
Sunday, June 26, 2022


        Joshua obeyed the Almighty with a process and when the walls fell down the interlopers on their land fled... We forget we have rights but seems always som will come in and try to overcome them and us and then we are   ALL LEFT BEHIND  . to allow tyranny and faced with armed conflict to have our rights returned.. Thankfully we still have a govt and rights and can make sure we clean up this horrible all of us and our elections never have any taint ever again....and there is NO EVIDENCE OF WRONGDOING IF OUR WITNESSES ARE NOT THERE TO OK OR DISPUTE AND  A PANNEL IN PLACE TO REVIEW THAT DISPUTE...ETC.and we see none on many videos and no signed waiver hey did not need to be there etc...
            Where is the documentation on that all over the nation  Many signed in....but record of disputes was not documented or how many..etc... not even to report NONE.
..A curse on all when blood is shed...even when done for legally okayed reasons and on final judgment day, we all may find some guilt for neglect of oversight of the process to assure thing of society are in good process and order to not let even come in and take over and we have witnessed all kinds of neglect of process that has made or rights of self-giving tainted worse than one could even imagine and all forgot that without the witnesses of our voting groups...present no valid election can be there is none to bear wine that al is Ok or not where were the forms signed by the witnesses on the ballots under a table that was signed as reviewed as valid to be counted by witnesses and from where and then witnesses be present for the scan of one scan each..etc. Not valid to even scan if 2 +witness signatures are not present etc of the observers present to review as OK when taken out could also see and call their party etc for guidance on this...And where were the witnesses to stand guard over the ballot count in the process when all sent home for whatever reason  ..THIS IS THE BLATANT DISREGARD FOR ALL OF US OF ALL PARTIES...THAT HAS BEEN ALLOWED TO GO ON.. and on judgment day, some sines to account for...
        .And no matter how many ballots get scanned or dripped here or there if the whole process has no witness....and right to dispute and a pannel to review of all sides before the process goes forward and legally the law requires. Many got treated shabbily when they walked in and signed n as one party so went out and signed in as Independent....and did they change voter registration ?.
        Even judges forgot and obstructed witnesses' right to serve in many areas so entire states elections are invalid...and since some are presidential elections with constitutional time limits to always have a commander in chief...
        MANY STATES COULD NOT SEND ANY STATE SLATE OF ELECTORS AS THERE WERE NO WITNESSES PRESENT TO OK OR NOT THE PROCESS BY ONE VOTE AT A TIME...WE SEE VIDEO AT STATE fARM areas with no observers or panel to review and we will never know legally what happened as our witnesses for our groups and that is usually the two major parties but could be there for or against any ballot issue also and where are the signed wavier for any process to be done without our representative present and able to see the vote or screen if a voter registration signature had o be compared to an envelope... we have a mess and I did not know either and thought the parties were taking care of things..and as a registered voter of a party,, never bother to find out...what was going on in my own area...
        And being one involved as precinct chair for the party before went to work for govt...many years ago...I let myself down also and this is on all of us....when we did not volunteer to help in some way an hour or two a year ...and common sense is the basic requirement but it does demand being able to see...for much but not all..even.
            Like a dark cloud on the USA and the world as being a leader among nations for many decades now, we LEFT OUR OWN BEHIND and those we offered protection to for assisting us in times of wars.
This has been a manner of understood honor of the ages, and to defy it is to breach covenant level sin, not unlike the COMMANDMENT TO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY of any kind of covenant of a sacred oath...and or just bearing false witness when a life is at stake and we have pledged to protect and allow safe passage out in case of danger in wars and other deadly conflicts.
        A series of movies about the Rapture has been out for a couple of decades now and are called LEFT BEHIND ...and those who are, are those who have not accepted Christ as Savior and get left behind and many do become saved but have to live through the time of the wrath of loss of all rights under the Anti Christ.
             When one is under the PROMISE OF SALVATION of being saved by one-word Belief..PRAY NONE ARE LEFT BEHIND...No matter how horrible a sinner one has been, by one's belief one is offered salvation and redemption back into a flesh that cannot die...And the one giving that promise IS, WAS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE: the DIVINE CREATOR OF ALL OF US AND CREATION ALSO    He IS and came in part fallen flesh to die and rise so all those who believe may be able to be redeemed and have eternal life in that transformed or resurrected body if its another resurrection of the dead which occurred at the time of the first coming....and witnesses even by secular historians...which much...has been locked up, seems in the Vatical with a lot of history that is censored since Constantine 1600 years ago....and we are beginning to learn and discover much even if a trove of knowing is still concealed from most of us.
