
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Daily Recap 11/24/12: NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!: President Obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap 11/24/12: NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!: President Obama Born In Topeka KS:
Cool and still dry.  No need for heat to be turned on until about an hour ago. This should help on electric bill this month. Only mail was ads. No none sending us any money or letters saying laws and Judges will be obeyed so anarchy and corruption continues? I pray for those in authority to change this. a lot of regulations are being posted in Federal register and I plead with any one with opinions or expertise to please comment on them and post on line so others can just add I agree, sign it and send in to them. Its one chance the public has the right  to have influence. This is a 15 year catch up with little management of the government.. Actions Congress should have taken care of over the years but lost sight of those mundane things that preserve our govt and the Rights of the people. Now's the time to voice disagreement.  The election is over and no one has submitted any evidence that is seemingly going to be ruled on, to change the power structure put in place for the next few years.
Am having some problems with eye sight so apparently there is more scar tissue around my lens implants after cataract surgery. Got worse after the severe reaction and bleeding from a couple of months ago. This s why its so crucial for OWCP to be allowed by the Director of OPM to obey the Judges and the law and make decisions on all the secondary and tertiary issues. OPM is not a legal party to any decision yet they are ordering laws , judges and govt contracts to be violated. Their oath to uphold the Constitution  apparently means nothing to those doing this and wander why they are following such orders. I have no direct proof that John Berry knows anything about this.So why would any one follow such illegal orders and not check with him to make things right by him countering the orders to break the law and "Let her die", A wintessed order by several  from a few directors ago and never altered.
Patriotic Nation website ran an article against Wounded Warrior project of some problems there and mentioned management but never mentioned that Affiliated Computer Services was running his program. They are the ones who are folloiwng the illegal orders of OPm at OWCP, Social Security,  HHS and others throughout the govt. Yet so often no one seems to understand that the contractors have taken over. I asked the question in my comment if they were still ruining it. And said the cause is noble but isn't it always better to help ones neighbors in need in ones own community. If ones knows a family with a wounded soldier, wouldn't it be better to help them either directly or through another local help group? Then one would have no concern the money was getting to the ones needing it.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: had some problems re posting the 8/3 and  8/4 comments from face book. was having a lot of problems with them at the time. and when I went back on face book it appears many of my articles posted during that time are missing?. I have copies and really do need to learn how to  scan  in to a site. I know its not that difficult , but it may need getting closer to the printer/scanner and currently have it hset a distance from me and in front of a fan that blows any fumes away from me out of house. Its  done to accommodate my disability. I don't have to print that much and it aids in not having to wait until someone else is available. I still  leave the area when much is being done. and use a printer with a cleaner type of ink, even at that. So its not just doing it, its getting some assistance so I don't have the fumes near me to inflame as it can be very serious business and why the EEOC had sanctions agianst HHS, SSA over ignoring it and worse. They actually put macnnes emitting life threatiening , to me, fumses and ordered me to breathe it or be insubordinate. No one has ever been cirminally investigiatied or arrested for this. and each time word came another of my co workers had died of theri injreisit got worse for me. I was the onlyh one that was not turned away for the hopsitals back on 1/10/89 on orders of highest levesl of govt (OPM) and got the diagnositc tests run and was being prepared for admision for treatement of evere inernal burnins when they fiound out I workerd for SSA, HHS and was sent home to die. "Let her Die:, Let us all die" has been the standing order for 90 Social Security owrkers for almot 25 years. No wonder my files keep disppearing as it could be used as evidence to send some to jsil for murder. Felonies were committedtfor us to even to  be in the building at 2 Jounal Square, 9th floor and  reptated citiations by the Jersey City Fire dept, they did not fix theproblems, instead; the owners, Hartz Mountain Industries; just turned off the gas detectors to avoid having the fire dept  show up again. Then something really bad happened!
