
Thursday, December 30, 2021



     In the beginning of humanity in this fallen state on Earth, the plan of salvation for us has been planted by the Almighty from the beginning to the end. And before Mystery Babylon religion under Nimrod decided to be another foreshadow of the end time Anti Christ and become the ruler and enslaver of all humanity back then, altering the knowledge of the Divine Promise as shared with early humanity on this planet; we had another version of what the stars and planets above us shared and placed to be a form of Picture Bible from the beginning..To give warnings, but also hope that the redemption and salvation of humanity were promised from the beginning and the end of this human journey, before the future only good of redemption of eternity...was made known. even of the first and second coming of the, I AM WHO I AM...who became the WORD MADE die, and rise, and pay the suffering price so each one could also rise into our original state and have eternal life for always..An invitation we can each choose to accept or reject and end up under the wrath and relegated to hell or void none of us should even wish to choose to be part of over the choice of love, eternal life, and freedom and free will having* learned that freedom can only be had under Love and caring and free will to carry that out for one another as He is love and is not the GREEK CONCEPT OF THE LOVE we have been shackled with for too long, in the church. But was understood, more by the Hebrews who lived and survived a wicked cruel world led by more than one anti-Christs and the faithful given the promise of eternal salvation and we have their history to lean on even now. *(problem of language and translations is how using the word having, instead of "have", shows even this subtle difference tween languages of the world and Hebrew. as there is NO PAST as there is NO  ENDING as a given concept, from the understanding of the Almighty. 'IS"  is the concept/and is the opposite of death and destruction from hate to do such. 
    Plus, as many have shared the math online, its statistically improbable that each one now, had one or more ancestors who walked out of Egypt with Moses, and spent 40 years of isolation from a cruel, depraved world of the anti-Christ spirit and religious rites of human sacrifice to evil and other perverse depravities of the flesh, now considered illegal in nearly part of this planet by governments, and even other religions begun by the dispersion of the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,  the ancestors of all of us. today.  Depravities so vile, that in the open streets of Sodom and Gomorrah, rape and murder were rampant, and no love tween men and women.  
    This is far removed even from those who profess same-sex relationships. which is not the state we were created to be, but is some kind of phenomenon of the fallen state we are in, in this world and for me goes beyond personal choice or sin, but the sins of society, that has us in bodies that can even die, or walk-in ways, the Almighty did not create us to be.  And that does not me we do not care or discriminate against those in such a lifestyle, but somehow, all of society has led to this happening in some way. And there are things in this world, each of us, let go on, that created physical and environmental things that place the young even before birth on a path many follow, and it comes back on each one of us.  We can not judge others for what we ourselves may find out at the final judgment the part of each of us for happening. 
    A test of our faith to love over hate, and respect private matters be left private tween those who are consenting, but we do not have to agree with others choices.  As we are not to leave some matters to the Almighty to judge and take care of.  Marriage as recognized law of the land of who can be married has been a slippery slope of forced belief for any form, that imposes free will belief on others to personally accept as the law and has played havoc on places of faith, applying for non-profit relief from taxes, etc.  But for the government in the bedroom of consenting adults, one's private relationships would not be anyone's business but those of the age of consent to form them.. even in the sacred sacrament of marriage before a religious body of faithful. Satan has backed us into a corner, we have yet to find our way out of, with equality and justice for one and all, and not force one personal belief on others as ITS THE LAW...It is the law, not to discriminate against others human rights in the secular world, and that is a higher step of love, to do that, but still, not have to agree with one's lifestyle  
    Much that has gone so wrong in this world now, is due to that phrase "when good people do nothing" and it's very real today when nearly every adult in this world is the ruler at the ballot boxes of our governments, and we have not taken very good care of the process. We even have laws still written before the era of wi-fi.   The temptation to manipulate the outcome of our free will at the ballot boxes of this world is like any other. But it's one we need to protect from any taint. 

