
Thursday, July 28, 2016


“Donald Trump Challenges Russia to Find Hillary Clinton’s Missing Emails” | Election Law Blog

I have said right here some time back when Russia claimed to already have the missing e -mails of Hillary's and sad release them . If they have them, then what is the secrecy anymore and Hillary seemed to think they had nothing in them of high secrecy of she would have turned them in, right?

     This comment of Russia share them has been around and Hillary claims they are not top secret!

     So the world gets tons of e mails of lunch appointments and picking up dry cleaning messages, etc.

    All thus talk of treason, means the media is not doing their  job and knowing that this is old news already been said online, even in this blog as irony.

Again Trump gets free advertising and Hillary had to pay lots to get ad out that has been run and run  in my area. where Senator Bernie Sanders won the Democratic primary and it voted Republican for several presidential election cycles already   The ad has some of the more blatant remarks made by Trump with small children watching him on TV saying these things, not much different than our children see in prime time shows even if it might be rated PG and not G.

The ad if from Hillary's campaign and she is now sharing words and phrases with children she implies they should not hear.

    Are you trying to lose this election? Hillary   Who is managing your campaign? 

Maybe this is a PAC and not affiliated with you    but you could say please do not use that and I think most PACS  would respect that.

   We have two senior citizens running for president and one is online savvy and loves to tweet.And the other is online writing lots of emails and getting them co mingled on the same server when she was not to do that and does not seem in sync with the modern online era at all and mood of the people and lingo of the younger generation. 
What an election and pray we end up with the nation in tact and solutions to the COUP OF 2002 THAT IS IN CONTROL AND THE ONE WHO WINS WILL NOT BE UNTIL CONGRESS TAKES BACK THE GOVERNMENT  TO THE PEOPLE AGAIN.

Linda Joy Adams 7/28/16

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