
Tuesday, December 28, 2021


GENESIS CHAPTER 17 KJV: Genesis chapter 17 KJV (King James Version) - VERSE 27.

    Most of this chapter is about a cutting off part of the male body, as an act of covenant or belonging to the I AM WHO I AM.  But in verse 27, there is another concept raised, that seems even translators into English, have not fully been in agreement on.
 The star map of Revelation chapter 12, has two parts of a whole held together by the 12 descendants of Jacob, and the daughter is listed as one of the 12  in charts also. We are covenanted with the Divine and it's a sign, to always remember. Shown in ancient times by blood cut, but since Christ, as the heart is given in covenant.. And what one does, is a personal choice. In recent times, some do some such for health reasons and others still as symbols of faith. Freedom means your choice 
`Savery is illegal now in most of the world, but even going on in the USA for the worse reasons of perverted sex slavery. And any participant is bowing t pure evil for it to even be done or allowed to be. Women do have rights now, but for most of history did not. and some few areas still do not. .
    In ancient times, one bound themselves to a household or group, or they could be captured and sold, and no laws existed to stop it.  Abraham recognized the rights of those in his household as part of the covenant of being part of the whole..It was the way of the good people of the time, while others would kidnap even and sell one-off to anyone anywhere for profit...And we do this now and call it by other names, but still that same old issues of power plays, and greed and control of others led by Satan and its cohorts right down to this day.  
    It's not the way to the eternal life of good, but one day there is a final judgment for all, and what will each have to answer for. And it may often be for DOING NOTHING  when evil is around, and we let it go on.. Little excuse in this world now, as most of us do rule at the ballot boxes of our nations and locally. and if we do not oversee the process for highest integrity then we have sold ourselves into slavery of our own choosing as the free will of the people, to know and do best, may not be upheld for you, me, or anyone. Maybe we are finally understanding our power as a household of each nation and group and see what a mess we can get into when we do not take care of those rights of each one of us...
    The issues of blood covenant also is crucial in the ancient world of slavery as a given if one can grab another and get by with it.  One option is to join a household or live among others. and there were no such rights as citizenship then or halls of records to record one's blood oath of belonging.  But it's not asked for in real blood, or is it? in time of a draft to go and serve, is also been part of this for most of human history.  And to be offered full covenant meant one was part of the whole, just as we honor citizenship of any who have it, even if they do wrong and end up on the other side of our laws...and face the outcomes given..  
    This raises the issue of slavery.  And Abraham had already been told in a nightmare dream, of the future 400 years of slavery his descendants would be under in Egypt, but they would be redeemed from by the Almighty.  And as we read on, we know that what the Divine promised the whole world, did not deny as would happen...and led to the first slaughter of innocent male babies but Moses was hidden in a basket and found and raised as Prince of Egypt. And that is the miracles of our Divine Creator, who is all and in all and beyond language to even understand..  A lot is missing when the scriptures got translated into Greek and until recent years, that was the language even studied most in Seminary. as if it were the language of the Bible,....but it never was. It was only the second language of the people they learned when Greece was the occupier of most of the known world which included the Holy Land by then of the divided Kingdoms but all promised as one land, by the Almighty. 
    There is among the household of Abraham, some who were not related. as so far only one son.. And remember back then, women were not considered equal in rights,. And they became someone's wife or servant which was basically a slave. The harsh reality of the wickedness of the ancient world, and how one of the first things that happen when Satan rules the hearts of men and (generically all) is to try and own other humans, as Satan is after the souls of all. You either chose to be part of a household or you could easily be captured and sold as a slave as anyone could who was not part of a whole household..and under the Almighty, a covenant of rights of survival did exist. when one was formally made part of the whole. *NO FBI TO COME to GET YOU AS KIDNAPPED in those times. 
    Just as when Abraham, went to Egypt, the assumption was that if Sarah were single, then the ownership rights to her, was with Pharoah to decide what became of her. Hagar was one with little choice where she ended up, either. And with being enslaved and not fully free, is an inner rebellion to be  FREE as we were each created to be Often that rebellion ends up in violence, instead of Freedoms and  Human Rights and an orderly society where all are part of the process of governing. 
