
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Daily recap 11/13/12: Love and Loyalty: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 11/13/12: Love and Loyalty: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:
Cool and Sunny. Fed Blues tried to send me an mail but used a third party site that wouldn't let me access and I called their It and they said Fed Blues was not to have been using that site  all year. I had inquired as to why not all the claims paid were on there, especially the oxygen claims paid and for years the family deductible and the catastrophic deductible for family have never been added up correctly and still aren't. All this manipulation of claims by contractors seems to indicate that somehow some of these systems are also shoving either on screen or internally the million dollar set asides for payment of workers compensation medical claims and ;oxygen, which triggered the million dollar transfer in the first place and locked in the permanent medial benefits is  secured in there and can't be overturned , but it can be manipulated around and has caused absolute chaos and havoc with obtaining life sustaining medical care. I called Blues and they did take the message and give to whoever responded to let them know I could not access their response. They also have months of coams from past years not yet processed.  Its possible the oxygen is to be paid at 100& from the set aside money by Blues  accessing it through OPM which is what I have been informed by several when this all came to light in 2006 and my oxygen supplier Lincare was told by ACS(Affiliated computer services) that runs owcp  now that I have the million dollars. Horace M Cooper when he said I was old and would not permit ACS to post my file on orders of Kay Cole James, and Linda Springer never rescinded the order, may well be referring to the former and older claims that OPM and the unknown embezzlement ring that OIG for OPM referred to in 2006 when I couldn't get any answers and life was in danger of loss over this, said they had suspected this embezzlement for some time. It well may be that in 2002-2005?, the US Dept of Labor transferred to ATM cards for injured worker to use that had the permanent medical and acs was to monitor use. But the older established claims had their monies just' disappear.; at some point. All I know is life sustaining medical care has been denied and it took the police to stop my life froom being ended until I found a new supplier only to have Medicare pass a regulation giving territories to monopoly suppliers and forcing many small home health agencies out of a side line business. Since 1/08, our son has hauled  tanks and we paid out of pocket as OPM director had ordered no one to input the cliass because they would be paid. The manager of OWCP's contractor, ACS: that pays the claims said so and other claims , which I file yearly are sent back referring to this missing money. Appelas go unanswered o  orders of OPM? No one in all of OPM cares little about life and livelhood and don't seem to realize if they get badly injured are in the same situation. No assurance f any rights and laws obeyed nor sucurity on files or data.
I called OPM today and spoke to John O'Brien Director o f the Federal Health and Insurance division of Office of Personnel Management in Washington DC. I reitirated many of the concerns and occurrences over the last several years and said we are at an impasse until his office stops ordering Federal Blues to commit illegal acts which I have written about in the numerous online postings as well as the violations of civil rights pages 1-41 and other postings.  He said he had never been informed of any of  this by any one. Yet I have networked with othe rinjured federal workers that have found out bits and pieces of these procedures.  And I have sent them volumes of documents and letters over the last several years.
He referred me to the sub unit that deals directly with Federal Blues and they seemed unable to do any thing. I informed that Federal Blues is claiming for a decade that there unit is ordering all this illegal activity to take place and reiterated that it included a 'let her die' orders that has never been rescinded in practice. Also my letter to John Barry,Director; which I sent soon after he was confirmed in 2009 have never been answerred and the ombudsman's office has been ' looking into it since then. How many more federal employees have to be harmed and die before this is fully investigated and stopped? i was told that
OWCP 's final decison is made by office of Personnel Management and not US Dept of Labor. So all judges orders get countermanded and there really is no consitututional rights, no civil rights for federal employees and since this is the model for the Affordable care act in 2014, soon 300 million Americans will learn what it can be like to be a federal employes with no place to turn for justice and the right to live.
My last letter to OWCP was published here on 9/9/12 as part of the daily recaps and signnd and mailed by cetrified mail along with other filings. It reiterates how OPM, with only a few isolated facts had or allowed felony destruction of files at owcp to make it look as if I had not returned to work in 1990 and trying to get rid of the case and me. Not ever knowing I had accepted disease claims as well as the original incident of toxic fumes inhalatation with brochiospasms No knowledge I had returned to work eith EEOC sanctions against SSA- HHS for physical torture to the point of death many times. and more  as part of the disease claims is chemically induced pneumonitis and its got worse when intentionally a laser printer was put under my nose and I was told to breathe it or be insubordinate, knowing many doctors say can;t do with out intentioanlly harm or death. becasuse they were ordered to do so. by those upper officialsas they played a shell game with docotors reports, the written promises to OWCP to trick them into sending my back to be physically tortured and physically harmed  as well as creating a hostile work environment by their example and actions. Even EEOC ca';t make another federal agency do anything when high level corrupt officials who should be prosecuted for crimes including felony deaths are in charge and the office of professional conduct is taking orders from apparently the same corrupt individualsat OPM?
