Linda Joy Adams: Linda Joy Adams: Violations of Civil Rights page 9( dear Doctor) click the link to. an update.
I ask for no donations and make no monies from my onlne blogs. At times I may link an article from some who do.. Its your 'free will' and due diligence to decide if you may wish to support others or buy a product or service.(I make most of m purchases on line and usually am well pleased with what is received.) Many do do a lot of good in this world and a few dont. One has to do seome research and seek guidance as to what one should do if they some extra monies to give to some entitiy. I believe one should help those in ones family first, then community then to others. But some of our neighors in this world may be far in distance, too.
Outside its cold and rain and snow and around the world all kinds of unsual weather patterns are occurring that have not been seen for decades and some for undreds of years in some places. I do not address global warming nor carbon taxes. But clean air and clean water and natural foods are always the most healthy for all. I'm not a scientist and my knowledge of those fields are based on reading and intrductory college courses. Its enough to know that there are natural weather patterns in this world and logic and common sense tellss me that if the earth is poluutted it aggravate these patterns and very well may doing so.That's what we shold be aware of an accommodate our behavior to allow for the changes in nature itself.its why one does not build in a floodplain in times of lots of moisture and rainfall and don't build humongous power plants with nuclear reactors on fault lines in times when there are more earthquakes. we have ignored even the most basic of cautions and warnings.
For decades one politician after another has warned us and yet no one listens to altering our dependence on fuels that pollute nd inventions are ignored to do it cleanier and chepaer. . Nor is there any impetus and actions taken to make sure we 'wean ourselves off of fossil fuels. We've done litle to elimnate the pollutions emitt ed. My basic highschool chemistry tauht me about catlaysts and coverting one substance in to another and why can't pollutions be converted into something else so the air and water, etc are not fouled up as we have done.?
Some promote the carbon tax, but those with great wealth and power who are participaitng in the fouling of this earth, might just pay the tax and pass the cost onto the consumer and what good would that do?
We have to care aout each other enough to promote us all having the best world and best health possible. We do not have to like each other or agree with each other but caring for one another has to be our 'prime diective."
Yahusha whom we Christieas call Christ Jesus said much the same. "love one another" .. My dad always told me when reding the Bible , our faith book; to read the RED LETTERS. Some Bibles put the quotes from Christ in red letters and if one reads those, one gets a varying concept of what Christianity is. A movement and not a religion.. Christ practiced the Jewish faith in his life on planet earth. Sometng that has been lost to much of Christianity over the years and only in recent years is being studied more by Christians,
most of us meet in our faith groups and have decided we should do things one way or another and what the basic belifs are.Much is very common. And we do try to care for one another within those groups as he asked us to do for one another. But at times we decide that we hav all the answers and other groups do not; even within our own 'faith'
This can verge on the 'arrogance' something else Chrst spoke against.
Other books of the Bible and authors from earlier times do give lists of sins and dire warnings and they do have great importance as things humans do that can cuase us to lose our way and our eternal souls.
But all these lists of sins often have a root cause of either iack of caring and/ or arorgance as a motivator for our actions.
We can all be tempted to make bad choices. Its part of why caring for one another is so important. We all have free will and dignity for the individual is needed.. We can only try to tell others if we think they are doing wrong, but if one chosses the wrong path all we can do is pray for that person and pray someone else or event will help them find a better way. Then be there if needed when the better way is chosen.
The opposite of a movement based on some of these simple premises, is a world wide religion where all are to be the same and all are ocntrolled by one central head. I , in no way say its not all right to have an organized group and a head, but one has to be allowed to have free will and no one should be castigated if they conscienctiously decide that an alternate path is better for them. After all , we are all humans whether the head o or the last one following.we can all make mistakes.And hose in control or having great wealth or power have more tempttions to abuse that than most of us.
If one is following 'life and love' and not 'death and destruction' as motivation, then one surely can't be on the wrong path for each, can they?
