
Sunday, February 23, 2014


ACS to Provide WellPoint with Unique and Cost Efficient Healthcare Communication Services | Business Wire  click the link to the article

                                        THE MISSING LINK

          National Govt Services in play for 50 years  in much of govt operations and they are a subsidiary of Well Point which  is the parent company of  of many Blus Cross Blue Shield 'franchises'. in the USA and now they are international, too. See other articles linked just before this.

 THEY ALSO RUN FEDERAL EMPLOYEE PROGRAMS AND WHERE SO MUCH SKULDUGGERY HAS OCCURRED AS THEY REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE FEDERALWORKERS COMP ON ME AND HAVE ILLEGALLY DUMPED BILLS ONTO MEDICARE WITH OVERT ACTS AND KEEP SAYING THEY ARE TOLD TO DO SO BY OPM. ( no you are told Stacy  Johnnson to do what you have done and are doing by this guy and he is not any govt official and what he as been orderd to do by real federal judges disagrees with what you say you are being told to do. ) by OP'M's contractor which is now led right back to CEO Lynn Blodgett who controls all the information of all of this giant web of companies and intrigue. Its what I had known all alog, but did not have the exact nmes o nor the exact link to this one person.But ACS was already doig much of this bad stuff before he became CEO as Xerox bought them out.

                          THIS IS THE SHADOW GOVT OF THE WORLD?

         In 2009, not long after the US Dept of Labor appellate  judges ordersed that my file be posted at Affiliated computer services as the entity with total control of Federal workers comp  since 2002, post 9/11/01  ( now a Xerox company a subsidiary of the Rothschild's international cabal; Well Point one of the most influnential and  intricate part of health care systems in the USA decided  to hand over total control of the flow of their information to ACS.

    While some in DC were obstructing anything the new President wanted and not countering  with any alternative solutions to our many probles as politics used to be done in this naiton;- this is what such terrible outcomes we have gotten as a result. WAS SOMEONE FROM ACS OR XEROX IN THE MEETING THAT TOOK PLACE ON THE NIGHT OF THE INAUGURATION BACK IN 1/20/2009 AND ALL THERE WENT ALONG WITH IT?  We have never heard the names of all who were prseent. Only the names of politicians have been named.. 

While good people were led to believe lies perpetrated by this same cabal taking over our nation  that the president was not eligible to be president and distracted from the real issues of governing and how it should  be done, this cabal sucessfully was   allowed  to put in place some major final steps of this kind of terrible coup.  As those deeply concerned about this nation and people were led astray and distracted  from stopping   terrible grabs of power that has harmed all of us so much down to this time and place.

   While millions were being made off of books of half truths and lies and  movies about goat herders in Kenya and stopping any real eye witneseses  to the truth of Pesident Obama's birth in Topeka Ks and understanding how and why his politics and character were  such;  those in oppositon to  what he proposed could counter and amend as we have always been able to do in this  nation,. This 'cabal' has always known more of the truth of the president's heritage from a real American family on his real Dad's side  has been the very ones to distract and use it to take over and steal our wealth  and our rights.

  We lost much of the soul of this nation in 'name calling'  being instigated by the very ones taking over nations and the rights of all of us includng our right to life.  through our being able to get the good health care our nation can deliver to us. if our monies are used efficiently and good programs that work put in place. WE HAVE BEEN SCAMMED OUT OF OUR RIGHTS AND LIVES AND ITS KILLING ALL OF US


This take over by ACS of Well Point and much of our health care companies inclduing the govt plans. was just after Horace M Cooper 'took the fall'  ( my opinion) and pled guilty to a misdemeanor for being wined and dined and given sports tickets by Jack Abramoff and the missig millions of dollars in the   alleged embezzlement reign of the monies for all of us who had older established federal eorkers comp cases at a milliion a pece for special handling and to pay our bills ended with him ordiering my file not to be psted ad to carry out the" :let her die order" on me. put i place by a forer Director fo OPM Kay Coleman James is what I was always told.  ACS was given the US dept of Labor contract to take total control of workers comp( my cliams examiner is not allowed to even have my file nor see judges orders she is to carry out by ACS and CEO Lynn Blodgett's orders. )   Horace M Cooper waas chief of employment standards at US dept of labor was instrumental in ACS getting that contract. The isolated few prosecutions among his employees seem to be those taking the fall for carrying out usual and customary illegal practices. Usually after deaths and scandal as happened when fraudulently done back ground checks led to one getitng hired at a govt contractor and then got a gun and shot people at the Naval Yard.  Why does this have to lead to such horrors and evil  before you  take care of the business of the people we entrusted all of you to do. and over see if  the work  is contracted out. You don't seem to understand what real over sight is any more,WHY?  Its not just ledger sheets about monies. Its the process of how the work is being done so the abuses and illagal acts do not occur and where monies can and are stolen as oversight not done allowes illegal computer systems to be set up etc. Maybe if this is done we will know why only 50% of each payment for medical bills for federal employees is paid and not 100% of the amount to be paid..

