
Monday, December 27, 2021


GENESIS CHAPTER 16 KJV: Genesis chapter 16 KJV (King James Version)
    The history of humanity's salvation plan is known from the beginning and it's in the control of the Almighty.  The Divine Creator has never given up on His most loved creation, each one of us, of humanity. Some links made are after this post referring to the sword of the wild man or Mighty hunter or one of rebellion...and another ancient warning monuments in Egypt, of what to look for above, as Bible terms made into visible warnings here on Earth? And do share your interpretations or opinions, here or on your own its past time to read the entire Bible and find the warnings we often did not even realize we're in the forgotten history of humanity, and the signs placed above us to let us know He is on our side, Our eternal redemption is the goal and may none of us reject the offer, paid for by the shed blood of the risen Christ. 
    Even in our fallen state of flesh that can die, and what was in that Apple, Satan offered Eve and Adam, with the deception of it will not lose your eternal life, is not shared in scripture.  But we know now, of the science of many things that can create a form of flesh that is not good, and even more able to die, than the ones we have had since the fall of the first couple of creation. 
    Do not forget, that the Divine Creator of the I AM WHO I AM, was, is and always will be, has all in His loving and merciful hands, and He gave the promise of eternal life for all who accept it when the human journey of tribulation to refine us into the golden grain of redemption, and free will and will be free of evil and its influences to had FREEDOM TO CHOOSE THE GOOD OVER EVIL...and know the deceptions when they arise, which even the wisest and more faithful among us can be deceived and tricked by the master of all time of deception.  Satan is the worse adversary, in all of creation, and his defiance put all at risk of eternal good.
      We must not lose faith in the Divine promises given us from the beginning. The First coming saved our eternal souls,, even in whatever fallen state of flesh we may be in, and sci-fi movies and other sources, even from real life messing with DNA again as occurred back in the time of Noah/ Somehow the miracle of the Almighty becoming the WORD MADE the suffering servant price paid for each one of us to be redeemed for eternity, whey we DO NOT once we had that.  And being born of one earthly parent, and the rest the Divine state of eternity, He was crucified, died, and rose as we each now have the promise to accept or reject eternal life in our redeemed bodies one day.  
    And witnesses of the 1st century witnessed not only the resurrection of Christ, Yahusha, Savior but also other righteous of the past who had died.. The Bible says so also, but often glossed over,  but the common knowledge would have been a time of grievous shock, to have prepared loved ones and ancestors of the past show up. 
     A word study by Perry Stone, a few years ago, and one does need to go back to Hebrew, ad not the Greek that doesn't even have some words in it to translate some Biblical concepts into,   and another deception from early on is for Christianity to lose its historical roots in Hebrew. where it all began... And the word cloud can mean witnesses.  And one interpretation is when christ Ascended to heaven, with 'witnesses'  after a few weeks living in a real flesh body, but a redeemed one, so were others around, and all rose in a 'cloud' to above somewhere and will return one day.. Some even believe that the "hosts of heaven" that return with Him for the final battle vs evil will be not only angels of heaven but the risen dead of the first resurrection>
     The bible only seems to say, hosts of heaven. More than one group with Him  Since this is the final wrath to remove evil, pray none of us rejected the call to safety to avoid it. whenever that day or hour comes, but it will come, and the sign- line of events, seems to indicate it may be sooner than later. 
     Here in this chapter of the first book of our Bibles, we have the setup of line up for the final battle of good overcoming evil. And it begins with a couple of faith, doubting the real promise from the Almighty that their son, would become the 12 tribes of Jacob, and be key to human history, and by our time, all would be descended by flesh from one or more of them. (Do the math, and understand how easy it has been over history to dupe all into hatred of our own kin, we should never have let happen as we lost our human history on this planet, and never more....)