    When reading one of the 10 Commandments that says DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY....we assume it only refers to not cheating on one's spouse.... But in ancient times, there was the meaning of COVENANT....and we have lost that often over history...As it is a loyalty to another or even to a nation or people. Its part of being part of a couple in marriage, but also being part of a family, a tribe, a nation or even world..   Satan's cohorts are making a lot of that later one of the worlds, as we are led to worship it as if we have to bow to its every whim of wind or climate change, forgetting the Almighty made it, and we are to oversee and take care of,.. But we are not to enslave ourselves to one who grabs power in the name of it, and forgot the one who has ALL IN HIS HANDS.
    The concept of promise and contracts, in our times, is almost a joke to some. As either is too often meant as something that can be broken or gotten out of.. None should ever promise to do or be something if they do not mean it.. And how often, does our culture lead us to promise something and later one has to say, sorry cannot do it..  Unfortunately, gangs seem to understand the concept of loyalty, while we have forgotten it...And in the worse of them, to breach covenant means death.  
    Thankfully, we have found a higher plane of understanding in the world now, or most of us have. And we usually forgive those who do not keep a promise, if they are sorry or let us know they cannot do this or that, so we can ask for help elsewhere.  Still, a promise not kept is very serious to the soul and relationships. And honesty is to not promise what one can not keep.  Our personal reputations are made or fall, based on honesty, even in this world, where we promise too easily and then have fewer expectations of many ever being kept.     
    And in government, we have real failings, when we think of those in leadership, as being corrupt and not upholding their oaths of office to uphold the laws of the land....and look out for the US Constitutional mandate of "for the general welfare of the people and the security of the nation."  And we have seen too many in power in our own lifetimes who promise and then did not keep those promises, and we all suffer even know for it.   
    While most who would read this chapter and even scringe to think of cutting in the area referred to,  as horrific.. we consider the seriousness of a showing of recognition to all that they are of the faith of the one who is, was, and always will be.   And in ancient times there was no hall of records for most, and even those could be destroyed by events over time.. So the body was the place one could show, they were citizens of an entity..  And in some ways, the beginning of a NATIONAL IDENTITY, apart from, a bloodline of descent from one person.    
    Not unlike gangs, tattoo a symbol on themselves to show what gang they belong to. and in our day, no need for that, as we know by fingerprints, and even DNA whom each one is  and that is back to our bodies, serve as our Identity, in a world that  does not recognize one only by one's soul., invisible entity. which only the divine, nows in relationship to Him, 
Evil, only knows we are fallen from the Good, by our actions in following its desires or bowing to its evil ways. And not the condition of the soul, for if it's saved, then evil cannot fully possess our actions.. even if we get diverted. the saved have a conscience of the divine. to get back to the right relationship with the Almighty.  As believers, we struggle in this world where evil's temptations are all around, as we believe and wish to be in the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN while still living ON EARTH where evil is still present in some form.. And subtle ways to even try and get each one to fall into its ways, deeper and deeper, and never find their way out.
    One of the major evil's is to have a leader or faith leader or anyone we think of as one of faith, falter into some kind of sin, or even get distracted into it.. And then we may question even our own faith, as if this or that one can fall,, then we could also.. Yes, we each can, and why having a group of believers to help each other in prayer and moral support find the way back out of some real deception and trickery, is why we form places of worship and prayer groups. which over human history, can forget that We have our personal families by blood, but we also have those who make up our spiritual families and we may find a real need for the spiritual families when our personal ones, seem too close to help as much.
    One of the blessings of the Internet has been those who ask for prayer and others who offer it, from STRANGERS we may never meet this side of heaven. But we read and answer as somehow, something inside us is led by the Holy Spirit to say a prayer and have personal knowledge of so many dealing with all kinds of tragedies and heartaches and losses now.. 
