This seems to be a horrific command for the I AM WHO I AM to ask for human sacrifice as the wicked world demands for the worship of their evil defier of the Divine.
But taken in the context of what the future was already planned to be, this seems to be one final test of faith, that this one righteous man, was the one who would sacrifice his own flesh and blood son, and obey the will of the Divine.. I do not believe and see nothing in scripture that at the moment we die, our soul finds another body then or later to return into. Remember the scene of the transfiguration when Elijah and Moses appear with Yahusha in transformed bodies that are not the fallen state Adam and Eve got tricked into by Satan in the Garden of Eden and Satan said eat you will not die, and they ended up with bodies that could die in the flesh, but not their souls..and the mystery of the cross seems to be Chit as both fallen flesh through His early mother and Divine from the Trinity of "IS" died and rose to no more fallen flesh. And others rose also of he righteous of the past who had died before. Only one mention in scripture and some surviving ancient writings..and I suspect that in the Vatican is a lot of info about many sightings. we have had hidden from us..This would have surely freaked out the whole world, for long-dead loved ones and others to be here.
Gives some meaning to why, the explanation of the Holy Trinty of three in one of the same all-powerful, all-knowing and no word in Greek or Latin to explain the concept of "IS" which John in his Gospel says is LOVE and to even translate that into other languages, there is no word that fully describes a concept that has no beginning and no end...That is not contained within time and space. either.
And this is the dangers of an action that has been reported over in the middle east right now if it is accurately reported of preparing anointing oil for the coming Messiah. THEY MAY END UP ANOINTING THE ANTI-CHRIST OF ALL THE ANTI CHRISTS if the reporting is accurate they think he has been born again as a full fallen state human It defies the cross and resurrection to save us all if we choose to follow Him, the risen Christ who IS, WAS AND ALWAYS WILL BE..( I hope this is not part of the reason to call in 24 theologians from world regions to come and do what tell each of us if the one showing up is the real Savior returned when we are told ALL WILL SEE ?)
We have this sacrament or rite in many faiths, but as a Christian, it's not we decide, but we ask the Divine for healing, for preparation for some mission or duty, or accepting some form of spiritual calling to be able to do the best for the Divine.
It is not humans deciding who is the Messiah. That is what we do when we vote and anoint those to serve us well.. It's not we decide anyone gets to be worshipped by us.. What we do, is accept leadership from others by our free will. and we never presume we are gods to impart any kind of Divine powers to anyone. We do pray for the Holy Spirit to come and protect and be accepted by the one being anointed.
Now, this is and always will be one soul for each one. And whatever we do in this world or next or when we are resurrected from the dead at the second coming ot wherever we end up by our free will, acceptance or rejection of the good is still ONE SOUL EACH...and one entity we are We do not get a do-over of another life in another body as another person. We are one always and we are saved by the repentance of our sins and belief and we are reborn in our souls to be free of sin, but we are still ourselves now freed from any influence of evil to tempt us as we are knowing of what sin and evil are and freely choose to not follow that evil way ever again.
what we may be called to do, is to accept some kind of mission, another may have fulfilled in the past. and be that one. As many made the connection of the ancient person King Cyrus who became the new ruler of the ancient world and got control of ancient Israel and Jerusalem after the conquest of Babylon. and He recognized Israel and Jerusalem and sent the people home even with money and wherewithal to rebuild their city and Temple.
And President Trump has been well connected by many as being a type of modern-day Cyrus,. a mission in the DIvine plan for the later day, every president since 1948 ignored, and even after 1967 regaining of Jerusalem by Israel after hey we attacked and won it back in battle...All presidents said they supported Israel but not one made it official. And a world leader as the USA has become, but not an empire of conquering other nations; recognized Jerusalem as the capital and other nations began to do so also. And this sets up the final parts of the DIvine plan of salvation from the beginning as each part even to end events is in our Book of revelation and only refers to the star map of Revelation chapter 12 to announce the beginning of events. to unfold and we have signed below and above to let us know as we are going to go through some rough times until the final act of Yahusha returning with the hoss of haven just as He left, He returns and evil is removed called the DAY OF THE WRATH and those who are believers will be taken to some kind of place of safety..
There is an enemy of evil and the battle plan is not fully shared, but believers will know and understand as many are now trying to figure all this out. And in so doing, many are having serious discussions and sharing online and many not one of us be left behind for our doubt and defiance to evil over good. whenever the day and hour maybe.
I do think there is a memory record of all in what some call the Askoth record and some who have what has been called 'memories' have been given insight into that at times. That is not becoming one from another time, who had lived, but it could be some kind of accessing the information for some reason why some do and others do not. And it's all in His hands.
