
Saturday, January 1, 2022


    Down to this day, the descendants of two women, are  now in hatred of each other and have caused much death and destruction to this very day.  We are all from one Divine and how do we find our way back to love and caring for one another. that most do wish to have and be, but somehow, we have had some get into leadership that is having issues with a world in conflict  with each other. 
    Even Abraham and Sarah, could not fully comprehend, all power of the Divine Creator who is in all and all has been that exists through and of Him.  Both were promised great things for their offspring in history and many became well known and we know their names and learn about them. 
 Even with the birth of Isaac to a woman far past being able to have a child, and all kinds of Divine intervention to not upset the Divine plan, that Abraham and Sarah would be chosen as the spiritual parents of us. And they surely did demonstrate how difficult it is sometimes to truly believe that miracles do happen from direct intervention from the Kingdom of Heaven'
    We live in a fallen world, but the Almighty is still in charge. and He can intervene any time anywhere, or send the 2/3rds of the Angels still loyal or even another person led by the Holy Spirit to intervene so that the Almighty's plan from the beginning of redemption and final salvation of humanity happens.
    And my none mock our future eternity, as it's been planned from the beginning, and have some thinking that the Almighty knew Abraham and Sarah would mock and be in disbelief and would know when the miracle of birth occurred, DO NOT DOUBT  ever again. 
    Just as thousands of years, into the future, when Christ came the first time and called the priesthood, leading the people into horrible sins and failings as they also were, he called them Snakes a d vipers (Satanists) for that is what He had turned Satan into, to crawl on its belly for the evil done to try and mess up the original plan.. He knew before they fell, it would be if free will was not solid enough...But He made us, and we do have a curiosity that can get each one of us into some very bad situations. And then we pray for help to get us back out.  And scholars say, that on Pentecost after the ascension and the Holy Spirit was sent back, in dramatic, public expression, that many of the 3000 saved that day, were the Pharasitic leadership from all over the Roman Empire in Jerusalem for their pilgrimage on Passover and later feast days, and THEY BECAME BELIEVERS... I have no doubt, that as He chastised them greatly, He knew that they knew the scriptures and would become leaders of the faith to go back to their synagogues and open the doors to the apostles and other early Christians who would be able to come in and share he Good News of the first coming of Christ with all.)  And do to the protection of some deals struck with Rome to allow the Jews to even worship, (with some restrictions) Christianity was considered just another Jewish sect for some time until it began to spread and overcome the satanic pagan faiths of horrendous human sacrifice and perverse sexual immorality of what was called worship.  
    But we are learning over this 6000+ years of history in our fallen state, where death can exist. And that apart was overcome at the cross and resurrection of the first coming. And we often skip over a verse in the Bible, that is documented elsewhere in ancient writings, that now only did Christ, Yahusha (Salvation) rise from the dead, but also many righteous of the past, and were seen. Even Jospjhesus hired by Rome to write a history of the people of Judea, wrote that High Priest Caiaphas's, own dead son, was now alive. 
The Resurrection of the dead is yet to come for all who have accepted the invitation to life eternal. And for those who have already died, they are under the Divine promise of the resurrection of the dead. And for those still alive, we will be changed "in a twinkling of an eye."  As this time, He is not coming in a part fallen flesh of one parent, to be able to die, and then rise: but will show up fully Divine but of a substance of flesh, that has eternal life,  One that can eat, but not get sick or injured. etc. as He showed all after the resurrection..
    This is why, my own theory of when the Rapture happens is when the Two witnesses, who are killed, lay in visibly dead, and we will know as we have the science to know they are, even from a distance. And then rise of the third day. And that well may be when the rapture of the believers happens. 
And will some good, falter some, but are the Divine plan to be saved as have professed to choose good over evil, etc.? The word rapture implies a SNATCHING AWAY/ and for some of the good faith, but like Abraham and Sarah, may need an angel or two or Divine power to take and snatch or they may get 'left behind ' for their hesitation.   He is all-knowing and He knows us better than we know ourselves. 
    Back to Abraham and Sarah, and this other son now, born to Sarah's handmaiden. and of course, Abraham loved him, as he was his son, but when Satah said to send them away, the intervening call was to do so..And Why? wouldn't that be a cruel thing to do? and yet, for them to grow up together and one so much older, and yet not to be the leaders, as that was promised to Isaax; we had a whole future of the history of humanity to go down a path, of disputes and hurts and harms.and downright hatreds. 
