
Sunday, February 2, 2014


Activist Post: Rising Food Allergies Triggered by GMO Ingredients In 80% of Groceries? CLICK THE LINK TO A ARTICLE OFTHE UNDERLYING CAUES OF MANY MODERN DAY DISEASES.  Simple we are being 'poinsoned.' And its usually not an allergic reaction.  As my good doctors and reaidng have explained it to me. Allergies are a natural defense mechanism for substances that irritate nad cause a  histimic reaction and one can take an anti-histmaine and  usually alleviate symptom.. as one does from pollen, etc.  BUT 'EVERYTHING' IS GETTING CALLED AN ALLERGYAND ITS A MAJOR COVER UP OF THE TRUTH.  Many are eatieng and breathing in polLututants that dAmage ones body and as happened to those like me a major one time burning off of the mucous membrane which is a protective coating  on all of our tissues which is there  has to protect us from things in our environment which  are here any way on this planet. .

    But humans have created mixtures that often kill or disable for life and our reactons are inflmammation, bleeding, infection, etc and death and its not unlike toxic septocemiea , etc asone white cells can become abnormal and red blood cells become too plentiful I;ve had thi smany times when in a continued exposure as hapepened when forced to work witout acocmmodation by  SEC of HHS who diespregardedany promises to Fedeal workers comp to reduce lowlevel exposures I coudl no longer tolerate in the modern office environment.... Its life threateieing as all are finding out as FDA and HHS cotinue covering up for toe casing the disease. .

      The FDA has become an unholy subsidiary of the industry that makes all the toxins and chemicals which are then put into our air and food and   accidents that occur from  not caring uenough to have due cautions in even using them. . When this occurs one can't tolerate what is considered 'normal' for those uninjured that have ther 'proetective natural barriers already in their body.

  Why some get to be 'chemically senstive and other get those cancers, I cant answer and little study seems to have been done to find out as FDA et al  is too busy covering up to issue some grants when a major disaster occurrs and all be studied to see what is different in each person injjured for different outcomes  or why some in the same situaiton come through seeingly unscathed? What should be done to treat right away?          

           Its worse getitng any kind of care now than it was 25 years ago when I was injured and some new treatments came out within g a few months and now they are gone to protect the environment and we have nothing to replace them with as FDA excludes us from clinical trials  so 'they' don't know over 10 million or more like me even live in this nation.  Our socintists are finding out there are bacteris that have been undectected that may be in some cases now say are causing  a lotof diesease and even some talik now of MS being an infection. 

       Makes probiotics very important and use one that have many different strains in it for diffreent parts of the body if your doctor OKs them. I make sure to have one with salvrous for the upper eoiatory and mouth and I even saw candy fr cildren out that has propbiotic  it for 'cavity germs.?' ALWAYS CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE TAKING ANY SUPPLEMENT OR VITAMiN, ETC AS ONE MAY HAVE A MEDICAL CONDITION WHERE ONE SHOULD NOT TAKE SOMETHING..  I can't take blood thinners and  Bromelain and some others are that, etc.  .

    How do things that harm us   get in and bypast our natural defenses. It occurrs when our defenses have been weakend like  by GMO's and other toxinsi n our foods ron them. and what we breathe in. AND it occurs for most over a long peroid of eyars sometimes. Those of us who are injured in ONE  incident have only had thE process sPEd up and we get properly diagnosed as to what occurred in a few monments in time. Or it used to be possible to get tested. Maybe that's why its now all called an allergy , since the tests can't; get paid for by insuances which  are part of the cover up of. ( WHO  ARE THEIR STOCKHOLDERS)?

 What is so discriminatory is that if one is already  'sensitive' to and knows what chemicals casue inflammation, you can't find out by reading a label as FDA has no regard or recognition that chemicalsic and toxins cen harm humans. FORMALDEHYDE IS POTENTIOALLY DEAD LY TO ME AND ITS HIDDEN IN ALL KINDS OF INSIDIUOUS NAMES ON A LABEL OR ITS NOT EVEN LISTED AS SPRAYED ON THE PRODUCT AT THE LAST MOMENT. you won;t know its on a spice unitl you get home and the odor comes off as onelike me can smell it as smelling 'burns.' GOING ORGANIC IS THE ONLY MORE SAFE WAY TO GO IF POSSBLE BUT ITS CAN BE MORE EXPENSIVE AND MANY DONT HAVE THE EXTRA MONEY.  GROW YOUR OWN, IF YOU CAN.  