This is why there is bi partisan support in Congress to abolish OPM. Its created a breeding ground for corruption and death panels sincee established in 1979. Its too easy for a corrupt officer in an agency to give a partial set of facts or blatant lies to OPM and ask them to carry out their bidding and then OPM officials do it without question.Or Vice versa. Corruption breeds collusion and pretty soon gossip and rumors have been spewed around so blatantly that 'everyone' starts to believe it and the injured employee or any employee is caught as a victim of this and no way to resolve it as the entire system is under the same entities. and Human rights collapse  under this corruption.
 So Fed Blues, in letters and verbally repeatedly claim OPM, but will not say; who, job title, phone number  and business address so they can be turned over  in investigations or sued under civil rights, etc so any semblance of the system in place to stop the corrupt can work in even the smallest way. Congresses have been oblivious way too long, in my case for almost 25 years there has been no security in federal work site or contractor  in recent years;- of paper or data files. The felony disappearances in multiple agencies all lead back to OPM  all say  but knowingly  'protect 'the one giving the order and aid and abet the crimes by carrying out the orders. If OPM didn't say to do some of this, then OPM needs to find out why they are being repeatedly blamed for deaths and thefts. and blatant system failure and corruption.Overwhelmingly, evidence  does lead to them or their contractors or collusions between.
I am sending a coy of this recap to Director O'Brien as well as John Barry and ask Mr Barry to please allow OIG for OPM to investigate as they have repeatedly said no director will let them. And my letter to him has never been acknowledged. There  isa  health ins fraud line but it is only for crooked medical providers and not for corrupt govt officials and contractors.
 In my case, employees of Fed Blues which is Health Care Services of Ill NM, OK, TX have repeatedly asked Medicare Coordination ffof benefits to violate their federal contract with the US dept of Labor and alter the official postings to make me have Medicare be primary and as of this year having the entire families Blues coverage deleted. and diagnosis codes have been altered to circumvent any recovery letter to be sent from medicare to ACS. The ones they have sent have been disappeared by Affiliated Computer Servicies on orders of OPM to ignore theft of the Medicare trust fund and to to repay what some say is upwards of a trillion dollars in liability cases owed back when patients already have the approved coverage. OPM is also blamed for calling high level officials at SSA, my employer according to my paper personnel file that is missing , too; and telling them I had retired and received an owcp settlement to stop any agreed to cooperation and to not follow the law to settlle outstanding matters they still need to do. OPM has accepted half truths and  blatant lies from SSA officials which has compounded the problem. Unless the OPM officials created all the lies theselves for what reason? A cover up of all the crimes they have committed in the matter including the witnesses who said that on day one in 1/9989 OPM ordered \all the hospitals in Jersey City  to turn all 90 of us away and not run the tests to prove the toxic fumes and I got through due to wrong employer being put on my chart as someone read AFGE Union INS as AFCMES and thought I worked for Port Authority. prooving how corrupt and deadly these death panels are at OPM and have been for decades Plus blackballing all 90 of us for life by the peer reviews for medcial care which is lifetime of obstructiong of medical care. just becasue we all went to work in one federal office that somethng very bad happenend in. .Agian no one says who, just say OPM, which indicates it has to be the highest levels or the Highest level at OPM. But John Barry apparently, after almost 4 years in offic,e has no knowledge of the on going death panels in place over the corruption that is on going.
In no way is OPM a legal party to any federal workers compensation claim. They have no legal right to set aside decisians ,nor  alter them espeicially when the orders are comingg from the highest appelalae levels in the agency, the federal judges. No wonder Medicare Coordination of benefits  does not have to obey the medicare judges appellatea orders to leave the postings alone that  as they are accurate and to code the claims as conditional pay and collect the monies back from the primary payers. In my case almost all are federal workers comp bills.  Balance federal Blues is pirmary and prevenetaitive care is to be paid at 100% and is not occurring. Nor allow secondary and tertiary medical issue ca1's,2's be reviewed by OWCP for years as medcial care is in limbo as a result. and Part B medciare preiums are missing over the computer chaos caused and should be moot if 2/09 Dept of labor judges orders  had been obeyed..CEEO of ACS lies to regional manager of owcp and false info is spewed around as fact and more chaos and death panels created. Was Lynn Blodgett lied to by OPM and accepted it too and passed on the gossip and rumor as fact? Or was he covering up and aiding abetting crimes committed by ACS before bought by Xerox?
