
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Daily Recap 11/20/12: Group asks for Change: President Abama born In Topeka KS

Daily recap 11/20/12: Group asks for change: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:
beautiful warm day. But no rain yet for some time. Local channel went out on Dish tonight so have no idea how Vegas ended.  Need t see if we can now get those boxes set up so we can stop paying for the local channels. At the beginning they wouldn't receive. Some say there are solar flares causing trouble, but who knows what's going on. Started reposting some of the earlier comments on the  birth of the president in Topeka Ks before posting this daily recap. Face book is not good to write anything very long as its difficult to write and then spell check. Worse than here, as often I would lose the whole posting and have to rewrite. No word about any rights or monies due and awarded, yet. Just ads today in the mail.
Added a comment on WIBW  TV station site in Topeka KS and linked it just before I wrote this. Secretary of State of Kansas,Kris Kobach had little attention given him of his political views and actions until he and his staff searched for the birth, marriage and death records of the birth of the President at Topeka KS. Then he goes in and says he is eligible and he can't say anythiing; Orly Taitz left him ' out to dry' as she did not take my suggestion and ask for a court order for the records. I am not a birther, nor did I weigh in on the side of any candidate in the general election. I wanted the TRUTH to come out and all the speculations and some horrible things being said to stop.I still have no idea if any of my e-mails got to the president. Although he is a distant relative I had only one real chance to say anything to him in 1/71 and was stopped. He was not being told and his maternal grandmother stopped me.Why? I don't really know for sure. One just has to let children know some basic info about their origins - they might want to run for Presidsnt someday and should the wo\whole world be looking for a birth record? I can really identify with him  as I have had some kind of similar situation. The older generations just didn't know how to handle all this and before there was DNA tests, often many may never have known who their real biological parents were.As a Christian, Christ taught that ones family is who raises one and if one is blessed with loving parents, one should feel thankful as some do not have that.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: posted just after this on my sites is a repeat of the earlier postings as some have asked me how to find it and its not easy with going back several months now Its starts 7/26/12 and in daily recaps since. I will try to post some each day. In more recent months I started doing  a format of Daily Recap (the date) a title: President Obama Born In Topeka KS. But Daily Recap and date is on all for the date written about. sometimes the posting occurs after midnight so it may post as of the nextt day.
Bill of rights, a Faith document.: Wrote about the ten commandments as a secular document , then the Bill of Rights. Much of our constitution and the bill of rights is addressing religion or ones belief systems. Prior to coming to America, colonists had lived under a govt where ones citizenship depended on being a member of the Roman Catholic Church. Taxes supported it. Then there was a reformation, but England and others set up  their own state churches. The concept of all having the same faith was the accepted way things were. Its not the teaching of Christ as we are all different and though Christians believe that salvation is belief, it may not all have the same interpretations  nor the same sacraments and rituals and leadership styles. in places of worship. For most of humanity there have been wars and atrocities as one group or another would try to force everyone to believe as those holding power decided. And  for much of human history, the leader of the country was worshipped as a god and could do nothing wrong. As a god they could not make human errors or have human weaknesses, which of course they did and committed some terrible abuses of power. Moses came down from the mountain with a radical change in thought. It declared that neither Pharaoh nor any other leader of a Nation was divine and should be worshiped as a god. They were subject to a Deity, just as everyone else is and was.
The Bill Of Rights starts speaking about freedom of religion and allot is in the first one.Its one long sentence separated by semi colons. its interlocking Rights.
 Today will address:"or the right of people  peaceably  to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
We do have the right to get together and decide to act to make changes in the way our govt does things as a group. We do not have the right to do this with violence nor a coup d'etat of the govt itself. The constitution has methods to remove those in leadership that are doing terrible things.  We are to ask for changes to be made as people are being harmed in some manner by the actions of the govt. We have the right to have our wrongs reviewed. This is something I and others are being denied routinely at the present and then when it occurs and ad judge rules in my favor and remands the case for the wrong to be made right, those in charge abuse their power and disregard the orders and do not uphold the constitutional rights at all.
When people are being harmed due to these abuses as those in charge have begun to act as if they are not accountable to anyone either Divine or to humanity itself, then the people have to speak out and  get together to make changes. We have elections so we can get people out of office that are harming. We have impecaements for the highest levels. But we have entered an era when things are not working as they should. There are supposed to be laws that can stop and prosecute those abusing their authorities, yet the office in charge has not done their jobs for over two decades. Not only livlihoods have been lost, but life, liberty and happiness have been deprived for way too many. This is not about 'entitlements,' although the people have spoken and said there would be some for those who meet certain requirements If one  qualifies to have the benefits and get them  and others  who qualify are deprived because  of abuses of power and felony destructions of records and cover ups of crimes and other atrocities occurs then the system is not working and the  govt has turned on the people. The people have to speak out , they have to get together and expose the truth and petition their govt to get the system working again. A Free press is essential for this to occur. If the press ends up owned by those wielding the power, the system is broken and makes it more difficult to make corrections back to rights of all.  Freedom of the Internet is the last free press for many in this nationand world. few of the press are coving the abuses of govt any more. with regard to situaitons many are finding themselves in. If we do not do this, then we are evolving into anarchy,martial law and no one has rights in those situations.
All have to  understand that one alone often can't make the real changes. We do need to support each other or  all will lose rights. What happens to one can easily happen to another and usually does.  A few have been able to amass such major wealth that they have become more powerful than the govt. If they abuse their power due to great wealth then we the people have to over come this. We have to work more closely together and so far those very wealthy have succeeded in splitting us into divisiveness over some issues and we are all losing our rights. Its being divided over those religious beliefs. and we have forgotten that we have to co exist as a nation if all of us are going to be allowed to have our personal opinions and beliefs. TOMORROW: GUNS? Linda Joy Adams 11/20/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

Real typo and spell check didn't catch the titile Obama instead of Abama.