
Wednesday, June 8, 2022



        We are now deep into the first known code of laws that are of, by, and for the people..
Nowhere in these does it say, the highest position or one of greatest wealth should get a pass from the consequences of breaking them.
        Now, it began as laws direct from the Almighty, but we also seem to have a lot of judicial review cases...where judges heard a case...and appeals made of the decision to a Supreme Court of one....and a final decision made of the degree of guilt and suitable punishment or amount or way of restitution.
        A RARE CONCEPT in an ancient wicked world where power and might of one meant one could be "above the law" and like a god decided for others, they could "get away with murder" and often did even beyond the murder of human sacrifices...Since the one of evil was worshipped by a world that  "survival of the fittest" was the way to be.
        Completely opposite of the law of the real  Divine....where one and all are to protect the weakest and most vulnerable among us...And as for the livestock....look out for them, even if a neighbor's that gets away from their own master... And one did not take as ones own that was not theirs and got out of the herd of one's neighbor and each of us is another's neighbor...
        Thus we have even safety precautions for workers we hire...And some kind of barrier put up so one hired to put on a roof, will not fall off if they lose their way and are falling to one's physical death.
Just as we are to help others who are falling to their spiritual death..and getting into being led into the loss of their soul, by the master of deceit and its cohorts that have been around since the fall of the first human couple in the Garden of Eden.
        Here we are still trying to have good protect us from harm. and from those few among us who would break our laws...that hold to the spirit of the US Constitution or governing document of one's nations......and back then breached the spirit of the 10 Commandments....and even the top leader is cautioned to NOT ABUSE AUTHORITY WHEN IN POWER (Covet) and that is one translation into English that lost a Hebrew the first part of our Bibles was handed by the finger of the Almighty or others written by the spirit of the Almighty leading the words written....and although by the time of the New Testament writing...most spoke Greek as well as a Hebrew dialect called Aramaic,   The scrolls in the synagogue  were and always have been Hebrew.(?) and contain words for concepts unique in the understanding of a Divine that "IS" and is beyond logic, reason or science which ALL CAME FROM  and is in and of All ....And when asked by Moses from the Burning bush that did not burn answered what is Your name...said  I AM WHO I AM...
            The whole ancient world well understood how unique these one people their ways of accountability of all...even women...were held accountable even if they did not have full rights....and that curse of Eve being blamed for a second class status....has only begun to be overcome in the 20th know that the females are equal as Christ said in the Kingdom of heaven,  But being equal does not mean being the same or each human having their unique callings...from their personal lives as well as their place in society...FREEDOM  is of the Divine of Love and John in his gospel says Elohim is LOVE.. LOVE IS and CAN NOT BE CONFINED TO TIME AND PLACE...and can be accepted and passed on to others....and the  GREEKS HAD NO WORD FOR THIS KIND OF LOVE AS THEY HAD WORDS TO EXPLAIN NEARLY EVERY OTHER KIND...
   Often scholars and teachers will try to say Agape love explains this...but that is limited to such concepts as 'laying down one's life for another... and Yes, Yahusha, Christ did that at the cross for all of us to be saved into a renewed body and life eternal one day in that resurrected body.....But still is limited as many lay down their lives daily to save others from physical death....but only the DIVINE can save one from spiritual death... That is of the ONE THAT IS, WAS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE...

            In the name of Yahusha, help us keep understanding more of the TRUTH we can find only in You and through You...Thank You for shedding Your blood to rise so we also can have life eternal one day and may that day be soon...
        In the meantime help us help others to find their way to salvation through You....and it's not easy in this world where too many have not known of You and our world and public education have filled a terrible gap of not being able to even mention You even when history cannot even be taught without faith causing history to happen...And history used tobe able to be truth and if a student wanted to know more of the faith...was patiently told that they should go ask their parents or their own place of faith for the answers....and we learned how to know the history and direct faith matters to home or place of worship and controversies....did not got created by one case....and a few.....and TAKING OUT EVEN A GENERIC PRAYER..OR A MOMENT OF SILENCE.....LED TO STRIPPING HISTORY NEARLY OUT OF students do not have history to know that choices can be good or bad....and come with blessings or curses on them....and can spew out to others as good and helpful...or lead to horrors and lawlessness....and tragedies......and EVIL CAME IN AND FILLED THE VOID and due to lack of most knowing history....accepted religion of hate, murder and no regard for those inalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness....grounded in rights of ownership of property and even personal thoughts and person....Freedom dies, when we let a religion of a : strange god" come in and take away...good and replace with evil intent on the annihilation of all humans and creation itself'' a Here we are into the second generation raised in the public forum with not even a basic historical concept of good vs evil and what consequences happen when bad choices are made.
