
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Daily Recap 11/7/12: Faith matters: President Obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap 11/7/12: Faith Matters: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:
Cool Nights and pleasant days, but no rain, but some expected this weekend.: Got a phone call from a person trying to find out how the stand alone pharmacy Can get the claims sent into for Federal Blue Cross Blue Shield to pay. Apparently, its not been worked out for all those compounds which are sold to be billed easily to insurance. This makes no sense and shows another problem that has not been taken care of for a decade , too. Compounds have National Drug coed as they are nothing more than two or more drugs mixed together by a pharmacist permitted to do it. The recall from the  Mass. compounding facility had 39 pages of them and include what many do use. through out the USA. Why can't they just assign a code to each one and use that? Apparently it is a great hassle as the busy pharmacist ends up on the phone for some time trying to bill. Why can't they just fax it in along with the bank account info for their business. 
Then I was given an address and phone number to Medco which was the prescription Drug contractor for 2011. I called and it was the wrong number, but did get the correct one. I called and all the 2011 claims have to be put on the Medco forms, I can't just use the Blue Cross retail pharmacy forms and change the P.O. Box to them instead of to care mark, They are mailing forms and did verify that all the 2011 claims have to be filed by 12/31/12/ More certified mail expense.  Maybe a good Christmas gift for those having to go through something like this would be postage stamps.
And a wonderful gift for those who have lost so much in the Hurricane Sandy and any other catastrophe are an album of pictures. Many have lost a lot of those special pictures of life's events.
If your know someone and have a picture of some of them or loved ones; one could get a copy and send them Even if your picture may have been with your own family as the focal point, their family members or friends may also be in the picture. That special Little league game, where ones son might have been the baseman and your son the runner who got tagged,etc.  Digital could be downloaded into a memory card, etc.
At almost 4:31pm, got another call  from a person at one of the medical centers that I had sent the letter posted here on 10/26/12. I am  not posting the name. This is a common occurrance over the last deacde as often biling personnel never do as I and the jduges and law say to do  as the govt conractor convinces them to go along with their illegal activity and the billing perosonnel and companies get caught in the middle and too often the patient, the peopleand the law get broken  and over a tirillionr disappears from the Medciare trust fund in what the US attory calls a Rico case,but no one is prosecuted as govt ocnrtactors are  immune as Congress said so. What does the patients and medical provider do? Go with out payment needed to pay salaries and the light bill? She said she had a printi out and was calling about the bill. She gave a first name only. I thought she meant that all she had was some kind of print out from their computer and a message to callme. I asked if she had my letter, finally, she said she had pages. I informed her that there have even been courts that have ruled that if something is published on line, printed out and signed and submitted it is a legal filing, even with the govt. Its a ssigned document. We did line thorugh parts that were not part of the body of the letter and initial them.  I am getting blocked from my civil rights of appeal if these medical providers don't send in the claims so I can appeal any denial. SSA won't process my request for Part B Medicare, since 2/12 and it should never been lost, any way; but no jduges ruling made on the legal issues.  OWCP won't pay any bills but send the claim back referring to the missing million dollars embezzled on  each seriously injured federal employee and no appeal rights given, but I file and they are never ansered nor given to agency perfsonnel to answer by Affiliated Computer Services. and the constitutional rights and civil rights are trashed. Congress has intentionally decided to strip us of these and even when we are to have them; appeals are not getting answered nor referring to the legal problems that caused the claims to not be paid.  This is the Federal pals every one has in 2014 with no constititutional rights. You think you are going to have appeal rights? These govt contractors aren't giving them now to those of us that are supposed to have them and creates an obstruction of life sustaining medical care in a horrific impasse. Granted Judges' orders are getting thrown away, but that in itself is anther problem that is occurring.
Congress needs this kind of documentation, in this letter; to correct the problems in the new Affordable Care act. its not going to be overturned! But it can be fixed in the areas where constitutional and civil rights are violated. Laws can be passed to reinstate internal audit controls and criminal penalties against govt contractors that should never have been taken away over the last couple of decades.
We don't need many laws, we need to enforce the ones we have. Some are very simple. Theft and assault and murder are criirmes.If  Someone who intentionally commits felony destruction of files and data and this causes someone to be physcially harmed or die as a result this is premeditated and its a CRIME.  Its a crime to coerce and threaten a medical provider's staff into going along with illegal billing and unconstitutional billing practices in order for the doctor or hospital or lab to get paid, too. its called BLACKMAIL.  its become a comon practivce by these govt contractors who know exactly how they are obstructing medical care and constitutional rights of the provider as well as the patient. as appeals eveutally are going to have a hearing in some legal veneue and get exposure. I
