
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Daily Recap 11/18/12: Bill of Rights A Faith Document: President obmaa Born In Toepka KS

Daily recap 11/18/12: Bill of Right A faith Document: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks: Cloudy day, but unseasonably warm and it seems as if its getting ready to snow, but too far south and some rain has been expected. We could use it. Tree leaves almost all turned Fall colors now and some have dropped all their leaves. Trying to budget for postage as so many letters need to be sent certified mail over needing prof of filing dates.And all this is because  everyone says the Directors in the past and the current one who has not changed anything have ordered every law, govt contractor and regulations to be f\defied and judges orders to be disregarded. This is the federal health pans all will be getting in 2014. NO rights Everything the Constittution says should be happening  and is not . And each one of us is to have those rights.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS; Technically Forbes air force base  hospital was in Shawnee county at the time, but is now city and the city airport as the base closed years ago.But when one does a word search on line it comes up with those words so will continue to The Kenya B/Cphony with the footprints on it is surfacing again and one of my face book friends linked it. I refreshed my memory on it. I had never actually seen it before but had read those from Kenya that say footprints aren't used.  And Ann was 15 and age is worng for her. Of course its phony as my Mom's chevrolet did not fly to Hawaii nor Kenyae  when Mom took Ann to the hospital to have him. Any real one, would have the name Barry Soetoro on it as the original is changed when an adoption took place if it really did occur.. That part of his life I was not privy to. I did know that by 1/71 he was suing the adoptive name as his Maternal grandmother introduced him to me and made it very clear to use that name with him and later stopped me from saying anything about Topeka Ks to him. A child just has to be told the basics about their birth Just in case they wish to run for President someday and need to be vetted by the world. Personally I think it was more her personal fears than Ann being a witness to three murders unless some of the prime suspects are some of her extended family? This iIwas never privy to, either. But many apparently think I know much more than I do.
I do know a lot of research was going on in Topeka Ks about mass behavior and manipulations of people, etc. What some would have called brain washing. After several years of trying to clamp down on any negative sayings or bullying comments against integration; why didn't the school authorities try to stop the gossip frenzy over the interracial relationship of two teenagers? His parents.  It seemed to be against all kinds of school policies that had been put in place. We had about 7 years where those who wanted to have equality for all were permitted to allow it to happen and then retaliation hit and it resulted in three dead. and almost took the life of Ann, pregnant with the President. The City authorities proceeded to cover it all up too and wouldn't;even search the river for the bodies. derideing Ann the witness and if the bodies had not washed up later, the official version was three just disappeared and no one was to talk about it and for 50 years no one did? When this kind of injustice occurs s and no one is accoutnable , is it any wonder that this attitude begins to fester and grow in society until we now have a govt that in many ways has resulted in sinking to the depths of abuses and it didn't start 4 years ago , but 50 years ago. Started writing my eye witness account of the birth on 7/26/12 on these sites and in the Daily Reeaps each day since.
I know how vicious some can be and some things I have not shared yet ended with me attacked in the girls restroom when I had to stand up for myself. The article in our HS paper over what had transpired ended up earning the reporter a national award for HS journalism.  We don't have this any more. or my situation and many others like me would be featured on the news and exposing the horrific things that are occurring with loss of individual rights and why is this allowed to happen . Many say its because the abusers of power now own the main media. they hid the truth about the president's birth in Topeka KS from everyone and helped cover up three murders and all the other disappeared of the past, too. Many times our TV drama series give us more social rights violations info than the news does. Next time one watches a TV drama, look for the social content, and not just who did the deed. They can be very persuasive in changing public opinion if they choose to do so. Sometimes postiviely; sometimes not so.
Been sharing some personal views on the Ten Commandments and now on the Bill of Rights. which are the first ten amendments to our Constitution. Our current knowledge of History is going down in many ways as what one believes often is what causes event in History to occur. We are reaching a point in history where some are starting to look for  Messiahs or Saviors and want to see it in every political official who has high office. Things are bad and we want someone else to save us. In a free society , we, the people are called to take that action as a group working together. And some are intent to divide us even more and try every trick and and ploy to do so. We are split over religious views. our constitution says this should never be happening , but it has us divided with opposite sides not seeming to want to find a way to co exist. Not approve but respect each others rights to disagree.
The 1st amendment is several  in one. Usually its labeled free speech or freedoms of religion. Its so important to the rest of the ten that I will be spending more than one day on just it.One can access a coupy on line or I have a copy in front of me. One notices that many phrases are separated by semicolons and its one long sentence That means it is interdependent on all facets of it.Rights have been taken away over separating it into pieces. What I want to do is share some of my own thoughts and build one point on top of another.
ARTICLE I-Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
It does not say, where that is. Its every where our govt has jurisdiction over. The whole land.
The only restriction is when it might infringe on another's right to do so. If I want to pray silently before I take a test in school and ask for some Divine guidance, then I should not be denied the right to do so. The constitution is only being amended  to add a right that should not be taken away. There are rules we need to live by and the Constitution gives the powers to make them. Its a matter of respect  for each other to have the rights. Obviously one can't interrupt a classroom lecture, or an event others are particiapting it and impose the will for all to participate in ones brand of faith. That is what the USA broke away from. A state religion.
Throughout much of history , whoever held the power in a nation, imposed their brand of religion on the nation. Wars and terrible atrocities have been dealt out by those form all kinds of faiths trying to make someone go along with what the one in charge believed. In more ancient times, the leader had to be worshipped as a god. The Judeo Christian concept of a King being accountability TO a Divine deity was a radical change and concept of the times.The King, or Caesar was human that could sin and make mistakes and didn't always know what was best for himself or the people.
So there would be no state religion in the USA and all would be allowed to practice their faiths or no faith.
50 years ago we hit a radical change in the USA where that right of practice began to be taken from us; one step at a time. But, since humans seem to always need to have something to believe in, a new type of faith started emerging  of no faith, bu tit has its creeds and practices, too and defies the Constitution by its very nature.. Almost an intimidation that something was wrong to have a faith and to to practice it , even if done  in a maner that respected others rights to believe differently. We are more diverse today. Often when I was in school, diversity might mean have some Catholic ids in our s\class along with Protestants. an occasionally some of the Jewish faith. Accommodations would be made. we still had a moment before school started when a prayer was said or song, but no one was coerced into participating. Same way with the pledge of allegiance or any thing else most would  participate in. One didn't have to as a matter of conscience and we were taught to respects WE WERE TAUGHT TO RESPECT. we even had  sharing by those of different faiths as to what they believed. My firs knowledge of Hebrew was a report by a Jewish child. We learned about each other, we didn't avoid each other.
Why is it that if one';s faith requires a special dress or head covering, that we act as if the world is falling apart and fight over it. Let them practice their faith and ignore it. Why even pay attention to it? Tha';s disrespectful in itself. We force all religious symbols out of public places when allowing each a chance to participate would be more of the right under the first amendment.
I recall the town that allowed all to have a space on the courthouse lawn in December and someone put up two pink flamingos. It would  be helpful for their to be some explanation associated with such an exhibit so we can learn about who our neighbors are and what they believe. Maybe we might understand each other a little better. What is someone afraid of?  Is someone afraid that some other group will ;steal the believers from another?'  I do not believe there is can be a merging into a  one world religion., from my Christian perspective;Christianity is more of a movment and Christ had little good to say about organized religion although he participated in the Jewish faith events and practices.Too often religons seem to turn into what humans want it to be and institutions of any ind has the tendencay for those in power to start abusing that power, whether it be a orgnaized religion, or a school or  the govt itself. As a Christian, its not going to be possible as it would mean denying Christ's Divinity. But, if there is a mutual respect, then a symbol of my belief should not deny anyone else their rgiht to share a symbol , too. In order to have peace and co exsist we do need to respectfully disagree. That's the limits. It does not mean we can't invite someone to share with us in the faith practice, but they can say, NO THANKS! There are some basic truths in most, and these should permit us to do those things as a society to help each other when there are times when basic needs of all are lacking. Our laws need to respect that some are not going to accept doing some things inside their places of faith and institutions. But some things may be a matter of public safety and must be done, but they would apply to any building or place whether a place of fiath or home or business. Some limits by the general laws would apply, too. No human sacrifices as occurred in ancient times in many religions would obviously be allowed.
TOMORROW: I WANT TO TALK:  Linda Joy Adams 11/18/12