    In ancient times, it seems that is one were not part of a household or greater extended family, then one would starve to death, be attacked for what little they might have, or end up captured and enslaved by those who would sell them and have no regard for being accepted as part of a family, even if not by relationship, and ALL WOULD BE FED, SHELTERED AND CARED FOR, BUT SOME KIND OF WORK WOULD BE EXPECTED in exchange. 
    So in the often skipped over part of VERSE 27     of those who are considered bought with strangers money, what is the exact meaning of such ownership. The act of circumcision meant THE ALMIGHTY IS THE OWNER...and all are to care for one another....if one is going back to the original teachings too often forgotten  And we have those in a household, who may come in by a stranger who owned them, as the world recognized, as a slave: but in the household of believers., it is being part of the extended family and one is to accept a stranger as if they are part of the household unless one is intent on harm..and that is another matter.
    A harsh reality of the way things were, and are, when not all follow the ways of "Love one another as He love us. ' And some 10 Basic rules of government where one's eternal soul, is not dependent on any earthly ruler, or head of a tribe or patriarch of a nation to be born from one.   None are to act like a tyrant, and one does not have to live under tyranny...
    And thankfully nearly every adult in this world now, including women, finally be recognized as equal rights in the KINGDOME OF HEAVEN AND SHOULD HAVE THOSE ON EARTH ALSO...have rulership rights at the ballot box, and also the right and duty of being part of humanity to be ministers of each be just fair and none be denied rights of even life, as its  A BLOOD COVENANT we no longer expect to be shown as a cutting of the flesh, but its a circumcision of our hearts...our soul led by the Holy Spirit for none to be 'left behind and all be part of the human family, in whatever way we can be  FREE AND USE OUR FREE WILL and slavery is and always has been evil. but it was not always in the same form as we know of in recent centuries... It once was the only way to survive if one did not ownership of enough to survive..on their own...and one could be captured and sold off, or one found a household to be part of, as servant bonded to that family and was not to be mistreated and in verse 27, was made covenant as part by the shed blood of each male's body part,.....but in Christ's resurrection and His own  SHED BLOOD so each one of us is offered the covenant of marriage as His bride of all of us.. 
    In the ancient world, even of some even into more recent times, one either chose to be enslaved and accepted into a household of fairness and justice as the Almighty commanded...or one could end up in hell and even death and tyranny...That was the world. Those were NOT THE GOOD OLD DAYS...Those are still ahead for eternity when evil is removed and gone. in the second coming of the WORD MADE FLESH...
    The option of freedom to use our free will, He gave each of us, to choose good over evil forevermore....As the opposite is a hell that too often has existed and still does of death and destruction and enslavement of no rights or freedoms. and no right of personal thoughts, or even ownership of the right to be a part of a larger family,, who will make sure your earthly needs are met because the spiritual ones of all are from the Almighty of the three in one...He became to save us from what we got into and are on our way back to Salvation...and may not one among us choose evil over eternal good. 
    In the name of Yahusha, save us from falling into the ways of temptations to do evil..And prayers for the believers among us who have personal failings, they are having to overcome with Your Divine Help.  Prayers for those among us in need of healing and health needs met, and the continued battle of profit over health..and trying to get filled some older meds, that work and newer ones have all kinds of adverse reactions and cost so much more....and there is real spiritual warfare going on that those who have taken shared who they are, and seem to have little regard for health and life if big money cannot be made from best health. 
    How did we ever let our leaders, we elect or did we get into such a hell on earth, You warned us when You came the first time to 'heal the sick and feed the hungry" and even the wealthy, find both laced with harming substances...and we bow and let it continue....and we have to become the rulers and ministers of our groups of local state national and even international bodies so we all have fairness and justice and no more beast system allowed to rule with no oversight and do us into; in the most heinous of deadly harmful and destructive ways.... You know we did it to ourselves and now we plead for help from You to let each know what we can do to unravel this horror that is a consulted beast of interwoven power in govt and commerce worldwide, no govt seems to have any authority over anymore as all bowed to it even by official laws as the USA did in 2002 by law. And then gag order hide it from all instead of putting the oversight back so even one penny of existing budget can be used to stop more than the national debt gone missing inside them and none to call by any ethical ones trying to exist inside such a horror... Most, still have no idea, what they are witnessing now, has been going on for decades, and for some, like me and mine, it has been a real-life death having to defy, when genocide, not health has been motivating some who follow evil directly it seems. Even my EEOC sanctions back in 1994, vs HHS have been met with blatant disregard of up to and more than 1/6th of the population.
