
Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Grand jury petition seeks to investigate Kobach for alleged election fraud   Back in 9/12 there are several daily recaps from 9/14/12 -9/26/12 of my attempts to stop the birther nonsense that President Obama was not eligible to be president based on his birth in Topeka ks and his real murdered dad and marriage to Obama Sr  all there in Shawnee County records.  Plus I filed an affidavit with him and his staff searched for over an hour for all the records. What I could understand there was an adoption and his name is on that record as Barry Soetoro  from the fist one when the husband , who was not the father, honored his friends daughter by marrying her and letting her baby have his name. They never lived together as far as I was aware of. I only say him once when he came for he wedding an my dad married them

         about 9/26.12 I also wrote to Attorney Eric Holder about possible opening of the lynching case of Jim T Parks and the attempted lynching of potus unborn and his mother. Plus when she was able to break free she ran for help and 2 more died that day at the hands of a hooded death squad.

      Kansas has not had a reported lynching since 1922 and the records need to be corrected as the reporting just ceased.

      I never heard back and I have called first to inquire and they told me to write a letter. and where to send it.

        But before that Orly Taitz was in court and I had contacted her about being a witness and getting a court order for the original and real record. She was very unhappy with me and dissed me on lines, etc. and it seemed that she was only to find President Obama ineligible and I WAS PROVING HE WAS ELIGIBLE TO BE PRESIDENT

       I WAS NOT IN THIS FOR MONEY OR EVEN POLITICS AT ALL BUT FOR JUSTICE FOR THREE DEAD AND THREE ATTEMPTED MURDERS  I , also had a direct attempt on my life a few weeks later when it became known I was family and my parents had been asked to take guardianship of their 15 year old great niece (grand daughter of my dad's sister and her husband who lived in Colorado.) It was only by  a real miracle that some how I was made to turn around just as a heavy , thrown object would have hit and crushed my skull. and I saw the "person of interest'  and knew where he was associated with even though I did mot know his name.

                                           SECRETARY OF KANSAS COMMITS PERJURY?

      I was not in court in Topeka, Ks but would have come or testified by phone as some states permit that. in 9/12. But what  I gleaned is that Kris Kobach lied in court and accepted his fake Hawaiian birth certificate that was never certified there back in 8/61 and there was his own records to show it was. That is why this could and should have all ended right there as one man had the real and the fake one in hand. and did not tell the whole truth in court is my allegation and a grand jury needs to look at this

      I am not only an eye witness to events around his birth in Topeka , Ks but can qualify as a type of expert in documents having decades of experience having to verify and OK  for all kinds for federal benefits for those applying for benefits at Social Security  and I worked in an era when many did not have birth certificates  and lost of studies were done on other best and good records and we got alerts when blank forms went missing etc. And our training included things to look for to evaluate authenticity. I have also been in back rooms of paper files and huge ledger books  and microfilms oat court houses looking for records also 

             Some one created a certified record in 2012 looking as if it came from Hawaii or someone there did something illegal in creating what never was certified with a lot of history that is was not also in that state.

     Of course the president was not told and still maybe lied to about his origins as no one is getting past Valorie Jarett, etc.   I had not seen him for nearly 2 decades and then had no chance to speak to him.  I had  one another chance or two , but he did not say who he was and I did not know him after he grew up. as the last time and only time I know him to told  was 1/71 and his grandmother went into a tirade that  I would say something to him. After he left Topeka soon after he was born , I did not keep in touch. I now understand I did not wish to remember a horrible time, in which a miracle of birth occurred of the 44th president of the USA.

         I have not agreed with many things he has done in office, but we could have worse and we may get worse if we are not cautious voters this time. Focus on congress as we need one who will stand up to a President Clinton and if its President Trump, he needs support in matters of government with a background in business which is not exactly the same ..

    . The whole sordid mess is online here about  how  President Obama 's grandmother almost got it certified and stole  a blank form and put it in the in basket to be called in to the papers and state. The state entered it on the INDEX OF  NOTICE OF BIRTHS ONLY AND ISSUED THAT PIECE OF PAPER but never certified the records as there was no birth there.

Its why those always say on them its not official  as that is done after the state checks things out and then does the certified one that everything is checked out.

       Even state laws got changed in Hawaii to make hospitals lock up the blanks and when I went to work for SSA in  6/68 they had this listed in an alert for the time before the laws changed and was working with hospitals throughout the nation to make sure those blanks were under lock and key.  

       In Hawaii, the blanks were on a clipboard hanging in a public hallway.  and one scared grandmother 'helped herself.' I later verified what had occurred with family who was aware of the issue also. And there is more but I am bound by law to not say more unless President Obama signs I can or  a court compels me to talk under oath.

               What I found out is that President Obama had been using this notice of birth and apparently secretaries of state and others were calling Hawaii and having them check that index of notices of birth and they would OK it. AS BEING ON THAT INDEX, NO ONE CHECKED TO SEE IF THE NOTICE EVER WAS TURNED INTO A CERTIFIED BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Unless one showed up at a Social security office and then we would know that is not an official records nor was that INDEX of the initial forms.???

           So I wish the grand jury would take a look at the transcript of the 9/12 court testimony of Sec of State, Kris Kobach and see how he answered the questions  FOR I KNOW HE DID NOT TELL THE WHOLE TRUTH OF THINGS. But he may have been asked wrong and that meant some possible collusion between Taitz and Kobach not to raise the use and let the birther movement go on and ITS STILL GOING ON. and as far as I know people are still giving donations to search for the birth certificate .


    When one starts out to find the truth it may lead one anywhere and for all those wishing to know where President Obama took his first breath it was Forbes Air force Base Hospital  Topeka Ks which is now the City Airport .

     My mother took Ann to the hospital to have him and her Chevy   did not fly to Hawaii nor to Kenya.    Ann's water broke on the way and some stain never did come out and DNA went into the cotton padding in the back sear behind the driver.  My parents sold that old 1948 Chevy  Fleetline  4 door gray bottom and navy top as a good running antique in the 1980's from where they lived on their land in rural Wabaunsee County , address RR , Paxico, Ks. 

        Whomever bought it may have viable DNA  of the President of the USA.  they made it in time and later the next day , mom came home tired and the following day the notice of birth was in the Topeka newspapers for Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Baruch Obama ,  baby boy. 

   At the same time his grandmother had tricked the hospital receptionist to phone in the notice from theirs and it was in the papers there also

      I have posted pictures of that car on Linda Joy Adams Flkr site. should any one own it.

I checked through old papers of my parents but what I have did not show VIN numbers as they do now  on the insurance papers. I still have more things to go through and have not contacted the state of Ks either to see if they can locate a transfer of title either. Expense I do not have and why I found the birthers not wishing to know the truth as they got donations to help get these kinds of things
         Its not why I got into all of this at all. but for justice for three dead.   And I wish a little justice for myself for my close call from just being related and my family helping out a relative in need.

     So as far as I am concerned Kris Kobach lied in court even if he carefully avoided actual perjury .  but a grand jury needs to add this in also is my contention. and people got scammed into giving donations who believed the lie of a Kenya birth and we had someone in the White House who should not legally be there.  and we have those who did not wish to stand up to evil and cover up just to keep any political scandal quiet.
         AND ITS INGENUOUS FOR SOME TO MATTER AND NOT ALL as I was nearly killed, also, just because we, white folks,  did not discriminate when evil wished us to do so.  JUSTICE FOR ALL, NOT ONE; NOT ONE TYPE; NOT ONE SKIN COLOR. ETC.   THEN WE ALL CAN  HAVE LIBERTY FOR ALL.

Linda  Joy Adams 7/28/16




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