
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Daily Recap 11/22/12: Blessings among the Curses: President Obama Born In Topeka KS

11/22/12: Blessings among the Curses: Presidentt Obama Born In Topeka KS. Rather cool day, but no rain. Newspaper filled with ads today   First thing was to throw out the door all those with perfume samples in them as they inflame my lungs and sinus and cause fluid build up and bleeding.   The ad will never be seen by me, but it does deter the raccoons from the trash cans to have them in there. Doyle really cooked a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner for us. Our Son provided the turkey this year. Our cats took off for the woods, don't know what they had for Dinner.
Pleasant day all told.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS. Posted 7/31/12 and 7/31/12 Daily recaps just after this posting. Will continue to do this as it is easier for those to locate it. My husband has edited books and worked as a grader for the ACT essay tests in the past. Maybe after we get all the current filings done over the next few weeks, he can put this in some kind of format as a booklet.   Like my story as told to him.  Our Son is an excellent script writer, too, and who knows? In this social  climate, the TRUTH is not very popular. And more of the truth is coming out bit by bit from other sources. A posting on WIBW TV site seems to know something about theconenction between Rosa Parks and the real dad of the president.Hope she goes ahead and posts what she may know.Many in Topeka  know more than they may realize or those there , then.
Part of the conversation was to comment on Jesse Ventura's show last night about the time travel project, if real, and President Obama being part of it. One person said that there is a picture on line that shows the President as a pilot in 1930. And then I went online and saw  site of video shows he was an adult in 1963 at the Kennedy assassination. I have no idea what is truth or not. The Bible mentions some being able to see the future, but no mention of any one going back into the past and changing things.Personally, I think that goes aagainst the principle of a stead fast Deity and free will which we have.
It did give me a thought. When one in the Bible prophecid,was it because someone had just taken an action , made a choice , that would affect the future outcome. Often they would be preaching against some kind of immoral behavior.  We have free will, but when actions are taken it can have far reaching casual affects.  But, the more the people of the world make wrong choices for bad and not for good, it may mean that it takes more and more of us working together to over come what some bad choices made in the past have caused the current situations and we have to learn to work together to over come them. Its beyond what one person can do.
As in my case, our laws and rights should allow for the Judges to rule and obeyed, but the orders are thrown away by corrupted high level authorities and their unaccountable govt contractors and to do it repeatedly as if they personally seem to believe there is no accountability against them for doing so in this life or the next.
BILL OF RIGHTS: Article III: No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner prescribed by law. I'm sharing the Bill of rights amendments to the constitution as a faith document after sharing the Ten Commandments as a secular document for governing.
As just stated, if the more worng actions and choices we make, the worse messes we get ourselves into, then it takes more of us cooperating toegther to over come what has been set in motion by our ancestors. The Bible speaks of Blesisings and Curses as good choices made as individuals and by  governement. These bring Blesisngs to us and to those in the future. The bad choices and actions only bring curses. Curses we can overcome, only if we change the path we are on and it takes more of us working together to do it. So far, we don't  stand up for the individual's rights any more.  There's a disconnect from those preaching about the new world orde,etc and how that affects each of us in our daily lives as our individual rights disappear as mine and others have been. Many don't seem to understand that the media isn't sharing these stories any more and haveen't for years. The internet is the last place for sharing of TRUTH and one does  have to be discerning and of course there is a lot of very immoral things on there to tempt individuals  tno behaviors many faiths consider  immoral.
Just before the Revolution, historians relate that the British Soldiers just moved into private homes. without asking. Some were respectul  as guests in aother's homes, I'm sure; after all they were just men serving their country. But often,  there were atrocities and disrespect for the  owners.
In ancietnt Israel, as some scholars say, there were no homeless or unfed people. Cities were built with walls that contained rooms in them. Those with out a place to live could live there. Public Housing is an a ncient Mosaic law concept. Even the alien  was provided for. Then those that farmed their grain would not take every last kernel when harvesting.The grains that fell would then be gleaned by those who needed food. The 'good man'would be generous as to how much fell behind. We read of some of this in the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament. So the governement of the people providing a food program was not new either. The law of Moses gave the world some drastic concept changes of what those in power should do and it took the participation of all the people to understand that those less fortunate had the right to life.
When they became conquered, esecially under the Romans, the poor ended up on the streets. For the Temple presthood to go alone with the Roman govt at the expense of the less fortunate, kicked out of their rooms  for soldeirs to be put into , would have been against everything in the Torah. No  wonder Christ spoke so against them for their acitons. Called them hypocrites!
The earliest Americans understood the teaching of the Bible much better then  we may. They understood the concepts and who expects someone to just move into their home with out permisison?
The Constitution  says when we go to war as a nation it is to be declared by Congress. If that's done and housing is needed for soldiers then laws are to be in place  being moved  into private homes. One would generally assume, a money payment would be expected. We have this kind of concept when the police, in chase of a criminal and ones  car might be ; 'ommandeered' to aid in the pursuits. Rarely does  one hear of this happening much except in TV shows. zte concept is there, but as a group , a nation of people bound by laws, its to be decided what is fair and when it occurs. We have a right to our property, our privacy and that is being eroded greatly. Few seem to understand just how bad it is. I've had no rights to my property in govt paper or digital files  for almost 25 years, and its getting a little old to have to be reconstructing files as the govt says no govt worksite , computer or contractor should be secured . My cases prove there is no security as the govt holds my records in trust that has been taken away by a corrupted entrenched element inside the govt. who have  not taken their oath to uphold the Constitution and protect the rights of each. of us. Plus its against the law to steal files, and no one is arrested nor even investigated as the crooks s are able to stop any one that would stop illeagal activity. Why?  HAve we gone so far down the wrong path, we can't get back?
Rememberance:  Today is the annviersary of the assination of President Kennedy  I have posted my pre experience of  event several years bofore when my family was driving through Dallas on way  to Louisiana to visit my older sister's. My mother even wrote back to the Streets Dpet of Dallas advising them to cut the brush down on the 'grassy knoll' as it was a possible place for an ambush. My fmaily thought I'd acutally been shot in the exact spot of the latter assassination. There was more than One shooter,I experienced. Can one see the future? At times, perhaps so. The first words  Mom said  when it happened in 1963 was, they reported on the radio that a shot came from the grassy knoll. I had  looked up ( our car was headed the opposite way from the Kennedy Limo) seeing the top window of the Book Depository. I had yelled out: Its an ambush! But, not the only shot. I WAS NOT PART OF ANY TIME TRAVEL PROJECT!
I do not consider myself a psychic and these incidents in my life are very rare.  Many do and can  glimpse and somehow there's ability shared who gives warnings in many ways  of how things may very well turn out to be. We do need to listen to each other and take heed to those things said that ones common sense says are warnings. TOMORROW: HANDS OFF! Linda Joy Adams 11/22/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

ABC spell check just stopped wrking altogether. And then coldn;t insert letters.