into ways...may they find salvation from....In Your HOLY NAME  AMEN!

                            REPOSTS DAILY check just ahead of

                                     FREEDOM SHARING AWARDS..

                                            KEEP THE INFORMATION HIGHWAY OPEN

                                    MEDICAL REGIMEN  in 9 Daily Recaps with sections in 5 parts..of what this one of millions with no safe meds has done to stay alive....even if not fully making it....still hanging on to share...PLEASE DO NOT TRY ANY MEDICAL TREATMENTS WITHOUT ONES DOCTOR KNOWING.....And if one finds something else that works...please share it as we are on our own....and our good doctors are at the bottom of the pecking order now...with us patients next from the bottom..

   Good news some environmentalists do not allowing use of some methane  gas   and that was used in some INHALERS....but no research done on replacements since 1997....that is safe for millions of the 40% of asthmatics...we know since accepted change in treatments is what occurs in the lungs from inflamers....and the whole lymphatic organ is also affected....but breathing is treated first....but now....IS NOT..20 MILLION + DO NOT EXIST IN THE WORLD OF EVIL THAT CARES NOTHING FOR EVERYONE  HAVING A PRECIOUS LIFE...

    Our active duty military in our group have entered the Halls of Congress for us....and may we support their effort in a battle of words and laws and propaganda...vs life that is not wanting to even know we have a problem....a massive one..of Holocaust the sheer numbers lost in USA alone..

   Linda Joy Adams 8/30/19





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