    Yet our medical treatment standards for the injury have been well known for decades and our doctors know how to treat but  will probably not be able to and try to treat symptoms to at least get care for you in part. Since they all have to be 'managed' now; this is only getitng to be a worse scenaro for patient and doctor trying to help and do best for patients.(GUESS WHO ARE THE MANAGERS ALLOWED TO MANAGE?) Not that easy to find out as its not what one asks about when making an appt for medical care or the ambulance pulls  into the ER!

   And Congress has not acted and the Presdient is threatening g to use his pen to do something about things he thinks should be done.  He already has for things he wants to do he has made no secret about like gun controls so don't be surprised and put the empahasis where it belongs ..on Conress who could not compromise and come up with good laws to even save our very lives and the planet in wayst hat we can all agree to live with; at lest be alive. Listen to those in office who do want to do things the way they are suppose to work. Some are there.  Its the horendousoutcome of the 'birther movment' financed with some very big money' who has not wanted things to work at all.

 'They'  knew Pres Obama was born in Topeka Ks all along and about his murderd Dad and two others in 3/61  in the racit attack that hasbeen covered up form the highests leels since then. And that there was never any issue of eliglibility  to be president. Good people got 'duped' and side tracked into not getitng the peoples'. business taken care of. We ended up wth a scam of a healh care law instead of what the people  really wanted. ITS NOT  ABOUT KEEPING THE DOCTOR ONE HAS; BUT THE DOCTOR ONE DOES HAVE IS  IS ALLOWED TO DO PROVIDE THE BESTMEDICAL CARE SCIENCE HAS AVAILABLE  FOR ONE.  Its where the doctors and patients come first and the tax dollasrs and our monies are  used for the best health care possible.I like my doctors, but if I need care or the ones I love do; then any competent doctor will do and we are willing to to be their patinet as long as the goal for us is best health posisible with what our scientests konw can be done. WE DON'T WANT THEM PREVENTED FROM DOING THE BEST FOR THE PATIENT AND WE CERTIANLY DON'T WANT UNDUE INFLUENCE FROM  THE VERY ' ENTITIES' THAT INJURED US FROM BEING ALLOWED TO 'MANAGE' THEM.  This is intolerable.!

   i  we had ,want we really wanted and if one listens tothe people at all; we wont to not be made sck in the first geting the bet care when sickened would end up with the 'pollutures' et al being forced through our elelcted officials to find ways to stop bad behaviors.and  it would be well understood that for the total it would be cheaper if people did not get sick and need medical care. Not providing the care is not the answer we, the people want. Most all DO CHOOSE TO LIVE  FDA WOIULD BE ON OUR SIDE WHERE ITS SUPPOSE TO BE. LEADING THE WAY FOR BETTER CARE AND NEW TREATMENTS AND EVEN CURES. I wonder if a patinets injured like me, would not have been served well to introduce probioics for the lungs, etc  right into the lung itself as it seems every body part ha sits own protective good bacteriia?I'm not a sciietist, but logic seems to say it might be a smplle and wuick thing to do and save what ever part can be from permement injury. Wouldn't that be cheaper all around. I know, my good health was lost and its 'PRICELESS'  No amount of money can replace that. 

   The few with power sand mights have often lost sight of good stewardship or caring for others and seem  to care less about anyting but making more moeny and  gainag more power. There are safe way to do things. We all know this and its cheaper over all if its done so people do not get sick. 

    The President has  pen in hand as Congress has passed laws giving him the power to fill in the blanks in many lad laws that were just 'outlines' and gave him to power to finish them up as to how they should be carried out is not the best and its not our constittuional system for this to occur.  Blame goes all way 'round on this. No compromises occur when one is doing this.

    Ony one answer is for 95% to vote in all elections for 10 years is my motto to turn this around in all areas of our lives and for our nation. We the people have to take back the power and rulership and its not going to occur until all participte. Why 95%?  Becasue its the statistical anomoly. Some may have conscientious objection to participariton and some may be haing emergency surgery  on elelction day. . I vote absentee, so if I end up in the hospitals I can check my ballot from my hospital bed and have someone put it in  the mail         

           Consiier that alternative. I fill out one paper a year and all ballots are sent for all elections. In this world, ones local elections are crucial as our local ofifcials are the last stand up agianst the big infulences of the world.

 One small town  now has contraced out for 200 trafiic cams in North Texas all under the 'eye' of ACS's compadre company et al. So why? They tihnk every one who speeds  one mile over the limit is going to be ticketed and riase the funds to keep the town aflost? Not that its right to speed, but there is a sense of loss of logic and reason  in much going on. Its as if those in power have too little to do but have  us be their 24/7 'reaility show. Didn't know we all were that 'interesting to watch?.

