
Monday, January 31, 2022



    Those persons we study and read about in our Bibles were usually not truly evil people...But we too often idolize them as if they were never committing a sin or offense...And this can be an issue for new Christians or children taught the Bible stories of heroes...and they were, but they also sinned and those parts of their lives did have consequences over time and are not the parts of their lives we should try and be like...
        The Bible tells us the truth in the scriptures, but we often gloss over the sins...and often they were repentant and overcame them...But at other times, it can take a 400 year or more detour of the salvation of humanity....The Almighty knows us and He made us with free will....and that means we have to learn and know what we should do and what not to do, as often we may have a good heart of love for Him, but can ignore His loving teachings and ways..
    Here we have Jacob getting a promise of taking his body to be buried back in Israel....and it took 400 years after his death for Moses to finally carry his bones on the Exodus and finally buried with his ancestors... What we have in our Bible stories of those the Almighty has among us to lead the way to our final and eternal salvation is IMPERFECT HUMANS....sinners all of us, but not truly evil, but some of those we idolize as heroes,, did do the most  evil things to each other....and over  time...the consequences of sins...began to be understood...
    Here is 6000 years of tribulations and salvation for humanity to even be close to the final times, when we finally do understand, yet have not yet fully followed all of the good ways to eternal salvation..
But, it's been a long human journey, and the Almighty has not given up on us...and may not one decide to choose the way of evil, death, and destruction and reject eternal life and goodness for always.

    In the name of Yahusha, You gave us Your word to read and know the whole of the people in Bible times and their path to repentance and salvation...And we choose to ignore the whole and only share the good, thus, we can have some who gain more understanding to have to face a reality of a Bible of the real truth of real humans who sinned, and some fall into real evil,, but so many also find repentance and salvation in You.. The real human journey, we each need to understand to fully follow to our eternal salvation..
        Prayers for continued healing for self and others and prayers for whoever messed with my system records at Blackstone's largest owned pharmacy in the stop some could end up being badly injured or worse if they are not aware that some real dangerous situations being done with personal rectors of patients... How did this one entity gain such worldwide control and the governments of the world. to allow it to happen, with real harms and losses of rights of health and life happening...
        Prayers that what was ordered several days ago and someone with control of their nationwide system changes the info, and now had to order today, and may have to ration pills of medicine that regulates the thyroid which is very sensitive as to what does one should take..
Your health care, worldwide, is becoming more controlled by one entity. and the same managers now taken over government contractors and GOVERNMENTS HAVE NO ACCESS OR IDEA WHAT IS TRUTH OR FACTS...and its only our lives being harmed and lost..and the USA is now 20 years with no government allowed to audit or prosecute even the worse of crimes of looting the public treasuries and altering medical info to cause intentional harms and deaths...knowing full well.......and that is evil so awful, and we seem to be under some kind of mass insensitivity to what is happening even to ourselves and our loved ones even...
    I bring this to You, as this is a battle vs evil, we cannot win without You...Each can try, but so far the masses, have not been able to make changes without letting a few lead things into violence and that does not stop evil, it seems to only embolden it..
        We have ourselves in a deadly mess, and its the worse ever seen since injured 1/10/89 it was not so good before that, but some good things had begun to happen to heal and save lives and it seems evil just would not let life and love for each other surface and lead the way in Your way....In Your Holy Name, Yahusha. Amen
        The unfortunate outdone of ignoring the whole truth shared in scriptures, is some get close to belief an understanding and then find our humans did not share the whole truth, and they turn on their own salvation until something happens for them to find their way back to eternal life and salva5ion and the whole truth as the Bible does share...
(I think this is part of our current issues of so many not wishing to face the reality that evil is present in this world and always trying to rule over the good, until the return of Christ and evil is finally removed)
        Linda Joy Adams 1/31/22

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