Worse of all is the "Let her die" order be carried out by ordering no oxygen claims be input for over a decade as they would be paid and then all my bills would have to be paid which is what is legally to happen when one has permanent medical benefits. No wonder the bribery scandal  investigations from Jack Abramoff and cohorts has been sabatogued, by OPM? as its going to unearth all this corruption in much more detail than I have been able to document. OPM orders the US Justice Dept what they can do?
Adding to this the confusing chart in our policiy book for last years that indicates once one is on owcp for 6 months they are put in a retired category with an asterick above it but no reference to where to find the explanation. Not until one is put on permanent disability with owcp. can one be considered retired, then Blues would be secondary to Medicare for any non work related medical care.
I also informd him of no prenvtative care being paid at 100% for several years and others have not had it happen either, that 50% of the claims paid by OPM are not occurring and why is this happening with out any one knowing that OPM is getting our personal medial info in paying claims and are they  the ones involved in altering diagnoisis codes on claims, that end up on the naitonal health insurance data base and lives have been lost and doctors and hopaitals sued for using their fraudulent medical history? and  may be why its so difficult to  get doctors to even accept them as patients due to all this corruption  when doctors just want to provide good care and get paid in a reasonalbe time without hassle or coercion of their billing personnel or services.  The lack of knowledge of the workers comp laws is widespread inside the health insurance units and injured federal workers are among the most vulnerable due to the litigation in getting the care, especially if there are third parties at fault, or if they are in criminal trouble which is obvious from the entire records of the event at the Social Security Teleserice center for HHS( at the time) in Jersey City at the ADP building 2 Journal square  9TH floor owned by Hartz Mtn Industries. OWCP orders the injured worker to file a third party lawsuit, then OPM sabotages that suit so the taxpayer can't get reimbursed for the bills. My attorney is still waiting for owcp to figure up the damages, and OPM is blocking that from occurreing. WHY? OPM is supposed to be on the side of the worker and the taxpayer, not the building owner or any other parties. A building that could not have passed city, state of federal inspection for human habitation. Looked nice and new, but when something bad happened  the gas detectors were turned off so they owner would not keep getting citations from the fire dept which we knew nothing about and ventilation system disconnected and installed improperly so at least the toxic fumes could have been minimized at least in part. and the list goes on. Including ruining careers at OSHA for even trying to help us.
As  the official at OPM said today, who seemed to be conscientious, maybe if we get my situation straightened out it will help me, (and in so doing straighten out the whole corurupt mess.) I agree will he be stopped, again as many have tried and corruption stops it?.. Our system is like that under our constitution.Its the rights of the individual and it also translates in to the power of one individual getting those rights that ensures that all like them do also.
#7 Thou shalt not commit adultery. One of the first things one is taught in a sociology class is that humans are mammals and also one of the very few whose reproductive organs can be active at any time. The Bible and Torah state that humans have desire for one another and we are to have mates and 'be as one.'
Societies make rules as to how that is to be.  Usually its called marriage.But whatever form it takes there is a recognition that if there is not a semblance of loyalty to the partnership, then society can dissolve into chaos as love is a very personal emotion and unhappiness follows when one is net secure in their partnership or marriage. In the USA , we are truly divided on what a marriage is supposed to be. We need to find some way to co exist as all sides are not in agreement and I don't for see any agreement for some time.
One side is not going to be able to force the other to agree on this as too many do not have the same interpretations of our faith documents and some don't adhere to them or read them differently.
As a Christian, and one who asks how the Bible is literal , I do consider one man and one woman as a marriage unit, but reocognize  that in a free society, not every one is an agreement and all are part of this society and humanity.
Christ in the New Testament says he came to fulfill the law. One can read that two ways. One is He is the prohecied Messiah which Christians believe, but also His teachings were a revival of the original Torah teachings which had become interpreted and diluted over the centuries. as secular and pagan societies had influence on the people of the faith.
He said if one even  has lust in their heart , they are guilty of adultery. Early pagan societies had a central Godess religion, pretty prevalent and wide spread in ancient worlds. Temple prostitutes existed and the act of procreation was 'worship.' somothing our society thinks they would never consider as that.
But let a high level govt official commit adultery, their carers can be ended over night even if they are perfoming their job inspite of their personal sins. 15 years ago, ago the peoplel's business in Congress came to grinding halt as everyone fell into the watching of 'lust' and tawdry details of the president and an intern. Laws and hearings to stop corruption never got held and the nation suffered even a vicious teror attack on 9;/11/01 as the whole nation had their minds on lust and not all the other things we sent them to Washington DC to take care of including the safety and security of this nation. We have ended up in wars over this.