As I read through various newsletter and e mails today from so many of various backgrounds and fields, it seems that so many things are going 'wrong' and it seems that even the PRESDIENT OF THE USA IS UNABLE TO TURN THINGS INTO OTHER DIRECTIONS.
Health care law for small businesses is to be delayed another year, yet its not what the law says is to happen.
But the consquences of an ill written and ill intended law could be disastrous for so many. small businesses. Many have been forced into a sub standard health care plan called medicaid which I never thought should have ever been passed for the poorest among us. Better might have been some form of full funding to all our medical schools and clinics throughout areas and states, but who listens to an individual 'follower' in ths world any more?
If one needs to see a doctor on a weekend or evening, often a clinc would be more appropritate than an Er nd we don't have these in enough quantity in this nation. Reports could then go back to ones doctor for follow up care . Its not just needed for those with out insuraane , at all. Instead of voting no dozins of times, some alternative was needed and still is . Now we have more patients dependent on their new coverae and how does one be fair and just in all of this? ITS A MESS created as lack of caring lead the way , for too long. Its a bigger mess as much 'social engineereing' got builet into the plans whihc have litle to do with good health care at all. No one except the very rich can aforford a long term choemc illenss or a catastorphy with high costs. We have to share in some way to make life and good health availbelto all. WE HAVE TO CARE and WE HAVE TO FIGURE OUT THE BEST WAY TO SEE ALL HAVE IT.
Yesterday, I published an article with a lot of typos, I simply could not get spelll check to work. Today, I pray it will work. ( isn't and I'm trying to see to edit this. I, like so many must do something about my old XP computer by 4/8/14 and little money to purchase a full new unit, etc. Its going to be a international emergecny if some kind of 'patch' is not done by Micorsoft I wish we could all pay less than a $100 to down load with support servcie for a year for Windows 7 and that would help a lot. No wonder the small businesses can't afford health care plans for their employees, they have to up grade their computer systems because micorsoft wants us to upgrade what has done us so well for many years.
But one thing is sure, a bigger moni Certainly a smaller screen such as on a notepaid is not going to improve catching typos unless spell check is going to work at all times.I pray for a miracle, but first is staying alive and that means oxygen and a new tnak at the minimum.
Doyle took the liquid oxygen tank to fill, and our son picked it up . Its too heavy for Doyle to haulit when filled as its closed to 200lbs filled. Even though three ealth plns have had we approved for life time liquid oxygen for years, I was 'medically abandoned" in 1/08 due to more bad laws and regulaitons from HHS and we go get tanks filled at the gas company. Only get 60% reimbursement from Fed Blues and should all be paid by Fed workers comp and nothing is as Govt contractor, a subsidiary of the Rothschilds through Xerox is in total control and even judges orders to post my establised case and process/ pay do little good with due to more bad law passed after 9/11/01. One has to have a supplier to get a tnak and gt it paid for and none is allowed to help me. at all. DEATH PANELS WERE PASSED INTO LAW AFTER 9/11/01, not in the current laws which just carry on the trend + controls on ones doctor and hosiptal and that make no ocmmon medical sense and social engineering that has nothing to do with good health care. .
Doyle can handle it empty. to get it over but its too heavey to get. And not all will fill for an individual any Lindegas out of Germany is fast becoming the ony supplier of liquid oxygen in this nation ...they will not help due to oredrs from Rothscschild subsidiaries.CEO's?
A few days ago, I wrote here of my calling all those listed as supplying oxygen with in 90 miles . Most only do the ozone emitting concentrators which are deadly to me as lungs. sinuses and al tissue get inflmaaeed and setting it outside does no good as it gets sucked right back in as one brethes [lus they are not the 99+ therapeutic level of oxygen either.I'm approved for life for the liquid.Ozone is not menitoned, not allowed? but doctors usually will say its not the therapeuticlevel fo rhtoe like me I found out.FDA says ozoen is good to breathe and EPA says its bad. ITS VERY BAD> Prior to 9/11/01 ak these ionizing manchiens were going to be banned and now that;s all one can get and one gets no safty data sheets, etc with them either. Its outter 'death panels' as one is not going to live as long breathing laest EPA says so.