Linda Joy Adams said...

Some problmes with spell check . msised the title.

Linda Joy Adams said...

TRUTH! I do know that as of 1/71 he was not to be told the truth of his birth. And his maternal grandmother didn't want any one that knew the truth to be anywhere near. him. Obama Sr was an arranged marriage so he could stay in USA and she to have a marriage certificate as real Dad had been murdered with three dead and 50 year old hate crime cover up in Toepka KS. My mother took Ann, his mother to Forbes air force base hospital to have him. No witness protection program in 1961 and the attack was against her , too. He should have been told his dad died saving his life still unborn. That;s an act of love not abandonment. A couple of teenagers got pregnant ad because they were not of the same race the community turned on them. May we never return to the days of the murdered and disappeared at the hands of the real terrorists that used to come in the night in parts of this country with white sheets over their heads. It sounds as if up until the time of is grandmother;s death she wouldn't talk. And a lot of this is her own background from the racist South and her relatives at Westboro Baptist church where she left Ann to go to school in Topeka. When Ann got away form there she didn't even know that Dunham was not her Dad;s real name . Until the authorities were trying to shut her up and located her real grandparents Her paternal grandmother, my Dad;sister. I had known her casually and been aware of the gossip frenzy. I tried to stop it and because I wouldn't go along with the hatred, they got more enraged.. Morris publications would even allow their reporters ( Toepka Capital Journal) go check their archives for death, birth and marriage records. If the bodies had not washed up on sand bank later, they would have been more of the disappeared into that river over the years with little investigation. My postings start 7/26/12 and in Daily recaps since. Been reposting a few a day and will contiue unitl justice is had.
I've been haunted for 50+ years over this as I knew the real Dad and he was a young man with a bright future and very talented. He should have been told! And I blew it, the only chance I had to do so. Linda Joy Adams