There is a Divine reason we have not gotten into the faiths of the east, some call New Age. but still, all the peoples of the world have a common history from having the statistical one or more ancestors who walked out of Egypt with Moses and got the basics but later on sinned and got disperses and LOST THEIR HISTORY AS OFTEN IS WAS INTENTIONALLY CENSORED FROM KNOWING Thre is a part of this deeper understanding that is not the science and reason of the Greek empire we have studied for the language of the Bible since Constantine....and has no words to even explain some of the concepts of what the ancients knew in our Bible. And they had the promise of the first and second coming of the same one of the Trinity from the beginning of the fall and expulsion from the garden of Eden, for to have all-knowing and able to access all power without the moral compass to reject evil use of real
What do we do when we get new knowledge that can help many, we go make weapons of war, still to this day..Ever hear of BIO WEAPONS created and diseases still not cured? We are given some 'tests' along the way from the Almighty looking out for our salvation, and evil comes in with its cohorts and tempts us more and more the more we learn and know. And the final battle will be as promised to make sure we do not fully annihilate all of humanity and creation by falling to the ways of evil that are very smart in ways of deception. BEWARE HUMANS DECIDING WHO IS HE MESSIAH. as they are not referring to a King or president etc to anoint in the Name of the Almighty to do a good job in serving all and the Divine good by what name one may call Him he is Yahuah who came and suffered and died so He could rise and overcome death so the price was paid for all of us to one day, also be risen without the fallen state, we all got tricked into having the first family of creation being duped. and too many still are with the ways of science out to manipulate our minds by all kinds of ways from chemicals to just what we see and hear around ut that is a bombardment to lead us into temptation and we must call on the Almighty for help to save us from temptation.
Abraham was commanded to sacrifice his own son Isaac, the one of promise and he was obedient even when it did not seem to be the real way of the divine...and when it was made clear, that ABRAHAM WOULD DO WHAT THE ALMIGHTY ALREADY HAD PROMISED HE WOULD DO SOMEDAY, BY BECOMING THE SON OF SACRIFICE....then the Angel said stop and a substitute blood offering of the Ram just happened to be nearby caught in a thicket and not heard before surly making a once to get free. was then sacrificed in place as seems this was the FINAL TEST THAT ABRAHAM HAD ACCEPT4ED HIS CALLING AS THE SPIRITUAL FATHER OF HUMANITY AND WE HONOR HIM FOR HIS FAITH...EVEN AS WE TRY TO UNDERSTAND WHY SUCH A TEST OF FAITH...
We do understand after the death and resurrection of the first coming, how crucial it is to not mess with the Divine Plan for our salvation of each and every one of us as here is no reincarnation where we get a new body to come back into this world and try again...We are who we are from the moment of creation of each one of us, and we make our way into this world, and we sin and fall and repent and try better and one day we are ready for the anointing of the salvation of each one of us, who has always been me, and you and each one of us....And we care and accept the Love of the Holy Spirit to guide us and let it shine in us, but it's not us, it's from Him and we pass it on as Divine love shared as to be no longer fallen is to put aside hate, death and destruction and have no wish for tees even as we dd have to have our orderliness for society and ways to stop those who would do us and our rights of even life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of ownership of not only physical property but the rights of even private thought and our souls we freely decide whom we follow and let lead us "NOT INTO TEMPTATION BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL" as we say in the prayer Yahusha taught us to pray 2000 years ago when He first comes
And he is returning as he went and it is He is the same one, that left, and not some other one in a new human body. If Israel wishes to set up a monarchy and anoint someone King, Queen prince, or another role, that is their right as a nation to do so, but it's not anointing the Divine Yahusha, whose name means SALVATION. He is coming and maybe sooner than later.
Are we all ready to know Him? or do we have a lot of sharing the Good News yet so not one is left to the way of evil as we have our new commandment to share so all can know and be saved for all of the eternity....And Love "IS" surely wishing all to be saved, even those who do us harm, can do a lot of good if they repent and be saved and go and do so. as they know the ways of evil better than most..and the time of TRUTH REVEALED IS HERE. In the Kingdom of Heaven, we are not called to leave even "ONE BEHIND" to be lost. And the DIVINE FATHER will decide when the time has come for the call to be given to come as the harvest is done, and we all be taken to safety from the final battle to remove evil from bothering us ever again...
But another final test at the end of 1000 years, and seems it's been proclaimed we will not falter and fall when that final day comes and we step into eternity with no need for further tests of our free will to see if we understand LOVE VS HATE, death, and destruction that can end all of us and creation itself...
This is not me, saying all of this as it's all in scriptures for all to read. and before we had writings we had the Picture Bible in the Heavens the ancient of faith knew how to read before it got perverted at the TOWER OF BABEL INTO MYSTERY BABYLON. The whole so bad, Divine intervention to stop it and disperse all to the whole earth.