    You know how many, like me have tried and even had success in official realms then have no support so all would be better off,  Instead with no support, it only made those following an evil way, lead more to death and destructive ways. Are they finally beginning to understand, and we have some with greatness who seem to not know some of what many do now of the how and why. and pray they can be reached and told and understand the road ahead to good, is treacherous for those who would try, and may we all help and support with our prayers to You for one, and others who are needed to help lead us back to common sense and goodness You taught us to have and use.
\     Love is As YOU ARE  AND ALWAYS WILL AND THANKS AND PRAISES FOR THE ONE CONSTANT that cannot fall and wish Satan would stop trying and leading us to reject You, and may none do so and the rest find their way back to You...or know You for the first time..and listen and obey the TRUTH YOU ARE that none of us know all, as You are all and all-powerful and all-knowing and what would we even do, if we had such, and then fall into temptation as some already have over time and now, with only a small part of all that able to use.    
    Deny one, a few, a few million, and soon we have the whole world finally in a horror by the same entity that began to take over and became a monster of a beast. to unravel even who is who with the laxness of defunded oversight to stop real crimes and horrific evils. ....And now heading into one world where we have to become 'thought zombies' and You are not part of this, as You are the Almighty to be rid of by Satan the rebellion of evil and a real final battle coming You told us from the beginning would be before all would be redeemed and no more evil ever again...
    Prayers for a project about to embark on with a serious discussion of the eastern who forgot they also walked out of Egypt with Moses of one or more ancestors. as the math shows statistically has to be...vs the faith of the Western world grounded in You. yet too often we fail to follow You as we say we believe and we cannot fully carry out in our lives even with the rights of rulership we have and have neglected to protect and uphold.  And may this project not lead some to detour into areas, not of You. And help guide what is and should be done...and if it is me and one other or another. or others.    Help me to know the way to go forward as we learn from others and others learn from us to better understand how we got to the place and shape we are in. 
    Help us all to know You better and to follow and obey, as the one we have a covenant with by our faith, and You are the only one, who will never let us down, even those we love dearly and they love us, can falter and pray none do. You paid the ultimate Blood covenant of Your shed blood for us as Your love for each one of us..To rise as victor over death, so we can also have that price paid redemption for life eternal in our resurrected bodies that can never die and not be tricked by evil into losing ever again. .And may we honor and obey Your love and share it with others in this world to know You also who have yet to know of You in a personal way as each of us can... In Your Holy Name, Yahusha, Amen!
    Slavery and control of others, in enslaving ways, is a horror of evil, we still have not fully overcome. And tyranny can come in many forms, even when we are to be rulers of this world, and have the rights, but have neglected to keep any taint from it. To protect it dearly.. The shedding of blood, of even one's body, was a covenant to belong and honor that belonging. And a mutual bond of being protected and cared for. as whatever duty one was asked to help do, it was part of ownership or citizenship of being part of the whole.
     As if one did not belong, then one was open to being grabbed and enslaved by real evil in the past world. of wickedness....But we have evolved into new ways of enslavement when we still think we are free and have those precious inalienable rights, that seem to be fast eluding us now. Pray for our leaders and also for those we seek to have  lead us now and again. And if we think one is going astray, then we have the loving and caring thing to do, and share that if one is close to that person and prayers for those who are near, and can help promote good over evil. Christ said to be the greatest among us is to be the servant of all.  We, the people have a sacred gift of freedom from the Almighty, to help those we send to serve us, do so well, and if not find others.. And each is called to be part of the peaceful process we have too often failed to oversee and make happen for the good of all for the Glory of the one of Peace and Love .
        Linda Joy Adams 12/28/21 

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