    It was surely going to happen if they stayed or went. And they went, but they saw the miracle of the Almighty look out for them, just as He does for each of us, His creation He loves each one of us unconditionally, even if the plan for us differs. 
    Did they always have animosity for each other? or was that only within the last several hundred years with the beginning of another major religion, which teaches a different version of the original story of who is who etc?  Indications are they did live separately but had some contact. And we will find later on, that when Abraham died, it said Ishmael and Isaac were both be present at the burial.  There is a special Divine plan for each one of us. We may not be promised to be leaders of a great nation or nations as Abraham Isaac and his son Jacob were...but we know that part of the whole, is not complete unless we are present as believers. 
    We know we belong as we are from Him, as created by Him..and we are the Glory of Him in what we do and be and may we always be a GOOD GLORY and not someone that would reject the one we can always count on for our eternal life and happiness that one day will be when we finally removed evil from this world we are to be in and part of .
    And we also know, in the history shared in the Bible that by the time of King David, he was descendant of each line of this conflict into one. The Story of Ruth, is one of faith, she did not grow up to be accepted into but a free-will acceptance out of the wicked ways of the 'strange gods' and their horrendous practices. Her redemption redeemed all the conflicts into the promise for the future through Obed Edom,  King David's grandfather. And we used to ask why is her story even included in the Bible? It's key to how the Divine plan, is and always has been from the beginning, and we can have our free will and diverge some, but He is not going to stop the end result of the redemption of each of us back to salvation in Him...And may not one of us, reject the good, and choose the bad and be lost for all of whatever Satan and its cohorts end up after the final day of judgment for each and all of us. 
      Born of a righteous man as descended from Isaac through Jacob,  but also Riuth, came with the historical lineage of all those who were close to the promise but not THE chosen ones, but REDEMPTION is of the Almighty and He makes is so, sometimes it takes a while or even another thousand years, but REDEMPTION IS NIGH...and in the time of always, a thousand years is but a 'day.'  We are not all-powerful in ourselves as satan would like us to think is possible. We get our empowerment from the Holy Spirit and to have that, is having a good relationship with the Divine, we can each have by faith, prayer, and asking for help to keep and make us strong to do whatever is down the road for the future before we finally hear the call to "come up hither."  I think some of the Eastern faiths, have part of their historical roots as ( do the math, its statistically impossible that everyone alive today, did not have one or more ancestors who walked out of Egypt with Moses and the Almighty did 40 years of miracle apart from a wicked and cruel world to teach and show a new way of living based on LOVE that "IS" and a concept, we kind of lost with the Greek influence and before that Babylon which kept tempting all back into its paganism...
     Hebrew is a language of no beginning and no end and even spell-check, has some issues, separating that in our modern Greek-influenced world. Beware, the teachings of one can become  a 'god' or "christed.'   We can accept the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and that is all-powerful, but we are not THE POWER.. We accept the power and pass it on as shared love for one another..  To have the gift of what some may call the 'spiritual gifts as Christ gave to the apostles to go out and heal etc. seems to be used with some caution...He sent them out in pairs and not alone. And miracles did happen, but we entered into an era in the last 100 years, of the teachings of the east, which have been carefully contained in some of sure sincerity...but put into a world of a lot of sin, a great temptation rose, and we had a Hitler that went and set up another form of faith. of a holocaust of defiance of any kind of good.  
    But its, out. and some have tapped into such things as sound and vibrations for healing as only part of this is of the physical realm of science and reason to understand and even use for good things. But it's also one of mind manipulation to send one into demonic possession of the worse kind of evils also.  For, me, I wonder what Cern is even messing with if the theory that we are in our fallen state of flesh, due to the frequency is slower, rather than faster as we once were in the Garden of Eden? Personally, its probably not all to be known, but enough to cause havoc, and some grab power by use. 
