
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Daily Recap 11/21/12: Time Traveler President?: President obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily  Recap 11/21/12: Time Traveler President ?: President Obama Born In Topeka KS:
Warm and beautiful day, but still no rain. We are not in the flight paths of jet airliner, yet there was a grid of chem trails in the Blue sky today. Odd!  I won;t speculate as much is out there and I have no idea what it is. A natural magnetic phenomenaa or human made?
Sorted some files for 2012 as in a few weeks must file the yearly expenses for owcp and of course they Will not process the oxygen claims as their orders are too not do so as "They would be paid " and then they would have to pay all my bills" of course that is what is ts\pposed to happen when one has permanent medical benefits. but the Past Directors of Office Of Personnel Manangement's orders to  not do so and defy all judges laws and decisions by the US Dept of Labor is upheld and yet OPM is not even a legal party to any decision. So there is no constititional rights, no laws to be obeyed, etc... Why? OPM is not a legal party to any OWCP decision, why are they running things in an illegal manner?
 PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: After watching Jesse Ventura; Conspiracy Theory, tonight; maybe there is a new one: Someone told someone that traveled into the future that I needed to be stopped. From what? A danger to Satan?
In the show, leads are followed that the US has been dong time travel for 40 years and that President Obama was one of the children picked for the program. If he and others know the future? Why haven't we created Peace on earth , yet?  One of the real dangers of having the knowledge that its said Adam and Eve obtained in the Garden of Eden by eating of the "Tree of Knowledge "and gaining this type of ability is that they could be tempted to use it for evil and not for good. And the result is that the abilities to see 'all' was turned off in humans by our Creator. We did not have the moral compass to use it for good. Many of the main characters that have led us into war and even created Al Queda back in 1975-76 were featured in the show. I have no knowledge that the USA has achieved this, but I do now that according to the Bible it is possible for humanity to be able to see all things and dimensions. But we ca';t be trusted with it as we fell into being able to be tempted by the Devil to be used for destruction.
 This would account for some time that is not accounted for by me. Other eye witnesses should be able to say where he was after 1/71 when I saw him and until he showed up in Prep school in Hawaii. Some online witness accounts state he came to Hawaii in 7/71 and they thought he had come directly from Indonesia at that time.  We know he came from Indonesia in 1/71 to Mercer Island ,Washington and he came to my cousin Roland Hackett's home with hie maternal grandmother and its when I was stopped from saying anything to him about Topeka, KS. She seemed 'scared ' I was going to say something when she found my family and I there for a visit, and left. In hindsight, I do believe they had planned to stay for Supper and did not do so because of what I might say about Topeka, Ks and his birth At Forbes Air force base Hospital.
Posted just before this are more of the Daily Recaps posted back after 7/26/12 when I began sharing my eye witness account.  will be adding a few days each day as its not all that easy to locate with the way my sites are set up on and twitter and on facebook. all under Linda Joy Adams
The biography of the President just keeps getting more unusual. I have no reason to doubt that the Eye witness account on the show tonight is valid that he was in New Mexico at the time and in some kind of Air Force Project. It explains more about him and its time for all truth to come out. If he was in a time travel project going into the future, or back to the past; then why didn't he know where he was born?
I have serious concerns about any kind of this research into mind or body control, etc. especially with children and what influence that might have on the ability to be left with their Free Will  and ability to form their own opinions. about things. same reaosn our Creator had concerns as we are still committing all kinds of sins and have not learned to resist temptations of many evils. we are in wars and tha is proof we have not learned to live by love for one another on Planet Earth. Such an instrument should never be for 'war.' whatever is and was going on and probably still is as the temptation to control others is a MAJOR temptation.
BILL OF RIGHTS'  Shared recently an in depth interpretation of the Ten Commandments as a secular document for government. And began sharing here about the Bill of Rights as a faith document. The first amendment is all about the right to practice ones Faith and expression of opinions. One long sentence with many clauses, but it starts about Faith.
"Article II- A well regulated Militia, being necessary the the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. "
 So one should be allowed to have arms ( guns?) in case they need to get together and provide security for the right to have a free State. No one is to stop that. BUT: its not a mob, not a lone gunman out to take out the enemy single handed. One has the weapons in case the people have to get together and form a military unit with rules and those all important checks and balances against each other as humans can err in judgement. The KKK is not a militia protected under this as they can't decide they want to be free and deprive others of their freedom. Its not mob rule, its not street gangs in a turf war as it pertains to the whole of the society , to the State being protected.
We do have armies and they did have one or could call one at the time the Constitution and the Bill of Rights was passed. Until 1969, States had National Guards that could be called out to assist and they were separate from the national military units. In 1969, they became part of the federal system and became federal employees.
The law was not very well thought out as I personally had to deal with instances in my job at Soical security and  knew individuals  could not qualify for either Social security nor Federal  benefits under Social society as they law made no provision to be able to credit  the benefits together to come up with being able to qualifty for a disability check  and retirement benefits and survivor benefits were adversely affected by not making provisions to give credit from one to the other and combine the credits for those important benefits that are to exist because; we, the people; said so when one has loss of income  due to death, disability or retirement.
One of the Ten commandments says one should not kill. Many believe it is all right to kill if it is justified.
Most religions have a provision of a judgement day when ones actions during our lives here will be judged and that implies we will be able to make the case of justification at that time. A war is not justified by any human is my interpretation. One needs to be very sure it's OK to kill or go to war before one does so. No human will make that decision. I don't know what jjudgement day will be like, but as a Christian we are told that Christ will be our lawyer, our advocate, if we ask. Will we be able to call witnesses as one does in a human court to testify that our acitons saved their lives or stopped a serial murderer and  should be forgiven? That's the issue as my personal opinion. Killing is a sin, but will a loving and merciful Deity forgive us for doing it for a justified reason?
We are to think very seriously about taking human life.Just as we are to take it very seriously when some commit terrible wrongs and deprives any one from life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. What does one do when one is being attacked? The second amendment says we are to be prepared for it and to work with others in an orderly and accountable manner to stop those that would do us harm and deprive us our freedoms. It does not indicate we are to commit acts of over throwing our own Government by force. The First amendment indicates we are not to do that.
When the Revolutionary war rorke out, and in other instances while living on the frontier of society, people of the area did have to grab their own weapons and band together to protect their communities from attack. Too often one side or the other had no way to communicate , as we do now, to prevent violence through negotiations and at least know what each party was f'ighting mad' about. The ability to communicate should reduce the need for killing, yet it dosn't seem to be used by those in charge of various nations and groups.
We have those that do not want others to practice faiths other than theirs. It all goes back to faith and the earth shattering change in our First amendment to allow each to practice their faith and give their opinions but respect each; others rights to do so. Are we forgetting that part and is this leading us into more violence and killings? And are  few with great power gaining control of our ways to communicate and are manipulating the outcomes so that being divided , they can conquer us all? My Free Will given by My Creator, says that no one is permitted to take that away as long as Love and life and not hate and desturction are the motivating forces. Our Constitution and amendments gives us  a way to co exist even when we do not agree.
TOMORROW: THIS IS MY HOUSE! Linda Joy Adams 11/21/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

Spell check worked better most of the time.