    Christ said He came for the "lost sheep of Israel" and look in the mirror and see one of those lost sheep, whom He came, suffered, died, and rose in victory over death, so we also can have that eternal life one day. His love is a far more all-reaching concept of universal creation, that is far beyond the concept of the Greeks, who tried to form a one-world religion and government under Constantine and we are still under that influence trying to blend all religions into one..way of thinking..
    It is NOT that all faiths are equal, but that we all have the same historical roots, and teachings of the  GREAT COMMANDMENT OF: Love one another as He loves us...And a simple type of constitution for the government of 10 simple Commandment which is summarized in the 10th of THOU SHALT NOW ABUSE POWER WHEN ONE IS IN AUTHORITY..(a Hebrew definition of 'covet') How much has been lost by not having a Hebrew foundation, but the science and reason of the Greeks which can by the occupation of the known world before the later Roman empire.  
    Ten basic rules based on love, say we should not worship a 'strange god' that requires hate, death and destruction as worship. And the ancient world understood the very well, that the people of Yah, had a far different way of living and believing...Even their leaders did not act like gods, to be worshipped by such evil, and no one's personal eternal salvation and life eternal was dependent on obeying every whim of a tyrant in power over them...even the right of the people not to have to live under tyranny. Thankfully, most of the world, has peaceful means to change leadership that serves the people, not rule over but serve the rulers, we the people 
    The posting of those 10 commandments as understood well by Satan and its cohorts, means he or his puppet can not be seated in places of power and have that power in such a place. We lost our historical l roots, Christ came the first time to teach and restore. And we get bogged down in scriptures that share what early laws for an orderly society became and not all adhered to the principles of love, mercy, and justice... Freedom of religion and speech in the first and basic human rights go together. We have a right to share, but others have the right to not have to listen. also. But for those few sayings that are laws, we as a society have made, to promote freedom and deal with those who would do harm or worse to others.  
    Back to the TWO ANGELS or whomever they were. from the Divine who went on to Lot, as the Almighty heard the prayer of faith to save Abraham's nephew's immediate family in this wicked area now maybe even discovered it was destroyed beyond even finding until our modern ways of detection. And we learn of the destruction, and loss of faith by Lot's wife who did not make it.
    In VERSE 11, we have a DIVINE INTERVENTION by the angelic, who had some kind of powers of to cause blindness of light to even save Lot from getting caught up, raped and murdered himself to protect these two visitors, he recognized as from the Almighty...And as they even paused and halted, the 2 angels took the hands and basically rushed them out the door to leave...with his 2 daughters and even his son in law had no faith to follow the Almighty
     Then we have a major breach of faith by the two daughters raised in such a wicked place and ended up with the historical roots of Moab and Ammon, now the nation of Jordan...begun in incest as they assumed the whole world had been destroyed....
    SAVED BY INTERCESSORY PRAYERS   None of this family would even have survived what was coming, the wrath of the almighty to end the wickedness of this area back then....And we have the promise is going to happen again, and the believers will be led or taken to safety...Some call it the Rapture, but we will be saved from the final wrath none would wish to be around in....when evil is removed...And it took some time, before the ancient world's evil spirits making such a horror, were able to regroup and start up again.
    Go from the past to the future, and we find the nation of Jordan, referred to in revelation chapter 12  where we have the end times star map to show us we are entering into the signs of the end times of this fallen era, of humanity. And events for the future can be read above, Even monuments on earth made to know what is known above us.. And we have another reference to Aquila, THE EAGLE as even one of the Greek saved couple of the New Testament who shared the gospel to many after the early church...And that is also, known as the Eagle or thunderbolts of Thor, as the later version from Nimrod. but AMMON WILL BE SPARED THE WRATH, AS THEY ARE UNDER THE INTERCESSORY ANSWERED PRAYER OF ABRAHAM (my interpretation and please all those who have a comment or other thinking on this, do share them here or on your own sites.) 
