
Friday, November 23, 2012

Daily Recap 11/23/12: Privacy Invaded: President obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap: 11/23/12: Privacy Invaded: President Obama Born In Topeka KS;
Pleasant day. more ads in the mail but no money or letter saying judges and laws are to be obeyed. Read in Gov newsletter on line that there is a provision in a bill on federal workers rights that if agreements are not obeyed that the one violating it could have their pay check taken from then. Still not criminal penalties and Congress sill doesn't  understand that physical injury and death have occurred in too many cases. But if the threat of loss of money is all that Congress is willing to do, will it help? Will it help if bribery or other big money is involved and nothing is said about ordering the govt contractor to do the dirty deeds. Again, no hearings have been held and no one asked to testify? On what is really happening?.
 Lots of info and warnings on line about a Cyber security bill that will have the govt monitoring all our e-mails and postings. After  posting my daily recaps, I have some parties I also e-mail to as this is also a journal of what its like to have ones civil rights violated daily and the specific events that occur and also letters sent are shared, although usually leaving off specific identifying info which is written in later and signed and submitted.
The letter to the Head of my employing gFederal agency. Commissioner Michael Astrue was sent certified mail and do not know if he will ever see it and notifies hm of non compliance of our signed agreement that includes full cooperation on matters and upholding the law, etc. obviously this has been violated over and over.
Often with the e-mail sent is a notation or plea for justice, etc. Sometimes, its a prayer list, for those who pray, asking prayers for those in charge that can solve  all this by direct orders to uphold the laws, etc. Yesterday I added in President Obama and immediately it was underlined with blue like one gets on some word processing programs but no misspelling, I did send them and got some receipts back so they did go through. One copy always goes to the  White House as I wish the president to know the truth of his birth and circumstances should he still not know.
Then today a website called Dprogram had an article about the Internet monitoring and I sent an e-mail and soon after that everytime I tried to type, the cursor would let me type a few letters than jump back to beginning of line. I did a quick virus scan and it said everything OK and then it still did it and I rebooted.
Since I had almost got locked out of my bank over this, I did want to have access to monitor account over the weekend So I did a complete restart. Seems OK so far. And probably was just the system.
However, I have felt for some time there really is no privacy any where. All one can hope is there is some reasonable expectation there is at least some in ones bedroom and bath.. But  with all that is going on, one does pause and think of monitoring when ones computer acts up.
Surely  no one would care if one is asking for prayers for the President or other leaders. Especially when the Bible says to pray for those that have harmed you. Its unknown is some have done anything directly. Some have I have asked for prayer for online. But if one is in charge of an agency and  has not put safeguards in place to assure ones rights are being up held for all then, there is  a major problem and at Social Security someone said that one  took a phone call from  OPM and believed everything told is what has been reported with no paper work or digital copy  to back it up and no copy to my representative nor me, either. . An thee rumors and gossip has been going on for some time so pervasively that everyone thinks its the truth as no one has ever seen the actual file, as its gone missing. No one takes the responsibility of their position to make sure actions are based on the truth and all due process rights are being up held.
President Obama Born In Topeka, KS:  Re posted 8/1/12 and 8/2/12 daily recaps online just before posting this one.When I started sharing on 7/26/12 , I had no idea it would eveolve over these months into a full story of segregation and the struggle for equality in Kansas. But  it just evolved.  I'm still reluctant to name the real Dad on line as I do not know if the President knows the truth. He has indicated over the years in public that he doesn't know. I can understand how this could happen in my extended family. many just could never understand all that has occurred over the last hundred years in my Dad's family and in my mothers over the last 150 years breaking from positions of high power.  In my mother's family there have not been the breaks. And the family has been split over religion and other matters which has been shared. More is coming and am trying to get unto some old records and must learn how to scan and  post some pictures. I'm slowed down but still going and am blessed and thankful for life itself. Truth seems the only way out of this.
Some have dealt badly in the media about the president's mother. But one has to admire her courage and persistence and responsibility. Few at 15 have had to become self supporting and do what was asked and needed to do to survive a very precarious situation. And care for her new born son, also.  In our society we think of this as an improbability, but women have been put in these positrons  at these ages for thousands of years. Its only in modern times, that the age we choose to have our families is sometime 10 years later than we can physcally have them. and did have them for thousands of years. The marriaie to Obama Sr would not have occurred if it had not been for the sin of gossip that has become entrenched in socieiy towards others. Gossip that can be vicious and deadly and it took a young woman to have great courage to stand up to all of that. So my motivation is to set right the horrible things being said and also for Justice for a class mate of mine, who never had a chance to raise his son.
