
Monday, November 5, 2012

Daily Recap 11/5/12: Great Aunt Rosa Parks: President Obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap 11/5/12: Great Aunt Rosa Parks: President Obama Born In Topeka KS:
Pleasant, sunny day, but no rain fr some time and a few plants still growing have to be watered. One Tomato plant and basil that grew near it. Before it really does freeze will try to pot them. Cooler in the nights now, but don;t need heat or air conditioning so electric bill should be less this month.
Doyle and I spent time trying to fix fax machine that went on the floor and broke and it doesn't seem to be able to do so. the All in one printer can get 'stinky'  so will have to get things ready for Doyle to do those.
Since 4/11 our stand alone pharmacy has been unable to send in the compound that is made for my cortisone steroid. It should be covered. I get no payment nor a denial letter. Earlier this year I sent everything to Blue Cross Blue shield as thought it would be covered under biological and I was wrong. ( I don't know everything) They sent me a latter and said  had sent it on to Phoenix.AZ. No one at  contractor for Fed Blues ahas ever seen it at care mark. After phone calls and follow-ups, one person there today had said that they may have sent it to medco as they were contractor last year in 2011 as most of these charges would be in 2011 I should be able to get a large percentage of the $25 per month back; actually pharmacist should be able to send it is and we just pay the co pay. Caremark realizes that $25 is much cheaper than any of the $179 inhalers which apparently is not unusual for some of the new steroid ones that are life threatening to me. Next years, may have to add pi buteral to the compound as Max air is discontinued to save the environment leaving NO treatment for small airway disease. That's only 50% of ones lungs ad those who have injuries usually have this as when one is healthy and trying to breath the toxic fumes get sucked into the smallest airways and create granulomas, scarring, etc. Of course OWCP should be paying for this, But until I find the million dollar stolen in the suspected embezzlement ring that came to light during the investigation of Jack Abramoff and one US Dept ofLlabor was convicted for not reporting wining and dining and sports tickets from him was involved at the time of disappearance. The one that told me judges would be defied and I was Old so my file would not be posted and monies owed on items never processed over the years back to 1989 have gone unanswered despite 15 Us Dept of Labor judges and two hearing officers remanded these to be worked. So the patient has to do what the entire US govt can;' do, take on the New World Order as the govt has already been contracted out to it and Congresses have said they can't be [prosecuted, can't be internally audited and do not have to obey any judge , law or even terms of their govt contract which all have to contain a simple clause that laws will be upheld as well as constitutional rights.
Many speak of End Times, Jacob;s trouble and tribulation eras. We have almost got it  in place and 2014 our lives will be under these same unaccountable international cabal as everyone thought they wanted the same health care as Feds have. We don't have what the law says we are to have if 'wrong toes' get stepped on. recently 100% of feds I spoke to over a couple days are not getitng their 100% coverge for preventaiive care, many don't even get the tests run and that includes those mamaegrams so many have fought for the right to have.