Anyone with a job injury in our geopgraphic area is unble to get a supplier for any kind of oxygen; is what I found out by calling the list in our area. All with health plans have clauses that say they will pay if wokrers comp dosn't or if there is a long wait. 14 years of oxygen cisims are not processed at Rothschilds's ACS-xerox company as they hide the fact I'm still on oxygen to live. Even though Fed workers comp put me on it for life over 19 years ago. SECRET DEALS ARE ALL OVER AMONG THESE INTERLOCKED CAL AND ONES PLICY RIGHTS ARE BIENG IGNORED. I don't expect anything different for those with the new policies either. IN MY CASE MEDCIARE GOT TO PAY BUT THEY WON'T NOW WITHOUT A SUPPIER AND THEIR RECOVERY LETTER TO ACS WAS IGNORED AND US DEPT OF LABOR NOT ALLWED TO SEE IT TO ANSWER IT EITHER. how do I know? I and my attorney also legally would have been given a copy of any letter sent--if any laws are being obeyed any more by ths cabal.. Ccngress 'said' after 9/11/01 they can just run the country a s they please and other nations have given authority over to them also So the right of life is being pulled. for those of us who can't breathe with out supplemental oxygen.
Ray Gano wrote an article( linked just after this.) and he read that almost 9 bilion is being pulled from fooed stamps. Granted all of us wish folks wold not buy candy and pop with the help they get, but hunger is going to be a major problem in this already is for way too many. And the whole world is worried over the middle east erupting over the squable for a few acres of land called Jerusallem, whiich the Bible calls a 'cup of trembling" in the latter day, which many are wondering if we are not in those times.
My faith book, the Bible, has a promise that it will not end, but if we don't 'wake up' and change we can come close to destroying this world and ourselves along with it.
Thers is better way then food stamps But we are in a near emergency until changes can be made based on life and love for one another. When govt has to intervnee then we need to 'go the second mile'as Christ taught and help those in need to become self sufficient so they would not be in need any more. Our laws are not geared to that at present. Time and again, good laws have been passed then 'set aside for bad ones that enslave and do not have an end goal of individual self sufficiency...
we pray for a future world at peace where, as the Bible says, each has their own land. We are not all the same. Some may like to garden and others do other things and to share what others grow in exchange for services renderd, etc. Some may prefer to live in a condo and not on a farm. we are not all alike. But all of us, togther do fit into some whole tthat will work ogether if caring and life is our motivator.
When the Terri Schiavo law was passed several years ago very uickly by congress. few seemed to understand that health care as a right to life for those who choose to live had become a Federal responsibility. Up to this point only certain groups had federal hplans provided. veterans, federal employees and families, and Indian health, and others plus shared cast with states as medcaid and other public health programs. The shared costs have been gradually growing over the years and its nor always worked; well but our leaders have not gone back and revisted it all in light of all having the right to health care and life.; post Teri Schiavo law changing the legal ressibility to the federal level. I DID NOT SAY HEALTH INSURANCE, BUT HEALTH CARE AS A RIGHT OF LIFE.
In this modern era, many have chronic illnesses that used to end lives very soon, but now one can live for deceads with on going medical care and the search for cures and better treatments has also been a rather hodge podge as to what gets studied and who does it and too often there has been ulterior motives by some to the out come that unfortunately was not better health and life. I've seen stdies written and done that the intent was to prove some bad product did not hurt when common sense itself says it does.oftem the taxpayer paid for that upside down study, too.
Liabilty insurerrs very well know that if one dies sooner rather than later they might ony have to pay a surviver benefit and not for the years of health care for an injury or disease our legal system says they are to pay for.
They ignore that better treatments might reduce the over all costs. Just read where some heart conditons might be helpd as there is now known there is a good probiotic (bacteria) for the tiart. Its a lot about inflmamaiton and good and bad bacteria in a constant battle in this world.Injury and inflmamatin give the 'bad guys the upper hand." we need to give the 'good guys' a boost up.?