    Two women and one man, and desire for an heir.  And when the promise was fulfilled, through Sarah, we had an older son, Ishmael now left to be not the one of the promise and the Bible calls him a FUTURE WILDMAN...WHO WOULD LIVE AMONG US.... We create rebels, in our midst and put humanity on a timeline of events, we never have been able to fully reject,  And every time we let a child go without basic rights in this world, of basic needs, and even love, and acceptance, we set ourselves up for another to rise and not overcome hardships, but become a rebel that would turn on the rest of us, as we did wrong, and we may not always escape the wrath of a 'wildman' the Bible in other places calls one of rebellion. Another word used in the Bible for wildman is MIGHTY HUNTER THE NAME OF NIMROD..the FIRST TYRANT OF HISTORY...
     A clear message for any parent is to be cautious of having 'favorites among one's children, as we are to love each one equally as He loves us. And, although one, may inherit a title or be in control of great wealth, somehow, a kind of equality needs to be known or we can end up with evil entering in and state of a family feud or rebellion then rises and forever exists and rare is the option to ever make things be right and at peace again. . In some way, one needs to be aware to make sure. we leave our heirs in a state of peaceful existence, and not a civil war...And we do it all the time, over and over and some do interfere and make sure this is not carried out...and the worse kind of emotions can come to light in the aftermath of a funeral where all grieve, but then every hour, slight or thought to be, never gets resolved and those who are left, can get into disputes over matters that are not even of great wealth or power.  
     One caveat to one example, and whoever did it knows and is an example for others.
One elderly woman died, and there is only minimal wealth, but enough to help some in great need. This one made the effort to make a booklet of a list to include all loved ones and heirs of this or that item to leave them...Some might have had some antique value, but many had great sentimental value, but she did not make it part of the will....Rather told some about it who reassured her it would be honored...That book disappeared and although some few knew of parts of the list and wishes, much was never complies with, and family got more separated than time, and geography of many descendants down to even fourth and fifth generations have no idea who all are or where they even live, or women who marry and no idea their last names.. Even, a piece of costume jewelry, or favorite kick knack conveys love and caring to even remember, when one liked this or that years, ago, and was remembered..
    Lawyers have ways of interjecting legal warnings into matters, and some things get lost when love gets lost. Even over an antique spoon, used by a child to make cookers with her great grandmother one summer, etc. Maybe worth a couple of hundred bucks, if that much at some antique auction....and is the loss of love and relationships with it,  Not if World War III, will be the result of family feelings being harmed. And we are all the descendants of this now. 
    Ishamael, is born, and raised as an only child, until the child of Divine promise, Isaac is born...and we know who they are well now, as from Ishmael we ended up with a vacuum of belief when Rome forced all to believe the same, and over in the area os the descendants of this son, a new religion was formed that denied the divinity of christ altogether....Centuries of conflicts, even as much intermarriage, did occur.. And even the dispute of Isaac; twine sons, was redeemed by the marriage of Boaz and Ruth and from their descendent, King David, and later one of his heirs became the Mother of our Savior come to suffer and die and rise to save us to be redeemed back to our original state one day.
    But the end is known from the beginning and there is a reference to end the end time the people of the word will take out evil, even as the Almighty shows up with the hosts of heaven....and what sign might appear to let all know events are soon to happen?
    There is a clue, in the original Picture Bible above, us, and also some reference to the Book of Job, that the Constellation of the Mighty Hunter, Orion may offer some clues to watch for activity, and could it be possible, that one day, with our telescoped now, be able to see Orion, reach into one the stars handing from his belt and take the SWORD OF ORION and prepare for being part in some way, maybe even a precursor event to the finaL DAY OR THE WRATH arriving when praying now of us are left to witness....But we may have some of the rebellion, as part of a Divine plan, taking on war, before the final battle of the WRATH OF THE DIVINE AND HOSTS OF HEAVEN.
    Yes, Ishamel has a mission in human history, and it may be to show the ultimate rebellion against the one who always gets us to lose our faith and fall into its tricks and deceptions  And be at the forefront of some assault against the demonic spirits, that came and used them too often in human history to wage wars against those under the promise, who often do not seem to be righteous people, and often down right in rebellions themselves..
