
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Daily Recap 11/25/12: Innocent!: President Obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap 11/25/12: Innocent!: President Obama Born In Topeka KS. Cool and rested most of day.
Had a very vivid dream and got out my dream books for interpretation. All I could surmise is a personal message to get busy and wrap up all the deadlines that need to be filed and ask for needed help which Doyle has already said he would do. There is a looming stormy sky in the dream and it has me going back to work at Social Security but in a different building and inside there were no computers or stinkly laser printers to inflame lungs and body. Just desks and some had some wild flowers on those.  Sometimes dreams are nothing more than saying time to get busy.  Since everything has to go ceritifed mail that requires money. Postage alone to protect filing dates is unbelieveble over the last almost twenty five years, but without that, there is no proof anythng has ever been filed when there is no security in any federal office or govt contractor of ones perosnal propety, ones paper or data files. And the policy has been all this time to not criminally investigate a long pattern of abuse of power to not secure files when I have begged for all that time to do so and no one casres about security. Yet Congress does nothing about it and just keeps passing laws to take away individual rights,but does nothing to control the abuses of power by a few high level entrenched officials and the contractors they now hire to do their dirty work as needed in too many cases. Why are we spending money on homeland security when there is none and no attempt to have any? What are they securing? cCrtainly isn't the govt? As the govt is all our records and cyber records that are used by , for and against us as one pleases if there are no controls or abuses of the . laws, judges orders defiede and contract terms just get ignored and our tax dollars keep on being collected for what?
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS:  Couldn't post a couple of dates of facebook eyewitness account sharing from 8/12/ There were major problems back in 8/12. I do have copies so will need to get situated and redo that. ( Maybe that is the message of my dream/) What I am supposed to do?.Time to turn this over to my editor husband and see what he thinks can be done with all this.
So much of our history is not getting shared in all kinds of fields. It seems whoever holds the power decides what the history should be at any point in time.
What did not get shared that was posted back in August was the situation where one Washburn Student  was going to play for the Obama Wedding then turned it down due to the interracial couple and she referred Dad to someone else that turned out  to be  a big help. One doesn't really understand how precarious these things were just 50 yerars ago . Three already dead and a society that would not accept a single, unwed mother.
When we sorrow over how bad things are now; things weren't that great just a few decades ago in many ways...
A person on facebook shared something personl on line today about oreientation and I  alsmost reposnded : so what? Some did and not very well. We usually share spiritual and political matters aomng the groups I'm with.
I don't agreewith some lifestyles, but we are all one big family on Planet Earth and we are to love one another. My faith book speaks against some behaviors but some seem to be a general outspoken teaching against all of society for the cause of some.. Personally, I believe that  behaviors usually fall into two categories. Learned and biological. Bioloigcal could be our physcial environment and humanity has a lot to do with what that is. We are struggling with that as the modern world produces a lot of unnautural compounds and who knows if that has impact on a lot of behaviors..
Those that are learned behaviors could be unlearned. or changed.  I don;t presume to know all these answers.
Christ spoke more against arrogance and not caring for one another and if we point fingers at one thing and ignore all the overriding other things we are to be doing, then what are we doing to ourselves?
 I see no reason for one to share such personal info in general situations and one person commented that they may have been hacked into and wasn't that person's comment at all.  As far as I am concerned it doesn;t change my offering my 'friendship.'
Who knows what the motivation should be?
I've personally particiapted in a funeral service for a young man in Philly who died of AIDS and was gay and the family and extended family that loved him no matter what his lifestyle; could not get the church he grew up in to  hold a funeral service and they came and asked if we would do it and did.  His loved ones  were treated the same as any other grieving family. We have to remember our humanity. We can love one another even if we do not agree or even understand.. 
BILL OF RIGHTS: ARTICLE VI'"In all crminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have complulsory process for obtaiaing witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."
We have entered into an era where many trials are not public. We have no idea who is being charged or with what. This means that those who have knowledge of the event, or are eye witness to some crime will never find out and be able to come forward to share what they know. Plus society may have an opinion of what is the status of their society and it may not be a realistic picture of what  is going on.
We have gone one step further away from this amendment to indefinite detention of our ctizens. I seee nothing in this amendment that says the one arrested is to be treated any differntly whether a citizen or not.
In our era , most charged persons never go to trial as plea deals are made. And the worse situaiton is that the wealthy can hire the better attorneys and investigators and either walk away free or are convicted of lesser charges. The system has become unequal and unconstitutional as money or wealth is not to matter, and does far too often.