        We know by faith, as science and knowledge show how miracles of the Bible can occur, but seems in Jericho was some kind of use of sound vibrations and extra divine help on the final bring down the walls..and ancient city...of the returned fallen,, is the context..of the Bible....the giants that 40 years earlier the spies for those in the Exodus came back and said giants lived there and we are like ants to them...and HAVE NO BELIEF BUT FOR JOSHUA AND CALEB...and a way to wander in the desert for 40 years until a new generation who were not influenced by the propaganda of Lucifer's fallen ones and offspring with human women of human sacrifice of murder as worship....was lost with a new generation and the older one was not still living...But in a place of isolation even in another dimension as their shoes never wore out) and cannot see any kind of shoes walked in for 40 years that wouldn't wear out and need to be replaced multitudes of times in 40 years...
            And another matter is, my too often disagreement with Pope Francis, on matters. And his being pro-life and vs 2nd Amendment rights seems to sound right, but seems to not be exactly what is in Bible..or the part of the 10 Commandments. I am not Catholic but never disagreed with some basic concepts as have with his one from prior ones. or the usual one of how and when things are done etc.  
Some things seem to be a tradition and human culture...and merging all faiths into one..can cause the teachings of Christ to get lost in the mix...and this cannot be the Truth of the faith to me.
        Its taught in the Bible we will be judged by the condition of the heart...and in our legal systems we have a term of 'intent' and it is crucial and juries have to often decide that...of one accursed of a crime did they intend to do harm...or was it self defense and we each have a right and instinct of survival...that is part of us... The US Supreme Court just upheld that...and the Pope responded to that as others did to restrict who can get a gun...
        When we have guns all around and little is taught of respect for the gun to never let it cause harm....and I remember when seat belts in cars first came out and we were shown scry film to get us to put them on and save life......and children used to have similarly done as I did by my Dad very concerned harm could be done for having them in the home and he kind of overdid it...but being curious as most was respected and I never even got near them even as I knew where Dad kept the bullets and shells, etc I knew a lot of things and kept quiet so could keep on knowing and the adults not be careful of eyes and ears learning things...
            The BIBLE SAYS 'CHOOSE LIFE: and when a loved one, who was a registered Democrat ran for office a few decades ago and considered taking a life of an unborn a sin...even if legal...What and how could one be in one party and not either...and still respect rights of all life.?
And I went to the Bible to find what it actually said... and came across in the Old Testament CHOOSE LIFE and understood the differing philosophies between birth parties had been hijacked by an evil side of disregard for all life, even unborn. Taking a life is still a sin, but it is a forgivable one and why the first laws to allow it was only for an early term, a life of the mother, rape, or incest as a reason only and also counseling to make sure it what was wanted...And then the law says legal but what of judgment day...etc..And where is the support for the mother of social programs and rights to not be stigmatized if an unwed mother..etc..And many were passed but soon began to be gutted as budget cuts and on to a billion-dollar business using fetal tissues for research making money knew were life to decide what flavor of food or pop to sell us...and other horrors now beginning to come out and harvesting of body parts....and SATAN DUPED US horribly. 
            And many states already had the strictest OK. The choice is Life and death is a sin...and one deals with the Almighty on judgment day, even if the law says it's OK...A subtle difference..which seems to be the reasoning to let the states decide as other matters of personal belief and culture of a people of areas may differ and the will of the people rules unless its a mob turned to a loss of will to even have will to form a reasonable right to have and believe what is right and wrong..  Violence is not a reasonable right to force an opinion on it? That is an act of war, with a wish for what the Bible says is sanctified life before one was even in the mohr womb...we were before we even were conceived is the Bible's in the Old Testament and never overturned by Christ in the New with the firs coming and teaching... 
        And to say rights of self-defense etc is not also a forgivable sin means we have rights but do need to use care to protect some form the weapons...And instead of never being allowed to use a gun until I was older was instead taught what a gun was and a deadly scare one to know it can take life....and as for me....the teaching early on left me not even wanting to have one or around when someone very young might get into it....and young children seem to be able to get into the most hidden of places...etc.