     DOES ANYONE REALLY UNDERSTAND WHO IS IN ARMED CONFLICT AND THREATENING EACH OTHER OF NATIONS RIGHT NOW....We can try but seems the news does little help, to unravel this for us, and pray we do have some in the govt, who does understand and are actually listened to when we are in an era of mass deception, and TRUTH SEEMS TO BE THE
 REBELLION against eternal good.  The Sword is said to be hanging from the belt of Orion (great pyramids lined up like that, and that sign of Judah and the woman of Israel nearby we call the Sphinx, aw we lost the meanings of the PICTURE BIBLE IN BABYLON'S CHANGE TO A RELIGION OF MYSTERY BABYLON of human murder and depravity of the worse kind, ...Actions of the Nimrod another of rebellions, this chapter says Ishamel will become an example of in the future. . "Remember the children, who are raised to think they are not loved or cared about and know they are each our future.  And we have a society today, that undermines the wishes of sincere and loving parents and others who become mentors and helpers in the raising. And when we consider our laws and who gets money for what, why do we let known thieves run some of the programs, that are there to help as we do care, as a society and we let no govt oversight of even horrific actions, and defiance of laws, and rights and public funds go missing instead of ways to figure out best help so no one child goes to bed hungry or with no home for self or family and loved ones...
    Something is wrong when crooks steal from the poorest among us...and we see nothing accomplished for the efforts we, as a nation would be done to help empower the least among us to be given a hand up to be out of the enslavement of poverty...and we know we have the resources for it be done, and we forgot to oversee our election process, long ago as things get worse and worse and the will of the people is not upheld.  And much has been shared in this blog since 12/08, when found out that a law had been passed removing any oversight of government contractors now ruling with total control since the law of 2002 and by much of executive type orders since 1994.  The warning is not getting out, even as key high officials even testify to congress and their gag order rule to hide this horrific, deadly and dirty secret is upheld. and cannot help most who deal with this bunch with losses of rights and even lives, and a deadly mess of tyranny, the govt tried to parent they did not do it, but The are not upholding the US Constitution as much the same went on in other nations and UN...and defunded oversight by those seated to run things for us, and they gave up te power and it's all a sham,
     A TIME OF ULTIMATE DECEPTION as we go into lockdowns and plagues and none can even verify the truth of any fact or data as none allowed to spend on public cent, to find out and then stop illegal acts,   of course, the easier to steal and harm is the least among us, with little way to fight back when even the law enforcement reports even the FBI is not in control of the govt, but this INTERNATIONAL BEAST SYSTEM...THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD LET OUR GOVERNMENT VOTE INTO CONTROL OF US and they bow and worship the beast, in modern ways of pretense and lucrative jobs for close relatives and other ingenious ways to hide what one used to call plain old corruption.
     Not hard to be, when the government has turned everyone's personal records, emails, and phone calls over to an unaccountable system that is interwoven into govt controls. Even major international companies who also meet and then hire someone use to take care of things and just send them their share of the profits.  The TIME OF MASS DECEPTION. And NO ONE IN CHARGE but some hidden rulers whose outcomes is death and destruction and annihilation of all of humanity and creation itself as they say the opposite intent and then do what will result in the opposite evil outcomes...And how much longer will the masses be deceived that things are not good, and they are not as WE THE PEOPLE GAVE UP OUR RULERSHIP and PRIESTHOOD TO EACH OTHER and let some evil come in and take over...
    And some, are promised of the sword, may take unpeaceful actions and some innocent may be and are harmed when it's not fully understood how it happened and how simple is the answer. Of letting the govt do its job of enforcing our laws, vs those who break our laws and do harm to us, and our nation. and if they do not serve us well, then we find some who will serve us well at the ballot box next election....we must never, again leave unsupervised to even have a hint of wrongdoing. 