I had just mentioned here a few days ago about whether there might not be a good bactieria to 'bather?0 the lungs i right after an injury like mine wehe the mucous membrane was brned off the whole body. PROBIOTIC BATH? I just ask the question from common sense and 65 years of living to ask could it be? We have lost our right to better lives, by a few trying to get out ofhaying at all.
It seems the very ones who have kept voitng No for waht has been called Obama care and is not the best system for life ror health at all.and is the most costly way to porivde it for all was eventually paossed by those who have created more red tape and govt contracts let out then any govt beaucracy I've ever known since going to work for the Govt in 6/68.
Those who voted for the Teri Schivo law, had an ethical responsibility, to go ahead and pass some form of federal gurantee that all wouldes be abl to obtain the bet health care modern science could make available and to help all to have better health. That was a major conflict with the 'polluters' of this world and FDA and HHS that is at great odds and institutionally ignores the root casue of many health problems , those toxnis and chemicsls in this world that dirty the air and water and our very food is often filled with them also. All of those who have been lax in using products that can make people ill or injure people do not use due diligence to be safe, espeically when th eone in charge is a large corporation with teams of lawyers and liablity insurers to cover up and obstruct shoudl ther laxness cause harm. .
Like when I was injred 1/10/89 in a bilionairs buidling HHS-social secueruty rented. Turning off the gas detectors in our building to avoid another citation from the jersey City fire dept instead of fixing the contruction problems in our building which couldn;t have ever legally passed city,state or federal inspection before we moved in 6 months before; meant caring for others was not a motivator as 'they' they would be able to cast off the injured and the dead and never be accuntable for it. It almost occurred except for a mix up at Christ hospital where my AFGE Union health insurance card was misunderstood as the plan of Port Authority and my chart initially showed the wrong employer and I got all the diagnostic tests run and some care and being prepared for admissions for further treatment as I was near death and had no idea my co -workers here and at other hospitals were all getting a curosry look see and medically abandoned to life time chocic progressive desases and death in too many cases already. when those in charge in this world say so; all laws are igno as 'they ' are more pwoerful than govts as our leders don;t hld then accountable. . Few ever got their cases made for workers comp. My medicals prove feloony murer but no invetiigatins have ever been allwed to occur even though public eneimy #1 had come in to pick up his W-2 and exited down a 'secred' starwell where the toxic fumes soon started coming up from. and kept on for almost 24 hours unitl almost the whoel office was affected in one way or another ,
when the Toxci reprot for the stse health dpt was fileld out as requried by law on me, they foudn ot I worked for the gorup that was to be turned awa and i was sent home to die like the others. back on 1/10/89. I've wrtten how it took the third time to hosipial and into / collapse of respiratory system and bleeding internally before I ever got any kind of real care.each of 90 have ther own special horror story to share . if still alive yet. while back at work high level officils were lying to osha and the osha compiance officer were being dienied even asking to get court order requests from by ther superiors to check furnace in the Hartz Mountiain Buiiding, etc. and it was the newspaper that caught evidence being detroyed,etc yet FBI never allowed to investigate.
9/11/01, strted fr real right there. It wasn't until after wars and attacks over the years that finally a few eyars ago we got the former employee who tried to kill us all and got by with it to lead us all down the path to WWIII due to internal corrurption. Being one of the last gourp overcome, if the gas tetectors had been working, I would not have been injured at all or very little is my I do know how bad internal corruption can be at a very perosnal level. To this day, little justice nor sinvestigations have occurred.
Compounded by some not wanting it known that the entity we have fought apeinst for so many years, got all the personal financial records of everyone with an SSN in 7/88 by the asst mananger Delores Bryant turning full access to the daata base over to 22 new hires whom had not had bckgorund checks done yet.. and HHS OIG would not stop iit. The smae entity that will not do their job and stop major thefts of medicare right now.The head of OIh for HHS even went into a congressional heairng on medicare fraud and praised the theives for doing a good job as 'partners' when he had documents form me that said otherwise. . wihle HR 1063 languished unvoted on until 12/12 and isgnedn 1/10/14 and now jsut the first sights of any implementation.