No one has ever been prosecuted nor gone to jail and the highest levels of govt have obstructed even the third party law suits OWCP required us to file to repay the taxpayers for our care, and mine is still pending waiting on OWCP to figure up the damages, which is not going to happen when the file is missing and Affiliated Computer Services is not sharing it or carrying out the judges orders to use my records to reconstruct it and all the while claiming OPM told them to commit the illegal acts. as if that makes crimes   OK.. This also pits me up against a powerful CNA Insurance company and a bilionaire landlard and who am I? A  lowly rank and file civil servant to 'squash like a bug'; with no rights under the Constittuion as its not being upheld by those entrusted to uphold it and prevent this from happeeing.That's why I am on line sharing. This isn't; just me affected. Many on duty now each day are subject to this directly. Although I'm legally consddered active duty , I am home under OWCP jurisdiction but nothing paid as ACS is ordered to disobey the judges; and felony disappearances of files caused this to happen as I've written about in length on line.. This is what has been allowed to take over and Congress does nothing! Not one administration after another who gains control of the White House has either.. When there is a glimmer of hope that something will be don.;the ones in power start a 'gossip frenzy' and the people get duped into following that instead of aiding in clearing our govt of the entrucehd corrupt who have uesurped power from those who would uphold the constitutional rights of all and preseve life.   
 One does not have the 'right to be safe in their person' with the bunch that have been allowed to have power over others and no one wil stop them as they do the bidding of higher ups. How did such an enrtenchment occur by some that seem to have no conscience? They tempt others into gossip against the one being harmed! Called creating a 'hostile work environment'. Most of my co workers did not do this, but some did and they made things worse and it was encouraged.
As for ink and printing; have not spent the money on wireless yet, as have to spend the money on medical care as Social Security will not precess my request for Part B Medicare and will not deny it either and give me appeal rights. This is the new world without constitutional rights. you do not get answers and you get adverse actions and no appeal rights to get in front of a judge with subpoena powers to resolve matters. But then , the ones I do have  that resulted in favorable remands are thrown away or disappeared and 'everyone says its orders of 'Director of OPM.' A party every one needs to learn whom  that person is who  will control ones right to live under their health care benefits in 2014.  Until wrong doers can be arrested and prosecuted for these abuses of powers we are all at risk in a coup d'etat that is almost complete. And Congresses sat there and passed the laws sentence by sentence over the last couple of decades and let executive orders and regulations be put in place with out any Congressional review to alter them or overturn them. The few that do speak out ofte find themselves gossiped about over some indiscretion; often way in their past. We do need to stop looking at the  past personal failings of individuals which could result in scandal and gossip and may have no bearing on their ability to do the job well, and elect people whose hearts are for justice and fairness  for all and not for a few campaign donors. Gossip is a sin according to my book of faith and many good candidates are ignored over some indiscretion in their past that they have overcome and dealt with, but news media that is now owned by the 'powerful' may not want them to stand up and overcome them.   It will dupe us into a gossip frenzy. not unlike happened in Topeka KS that caused the death of the President's 'Dad' before he was born and two others on the banks of the Kansas River and Soldier Township Creek that flows into it nearby.
Can one imagine a young pregnant girl in cold weather trying to search for the body and the authouities wanting to shut you up and not help? Now, 50 years later, the world community gets into another gossip frenzy on who's the Daddy and all kinds of horrific insinuations?  We have to over come this. Its not easy to judge the heart of another as we are only human , too. But we can do better and send better people to Congress. who will understand they are the servants of the people and subject to theiriDeity and/ or history as to what they do or don't do. And people are still shooting at each other over in the middle east so Peace isn;t all that peaceful just because some wish it were so. Others don't; want it and have a heart of destruction in them and not love for one another in this world.
BILL OF RIGHTS: Been sharing Ten commandments as a secular document for governing and the Bill Of Rights as a faith document as  these rights stem from ones personal bleliefs and how to co exist in a  nation where every one can be an individual with their own opinions and beliefs and be allowed to practice and share them in peaceful co existence.
ARTICLE V: "No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime,unless on a presentment  or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases  arising in the land or naval forces,  or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject  for the same offence  to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb;  nor shall be compelled  in any criminal case  to be a witness against himself,  nor be deprived of life, liberty or property,  without due process of law; no shall private property be taken for pubic use, without just compensation."