  It is not a matter of all being allowed to make choices....but that some choices are called illegal as the outcomes do harm to one and or all and the society of all...have agreed these are not to happen and we have legal systems to stop the actions and accountability in some form...for those who decide to choose evil and illegal ways...
        Most sins are legal. in a free soct=ity  but then we need to know and follow You to keep ourselves from being duped and tricked into bad choices that do harm to our souls....and risk lost of our eternal lives of only good and freedoms to be enslavement of even our person or minds and rights is not freedom....Freedom is found when we are free of being trapped in a way of evil that overcomes and controls us...and we need You to break free from. as we have let such a mess exist, we know its not possible to get free without Your help and we follow Your guidance and teachings..
        Thanks for having Your Holy Spiirt for each of us to be helped and comforted by....and hope that all may come to know and be the time Your return  and may it be sooner than later....But we will ''WAIT PATIENTLY ON YOU" as Your Dvine plane for all, is not expected to be fully known and thanks for the warings and we know its near....and we can help each other get ready...for the glorious day You call us to safety and evil and its cohorts are removed for  time of peace......and later final judgment and etrniry ahead of only good...And may none of us decide to choose evil over You....but some in this current world seem to have no concept of You and Your word says a time of outpouring of the Holy Spirit will happen.....and may all find repentance and salvation in You and make their way into the time of peace will all and rejoice on the final steps of a long journey of humanity being redeemed back to where we began before we fell to the lures of evil and You had to lead us to a redemption through a time of tribulatins back to be the wonder of creation we each are.
        Thank You for our lives and may You come soon.....and this sinner be found worthy along with all the others of imperfect sinners.....since the fall of the first couple from Eden...
        Prayers for all in needs of healing and comfort...and for me and my own...dealing with a lot right now in our own lives....but we know many are also....and the persecution of those who belive in You is said to be ignited tomorrow for all to see from Washington DC....and may all keep and open mind and sort out much of th truths...left hidden from the hearings already.....and many arrested that walked into the possible   OF THE ONLY PUBLIC BUIDLING ONE COULD ENTER WITHOUT BEING SCREENED ON 7/6/21 WAS TH US CAPITAL...and WHO TOLD THE POLICE AND SECURITY AND SCREENERS TO STAND DOWN AND OPEN THE DOORS LIKE INVITATIONS TO COME ON IN.....and some judges have already dismissed and or found many not a few did break things....but most would have left if the police had given the order of fair due process as we expect to happen when one walks in an open if invited...and then are not to be there.....JUST GIVE TH RDER TO LEAVE....and none were there to do that..' Help guide those in Congress to bring forth the whole truth so we never have another election with the taint on it as we the people decide whom should be seated in places of govt to take care of things for us and do so with honor and integrity and sense of service to one and all and to You....In Your Holy Name Yahusha, Amen!

         Tomorrow in prime time the 1/6 congressional hearings we have people still in jail and being arrested for a peaceful protest and I watched all the state hearings and the whole constitutional system had collapsed when cerfitifers said it was find to have more votes than even voters....and wi fi chipes in voting machines....and laws being broken.....and this is a state matter....and we the people failed ourseve for not making sure the election process where we are the rulers as overseen and we have many laws...still made before wi fi... and why many nations even are ging back to paper ballots that even if screned...if an issue or close number as to who won has to be a recout...etc...we actually have something tangible to check.....and  not some kind of hi tech that only a few among us even know how to find and verify....accuracy....but a paper we all can see and use reason an common sense.....and but for one candidate being a billinairs.and popular enouht to raise donations to look into things.....we might never have been given the op[ortintiy to take a good look at the whole messed up process....and changes needed to be made...just to be transparent and none can ever occurs any kind of skulduggery........ever again....