        My belief is there are a lot of unborn babies in heaven as the Almighty says He knew them before they were in their mother's womb and He received them before they were ever born on Earth. One interpretation of who the 144.000 are includes the unborn massacred by King Herod trying to kill Christ..but he went after all under age 2 and why many believe he Maji did not arrive until a couple of years afterward. Some ancient sources indicate Joseph went to work in the construction of the expanded temple...still being built.. as not all knew what some knew of who Christ was/.
Wonder if the employee payroll of Herod is hidden in the archives of the Vatican and one day we will see where Joseph signed and got paid for work to support his new family.
        I wish all could be scanned and posted online and a wealth of info for scholarship and master's theses and papers and dissertations would unravel a whole lot of history and more we may never have been aware of...over the history of this planet. And studying history may lead many back to christ before He came the first time and all expected the two coming since Adam and Eve given the promise of salvation one day....and told to look up fr the sign in the heavens they could read as a Picture Bible before evil at the time of Babylone decide to take and rewrite and the first censorship of our faith teachings began for a horror we have yet to have good fully win over evil and have the promise of the second coming with rapture first to see the life as Christ and he shoots of heaven arrive and evil and its cohorts are removed and bound up...and we can have a time of peace...

    I DO NOT ASK IF THE BIBLE IS TRUE BUT HOW IT IS and much in it is not fully explained but science beyond what we yet know seems to be used.. Maybe Christ has to return and turn off the controls of a Sun gotten out of control by that planet or whatever comes through here every few thousand years and got us out of kilter? One can only speculate and ask the scientists if plausible theory. or what they know but kept from us...for some reason and pray it's a valid one and not some using for higher taxes on carbon for the machine? running the sun needs to call the Divine mechanic to fix it.. and if so begin praying He is coming soon..He said He would and days might have to be shortened or none of us will survive...But it's hot..and not as hot as some have it now...

        Just as I consider taking any life a sin....I have never thought that humans could decide if a war is a justified sin...or not...And that will be decided on the final judgment day...and IF ONE's MOTIVES ARE PURE OR FORGIVEABLE BY THE ALMIGHTY,  then the sin of taking a life for self-defense and wars of self-defense or protection of others...maybe forgivable...
            The youth of the 1960s were a generation who attended Sunday school even if their parents were not attending...Common happening that began with attending the local Vacation Bible School and soon children went off to church...while many parents who married outside their faith could not agree to go to this church or that one as being even  METHODIST MARRIED TO BAPTIST was another faith and could not get past some ways things were done or interpreted were differing even if he faith and the ONE  to worship was the same...
        And what happened was a generation, before drugs got sent in to disrupt an outpouring of the Holy the earlier years...and they questioned why are we in the war in Vietnam..? where is a Hitler mass killing etc..All we knew was...the govt wanted all to go and has anyone ever really understood why we spent all the time and death over there...only to never seem to fully try to win...and then left and a tyrant took over. There was a  known effort to get our own out and did not seem to have so many business people and others there as we did in Afghanistan where no real effort was made to do a systematic withdrawal.
            We may not fully know the reason, but not knowing who is running this govt, and seems to be a committee of handlers...this is not ONE COMMANDER IN CHIEF WHO IS FULLY ABLE TO HAVE ALL INFO AND KNOW ITS TRUTHFUL ETC BY OWN DISCERNMENT OF LOGIC..ETC...AND THEN TAKE ACTIONS THAT HAVE TO FOLLOW A CODE OF HONOR OF THE AGES...AND THE BIBLE THE VALUES OF OUR LAWS ARE GROUNDED IN 
             The one thing that the USA constitution leaves to one person is being commander in Chief...and only by an act of defunding by congress or other action of there's..or 25th amendment by cabinet...the one in the oval office in charge...and has to be one we all can respect and our allies have confidence in there are one of integrity even if all issues in other political areas we may not agree on...
