
Monday, November 26, 2012

Daily Recap 11/26/12: Honor of Innocence: President Obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap 11/26/12: Honor of Innocence: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:
Cool but sunny most of day Almost can;' believe its almost DDecember, but the trees have almost decided and most of their leaves are now on the ground.
Doyle and I started getting organized for a major end of the year filing on all the litigation caused by corruption and anarchy in the govt. No security on any file and no one obeys judges, laws or contract terms at govt contractors so time and energy and money is spent filing just protecting rights as has been going on for almost 25 years. Once in a while someone obeys the law and I get my benefits for awhile, before the files and data disppear again and the secured posting says there is permanent medical but why aren't the bills being paid.? because the past directors of OPM said to not do so and overturn all laws, regulations and Judges orders and decisions because why?  At least  many high level authorities say so!
On top of that, the govt contractors are so convincing to their medical providers billing services that  too often they are tricked and coerced into going along and not sending the claims where they need to go . then when there are delays in getting paid, etc. or not paid the full amount the law says: I get the brunt of the retaliations for not just folloing the legal  procedures in the first place and doing as the law requires. Some have done this and turned on me and I have lost some good doctors over this as I get caught between billing services and the doctor and the patient loses. Gossip is deadly and I become a 'prblem' and a victim twice over, thrice over... So we got a couple of letters sent and organization is a big part of this as it takes a lot of tedious labeling and filing and who is to get what. Doyle is able to go to the back area and copy so I don't have to breathe fumes and be more seriously injured. Its back in the laundry area where there is venting. And we do';t have the  high tech kind with some of the more dangerous chemicals that contain so much formaldehyde,etc  as modern offices do. Its tedious work. Copy one of this and two of that for attachments to each letter, etc. and filing. I could not do this myself and had to wait for Doyle as he has volunteer work and other things he is involved in. so we are at it. And if anarchy and ino security continue in this govt, then 6 months form now we will be at it again.
Why are we dong this? Staying alive and does all those out there, dealing with any kind of govt health plans, know that if the govt contractor steals your id and claims and /or alters info not only is your life at risk for the fraudulent medial history created that is not under HIPPAA and is being used more often for your treatment choices especially in busy emergency rooms, let alone that the patient owes the stolen money back. Congress says and has said over the years as they modified the language of laws. Yes the Patient is the law enforcement person and one can't get a letter of waiver since 2005 when Commissioner Astrue at Social Security agreed for SSA to do them, but has never implemented the agreement. Ine goes unnaswered! so any one expecting to inherit some money or property from one with a govt health plan, maybe you need to assist them in getting this documented and filing the form via certifed mail even if one will never get an answer. Constitutional rights are just about completely gone in all areas.  This is the type of waiver where one does NOT give income and resource info. Its one against "equity and good conscience." Congress said the patient is to arrest and detain people and grab their bank accounts? Are you kidding, Congress? /Whom do you think would end up in jail? That's why  if the govt can't or won't enforce its own laws as the original laws says are to occur, the the govt should waive their right to come after ones proerty for repayment, since one can't control the theft or overpaymemt.  The INNOCENT should not be required to pay for the thieves. Its the HONOR, the prinicple of fairness and justice for all!I've been trying to get justice and stop this. And will document my and our continued efforts to do so just to prove we can't! And the criminal investigators in the govt are not allowed to as they have the files on their desks and need A Congress to allow them to do anything to stop this.
So Congress whines about budgets and deficits and what to cut more while the thieves are stealing our monies and they do nothing to stop it. How about putting the laws back where they used to be when federal law enforcement were allowed to stop thefts by govt contractors and internal colludiers at the highest level who can stop investigations of themselves? And again be allowed to do internal audits which are not occurring either. Bernie Madoff sits in jail for a small operation modelled after what  the govt conrractors are doing much the same thing. Using offline illegal computer systems to manipulate and hide the thefts and then steal the monies and get by with it. Why is Madoff in jail and not those that have stolen and done far worse then he.? Not that he didn't; do terrible things taking people's monies. but this is the taxpayers monies being stolen and everyone is suffering form it. Crime is crime and sin is sin. And the People's money are entrusted to our leaders to protect and use lawfully!.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS:  REPOSTED SOME MORE 'Daily Recaps" FROM AUGUST just ahead if this, HERE. STILL MORE DEBATES AND DISCOURSES GOING ON AND  NO one is reporting on Topeka Ks nor interviewing those that knew Ann there and all the other info. No one cares about justice for three dead? One wonders where are the priorities?