   Those that think the President should  be impeached; did you realize that if he had any part in theses last steps of the total coup and theft our of monies, you would have more reasons to take action than  someone in the campaign  dumming  up a birth certificate instead of getting the real one from Topeka Ks as those taking  charge of this world  may well have known he still didn't know where he was  born if his immediate family all died and  never did tell him the truth when he became an adult.  I have no proof he knew what  was going on early  in 2009. He was new to office and it was the opportune time for more of the final steps to take place and did.. BUT:

     But if your attention was on the people's business; you had the where with all to find out as it was just the final steps in a process put in place in 1983 and much implemted after 9/11/01 as the nation and world was really distracted and in abject fear. The last thing a President should  have said Pres Bush   was to go about our personallives as if nothing had happened and let the leaders do the worrying. Our leaders were not gods and could not do all of the work to be done and we were all needed to keep vigilant watch that our nations non defense matters were not going under a take over by an international cabal.  And it did.To all watch and act  So that the Constitutional rights of all are upheld. All emplyees in these companies need to  stand up when asked to break the law. Please don;t keep doing it. And we need to support those who do 'blow the whistle.'

 The contract was up for renewal at the very moment the appellate Judges at US Dept of labor. said to ask me for the facts of the case and not ACS or any one else as no one had my  files in any agency and rumor and gossip had runamok for way to long as facts.

So again its back to CEO LYNN BLODGETT is the one who has been lying to HCA holdings Inc which is Blues of Ill, Nam, Tc and OK?.

 Everywhere I turn and find a lie to a high level official in some agency where my life is in dire jueardy over what isoging on there; ACS  has taken control; I run right into CEO Lynn Blodgett lying as the officials report and send letters to me reporting what he said  and they have  no authority any more to find out the facts even thought they are the govt officers as the whole govt is pretty much now under the control of CEO Lynn Blodigett of Acs-Xerox a subsidiary of Rothschild's international.

 Please CEO Blodgett stand up to the evil we and stop caryring out the orders of those who 'own you.' Is your eternal soul worth  losing over the awful deeds you have done to me and my family and as reported to me to others.?

How could one perosn be given so much total control of a govt and few even known his name?

Granted: if he does not do as told, he is replaceable by the international cabal that has almost totally taken the entire world.

Watch out on thse web sites to not give permiison to let thse companies into your computer. Many of these ' I agree'  are not just about copyrights and other such matters at all.

The person all the good people looking for as figures in the end times it appears we are in: Read and study the nature of the figures in that era as outlined in my faith book the Bible. The ones in real control are not going to be the publically known figures at all. And there is a 'handler behind the scenes of the CEO, Lynn Blodgett as he is just the hired hand?.

  Yahusha  whom we Christians call Christ Jesus; said its hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven. He did not say wealth in itself nor power in itself was bad. But examples were given.

 To  the 'rich young ruler; he said he would have to give it all up to be saved. To Zaccheus, he was only asked to give 50% of  his wealth and he made restiitution to those he had cheated and lived a life of plenty but of sevice to others acing fairly and honestly as a govt contractor of Rome.

Others like Joseph of Aramathea were not asked to give up their wealth for he  was  already using the wealth as an opportunityto share the Good News of salvation by livng and caring for one another in this world and he gave up his  rich man's earthly  tomb  for Christ's body to lay in for three days unitl His  Resurrection. History seems to indicate he died in England. and his descendants are reported to still hold  igh positions in the U.K leadership as some tell it. He was a realtive of Christ''s mother is how the stories of history tell it.

Wealth and power do not have to be a bad thing. Its how each one chooses to use it. or abuse it.Those with such can do much good in this world or the can do the worse kinds of evil.

I do pray for CEO Blodgett who has been reported as telling all over that there is no need to do anyrhing on my cases nor reconstruct files to be able to do what is still needed done for me even to be able to get oxygen to breathe and live. All files .either digital or pape and its only geting worse ad not better. in a struggle for life for all of us.

   Sir? Do you really understand  how much harm has been done to me and my loved ones? Please stop  doing this and make arrangements to get my files posted and start working though this mish mash of incomplete processings that go back 25 years due to constant felony dstructions of my files in multiple agenices. And other felonies even worse than throwing away  papers and hacking into computer systems.And if in processing  it documents terrible crimes by others, incduding murder then let the legal system deal with them so justice may be served. Coveruing up injustice is a soul killing action.  We live in this existence for only a few decddes, but our souls are meant to be eternal and we choose whether that should  be by whether we ae filled with love ofor each other and justice for all  rather than death and destruction and hatred which  in itself is the biggest ending of eternal life.

What Naitonal Govt sevcies, subisidery of WellPoint is doing is unconscioenable  and you have the power and control to stop the terrible things being done. First is to tell HCA Holding ings,Inc. my  Federal Blues that there is permanent medical benenfits at federal workers comp and process the over 14 years of oxygen claims  Acs has over at US dept of Labor's contract you have ordered your  manager st ACS to hide from all. Then allow Lincare to come and deliver liquid oxygen as already approved for life by three health plans but its Federal workers ocmp bill.

You are being asked to give up a lot of wold power and wealth by my asking, but the Deity I worship says you will gain your eternal life.and that is beyond any worlDy wealth one can even imagine.

I choose to live and so does my loved ones and fiends and neighbors. Please Have Mercy! If this makes you the biggest 'whistleblower of all time, so be it! The survival of this earthly planet and its people might just  be what you are inown for rather than the path you have taken so far and we are aware of what you have done. I DID NOT GET A WORKERS COMP SETTLEMENT AND RETIRE AND WILL YOU TELL ME WHERE YOU GOT THAT FALSE INFO?  CEO Lynn Blodgett? Who is making you do this to me and us?

Linda Joy Adams 2/23/14 spell check not working. well

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