                The sin of war itself...removes all voting when we go to war...on a moment's notice... And for many to joke and make fun of a situation we have now, is also a sin on all and those even of the Democratic power to take action. But many think we have the next two not ones we can have faith in being able to take over in such a time either...And why elections have to be valid and that beings with respect to having them with the witnesses of us overseeing the process of all sides... We can watch videos all we want to and seem pretty sure things were not right as done...But we will never know for the two+ witnesses were not those who represent us of both parties and any others on the ballot to say ok to validate all was accurate and legal or dispute and send to a panel for review and desi NO TWO WITNESSES NOR A PANEL and the elections invalid. for the states. And other states even had judges who invalidated the state's election of the entire ballot for all candidates  in all of this as not only the president was the offices and even some ballot issues on ballots affected    and JUDGES INVALIDATED THE WHOLE STATE AS THE AMOUNT IN SOME CITIES OF THE FINAL TOTAL GIVEN OUT MEANT ONE MAJOR AREA COULD CHANGE THE TOTAL AND OUTCOME   And would since other offices on the same ballot affected by he count or no vote also of a percent...that is crucial for whoever is in office to know how drastic changes can be without disrupting the will of the people and causing chaos 
        NO EVIDENCE, NO PROOF exists as there was no overseer of the people to say all was OK or not...and if even one was in dispute no pannel to review and one election office of one party or other IS NOT A PANEL TO ASSESS THE PROCESS AND IF THE BALLOT IN QUESTION WAS VALID...and most had no idea ballots had a security barcode? in the paper which al should have known and no need to pay a lot of money to dispute after the horror was illegally allowed to be run....and obstructions even mandated by Judges....the witnesses should have known...and what was shown publicly shows something wasn't right and a whole lot not right.
        .So if the dispute and panels had ruled...then they would have validated the paper even being a real ballot or a copy paper one as some have seemed to have been BUT WITHOUT THE FORMAL DISPUTE FROM OUR WITNESSES AS BSERVERS TO OBJECT AND HAVE A FORMAL REVIEW...AND THE SAY OR NOT....then many states had no valid elections n 2020 and seems as if many of us have had none for a long time as rights f us to have our witnesses there to oversee all if OK...makes the whole invalid...
        No electoral college votes from a state that is invalid as no valid election and none ever presented that argument? why? All the other investigations done are helpful to what laws or needs to be done to clean up the mess before another election and thanks to many who have volunteered many hours to help. So all voters can have elections without taint and valid and feel confident all was proper and witnesses present for each of our groups to be us and use basic common sense.  Too many did and got rebuffed and even removed and that invalidated the whole election and rights of all sides and that is the tragedy we all lost...none won in such.
States have to redo elections for their offices and Congres would have to count if enough states had valid elections and votes enough to have anyone win...and if not...then....the House votes for president as our representatives for us by population as time limits mean by inauguration day we need a commander in chief to take charge on minute one in case of the need to call the military into action..
and why during the ceremonies the NUCLEAR FOOTBALL IS BROUGHT AS SOON AS THE OATH IS TAKEN...TO BE WITH THE NEW COMMANDER IN CHIEF... Any mess needs to be done before the election begins...and if judges are defied which also happened then with time limits and mail-ins already being done...the order to not open even the outer enveloped was defied....and they did it anyway...these the election was to be a redo before ven any polls opened on voting day...
        This is how lawlessness and ignoring of rights of all voters were infringed and been going on for so long...that it puts a taint on many/or all elections...and we live with the history of not defending our rights of even our right of freedom and independence of the Divine Creator of ALL BEING KINGS AND PRIESTS AND  OUR PRECIOUS SECPTERS OF ONE BALLOT EACH FOR EACH VALID VOTER...and our right to have witnesses for us present to over ee the we know our right are upheld..
            In the name of Yahusha, save us from the mess we are in as we forgot that we the people are called to be the rulers since we replaced Satan in the Garden of Eden and evil duped the first couple duped into eating that apple and the fall took place into death being part of creation and a fallen state where we could be tempted to sin...
    Prayers for healing and for life to be allowed for me....and figure out how to run that new distiller so can stop buying water that has doubled in price over the last few years and can get some ahead....and stored in clean bottles for use to mix medicines....etc
        And help those in charge of this world to come to know You and follow Your was and stop trying to end us and creation and  Love You as You love us and be happy and have a good way and ways for one and all.
            And pray as the concerns of all of us and many need to know and help end any taint on our rights of self-governing we never disrespect our witnesses and may all feel able to volunteer without being dispersed if they need to object and be met with the following the process and let the panel review and decide and that means having one... Many explained the process as our witnesses and knew it was not fair but no way or process to dispute the whole election itself and seems the parties were not helping them to know.
        When even judges invalidate our right by rulings to obstruct the observers to have our legal votes count as none respected the laws and rights of all parties for fairness and legal process that is a very good one where anyone able to vote,,, is capable to use basic common sense to dispute what may not be OK and send on to a panel...How many elections in the USA have ignored this from the voting roles used not been canvasses by party precinct volunteers as accurate and disputes turned into election offices for them to check out the disputes of someone moved or died...etc..And then poll watches and dispute any irregularity and all stops until checked out and made OK..or not an issue as ALL BE AWARE THAT IS NOT RESOLVED BY LAW AND RIHT THE WHOLE STATE ELECTION CULD HAVE O BE INVALIDATED AND REDONE AND NONE GET TO VOTE FOR PRESIDENT AS IF ENOUGH STATES HAD NO VALID ELECTIONS THEN THE HOUSE EID IT.