It was reported that Donald Trump's children asked him to cool it about Obama's birth record. Why doesn't Donald Trump spend a little of his money and get the avialable records and talk to witnesses. See why I became convinced that the only reason for the birther movement was to get Obama Off the ballot when he was eligible all the time and they knew it? The main media owned by? is just not going to tell the truth and end this/ three dead's blood cries for justice from the banks of the Kansas river that caused all this false bio, etc in the first place.
Those 'good folks' of the era that would stigmatize a young unwed girl with a baby caused the need for a marriage to Obama Sr. Christ spoke of taking the "log out of ones own eye " before pointing fingers at others. Otherwise one would not be saying President Obama , but the name of the real 'Dad'. He might still have been president.
Some still point fingers. I faced this head on while attending seminary in the Philly area and doing my pastoral internship there. 70% of the babies born were being born our of wedlock and these were often girls with Christian Church connections. Often raised in the churches. What would Christ do? I saw all kinds of problems occur. Sometimes the parents and grandparents or other relatives got ostracized for 'allowing this to occur" Sometimes there was impetus to ;get them married.'and this could be a major problem if the partner was a drug pusher or involved in other nefarious rimes.  I wrote a paper on the conflict of teachings in the New Testament addressing just this? St Paul warns about being 'unequally  yoked" marrying outside ones faith or belief system,. marrying a drug lord is not always  a good ides, is it? Then there is the ideal of the family unit and the idealistic view that getting married will make everything OK.  The churches were in conflict over how to handle all this.
All I one can say is handle it with Love. Love the ones caught up in this and love the child.
What would have occurred in Topeka if there had not been the murder? One may not know? I
never knew the Dad to be one involved in anything nefarious and he had a bright future, even in an era when blacks were just getting  chances. Why would the community turn on him just because his girlfriend was of another race? A very sad state of affairs for a city and school community that had done a pretty good job since 1954 of making integration work. But those invisible boundaries in Topeka Ks were still there and  interracial relationships just wasn't going to be accepted, yet. A few still don't. but they know they are out of the mainstream to voice much vocal dissent. So when one starts pointing fingers at others' sins or short comings, maybe one should remember how wrong such behavior and actions can lead one. This is why the disappeared of the segregation era should not be forgotten so we don't forget to never act like this again.
Personally, one can understand that the more the community ostracized them, the closer they got?. I don't believe we can ever time travel back and change things. Our choices get made and we have to live and learn from we don't repeat the same kinds of mmistakes over and over.
BILL OF RIGHTS: been sharing the 10 Commandments as a secular docuemnt for governing and the Constitution as a Faith document , especially the Bill of Rights. USA, the most diverse group of people ever put together to create one nation.  We have beliefs and opinions of all kinds and how does one co exist peacefully and still protect the rights of each and allow each to be an indidvidual. Respect and honor!:
ARTICLE VII:   In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise  examined in any Court of the United States, than according lo the rules of common law." (my copy says lo and not to)
At the time of passage, $20 could have been several weeks of salary and could be a substantial amount. In our era, court costs and lawyers fees, exceed that so much, few would ever bring the case. usually something would be worked out or it would just be considered a loss. But the Constitution has a principle of honor and respect for each's rights. And its is being eroded greatly as I will explain how a small amount of  $20 really can be worth a trillion dollars. in actual money  right.