I only know he is the father through the common gossip of the time in the community and my Mother told me after Ann told her. Mom did not share many details and kept Ann's confidence as to what they spoke about. I was privy to only a few.
BILL OF RIGHTS ARTICLE IV: I've been sharing first the Ten Commandments as a secular document for governing and now the Bill of Rights as a Faith document. Faith had a lot to do with the whole Constitutionon.The new '"experiment that is America" was filled with many diverse religious beliefs and even areas where all were expected to believe the same to live in that part of the country. Much like the nations they had left where there were State Churches and ALL had to believe the same thing to be part of the nation.
How could one co exist with others that do not believe the same, even if most professed to belive in Christ? Plus there were other faiths present , too, and some with no faith,even then. Peolpe having different opinions about many things, but rooted in what ones perosnal beliefs might be. One had to have a governing document that would allow a nation's people to be able to work together to do those things government need to do for the welfare of the people and security of the nation, yet not get into wars and disputes internally over faith issues and  diverse opinions. A major break from the past occurred. The individual''s rights to have their own opinions and practice their faith as they chose to do. And  today, we have turned the Constitution upside down and inside out trying to take faith out of it and with it we are taking away our basic rights in other areas, too. Its one document , not a variety of separated laws.
FOURTH AMENDMENT: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
This is very specific. And in reading all that Has been written so far today above, obviously something has gone very wrong in the USA in straying frorm this basic concept. The biggest problem I have had since injured 1/10/89 is the disappearing of files out of govt agencies ( and ther contractors)and these are my property even if housed in a govt agency or inside their contractor. Only those who have need to work the case  are to have access and no one is allowed to destroy those files. It s a felony. yet the policy through out all the agencies this has occurred in is its not investigated even when the pattern of behavior has gone on for almost 25 years in my case and at times the same documents have disappeared out of multiple agencies where I had included them in my filings with them. All the Law enforcement agencies that would have the right to see the files, have assured me they would never take the files, and if they did would leave a  receipt behind. Most often would take copies for their use. or leave copies behind so the process of my rights to benefits would not be interrupted.
So we have rights of privacy and protection but no law enforcement allowed  to see its done. No govt in charge?Any one that wants to can seize and take and violate and gossip and commit rumor and without a Constitution to govern ourselves by we have fallen into anarchy?
Where are the rights of privacy for papers and effects and even for ones home. For a while, a govt agency person who would be caught committing a crime or their contractor would call local authorities on me saying I needed a 'welfare check'./ when I had not said or done anything to warrant it. Just asked quesitons and documented crimes being done and those in authority were able to abuse power to try and intimidate me. I've written about this on line.
We were able to get this abuse stopped for some time as the local police chief would call on the phone and I would say,just excercisings my civil rights. When the first 2 million dollar theft of  Medicare by the claims processing contractor for Medicare in my area, Trailblazers was discovere and documented by several at 1-800 medicare,  (Vangent) I was asked  by SSA and FTC OIG;s if I would call the FBI Cyber crimes unit as they couldn't get any cooperation.  I got terrible retaliation and had police on my porch for just reprorting it to the Dallas Office. I had not said or done anyting to warrant this kind of retaliation. An calls were witnessed. They were not sent to get a statement or evidence; but to make me stop asking them for asisstance., when I had been asked to by two federal law enforcment agencies that could not get their cooepration , either. The officer came after me really bad at first as if I was upsetting the whole FBI and they were coming after me pronto! They had lied to the lcoal autorities I soon fond out and the officer was told also by others here what had occurred. This was in the Fall of 2008.  Who was so scared of being caught?
We now know that the Dallas HHS Mediiare office  had no inteerst in stopping the crimes ( over a trillion is now estimated by the 500 witnesses) crimes which includes the   illegal off line system ( hidden from the contract auditors) ( no real internal audits are permitted by Congress anymore) where 50 million Medicare claim numbers are transfeed to with no security and no rights of privacy so claims can then be turned in to multiples and diagnosis codes altered and whatever else they can illegally do with no one allowed to see to stop it. In my case 17 claim numbers and 17 claims from one created and it woul be more than the final 4 million stolen from the medicare trust fund ( monies did not go to medical providers, except for one) although even one pay is theft sincee medicare is not a primary payer and in order to pay must be coded a conditional pay and a recovery letter sent to the primary payer. This started after almost a decade, then. of theft that the US atty's called a RICO case( organized crime) as it takes the collusion of another company, Emblem Health(formerlay Group Health) to alter the legal line up from the US Dept of Lalber that judges say is accurate.Their subsidiary, Medicare Coordination of Benefits has teh govt contgracts with emplyers and ageicnes to recieve official postings of status and no one is to alter them at MCOB. They have to do this alteration or no payment could illegally be made; to have medicare be the primary ahead of owcp and Federal Blues) and HHS OIG would not investigate. In fact, the former head of the regional OIG office had participated in the alteration of the records and as far as I am aware is still in a high regional  position. So no wonder the regional Manager r for HHS civil rights would 'disapear the civil right complaints that the U S Justice dept asked me to fil and the general counsel for Medicare also in Washington DC.