7/88 THE BIGGEST SECURITY BREACH OF OUR PERsONAL RECORDS IN THE HISTORY OF THE USA AND NO ONE OWS BUT A FEW STILL ALIVE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. The 'enemy' got our data access. Due to our low income program,SS our systems could access alonal kinds of personal info on people.more than IRS could even know at the time. One was not to beallowed to access this unitl they had their own PIN and could be tracked as to what we did online.PINS came after background checks done.
So when horrible disater struck some had good reason to start a real cover up of t wat had been done. And what has ended with perjury yet those who lied all the way through and none of 'us' were ever asked to formally give info.
Even the 9/11 Commisison tried to get info and the FBI had disappeared documents and reports I had provided them said the general counsel who checked and told me herelf.So they were conviced to not go back before 1995 to develop a plan for the future ignorinhg the basic root internal corruption that led to 9/11/01 right from our office. No one wants to know the truth any more? I ad tried for almost 2 years to stop 9/11/01 from happeneing and got rebuffed all around except froym NSA who was also trying to get something done and they said AG Janet Reno was obstructing it all. CIA contact I spoke to affirmed the same thing there.
For too many it must be too awful that they would have to admit our elected leaders are not in charge? Some US Justice contacts told me my blood and skin samples were in a 503? file for years and they were not allowed to bring charges? Nor was US attrney Mary J8o White later on who wanted to go back to 1985 and develop the all the cases.I wish I had had the chance to face the one who injured me for life from the witness chair.and all the others who added to it with their own corruptions. But too many didn't want that exposure and culpabiity at all. Much easer for all the cabal to 'take him out" in just recent times.
How many have died on battle fields and in wars and in this nation and around the world if the legal system had worked as it should have back 25 years ago.Before the first Gulf War? No! 911 Commission was not going to be allowed to go back and expose high level corruption and controls in this nation nad bring us into a different era where life and caring for others was our prime directive.
For 25 years all my files paper or systms have constantly had feony disappearnaces. But I was able to get my workers ocmp and estalishe the case and the rest is well exlained online here. HHS was our boss at the time. Tragically, the basic attittude at HHS has not changed much over the years as undue influence from those who cause much injury and illness have been allowed to 'be heard' and followed' over those wanting life and health and fewer injuries.."
After 9/11/01 govt contracors all interaconnected with each other for the most part either financially or through 'c seret deals,' have taken over and there is no criminnal oversight, nor internal audit controls. This occured with almost all of our health care and ll leds dierctly through the corporate web up to te Rothschilds cabal, tthe bankers. Most fraud lines for corporate or govt are them and they notify the one doing the dirty deed and this negates any hope of whistle blowers able to have any kind of protections. It makes a mockery of our laws and system set up to do good.and stop evil.
ALL THE PRESDIENT CAN DO IS DELAY implementation of bad laws. Bad laws that got slipped in on us as good laws didn't get passed We were so afraid of the 'terrorists' that our very rights of life and freedoms have beene usurped and our public monies squandered and stolen way too often.
So who are the terrorists? For myself and my loved ones who have faced them both foreign and domestic it has beenmroe than one perosn or a few under him; it goes right up to a few holding great power in this world. I pray they will repent of their bad deeds and do what is good for a better world for all of us. and Call Lincare and say its all right to deliver a new oxygen tank and then keep filing it every ten days or so. Or change the laws back so all medcial supply palces can deliver as they used to be able to do. And if you think there are too many on this planet, then spend your money to get to another planet and some may wish to move.. We were p;aced in a Creation that is a vast universe we have losts of plaes we can live. And the Creator gave us the brains to figure out how to get there.
Linda Joy Adams 2/10/14 ( spell check is not working)
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