        Thanks to all those elected officials in our counties and states who take their jobs with honor and sincerely and do well but the mess needs all of us to help and report issues to them to resolve disputes and those disputes can be used by poll watchers to dispute anyone appearing to vote and a review to be done and judges need to be on call...if needed...But the issues may more often be in those mail-in ballots and flawed registrations even done with the mail-in ballot in hand, by country and witness of ours being ordered to do s and some illegally obeyed...and broke that trust.. so they can be counted from one being registered during ballot counting operation by some assigned to do so.
              Much of this is not available online now as censored by media...and that is the check and balance of the fourth estate to have freedom and they report all sides and debate this and those signed under oath affidavits can never be given as evidence as the whole election was invalidated as witnesses not present for much of key matters and some witnesses were to observe multiple tables and votes as seme time...and that is humanly impossible......when none should have been able to enter any info into a data base that includes the whole list of voters for an entire state...Internet access? remote access. and anyone able to access it? TAINT TAINT TAINT... 
            For me, who spent many hours volunteering back before I went to work for the govt, to have all this illegal activity to even be alleged as going on is an insult to the people and nation that this had been going on and no one, not me either...did nothing to stand up to it...and all assumed someone else was ding it and none were...and evil-doers slipped in and INVALIDATED THE WHOLE RIGHTS OF ALL BY KNOWING THE WITNESSES HAD TO BE GONE OR BAMBOOZLED INTO SUBMISSION OF NOONE TO APPEAL TO.  And this is on all political parties for this to happen...And rationally seems to be worse in areas in cities where often most do not know their neighbors...
        We will never know the truth this side of heaven as You know as our witnesses were not there and in many cases, this flaw was disputed and no panel of review n each newly entered d registration seems to been able to id without a forensic audit to know entered during ballot counting  And states have laws of having to be registered before so a valid list is available. 
          We are caught in our own ignoring our rights....and the world sees the leader of the free world failing to uphold that light of freedom for all...As we let ourselves lose the basic rights of being free to be the rulers at the ballot box...and from beginning f mail our ballots..and voting lists updated and volunteer can help if done in teams by parties on the ballot of two or there in most states... some have more...And many witnesses reported that in many areas the voter registration was done by the ones reviewing the ballot envelopes of a mail-in with no registration and then told and was done to enter a voter registration.
         ONE REGISTERS WHEN YOUR BALLOT IS READY TO BE OPENED .T.HEN Counted after inner envelope opened by a separate process...and even a judge that said not to separate until a resolution made that state official defied the judge and MADE THAT STATE EELCTO  INVALID never resolved if all hose ballots were witnessed and any disputes of what was on the outer envelope matched the voter registration signature and any other issues......and that violates a lot of laws and INVALIDATES THE ELECTION AND THOSE ARE GOING TO GET NEW BALLOTS NEXT TIME WHO NEVER HAD A VALID REGISTRATION AND MAY NO EVEN BE REAL PEOPLE...
        THE taint is so real and so bad it's not even possible to report all I saw from the report etc that seem very credible to me that real issues existed and DISPRESECT AND REVIEW PANELS NOT EVEN EXISTING... to agree or not.
            No valid elections when the process for observers to observe and dispute and a panel of all sides rule and if an appeal to a judge and then judge not obstruct witnesses and invalidate the whole by hat ruling...., that many in the nation have volunteered to canvass as once we used to have precinct captains either voted in or appointed by the parties and I once was one long ago...and one got to meet their neighbors that way...and when You call us ALL BE KINGS AND PRIESTS... in overseeing our scepters of votes...we also can care and know what is the needs of one area and be able to bring these matters to hose running for office or elected and help make changes for some way...
In Your Holy Name Yahusha, Amen!

            I do not like guns and maybe it's due to my dad making his training about gravely to the consequences of using one...and he said if one is not willing to take a life.....then one should never pick one up...And he meant for self-defense etc...or being police and or soldier....and some due not have that quality of a regard for life to respect all having that rights...but when one is called to defend others in harm,,, then it has to be done..