                            KITTEN LOVERS TREAT



 Some of the Ads were just bizarre. Some were OK but the money spent on these is beyond for what one sees. It just doesn't seem real. Players  are  two teans s, but the loyalities are not there as in the years past as they get traded around as if they are pieces of proterty.  For those who like it and have fun with friends and family today. Enjoy!. Other stations had re runs and seemd to have given up that all would not watch what they had on. I notice those in the living room hae turned on tos omething else, now. A New America Uneartehed. So  my fiamily  is not into all the gladiator sports mentality.

So enjoy your superbowl parties as a time to have fun with friends and family and  keep that as the emphasis

The world is in a mess, and the talk will be sidetracked for a week into the game in many areas . won't it?. .

       Got lots todo this week. Paperwork and filings which  will not be answered( laws don;t apply to all the govt conracrtors any moe, do they? for the most part. , but they will be filed and someday HR1063 will get impkennted and pray it does before many more die or be harmed from the lawlessness running our health care system and has gotten worse ove rthe last 20 years sicne Sec of HHS Donna Shalala said the powerful entities already taking over  in the insurance industry and govt partners didn't have to have any overisght as if they would all 'play nice.' and didn't and began a systematictic looting of the medicare and sometimes even the state medicaid progrms.

    HR 1063 could go along way to get back money owed back could make them solvent for a long itme in to the future. We have and are being robbed by those who are in charge in many ways and in one area after another. So fart those in charge ca;t see or don't want to know the reason for the problem is no one has to obey the rules any more. who  are given a lot of our money, trillions unaccounted for is the total I've been reaidg about. Having laws meen nothing if they don;t t have to be obeyed by those in charge like thet  expect all of us to obey them. EQUALITY for ALL means  all are expected to 'play nice.' Few of us are going to be givien millions or billions to squander of the taxpayer's money. We are asked to obey the rules with just the few thousands we are allowed to handle for ourselves.

Have a safe trip for those going to work  in the snow and ice and still have a job in this nation.

                                    MINIMUM WAGE OR IN KIND/\?

     We have the issue of pay fo rervcies rendered in this nation as most don't make anough to cover living costs. Especially those in the minimum, wage levels. Ones t rent can be ones entire take home pay and something is wrong. On the otther hand many businesses are strapped finanically and are going to be reisistant to change and then there are  those who seem to be doing very well as  CEO's , et c at the top and don't want to give up any part of their lucrative salalries  and bonuses and stock  options.

 When NAFTA  and Other trade agreemEnts went throUgh, I said we need to agree that if  ones products ae sold in this country they must pay tOUR minimum wage or in kind equivalENt. In other nations that might be health care as hospitals  or schools, etc. Something in common for all to defray a lower wage paid and they will need to  show they have done it.

What about here? I learned recently that some major retailors no more give the gerous  empolyee discounts  as they used to. If one works for a fast food place and are able to eat their meals for free,they will see FICA tax taken out on that meal. So its considered and 'in kind wage'.

For a possible 'in kind' to add to income rather than raise the money in the pay check could be thef ollwowng;: Mighty Walmart is the nation's; General Store' in many ways in most areas. . What if their employees could  buy at wholesale and them just pay the FICA  ttax on the difefrence between the wholesale cost and the store price?  With the modern software, one cash registeri n the store could b for employees  or one coudl swipe ther emplyee card, etc. or PIN to ring up the purchase. and each pay day, the emplyoees could be allowed to purchese a certain  amount at  wholesale prices. Since the products in the store are things all of us use including food, this in many ways mght be worth more than just a raise in the minimum wage and then have to take that riase and pay full price for something?

    Its not the full anwer to reailstic and fair   income for work done, but its one way a business coudld offer 'in kind'.    Be realistic, as Walmart is a ig influece and they will not want to raise their wages , Then do it 'in knd' and do a real service to ones employees. Raising that salary will just end up kicking many off of their food stampsl. When yo uhave food you could provide at whole sale prices to your emplyoees.

                  We have to start thinking in differnt ways. That's the real meaning  of compromise. Its not one or the other; its a third way to do something that seems good and right for all.

How have we gotten so far from local contrlos of things that are for the good of all and ended up with our monies being squadered and stolen and thrrd nation health care and food  that poisons rather than pormote good health and polluted water and air and ill health to show for it all. We can do this better together. As turning it over to a few wealthy has not ended up very well for any of us nor for the one planet we have to live on for many decdes into the future. Are we going to move to another and 'muck ' it up too? .

Prayers for a safe trip tomorrow wherever one has to go if you are driving in snow or ice. , etc.

Linda Joy  Adams 2/2/14. ( no shadow for the ground hog here today in Southern OK. ) Spell check still not working on this site.

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