    In the name of Yahusha, save us from our inactions, and trying to think all is well and You warn us and warn us in so many ways, and we want all to be good now, and not have to help make things better, Yet we know You called us to be in charge under You, and may we find our calling, each one to do what is helping so GOOD OVERCOMES EVIL....and when You return, maybe it will not have to be such a DAY OF WRATH....but we know evil is not going to give up...You have known this all along, and may we keep looking up for Your Glorious return and be led to a place of safety to not have to go through the ultimate Day of Warth.. 
    Prayers for all of us, to survive and not have disputes in homes and families and may old hurts and misunderstandings be healed for what is ahead we each need to be on Your side, and not in disputes among us... We have too many dying now by policies and ways of those in control which is not officially even our government and we have none to turn to but You....when we have had a breakdown of our society entities to deal with having an orderly society....and we have produced some tyrants among bow to the masters who have been in charge officially since 2002, but back several decades even back to 1989, and a prior planning meeting in 1983. To be one world govt and relations...and You are to be gone and turned into just another good man....that can err and fail....And You are not, and Your are the stumbling block of any way Satan rebels and may You come soon, but will WAIT PATIENTLY ON YOU for when the whole plan of salvation becomes more well known to one and all of us.....In Your Holy Name Yahusha, Amen! 
    There is an increasing prayer meeting going on over at Twitter...And it reflects so much that is going on of real heartache and suffering...And today, I did get angry for one medical place, calling again for some surgery on a leg, when no doctor had said there should be any.. And that loved one trying to get another one of those older cheap diuretics filled and the EVIL MANAGERS OF THIS BEAST SYSTEM RUNNING ALL OUR MAJOR COMPANIES not wish these cheaper generics that have healed and helped for decades and not unproved..and too often falsified data, the govt cannot even verify when coming from govt contractors, or even companies contractors . 
SINCE WHEN IS SURGERY THE CURE FOR FLUID BUILD UP AND EDEMA treated with medication for over 50 years now and if they work, what is this greed to cut into patients with the medical managers who never went to medical school, playing doctor for what reason? And then have a lower level office person make the call, and I said this is fraud and are you going to go along with it...And had spoken to the loved one who was never told, they needed surgery at all, and this lower level one at the medical place, inferred and sure she was going to turn in a terrible report that the patent did not wish to have surgery, implying was harming to self, and I said DO NOT LIE  DO NOT LIE and proceeded to explain how this is why we are in such horror now, as our medical records in databases not in control of gov, but paid for by them are often falsified even to get some new med or device to market and use the innocent patients as a pawn to justify the approval and leading cause of death and will the next patient be under the knife thinking his or her doctor said so, and NEVER DIE.
And NEITHER PATIENT NOR ONE's OWN DOCTOR IS ALLOWED TO GET A COPY OR SEE IT...and the loss of life and health continues..
    .EVIL IS REAL...and we are going along with it as there is no govt to stop it, our members of Congress, who often say they are pro-life HAVE NO REGARD FOR the LIFE OF ANYONE when they bow to this evil...and do not allow the oversight language be with every law, to even use the existing budget for audits and or prosecutions of govt contractors.....and THIS IS HOW WE GOT INTO A PANDEMIC, FALSE REPORTS FROM THEM AND DR FAUCCI TESTIFIED TO THIS TO CONGRESS... .which means everyone is in real deadly danger, as none knows if your medical records could be used and will be, but the doctor only get a summary from the cabal managers and have to accept it, or lose all rights to be a doctor is now bad it really is,. 
     Sometimes the sin is back on each of us as voters for sending those who say the right things but ignore that they have given up any authority to even made laws, until they take back the right of govt to be the govt, of, by and for us...each one.   If Dr F should go to jail as some wish, then if the govt can do its job, they can investigate and if the truth is he should, then there will be a legal outcome in our criminal division at the justice dept. 
    But for now, WE HAVE NO GOVT ALLOWED TO ACT...since 2002 by law and much by executive order back to 1994,.  so what relevance did a pornographic star report and a stained blue dress have to do with mass genocide going on inside govt and its new rulers of an international cabal already being put in place ready to make it legal. ? END TIME OF MASS DECEPTION?
        Linda Joy Adams 12/27.21

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