The issues of marraige have divid this nation into almost two and several are so unhappy that they are signing petitions to secede form the union. The very ones who say they don't want sharia law are taking aciions to ensure their religous values are imposed on all with no regard for free will to sin if they choose by their standards.A form of sharia law, with another religious title put on it.In a free socieity one is alolwod to be wrong and put their eternal soul in jeapordy.We do have freeoodom of speech to try and tell them, but they don't have to listen. The first amendment includes a 'balance' of powers; of the individual to have in our society.
The election is over and the peoplelhave almost 6000 new regulations to comment on. (online sources)One wouldn't know that as the whole nation and world is watching another tawdry soap opera of adultery played out 24/7 on our news stations. I still have not heard one piece of evidence that the official involved sold any ntaional secrets, divulged any lists of undercover spies nor did any thing to harm the security of the nation. Maybe someone thinks he did or has some evidence. but all we are getitng is lusting being spewed out. If all adulterers left and resigned,how many would be left to govern.? We have physical desires and in a free socieity its sometimes forgotten to be loyal to theirimates as tempations are flaunted all over.
Loyalty is a big part of being in a permanent realationship with one's mate. Many seem to have forgotten that part of it and what it means. My parents had this. They weren't perfect and had their disagreements, but there was loyalty to each other.
My husband's parents did not have a perfect marraige and there were some probleme, but I noticed soon after meeting them the loyalty for each other. Once a neighbor said something to my father-in-law  about  my mother-  in- law. and he stuck up for her and praised her efforts in a matter immediately. I'm not speaking of realaionshipsd so broken that partners get harmed, etc. That''s the ultimtimate disloyalty and one must preserve  souls and lives when terrible things do occur. One who believes in a merciful Diety  surely is not going to fault one on judgement day. for severing something gone very bad. Christ speaks to this and so does the Torah. But if society is upholding the first 6 commandments and people are caring for one another, Children will not grow up to become part of such broken partnerships.Its an ideal. The Torah explians that procreation and desires for ones mate is part of the human conditions put in place after the relationship between earliest humans and the Creator was broken over disobedience to one simple rule.Don't fill our self with the knowldge of being able to to bad things that can destroy you and harm the relationship with the Creator. don't eat the 'apple', don't 'lust' after it, but keep after the good and do what one can to have it.
This adminstration seems to be playing catch up for 15 years of not managing this government. Everyone's expertise is needed now. One can go online and find the regulations that one thinks they should be giving some input to. Share your wisdom of living and training. Its as simple of puttingi in writing and sending it in and commenting on the rules that are published in the Federal Register. All those out there trying to keep our minds on a tawdry bit of adultery and seccession for the union, etc. should be helping govern this nation and this is one way our system allows each to have\input.BE SMART. SHARE YOUR WISDOM! I don't know much about some things, so may not be able to share anything on some, but others I do have some insights into. Do what you can and share what you write on line somewhere, some may wish to down load and sign a statement " I agree' and resubmit an affirmation. This is petitioning ones government in a very crurcial way. Its having input  the very rules ones will be asked to live by. Its completing the broad outline of the laws passed by Congress and signed by the president.
This is not a take over, it a 15 years catch up of matters that are overdue and again an affair, like 15 years ago, is all over the news There will be hearings about what happened and those on the committees will have to sort through the seiruos matters of national security and any real laws being violated.Then we may learn the truth that matters. adultery is bad, but its a personal weakness and many are tempted into it. We are not to be entering into a state of 'lustful; gossip over  it and let the naiton fall into chaos as we let the business of government go undone.
Gossip frenzy over an affair ended the life of three on the Kansas River 50 years, ago and the serious nature of that injustice has not been dealt with. Lets not keep repeatingt he errors of the past. We need  to end corruption and return to the ideals of our constitutional rights for each of us.And realize that in a free society whom one chooses to have for a mate may defy every tent of ones faith, but if one wishes to have the right to their iaith then all sides have to come to an understanding of disagreement, but freedom. We have all kinds of completion of laws, new laws to pass, amend some bad laws, hold  hearings and submit comments on those  held and management of good government to accomplish. The voters spokea and not everyone I voted for won but  the opposition candidates congratulated the winners, except in a few areas where votes are still being counted. Our problmes are too severe to not address them. A man cheating on his wife must not bring us down into the pit of chaos, again and ignoring what each needs to do as a citizen. Petition ones government for good laws and regulations to be passed so all came have happiness along with life and liberty.
TOMORROW: Theft: Linda Joy Adams 11/13/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

Spellcheck didn't always work