        .A GENERAL WHO HATES WAR IS SAID TO BE THE BEST they are not being led by tyranny or hate...but protecting those under attack or atrocities being done...or violating his rights to try and conquer their neighbors. yet the whole is a curse to even be in the situation...and that is a final judgment on all of us For if we are in a war due to our neglect of the process led to ones in office to make decisions that cause societal harms done that law of 12/02 of defunding oversight of entire govt with control being with unaccountable govt contrac4rs here and around the world and UN  but the Dept of defense in the USA. 
        We have done massive harm to ourselves for we have no idea that the ones who neglected to serve u well..were under the taint of the process to even be in place for valid elections...?. Dr. Fauci testified that covid could not have happened but for that defunding of oversight in the 12/02 law.  there would be no illegal research to get out..of any lab anywhere. and an unverifiable false report filed by the Subcontractor under NIH HHS as the original funding for DOD was not to do their illegal research and their sb contractor decided on their own? to do the illegal actions...with taxpayer funds in Wuhan CHian... 
        There is less chance of whistle-blowers in a non-free we were losing our freedoms and rights and not even aware of how bad it media and congress gag order rule covered up who was doing the work and got the money and what happened to the money and why all the illegal documentation gradually amassed by agencies trying to get action and he law        
        I am sure I would not be in this deadly situation now, but 39 federal agency judges can be deified an order withheld from the gov official o process and pay on me as govt contracts of the cabal worldwide BEAST SYSTEM OF REVELATION WORLDWIDE IS NOT TO BE IN POWER ITS BEEN IN POWER FOR REAL BY AUTHORITY OF GOVTS BACK T 20 YEARS NOW AND NEARLY EVERY NATION BUT FOR TOTAL DICTATORS SEEMS TO BE UNDER IT WORLDWIDE...AND THIS BLOG BEGAN TO TRACK ITS INVERWOVEN WEB WRLD WIDE...
          He made me understand this at age 9....and we had a couple of guns in the house but the bullets were not kept near them... and generations earlier seemed to have been given similar training.....that dismissing in our times... For me, we have  911 to call...and prayers to never need to call. and may those who choose to serve and protect not be targeted by evil doers worshiping evil by the sacrifice of warriors for their evil masters and strange god of death and wants them dead as the prize offering...pure evil being done now ......and having guns in a home where young might access them in any way even hidden....did not seem best...
        But never take away the right as in our times with NO GOVT IN CHARGE...SINCE 12/02 Law...we have increasing defunding and calling 911 may not get help in time...and pray we do have some willing to serve and protect and if life is taken saving one, pray hey are forgiven on judgment day...and if the ones saved may even be able to testify as witnesses...I have no idea what the court of the Almighty will be like....but we are told that believers will have Christ to call as defense counsel....and who is the prosecutor.... to bring the charges..?  
        An interesting study of what the Bible says about that might be an interesting study...but a reality each of us will face one day...believers and non-believers for we have all sinned as its part of being in the fallen state since the Garden of Eden...but it's said we are forgiven by the shed blood of Christ already...but final accounting will take place...maybe after the thousand years of peace and that one last time evil is allowed to be free...and how we deal with it... Mysteries we do not fully understand but we believe by faith we are saved and OK and may we not backslide from that salvation  But many of us are guilty of neglecting of overseeing our rights as evil took over and we got duped by the master of deception and its cohorts as been doing so for 6000 years of world history.
             No process is in place before the election is held or it's invalid and we can't even vote and then who takes care of things for us in all these offices...THE GOVT CONTRACTORS NOW IN CONTROL AND REAL TYRANNY AS MY WELL DOCUMENTED CASES SHOW  already exists WITH JUDGES TO BACK THIS UP AND THEY DEFIED AS WE HAVE LOST HAVING A GOVT UNTIL CONGRESS GETS RID OF THE DEFUNDING OF 12/02  
        The inside info of the death toll before covid even began is shocking and probably far worse when everything around us is under govt regulation and usually for safety reasons and if nothing can be relied on from govt contracts now the ones doing the world of govt and or in control with systems nearly all contracted out....then tyranny is real for anyone or group that can be a target by the ones in control and that is not anyone in the govt...
At least not legally acting one. and that brings corruption on into the govt to have a whole mob of hit persons to be part of a bigger Ricco or organized crime ring what the US Atty call it and unable to act due to law of congress that has not been overcome..

        Linda Joy Adams  6/26/22

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