That is no mystery but Satan wishing to rule and be worshiped by death and destruction of any good of creation itself and that includes all of humanity to never be as meant to be his replacement....planned from the beginning, sure it was from the all-knowing and all-powerful who knew each of us before we were born....and are each of us always us, No one else ever...we live and learn and be saved and use our freedom and free will for sharing the Holy Spirit of whatever special calling each of us has to be and freely choose to follow or not.
To think that on death, we jump into another body, means we have no PATH OF SALVATION FOR ETERNITY as we all are born into sin, in this world and once we are saved, we are on the path to life eternal...Me, myself, and I are...under the Divine of the I AM WHO I AM....of "IS" the one constant that never fails and is returning as He ascended 2000 years ago, almost now. The TIME PROPHECIZE OF THE GREAT DECEPTION may be happening sooner than later and keep the faith and be in prayer to not be deceived...
HE IS NOT COMING IN SECRET MEETINGS and that is what HE SAID, not me or anyone else. Is this the way of taking one to the Messiah and sacrificing on some altar of evil so satan can incarnate that body and we be under this evil as world leaders bow and say it's the real Yahusha of the DIVINE TRINITY.. Done in public few would be deceived, would they?
In the name of Yahusha, save us from the great deception and deceptions evil is now pushing on all of us to fall into. And may meetings be for good, and in Your name and Honors You and Your good ways. always.
Prayers to healing for me and mine and others in great need of so much, even of our doctors being allowed to do their best for one and each of us....There is real evil in this world, and may All find You to guide us by Your Holy Spirit to even know what to do and be saved for all of eternity....And help us get through these times of terrible hardship and suffering even as we know You suffered horribly for each one of us to be crucified and die, so each one of us could be saved into a risen state as You were for al of eternity.
Save us from the mess we have allowed things to get into and lead me to whatever is called to do as unable to exert with being one of the millions left to die, without real oxygen without an irritant gas of ozone into one's lungs....And the evil I have known first hand in my 76 years, is real as You know it and was not able to ignore as it came into me and mine in personal and directed attack for just being.
prayers that as people wake up to evil actually murdering and destroying even their own loved ones and them and all they would have and do, please help them to find the peaceful ways to stop evil and often it's obeying the laws and even knowing what to do that can legally be done and hen doing what is needed to expose their evil ways of outright murder and mayhem.. I know the souls of the innocent are in Your loving hands, but it's sorrow too many are having to mourn of loved ones lost...
Thanks for leading me into the discussion re reincarnation and how this could lead to loss of one's own salvation and worse is humans trying to make another You... Has the world gone mad?
I studied that and even tried to reconcile with my own life and me, and finally could not do so and do seem to be created has a memory maybe some tap into, or are led into, but not to think one is another, but maybe to be an intercessory prayer from Your side for someone here and now to help a loved and in trouble? Wouldn't that go through Your Holy Spirit to be delivered, if such?
We humans do not know the full extent of the other side of life, in this current state of creation, and we do wonder, but one thing is sure, You are always You...and You made me, and will have to accept me and pray I do not falter and fall into evils ways apart from You ever and for always. it's not easy now, and many are struggling just as me and others are also as all of us are even being in this mess.....In Your Holy Name, Yahusha Amen!
Keep the faith, and if something going on in this world, does not seem to be a good way of things, check back with the Bible and pray for guidance to know if what is being done is a good way, or we are being led into what the bible calls a time of deception And much can be done, even with technology to intentionally fool the world, by a few who have grabbed power and wish to keep it and are NOT asking for payers from any Divine Good, seems to be what my personal thoughts are on the matter.
Do share here or on your own site, as many ways to set one up for even free or nominal cost...and join the discussion as we find the way to TRUTH and overcome evil with GOOD REVEALED AND EVIL EXPOSED. ( Am resurrecting the site RUSSIAN PRINCE USA PRESIDENT and posting some things and as able posting an article by Geir Smith who is of another side to this faith discussion, seems needs to happen to find our historical roots, but not to say all is equal...BUT we have common history to know how we got to where we are a world divide, yet a common before in human rights and caring about each most, and then some who have gotten into another way, who should be over on our side, even if we do not all agree...and not all accepting salvation from the 'risen' Christ from the Christians profess, and without that, belief, its just another way of a caring and a good life led. But it's a start. and from that prayers, we all find our way back to the foot of the Cross...and Glory of Salvation paid to one day, no longer be in this fallen state and life eternal of only good.
The scriptures hold the answers and it does take a time and time and 1/2 a time just about to go through a chapter a day..and this is no longer random as in the past but from page one to the last...and sharing, and learning along the way also. We should not lose our faith by what we learn, but add to it to make it stronger to find the way to eternal salvation.
Linda Joy Adams 1/2/22
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