 Yet the entrenched corruption in  the govt remains to this day and it did not start 4 years ago  Ii's been gradually getting worse over the last three decades and Congress still does not understand these are cirmes.  As they wring their hangs over deficits and budgets, one wonders don't they understand that if there is on going major theft of the public monies, how can a budget stop deficits? We are not broke. We have been robbed of our puiblic monies because our privacy rights and due process were violated first and foremost. Those who accept positrons of govt are to uphold those rights an not violate them.
I've made this a perosnal example as its happening all too much right now. And many do not understand that if one can;' get a letter of waiver from the govt, one owes the stolen monies back to the govt per current rulings. The puiblic has become the law enforcer. One  cant get a letter of waiver right now as its been agreed that Social security will do this in 2005 and  Commisisoner Astrue, who signed the agreememnt with HHS;will not carry out the agreement. Everyones  ones property and estate could be attached for the stolen monies.I filed the form 632 via certified mail and its disappaeared multiple times, too. Its the kind of waiver where one does not provide income and resources info as that is an invasion of privacy. Its the kind against 'equity and good conscience.'  Much like one gets without much to do when ones credit card is stolen. When mine was a few years ago, I had to fill out papesr and agree to be a court witness if the thief was prosecuted, then I got a letter of waiver plus stolen charges removed and new card issued.. Since 2005, one can't get it I filed by certified mail and they will not process it. I have asked every judge for an answer, and can not get it. When the govt contractor steals your cliams and ID and  steals 4 million dollars through the federal reserve. by diverting the money tosomeone other than ones medical provider you are liable. at least I filed the wiver and complianst even thugh unswered. The 500 witnesses says its pervasive on many and don;t even know it.
The people are not secure in their property and persona and are subject to seizure due to the illegal acts of 'terrorism' against them. Yes, its is 'terrorizing' what has occurred. Its an invasion of every facet of the Fourth amendment. And few seem to even realize that this may have happened to their records and loved ones they might have an inheritance of property from one day. I have posted many places on line how one can find out if ones id and claims were stolen and turned into multiples. You do not get summary notices on the mulitples. and My is programmed to hide the multiplies. Collusion is seemingly widespread and now one of the alleged thieves is partnering the fraud office. I have done medicare fraud ivestigations and been around these programs since 1968. There can't  even be the huge 100 million dollar thefts that have been unearthed by scam providers and suppliers with out inside collusion and disregard of those trying to report for a long time as the fraud office one called was answered by an interlockng company of the 'thief.'. Its just not probable to go undetected at such a high level of monies by them And they don't rise to the levels the insde witnesses who can see everyones records are aware of.
 Since 2009, General Dynames, who now owns the 1-800 medicare call centers has forbidden them to 'see' fraud any more.. Its so big nothing is to be done?. How about shutting down the illegal computer systems? Maybe it will occur, but what of the misisng money? Payments get cut to doctors? Medicare goes broke and no one has medical care paid for?
Changing govt contractors, is not necessarily going to change much since some of the same high level execs have now gone to work for the new contractors and all the claim processors for our area were and are still using the off line system that is illegal as it violates all security protocols as well as constitutional rights of all as it permits theft. and worse of all changing diagnosis codes to make it look as if the claim was not one that belonged with ones workers comp, car accident, or other liability case means that fraudulent info get  on the national health ins data base that is not under HIPPAA so the wrong info can't get corrected and many have died as doctors,  use it for medical history. (SOURCE CONGRESSIONAL STUDY 5 years ago on causes of worngful death malpractice suits). And Social Security is going to use it to  process disability claims and errors can cause years before appeals might starighten out the fruadulent mess and ones real records get in file.
I have had two close calls with my life over it and its how I learned about it. The fourth amendment is not just about search warrants for cars and houses for illegal drugs and stolen property,etc. Its all of our papers and effects and computer files and the data that is used and can do great harm and cost ones life if its wrong and can't get corrected. It also defamed the professional character of my good doctors as the diagnosis often would not 'jibe' with treatment. But it would with what the real records showed when submitted. How dare they violate my rights of privacy and protection of my files that some have the legal right to see and use to help me. TOMORROW:  SILENCE IS GOLDEN. Linda Joy Adams 11/3/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

Spell check worked better. but when add in some info it isn't avaialble as one has on a word preocessing program. But better.