             I think its KNOWN AND BEING ABUSED NOW and about time its put back where it can only be used for good and that is back under the power of the Holy Spirit in Love that "IS" of the I AM WHO I AM we call our Divine Father as the best way to explain to the John says in his Gospel  (YAHUAH  is LOVE) and we have been given new names to use by the sect of the current Pope, about 500 years ago. and our faith books etc changed... and only by some getting into ancient manuscripts of only pre that time, has a whole new revelation sprung up to understand the historical understandings...that is not bound by the Greek world of science and reason then added to by the immorality of the Roman empire only to end up with Constantine trying to merge all of these conflicts of good and evil into one world religion and all think alike...CHRIST IS THE STUMBLING BLOCK TO ANY,  ONE WORLD GOVT OR RELIGION... as we come as individuals as ALL KINGS AND PRIESTS bound together by LOVE that seems to have no word to explain it but the simple 'IS" ,"WAS", ' WERE ' and always  'WILL BE. ' Try and understand such a concept that defies the training and culture of the world now of science and reasoning and we have to only know by FAITH AND BELIEF.  
    We begin as individuals, and then form groups, societies, governments for world cooperation of each when the need arises as we care as are all under Him. . And the same for our faith, which we need to all find our historical roots back to the beginning and then. we might have a common understanding of just who is our Salvation and is in charge of ALL and in ALL  that LOVES EACH AND ALL AS HE IS ALL. And how we do not always have to think and act just the same, to hold the faith in the one of, and in all, of all. 
     Look up and see the Picture Bible in the Heavens, of stars and stars, and even planets and other objects we are still discovering even now...And just sent up another bigger and better telescope to place in the heavens to see even further to know and understand the vastness of what is above us...And to look up and see all this, how can we even doubt that there is a Divine Creator, who made all of this as well as uns. and He said we are to take care of things. under Him, but be able to do so as each one. 
    Are we even ready yet,? As we are in armed conflict now tween nations who are the blood of blood in our history, and yet we fight and scrap as if we had no history, or Divine creator who loves each one equally, and has such a wonderful plan for each of us to be redeemed for all of eternity and why do we not get along, Why do we follow a few trouble makers, who just seem to hold age-old grudges and have let evil grab hold of their souls, instead of accepting the invitation to freedom and free will and love and happiness for each of us forevermore. 
         In the name of Yahusha, help me not get off Your ways and truths as try to explain what I cannot even put in words but know You by faith and some part of my soul knows.  
Prayers for all those in real need now, facing all kinds of difficulties, even here in the USA. And help keep the breath of life flowing as seems to get to freezing the machine had to be put in a room inside, and may it not cause harm to others or get back to me. And we deal with the ozone yet as we have a defunded government that is not able to know any data or facts and we have had a total occupation by some none elected or even think they did...
    Help us get out of this mess and survive....and if Cern or others messing with sound and frequencies is a cause of some of this horror, may You intervene before we end up annihilating all of ourselves. as it seems every time we have new science, we still try to use it for death and destruction before using it for life and healing and good and better for one and all of us..and creation itself. 
    We had no world ethics boards to make sure knowledge did not cause harm to anyone nor anything....and have no idea what this meeting of the clergy of many faiths is about meeting with the Pope soon, but faith is a personal matter and we each have to come to You as individuals...and pray it's not trying to make all of us think some fallen angels who defied You are Your advance hosts of heaven before You show up.   
    We are in real trouble, and pray each of us can be given some guidance through Your Holy Spirit of what each of us should be doing in whatever way we can to help. Whether it be small or large in quietness or some called to more open leadership as not all would be that, And we need some help to know who is following You and who is just saying they are and in league with the evil side...And seems most are wishing to follow You and need help trying to figure out what to do in a world that seems to have gotten out of control. Yet we know You are in control, and we come to You for the answers to find our way....In Your Holy Name, Yahusha, Amen!
    I share my own thinking and please do comment or share on your own sites online what thoughts you are being led to share as we all search for the truth, and one-day TRUTH WILL BE HERE. and hope He is coming sooner than later. 
    Have begun sharing some things on RUSSIAN PRINCE USA PRESIDENT SITE set up in 11/2008 and have a dialogue of matters including these east / west faiths and how we can find our historical roots back to  Christ that is Biblical from the beginning of humanity's creation. I sure do not presume to have the final answers on this as it seems beyond human words, but only know by faith and belief He is REAL and all the Bible is saying is TRUTH......and we find ourselves at the foot of the cross and before the open grave and then the indwelling of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost to be our guide and comfort in a world that seems to be having real issues now..and we humans do not seem to be getting along very well either to take care of things. 
                Linda  Joy Adams 1/1/22


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