        And due to the attention...several down races had anther one called as winner.after  closer look....for local and state electins....but we also have issues of even if allin congress should be there and the taint is even exist....We can fix this....and  many laws are getting passed in states where the elections are to be under state control.....but as for me....I think that where the taint existed...each certifier...should have had to publicly say they agree to certify or not...Much as a jury is polled in a court case...As history is going to judge...each one as the world and us already are.....and we need all the facts out....and if nthig else is deemed accomplished by the 45th president of the
         He promised to clean up the sawamp...and on his way out of town...he pulled the plug to drain it...and its been draining ever since and changes are happening.....but the back lash is about to hit is the many do not expect a full and fair hearing....but PRAY WE DO .... and that believers in Christ are not thrown to the beasts in the arenas of our ancient Rome did to blame all the ills of society and corruptions in all sides and areas...on the followers of peace and justice for one and all...
        And answer one question....for if I had been there for a peaceful assembly.....and the crowd was being allowed to walk in peacefully to the US Capital building...and issues were none were to be in there at all....WHO REMOVED ANY POLICE OR SCREENERS... Nearly all  did no violence or damage....and if asked to leave surely would have....THIS IS PART OF GOOD GOVERNING TO MAKE SURE....PEACE IS KEPT AND NONE GET TRAPPED INTO EVEN TRESPASS charges as many did.....
   All should be concerned....One thing was getting instructions out as to how to walk from the presidents...speech to the other side of the capital where the stage was up for a rally with music and speeches.....and the crowd was to assemble...
        The purpose of Congressional hearings is search for truth and what laws are needed to be passed....and this is a free society and all sides should want this....and there will be many more ralliees and petitioning of our govt....that is allowed by our US Constitution.....and when permits are given for these as was here....then it needs to be clear...who provide security and how to clearly show how one got to the other side of the bldg and simple common sense of how to get upwards of a million people to where they were trying to get to...And how to deal with a few troublemakers....that should not be allowed to get by with disruptions.... I have seen a lot of video....and seems the police where under an ORDER TO STAND DOWN.......And even Moses in the desert dealt with troublemakers at first....and had to make sure they did not get to be present and got direction to deal with them...and remove then from the Exodus  as the Divine plan for good and an example of good governing was at stake...then and now and always has been....and dealing with huge crowds and even I was incensed when their was not even to be a hearing...after months of too much testimony and issues arising...that many are being dealth with and even arrests...  
            The wheels of justice are slow and must be prevail for freedom for all to rule... And those who did vandalism, broke laws....and need to be held accountable...but most of the charges are for walking in an opened door with persons of authority standing and holding it open as if invited in...And that is not fair and just... This is crucial history...and no larger group should be attacked in a free society who did nothing illegal...The future freedom for all of us is at stake....and may this hearing be to find better laws and procedures for the next mass petition to our ensure its peaceful assembly.
        One issue was the stage for the inauguration had begun to be erected and how many who came...may have through that is where the rally was to be and not on the other side..?
Again, that sprirual geift of administration is key in a free the will of the people and their rights of even peaceful assembly are allowed....but we do need order and not let chaos and a few trouble makers spoil the rights of all to let our voices be our govt....and in our times....rallies speeches and music...are part of the process....and when we have made it known...we go home and vote and may we have an electoral system overseen and up to date for modern tech......and we vote and pray we choose thoe who will serve us well and if they do not..we find another at the time of the next election...And those we send to serve us, know we are the boss and they serve us....and we will support them with thanks and prayers etc....But we will be ready to vote foranther if they do not try and do their best for us....
            A million people showed up and common sense of those in charge was the response from congress was not going to be a well received one...A hearing would have allowed a pause and  the rally, and in a held... and I see nothing that said it could not happen.. and the tragedy diverted... Sometimes a pause to allow common sense and some testimony of the constitutional process etc to flow and as many wish to amend the US Constitutin to get rid of the Electorall college....we still have issues of what do we do...when any kind of corruption issues are raised and we have strict time limits to deal with an election in a nation with over 300 million citizens... How can certifiers. from the states have better laws...and then the last step in Congress...and I see no reason a hearing could not have eased the tension and concern of the people...And maybe the hearing we would be getting held tomorrow would be for all of us to have a better understand of he US Constitutional role of cerifiers....and what is the duty of the ones in Congress...Much of us expected at least a brief hearing and were told that 1/6 was not the that was rally 1/21. for the swearing in of the winner..... Due to covid restrictions it was not a big event as usually is with a major influx of persons to the city...