Doyle and I had decided to get through to someone to get it worked out so the pharmacist could bill who said he needs the compound codes; proceeded to be on the phone  trying to get to the person that can give these to the pharamcy. There is a filing deadline by end of year that has to be met. Feds are to have the civil right to get payment or a denial letter with appeal rights and its not occurring in this instance nor thorough the system and hasn't for some of us for years. We did get a promise from one higher up to see they can get  answers this week. I pray they will be able to do so.It would seem that any oxygen patient could get their prescription drugs cheaper using the oxygen as the propellant for the medicine. It did take a few months to get the dosage right. The money saved could reduce the rationing occurring for many now who medically need oxygen and have not been getiting it since 2005 after Sec Tommu Tompkins 'resigned' after getting good regulations passed  for medicare which is the 'standard' most use.  An answer to saving lives and health and made medcial sense to doctors, but no one knows about them any more and they are being ignored as paeitns are beeing harmed and suffereing without it.Now, the clock has been turned back , especially for those with toxic and chemical respiratory ills.Many have died already in this and the news media doesn't report human rights atrocities any more that occur in the USA. Otherwise this would be exposed and ended as it used to aid in stopping these terrible abuses by  those at the top.  Of course the pharmaceutical companies aren't going to like, it. Abbott labs has bought the patents for the inhalers that are no longer made due to usisng CfC's as propellant. People die to save the environment and no safe substitutes found. Its been found and its called oxygen. A nebulizer could work, too, but the solutions used for those now contain an inflamming agent, which could be left out. Common Sense needs to be applied here. its as simple as getting the medication into the sinuses and lungs and seems to be working and its an even flow if one is on oxygen 24/7.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS:  Correction? I've been saying President Obama was born in Topeka KS and that may not be legally correct, in 1961. Forbes Air force base is no longer  there, closed years ago The airstrip was turned into the City Airport and pretty sure it is now part of the city of Topeka KS. But at that time it may not have officially been part of the City of Topeka KS. Would have been a military base and although in Shawnee County, Ks wouldn't have been within the official city limits.
This  in itself , might finding the birth record, having to check a separate data base. at the Sec of St office to verify the birth. The staff did say that those from the military were handled differently  than birth records from  regular hospitals.
Many of Rosa Parks family had been part of the civil right movement as far back as the 1940's and so was she. It didn't start one day with one act of not giving up a seat on a bus. That was just the final act that brought everything to a bubbling top into public view and time had finally come for every human to be treated equal before the law. What many do not understand is that when these battles for human rights exist and one member of a family gets a lot of attention, and retaliations at first but later much acclaim for the heroism. There are many around that person and in their family that suffer the retaliations due to being part of the family or related. Most of the Parks family ended up fleeing the South. Many to Michigan and many other areas. Some didn't go North or West enough.Most people want to do what is right and act humanely. Just because all have rights, doe snot mean all have to like each other or be their best buddies or friends. But we are all part of the human family.
Many of those that have faced these kinds of retaliations, never become famous nor are well known for what the one member has accomplished. We all share in the heritage of the fight for the rights of all.The evil one, seems to always be able to find some group to make others not like and want to harm and deny rights to .Unfortunately they next group may well turn into be the elderly and disabled and is why we need to find  best and most efficient way to Honor our Fathers And Mothers in the most common sense and cheaper way possible.  Rosa Parks and her husband did not have children of their own, but they did have nephews and nieces and they had families and there were others in the family that shared the rights she had the courage to fight for. Many faced horrible retaliations and some paid the ultimate price and no one seems to want to remember that part of it all. Maybe that's why some of her descendants as have been reported are having some dispute over the little wealth she did have. They should not forget the great wealth she left us all and we need to remember the struggle and hardships that many had to endure to reach the ultimate price of Freedom for all.That includes Justice for all and one young man that gave his life to save the life of his unborn Son and his mother on the bank of the Kansas River 50 years ago. Gossip and hatred led to it, and Justice has never been had for  three wht died, nor many others through the long years of struggle that 'didin't come home one day.' No investigations ever occurred nor any one brought to justice for crimes committed.
Without this Justice for deeds of the past, then we have doomed ourselves to just keep repeating these evils over and over against one group or person or another as gossip is a sin for good reason.It can and has led to a frenzy that the 'mob' mentality takes over and life becomes irrelevant. All life is deemed precious in the eyes of the Divine Creator. When gossip gets so  malicious as  has this election cycle, it makes it harder for the winners of the votes to work with all for the good of all. If ones choice does not win, be a good sport but do petition your govt and let your wishes be known as to what you want your elected officials to do. May the ones who win be gracious winners and try to have concensus in dealing with problems for the rights of all to be upheld and Justice prevail for all. We can do it.Face the past so we can move forward to a better future and never return to the evil deeds a few were allowed to commit  in our more recent past. Linda Joy Adams 11/5/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

ABC spell check only worked part of time and then wouldn't allow insertin letters.