This is a lot more than the right to be silent.  There has to be a process before one can be detained, even in times of war or danger. Some call that in present time, martial law. Imminent domain is in here and includes  a just compensation. A lot has been open to interpretation over the years. But the constitution itself mentions War as sometime that must be declared by Congress so what is going on now? Are we in imminent danger to have some of our rights and gradually all of them taken away because someone may be in danger?  This says public danger. That's more broad an assumption.  Its why there is a process where our elected leaders and someimes even the people in ballot amendments  in states and, also those comments to our government when hearings are held or those comments on regulations in the federal registrar are made so it may be brought to the attention of others if some error may be being made in how or the details of the process being made into law could not be in the general welfare of the nation's people or not agree with constitutional rights of all..  No one iswithout these rights! NO ONE EXCLUDED! ALL HAVE THEM!
There is an inherent personal right here also. One doesn't have to volunteer any information about themselves to any other person unless they freely wish to do so. Its not impolite to  NOT answer questions. The other party is being impolite in even asking.  Just because someone is a person of authority or govt official does not mean they have the right to ask and receive answers to any and all kinds of information they want to know about. They have no right to go on a 'fishing expedition' to find some personal weakness or some hidden 'sin' one may have committed.
In seminary, I had a very wise Professor  who cautioned those training  for the ministry to be a 'good shepherd ' and watch out for those who are feeling in the moment to share a lot of personal info in public even in personal testimony. One isn't always 'among friends' who will not go out and misuse the info and keep confidences as one does in a personal situation with a professional or trusted friend and /or family member. Its why we have password protection on websites and don't share them with the world. There is a right to self protection. People gossip and it alone can do great harm. Even if no crimes are being shared.
And those in authority do not have the right to misue information either.
 They are to give one due process.  To let one know what will be done with the information you have shared.  They are to make decisions on  matters pending in front of various agencies in civil matters, too..  It works both ways. Even the innocent can end up looking guilty or made to look guilty of some cirme or offense. And even those the perosn in authority  who doesn't personally like someone for  some reason has no right to deny them the same rights as others and certaianly no right to misuse information htey have learned about the perosn.  it may not be true, if given buy others.
And sometimes, in a criminal matter, the person is guilty, but not of the highest level of offence. Gossip is deadly and it strips us of our judgement at times. That's why we have the personal right to not share all. If one wants to know who the real Dad of the President is , then I suggest you contact those who were in Topeka Ks at the time and attended school with them and ask. Maybe it might be the start of a process for some justice after 50 years for all those that have suffered over this event? And many have and may not realize it as gossip frenzies  gone wrong can silence people when they should not be silenced and keep them silent when evil surfaces again and no one speaks out to try and stop it. Overcome  ones failings by not repeating the same thing over and over. as Chirst said: go and sin no more!
The Constitution seems to be  about , we the people; as a group, over coming evil together. A group as diverse as one could imagine, working together to have a nation and now a world where all have life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As my faith book, the Bible, says in Revelation when it speaks of  a thousand years of peace; where every one can sit down under their own fig tree or vine.  Where all will be a ruler and a priest to others and where everyone will be a property owner and be safe on it. All mean all. All will be participating in the process of this. I believe we have free will to avoid any more destruction and destructive behaviorin this world. But its going to take us all, as diverse individuals to do this. We are not expected to be alike, to think alike for we are not alike. But we are all equal before the law and the system and humanity. We are to care enough about each other to not gossip. and this is a real temptation to each one of us.  Its why we have a constitution that includes 'checks andbalances.' A way that each of us can 'minis'er' to each other to help them stay on  a path that keeps us from paths of destruction for society. We are not going to always agree on that and certainly don't now. We are in  a sorting process of just what all this means. "the great Amercan experiment" is well into the process and even though it looks bleak, many glimpses of a better life and world for all is present. TOMORROW:KIDNAPPING ILLEGAL: Linda Joy Adams 11/24/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

spell check didn't work all the time.