        The last thing we need is a being that does not address the issues of why the heightened emotion....and it was not the usual of my candidate did not win...and we accepted it as we thought all was fair and just....and our side should have gotten more out to vote..etc.. The main media did not cover this election at all as once they did.....but was being covered and much was from all sides....and  some stark issues are still real...more votes than voters....and changes rules in middle of game or elections....just does not seem to be fair even on grade school..playgrounds..
        And the media did not cover the officials in the states holding hearings etc...And I being one able to watch on Right side censorship of a presidential election was awful and we are going to look back and find these times...ones when we had to face the delima of having a free society...Its not free of work by all to keep it.. The GOP was not well organized when issues were detected and some trying to call govt contracts ansering the phone at the FBI, etc...when every area should have an atty for the party review what is witnesses and if a violation a judge ready to review an order...etc...
          WE HAVE AN ISSUE WITH THE VOTERS HAVE NOT HAVE A GOOD EDUCATION IN THE US CONSTITUTION....and when is the last time anyone read it...I understand its not even being trught in Highschol anymore...and maybe we voters needs to pay attention to those school board elections...also... and beefre we get fedeerl mandates with federal monies to assure some group gets their rights...maybe we all need to learn about the governing document that affords equal rights for all as amended...and how that needed to be done even into the 20th century for women to be counted as equal..Maybe some riots and protests might be calmed if we knew our own histry and that is the good and bad....but give credit to a nation that has overcome wrongs and made things right....
        As we come to a time of equality....we had congress lass the 12/02 law and stopped gvt from overseeing and we need to have that law declared unconstitutional and congress should have made sure....all are equal before the law....and govt cntractrs rule now and break laws...and rights and work not dne and moniesmising more than the national debt....and these are the hearing that need to be held....and allow exiting budget to be used to audit and prosceute lawbreakers as they gave full immunity to all but Dept of defense govt contrctrs nd we would not ven had covid to ea with per Dr faucci;s testimony a coupe of months ago in a hearing...soo  WHY WASN'T THE RIGHT OF OVESIGHT OVER ALL GOVT CONTRACTORS PUT BACK....INTO LAW...???
   .And that is  what all  sides should want...for ...being fair and just and sometimes our side wins and sometimes doesn't and we need to learn from not be fooled over and over by a master of deception that has been around since the Garden of Eden and wants nothing of all of humanity learning how to have freedom and lws an government  that carries out the will of the people and we the people forgot to oversee he process s it got lax as much has and let machines do the work....
        But machines...are fed by humans and humans can fall to temptations and we have to help overse the process...and that is all sides, all ensue not ever again..will any taint be on any the USA is still thought to be the beacon of freedom for the world....But its light it been dimmed....and we need to do some clean up work and do what is needed to clean things up in spirit and laws that are not working as they should for fairness and justice for all...
        All political sides should wish this to be...and we need congress to oversee and serve us well all of us...and pray this does not turn into calling Christians the Ceasar Nero and a few others did in history...And that is being fueled by the abortion issue leaked from the US Supreme Court just as the political side that was there on 1/6 is the side the court appears to be upholding their views....and that being leaked before these hearings were over....not good.. And appears would not have been with several later this month...
        And big money interests all over influencing that should not exist...and its a tense situation...for all sides..who have a real opinion on matters. And we ae allowed to have our faith influence our vote as a right of being allowed to have private faith, opinions and thoughts even.... But illegal acts and corruption should have no part in a fair and just society  where nearly all want a heaven  on earth of good for one and all....and even if ones neighbor does not agree with all, that is their right...but do not take away mine either. We are called to care and that means none is to be left behind to face injustice and unfairness..
        Linda Joy Adams 6/8/22



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