
Friday, November 16, 2012

Daily Recap 11/16/12: Abuse of power: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily recap 11/16/12: Abuse of Power: president Obama Born In Topeka KS.:
In 50's today and sunny. very pleasant, but dry. the transplanted Tomato plant that survived the Summer seems to be doing well in its new pot in the Sunny window. Has one bloom on it so maybe will have fresh tomatoess from the vine this winter. Mail arrived and two EOB's from Fed Blues and wrong parties paid and mine has no reference to owcp being the primary payer for the charge. So the abuse of power from OPM as all say its the entity giving all the illegal orders to defy laws,rules, judges orders and govt contract terms that says they are to uphold the laws and Constitution continue to be violated.
Orly Taitz has filed in Vermont and judge dismissed case this. still trying to say that Topeka Ks is not in USA and the real Dad born in USA isn't? Got this from Huffington Post and did some responses to comments on it. Really big money is behind this. For over a years, I tried to get her and others with all the monies to go get the records. If the truth had come out, Pres Obama may have won by 70% or it may have led  other party to pick another candidate. This really big money did think they could spread lies when they knew the truth and buy an election and the arrogance turned off a lot of voters. Romney conceded the election and that's it. Instead of both sides trying to come to some agreements to get this nation back on path to better times, many in the Blue States do not realize how polarized things are getting and those backing the birther movement must still be pouring money into secession and impeachemnt petitions.
I don't agree with everything going on in DC, but the business of govt needs to go forward to stop the stealing of America of our money and stopping the pervasive corruption and Let's get rid of Corporations are people. We are seeing how bad this can get. The president is legally eligible to be that and unless Congress decides he is unfit for some reason to continue, we have work to do as a nation to petition our govt over what laws to be amended and passed and what oversight hearings need to be held to get to truth for the welfare of all and that's not just about money, but we need to know where our money is? We don't!
Over the last Ten days been trying to share an explanation that the Ten Commandments isn't just a faithdocument. It was a drastic change in ancient times that merged religions and faith into one power that controlled societies with human leaders who considered themselves as Divine or gods themselves.
The Tenth commandment says" Thou shalt not covet  and then lists what belongs to ones neighbor including wife and servants.and property. Did a little checking of the word covet as to meaning in ancient Hebrew and its seems to be lots more than desire or want. More than I see something nice I want and want to get it. A lot more than physical desire.
It is a summary of all the nine commandments that have come before. Its the spirit of want so great one takes and one thinks they have the Divine right to do the taking and they can get by with it.
We have jail and laws so when someone in our society does this we can stop the behavior and punishment is meted out for doing it. It embodies stealing, rape, murder, its the worse abuses against another in this world and society can't survive if it goies unchecked. Most who commit these acts will be brought to justice.
However, if one has high authority or the highest of authority in the civilian govt, than its called abuse of power under our laws and is considered a crime. A cirme that is rarely punished todays  as my case illustrates so well. One has declared themselves as a god, who can do anything they wish that's considered illegal and immoral. And if the power is entrenched as in our system over the last 40 years, its gone unfettered and noone seems to be able to bring justice into the system. No one is made accountable to any law, judge, contracts, etc.
ITS THE ULTIMATE SPIRIT OF THE ANTI-CHRIST, If its put into theological terms. One has delared themselves with the 'Divine right to be all powerful and all knowing as to what everyone should be doing. So far, no one in this world has reached the highest level of being RULER OF THE WORLD. When one does,and they do not have the checks and balances of power as in our constitution; nor they personally do not have a sense of service nor personal convictions of following these ten basic rules; then the prophesied times of terrible times can happen as one person will hold so much power it would take so many working to gether to stop that person. Beyond the people to stop that one.
Even if one does not wish to use the religious terms, one can understand that one person with power over the whole planet and the whole world doing whatever that person wants done and follows with armies and wealth and obedience, humanity has allowed another  human to obtain complete control of everyones rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Our founding fathers ( and mothers) knew the tyrannical power of a monarch that had gotten out of control over  a part of the the world and wrote a Constitution to hold this kind of abuses in check. But it takes everyone participating in the process of govt and allowing free expressions of thought so we can share ideas and never let one person gain power so great that temptations of abuses of that power can cause grave harms to all. So far, we have allowed many of these institutional abuses to grow and grow, but we can't allow ourselves to continue to be divided and polarized by big money  entrapping us into letting it continue to occur. We are not going to agree on many issues, but we do need to on some issue or we will find ourselves under one imperfect human that will throw this world into chaos and destruction.
We have rules and laws and commandments so that humans can not take advantage of their powers to harm others. As a person of faith and a belief in eternal life, its also checks and balances that would stop one from losing their eternal life and salvation  by separation for the Divine, the ultimate happiness and liberty where we have only desire for the goodness and mercy and love for one another.
TOMORROW: A new series on The Bill Of Rights: Origins in our Faith Documents. Linda Joy Adams 11/16/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

spell check worked most of time, but then wouldn't let inserts.