    Isn't it  time to finally delve into all the hidden and censored of human history, that was given to know and believe and evil would prefer we lose our souls to its side and Satan rule over the annihilation of humanity and all of the creation gone..dn;t now what it would rule over, with nothing left..? but it only thinks it is wise as long as it can fool us to go along with its evilness and lose our souls and promise of only goodness for always and forevermore ) 
    We now have had a reference from above and in the monuments of ancient before even Egyptian empire some say, of Leo and Virgo, as named since Nimrod, but Judan and Israel....and then the sword of Orion of the descendants of Ishmael who somehow will fight on the side of the Almighty vs evil in the final battle to take out....and then we have now another constellation of there around Orion and his belt of seemingly more than one weapon, as the Eagle also. as a defender and clearly, Ammon will be a place of safe refuge for those of faith....Petra is there, but m to me it seems more than that,  The end time final battle may have some surprises to us, final lineups of whom is on what side in that...But the believers will not have to go through that... Some, who do not believe, may find on the final judgment day, their final efforts to fight against evil, maybe their salvation in the end. That is part of the Divine Plan, I do not presume to know. There are long-time hatreds, but maybe knowing that there is a real evil that hates all will renew that saying of the enemy of my enemy is my friend. and redemption will happen later if not sooner.....The future is only known by the Almighty and we will find out one day, sooner or later.  
    But we are called to go through the tribulation as we have not yet learned to be rulers and ministers of each other...yet...We have had recent events show us, we have a sacred duty to take care of things on this planet, and its not climate change, its, all things needing our attn, including the overthrow of our governments to those with now total control or almost and about time to be part of the process of or elections and oversee by all parties to make sure not one sacred vote is messed with... 
    Watch for the Eagle to fly, and it may be two of them. or more? To stand with the faithful in the final battle to overcome evil by good. 
        In the name of Yahusha, save us by Your grace and Holy Spirit to guide us to TRUTH  of You.  save us from those things we do, that does not help others to come to faith in You.
Prayers for healing for me and mine and others in need all over this world, we meet on Twitter and ask for prayers to You; from strangers never met, and they are offered for strangers never met as part of Your human family You created from Your Divine Love.   
    I lost my patience with one in the Philippines today. and had to stop as could not physically exert anymore pleading for assistance to save the world, which this one old disabled woman cannot do along, and seems it's going to take a major intervention from You, to unravel this convoluted mess of governments ts as well as major international companies all fallen and being controlled by one system. of artificial intelligence that is doing us in physically as well as financially to control all and do all of us in at once... Prayers for the nice people in the Philippines dealing now with so many disasters and the earth is shaking still in and around them. 
     Over 35 years, being put in place, since 1983, as shared online and it's all the same since Adam and Eve fell to the instigator in the Garden of Eden, and all of us are now on this human journey to find our way back to redemption and salvation.. "Deliver us from evil"
    Help us through this crucial year ahead when the powers of influence in this world will be truth revealed and known, vs the deception of evil to not have anyone know its evil and reject evil for good. 
    And I will WAIT PATIENTLY ON YOU but it's not easy, when so many who seem to be good people,  have no idea, that is each one would do what they could, even in a small way, evil could not overcome us as it has too easily with all the rights, and freedoms most of the people of the world now have, we have never had before in human history since the fall from Eden. 
In Your Holy Name, Yahusha, Amen!
    This is from my personal opinion and interpretations of things But the real issues with govt, are well documented over the years, and has revealed we have let what has overtaken all governments of the world, but a few dictators already sold out to evil and we deal with them knowingly. Do share your views and opinions and be respectful as most are sincerely trying to figure things out. I do not presume to know the day or hour of the second coming of Yahusha and the hosts of heaven...But the promise 'IS"  and will be one day. Wish, like many  it would be sooner than later, but like Abraham, we have members of the human family we are to love and care about, that may not yet know of the invitation to salvation and a lot to do before the final battle comes and we be taken to safety in some way.  .  
                Linda Joy Adams 12/30/21

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