ts time for Congress to get realistic about what needs to be done and do it. The Teri Schiavo law gave us the right to live and the federal govt the authority and responsibility to see it happens. Many never quite undesrstood the implication of that law. since the media only covered the dispute over who could make the choic eof life since the patient was not able to speak for herself. Common law gives that to the husband and the courts went along with \it. Most of us that need food, shelter and medical care to live; can say for ourselves; I CHOOSE TO LIVE. If this can be provided at the basic level to sustain life by oneself, local charities or even state govts, then fine. But if the states do not do it; its now the federal responsibiity to see its done. Any one who has died in this country because they did not have the basics to live; the law was broken; we just dont have criminal penalties for when someone intentionally withholds it.  Again, Congress voted nearly unanimouslyto pass one of the most basic of laws; the right to choose to live. But did no follow up to see that this most basic right to live was supported by legislation to make sure it was and is always carried. out.  Shelter from the elements and food, still can be a homeless shelter and a soup kitchen, but one is alive. health care is more complicated and Congress decided on a system that is very complex and gave the Sec Of HHS only a bare bones outline to fill in with committees and panels, etc. Few regulatory hearings have been held and I don't recall any in Congress over parts of the bill where all the experts could give their input of the best ways to do this or that. It really was, pass a law and we'll figure it out later.  The later is getting way too close to 2014, and the 'figurieng out has not yet had Congressional input.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS. Ann, the president's mother was fortunate enough to have health care as a military dependent.  Although, some had said the care at Forbes was not as good as at the other hospitals, I do seem to recall that by 1961, there had been  some improvements. Many babies were born there over the years and they were put in the newspapers in Topeka along with the births at the other hospitals.  She was married to Obama Sr by the time of birth, so do not know if this was put in the paper or not or how this worked out, as marriage might have ended her dependent benefits. Something, no one may have considered and the military might not have been told about the marriage , which meant the brth might not have been put in the paper as births to unwed mothers were usually not listed due to social stigma at the time. I remember in the 1960's when an unwed mother had the first birth of the year and all the prizes were given to the second birth and she protested and I believe won the right to the prizes. We had a generation that really was changing the world in many ways.
Faith does matter. its not the label, but what one really does believe. Does one believe that they have a soul with an eternal life of some kind and that there is an entity, A Deity, A creator, A God, outside of our time and space that will judge our actions as to what happens to that eternal soul. When one chooses a leader or votes for one, we need to ask ourselves, does this person consider themselves accountable to someone for their ultimate destiny. The Gospel of John, in the Christian New Testament says God is Love. Yahuah is Love. If Love is a Divine entity, then if ones beliefs is to love one another and do those things that share that love is what they are elected or chosen to do, that's a far different person than one who say they are not acccountabile to any one but their own devices and have a view of no eternal life beyond this one that can be affected. Even a person who says they are  atheistic can be asked, are you accountable to humanity or to History and do you care about what those who read about you in years to come will say about you.?Were you a good person or Not.?
We live in a country that has a Constitution and bill of rights that allows everyone to practice their faith and speak about it. No one has to believe the same and all have to be respected if they don't wish to listen. We have a real split over some social issues that are not going away.How are we going to work together so each can practice their faith?
One example is over birth control covered by the new health plan. Traditionally those  faith institutions religiously opposed to it did not have to offer it. Religion is one of the protected civil rights in this country. Many that work for these institutions do not share the same faith, but do work in hospitals and other institutions and some of the Faith do use it, also. Some kind of accommodation is going to have to be made. Walmart offers generic prescriptions to people for $4. Maybe something can be worked out for some kind of accoummodations with them and other major pharmacies for a small co pay?
There are some already on the web talking impeachment. We went down that before with Pres Clinton. With a Democratic Senate, Pres Obama is  NOT going to  be removed from office.  What happened last time is that The House of Representatives never had the hearing and comprehensive federal workers compensation legislation passed and the committee had my case and documentation as its showed so many places where the laws needed to be changed to stop the abuses that had already happened to me and others. We got no legislation as the time was spent trying to remove a president over  a lie about an affair. The Constitution says HIGH cirmes and misdeamonrs. Not just any crime. There was a bill of impeachment that did not get approved for conviction by the Democratic Senate. Also Congressman Dan Burton was well into his investigation of foreign money comng into our political campaigns and that got stopped and never addressed again, too. Many other matters were being addressed. The business of the people came to a grinding halt and we are suffering for it now. Do hold hearings and investigate things. If something of a HIGH level is found, then that would be another matter. So far, we don't have that. What we do have is 435 Representative that have a rersposibility to us,  a Divine Creator for what they do personally in the matter or history itself will judge each on of them. Its time to get busy and take care of the people's business. Constructive criticism is needed. Experts, incluing our doctors need to be listened too. We can figure this out. We are split over religious beliefs and we are going to have to realize that our freedom means that some are going to live lifestyles that our faiths say are not good for them and figure out how to deal with it. Its complex. Those that live lifestyles others don't approve of, need to realize that there are some that don't agree and there has to be some mutual respect to disagree, but deal with the issues we can agree on.  This has been a philosophical discussing of the First of the Ten commandments. TOMORROW Commandment number two in a modern context.  Linda Joy Adams 11/7/12


Linda Joy Adams said...

ABC speell check stopped working sometimes but was able to insert.

Linda Joy Adams said...