
Thursday, July 28, 2016


Obama Passes Baton of Optimism to Clinton - The New York Times   Most of the media forgot the original bio of  President Obama before he barely got started running for office for 2008.

         His handlers have apparently never let him know of my attempts to contact him as they have another purpose?   His speech was a good one, with false info as he gave the bio of the wrong Stanley Dunham family. His grandfather was from Colorado who stole the id of the older real one to go to WWII at age 14, marr3id and had a daughter and all three took the names of the older family.

      His speech writers should have contacted me as anyone is going to be utterly confused as on line is the two families bios all mixed up.  a couple of years ago I thought he finally had the facts as it was cleat in 1.71 that his grandmother never intended for him to know the truth  of that fact the he, unborn, and mother were to have been lynched along with his real dad Jim T Parks and three did die that day after Ann broke free and ran for help.

       The Parks family of Kansas settled in KS after the civil war they even fought in for their freedom from slavery . and are related to Rosa Parks husband who might have adopted him if his 15 year old mother had not kept him

              After trying to reach him , after not seeing him for over 20 years, I began sharing details on line back in 7/26/12 and much is on line all over.

          He was born at Forbes air force base hospital , Topeka KS.  and my mother his great great aunt took his mother, my second cousin to the hospital to have him.   A couple of months earlier her dad had arranged a marriage to Obama SR who agreed to marry her so the baby would have his name. This is like a type of legal adoption by laws at the time and by Kenyan Culture he is a son of Kenya and its an  'honor things; as a face book friend from Kenya confirmed. My dad Rev Tracy Hardy married them in Topeka at Washburn university McVicar Chapel and members of the Alpha Phi Sorority put on the wedding for them  The were the black one for at that time they lived  racially segregated.

         The member nations of the UN are facing an election that overshadows the one in the USA. and Sec Moon stayed on another term as it had been set up for Pres Bill Clinton to be it as its our turn to have someone from our area of the world.  We have a large block of African and other Muslim nations and we could end up with one of them being the leader of the world at a time when the UN is active more than ever all over the globe now with UN Army presence and public lands under their jurisdiction etc. to the point that individual nation states own sovereignty has been greatly eroded

       Along come a world leader with the PERFECT BIO TO GET ELECTED IF THE TRUE BIO IS KEPT HIDDEN. And one that does not really know his origins and still may not.   if the speech last night is any indication and someone is really controlling his knowing and that is a horrendous situation for one who is to be a leader and has others 'handling' things.

       What many do not seem to realize doing this is that one cannot trick others into voting for one and them have the truth come out and some be very irate over it. His real bio is diverse enough to help him win a world election is my humble opinion . and the real injustice in this is why I got involved it  the first place

      Three died  and they have had a nearly 56 year cover up back in Topeka KS ,  just outside the city limits on land under federal jurisdiction  at the time which means he could and should be the one to ask the FBI if anything can be done for justice for his own dad that gave him life.  and not just a school friend  who knew him and the last time I saw him shortly before he was murdered he did not deny that his mother was pregnant by  him and my other source of paternity is his mother and what my mother said she told her.   He has a rich real American heritage that has been denied him and the world is gravely affected by what is going on for lies never help but truth sets us free and that foes for every one in the world and nations also

      I shared details of the entire family history of mine and his over the last 100 years that most do not know , but the elite at the top of this world do know it well  as this plan for his ultimate higher office is not unlike what some of them have planned decades in advance. its how the elites of the world do things and maintain high power.

        But we live in an era when the people are to hold the power and if one is elected by them they need to know who they are and have that self confidence to not be able to to be manipulated by mysteries and lies. And then they can truly do as Yahusha , whom we Christians call Christ Jesus called those in leadership to do as he taught." to be the greatest among you , one needs to be the servant of all "
Linda Joy Adams 7/28/16

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