When one obtains medical care and as a whole list of charges on a bill, some are very small and some huge. There  are charges of around $20 or smaller amount. Medicare and other govt programs have limits as to how high a level one can appeal a disagreement about a charge and what is paid for it.
Wha tif the underlying issue is should payment be made for a shot for treatment and the cost is only $20? ( might be more like $50, today) And this is going to be an on going teatment of a shot a week for a long time, maybe for life? Am using this as a hypothecial example!
What one finds govt contractors doing and one has little recourse and no one will review it as a matter of going along to get along; is that the contractor will not review the course of treatment as a $20 charge any further than about a level or two of review and then says no we won't pay for it. But maybe this is something that has been proven to be cheap and effective treatment for many and many doctors are using it successfully. how does one get this approved for to be paid.? Congress doesn't seem interested and getting the Sec of HHS to look into it? most of the time, its not going to happen. We used to have one other way and that is an individual appeal and it often worked sucessfully and some treatments got approved when safety and other concerns were not a factor.  The whole treatment might be thousands of dollars over the year or lifetime of the individual patient. Yet the govt contractor will only allow one $50 charge to be looked at and will only review that one charge in isolation. One can never get to court and have a trial by jury as the amount in question has to be over a thousand or so. Its all about the cost of even having a trial. If one can even get one and even that is being usurped in various ways. Health care costs in general rise out of control as the way to find better and cheaper treatments can't even get a hearing.
Innovation and life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is squashed as the patient either goes without medical care or has to pay themselves.
In my situation, why won't Medicare pay for my oxygen as they did in the past and approved for life by all thre govt health plans?  No supplier!, and its cheaper for our son to haul tanks and bypass any supplier. Fed Blues is sitting on years of claims for the time I had Medicare, Part B since they changed the rules at Medciare that a large supplier is about the only one that can get a contract no; because the only supplier in the area is denying serviced\ so  for me to live, our son is hauling tanks.  Finally some claims back to 1/2008 got   paid in 2012 by Fed Blues but not for the months I had medicare and they won't pay as the regulation says no supplier, no payment.  Monoploy suppliers are not requjired to service all patents, etiher. REAL DEATH PANEL!! Violates Constitutionon and civil rights but  HHS civil rights office disappears the complaints in Dallas and won't answer them.  One employee of iLnare said there is over a hundred patients like me under this death panel decison around this area of the country. Do all have lifetime approval , like me.? and Fed Blues says OPM doesn't want me to have OWCP so medicare is primary payer for OWCP as OPM wants that. ILLEGAL, CONGRESS, PLEASE DO SOMEHTING!, but OWCP is supposed to be paying and their contractor Affiliated computer services said they were ordered by OPM to not poecess claims as they would be paid and then all of my bills would have to be paid/ That's what is to happen when one has permament medical benefits and Lincare holds my contract with OWCP. Contract to "let me die?" They have the contract and their orders are to not provide? is the world upside down?
Cigna Govt serices, Medicare claims processor for DME in our area; refuses to process the claims I have submitted so I can appeal through them and get this death panel regulations overturned through the appeal process.They won't talk to me via phone as I am not a supplier. and 1-800 Medicare (General Dynamics) still has our phone lines blocked so calls can't be answered by them and they don;' have the info and don';prcess the claims. The individual is blocked into a real death panel in this situation and oxyen is vital to living. $20 has become the right to live! its not 'out of date', is it?
One can't appeal when there is no claim processed? They won't even acknoweldge receipt although I have certified mail receipts to prove they got them and follow ups. So,  Doyle and I will file for this year and fill out the forms, etc and the govt will abuse their power and decide who gets life liberty and pursuit of happiness which no linger is for all and all are not equal before it.
If my bank account was being stolen, I couldn't begin to budget my bills! Congress can?
So $20 is not an out of date amount, the way its being misused currently by those in authority. Wonder what a jury would say, if this all could be presented to them?
TOMORROW:"DON'T Be CRUEL" Linda Joy Adams 11/26/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

Spell check worked most of the time. Still can't insert and have spell check.