No one is to just be picked up ad kidnapped and not know why ? We have the Miranda law now, but even it is getting eroded as to when one has to be read their rights.
Thank to all the crime series and murder mystry shows on TV, we all pretty well know our rights and evidence and all those things and too often think all those things will be utilized if one should find them selves accused of some crime. Unfortunately , it isn't alway done that way as budget cuts to local law enforcement and their forensic staffs has backlogged our rights. Homeland security monies  don't seem to be used for the secuirty of an individual caught up in a situation when they are either inncoent or tteir guilt doesn't match the level of the charges. Overcharging is too easily done in some cases and its well known if one is not wealthy , then the legal help won't be there. The middle class really gets hit with this. They are too wealthy to use a public defender ( often very experienced in the process) and often an innocent person may find themselves with mortgages on a home and no savings, etc as they are forced to hire a lawyer to prove their innocence. Rather than the Constitutional principal of the state having to prove the guilt.Its happend way too often in our society . And too often political 'hay' can be made on 'getting someone' or aressting someone for every crime. with little regard for the rights and innocent of those accused.  The public's gossip frenzy can harm the innocent and let the guilty go free in these situaitons.
Its that balance of powers that has to be kept in balance and when it gets out of balance then we all suffer and ofen its the children of the middle classs that suffer the most.
Besides the personal belief against killing one another, which must be accounted for on a fiinal judgement day and ones motivatitons must be pure if done to ask for forgiveness, etc. And Christians can believe that Christ has paid the price if its righteous, but a human can't make that call. Plus  the justice system isn't always equal for those of less wealth; I am oppoed to the death penalty. The blood of the innocent has been spilled too often with the death penalty. I agree some times society creates 'monsters'  and no human seems to be able to change the path they have chosen. But, a few truly innocent have been put to death and later proven inncoent. Money can't replace the precious time one has lost in such a situation. It can help, but just like good health, money can help but ca';t replace what has been lost and what one may have been able to accomplish with the good health.
And the affect on loved ones and friends and the whole of society is affected. Why do we allow ourselves to get in this mess.
Christ speaks of 'going the second mile" If the govt is forced to interfere into ones personal life, home, etc., then does';t the govt ( us) have the moral obligation to see that things are made as whole as possible if it can be achieved. We stick children in foster care for years and no attempt to see if the original home can be salvaged, or leave childen to langish for years and not find some better stable situations for them.( Those are the right to speedy trials being usurped)?
We leave families on the street and pass a welfare reform law that entraps single parents into minimum wage jobs without adequete child care available. All because, the original work fare programs that were started and seemed to work better won't work if govt contracts out those jobs the unemployed could be doing. Where if one did not have a job, they could do those things for the govt that needed done while looking for something better and getting some training and resume in the meantime. Work fare had to be forgortten as govt decided to contract out much of that kinds of work to big companies whose CEO's whose salaries alone would pay for child care, and health ins and all other kinds of supportive help.
Just who is getitng 'welfare'today. Seems as if the wealthy are getting more public asistance than most of the poor are?
We, the people, allowed greed to take over with the banksters and did away with federally subsidized home loans for modest homes that lower income folks could afford. There used to be some programs that really worked and families found them selves home owners and out of public housing where too many get trapped for generations and the taxpayers keeps on paying when the extra mile programs would end the entrappment into poverty..
Some of these federal and state monies stpent in the short term accually end up helping each of us to have real freedom and no need of govt assiatance. Society has taken the Constitution and turned it upside down as we forgot to be apart of governing and too often got sidetracked by those moral issues we will never agree on and some took advantage of  our disagreement.  Then  walked away with our tax dollars and no one benefits. Our tax dollars are to be used for US. Then if we have a little left over to share with others around the world. Otherwise, why are they being collected? if our bridges are falling down and other commonly held public services are disintegrating? We are to put people to work and get these taken care of. How can we be an example to the rest of the world, if our own homes are in disarray? Personal diespair often breeds crime and the war on drugs is a dismal failure when the demand exists as too many use it to escape as real freedoms of life liberty and the pursuit  of happiness seems only avialable with an artificial 'fix.' that is only temporary and destroys the one who chooses that wrong path. Prohibition never worked as long as society created the despair that made the users'demand.
We've let a few get our money and become so wealthy with it they have now become more powerful than any govt? The innocent are getting the penalties! TOMORROW: $20 for a jury? Linda Joy Adams 11/25/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

Spell check didn;t work at all. I am having problmes seeing the way I have the monitor set up from where I am perched up on pillows, etc. My dream was telling me a lot of different things to get prepared and better organized?