
Friday, October 1, 2021


2 SAMUEL CHAPTER 4 KJV Spell check has not worked right since election day 11/20 and yet,,the words can get through...even if edits and corrected typos and the indentations for parapgraphs do not.....and still may have to make some phone calls to platform try and figure this out....But does seem that systems all over ended up doing tbings not wanted or wished for about that time....and is it all connected in some way..... All went wrong about the time of some updates done....and....the training we all had to be security on systems back decades ago in the govt....was to watch for these kinds of anomalies...and had a phone to the govt programers as one chain in one area....can cause things to be changed in others.... The younger generations have no idea...that once upon a time not so long ago...there was no systems security watching out for have as part of the package of buying a device or desktop or lap top....and instead of the simmplicity of a programer....and rules or laws to follow to put into a that a check got mailed or changes made on a changing a path way...that can cross another path...and at times get crossed and wrong changes occur.... And the only way to for everyone who had access to see a screen....was made aware that nothing should be out of place.....and how does anyone know this we get changes made all the time of updates from this or that source....and all the security arund today...still can miss catching something gone wrong...especially if its an intentional wrong and maybe illegal alteration for some nefarious purpose... And for me, one day we wlll have no wrong doing and all will be fine....when the day of the return of the Almighty to hold the rod and keep on safe from hackers or anyone else who would do we can have freedom to share....but none would even wish to share anything illegal or false..or fake...and TRUTH WILL RULE.... as my faith is He, the TRUTH, WAY AND PEACE FOREVER FOR ETERNITY...AS He and the hosts of heaven...return...and evil and its cohorts removed forevermore.....and we have an eternal peace onf Earth and all of creation....and none would ever choose to do wrong or harms ever again... Pray that all have chosen the good side...and not be removed by choosing the way of evil.... In this chapter, we have the bloody world of war.....before Christ before His love and teachings had permeated most of the world....and changed many to even have things like Human Rights, Geneva Convention to never use some awful means of battle.....but its a horrific world....and we have in King who was a shepherd who protected his sheep....and then became King....and a nation to shepherd in a world of bloody wars..and horrible.....means of violence and yet, he had a yearning for something else in his heart.....But the world was not ready for such.... And we thought we were headed there...and got a laxness amoung the good people of this world....and let some evil ones sneak in among us...and soon we were back into wars, and blood shed....and just because its not all hand to hand combat as much.....the shedding of blood....of even the innocent civilians...who wouls live in peace...if they had their way.....from all sides of humanity... and we end up in constant wars, and we like to call them armed conflicts.....WHAT ELSE IS WAR....but each side out to kill each other...whomever did the first life taken.... and if we kill by drones or missles...and none see the fallen dead the BLOOD IS SHED....AND EACH DROP IS SIN AGAINST OUT DIVINE CREATOR WHO MADE EACH ONE OF US...AND LOVES EACH ONE OF US....AND what have we let happen over and over...but...let a few lead us into wars.....aganist this or that entity....and blood shed.....are sins. all participants will have to account for on the final judgement day....and that includes the rulers of nations...who rule at the ballot boxes....for those who ended up in office to lead the battles......and how much of the armed conflicts of wars and blood shed is due to all kinds of corruptions done by high level persons.....and even leaders get forced into they let themselves be led..and woe to anyone who gains leadership and form...peace agreements to all get along and be fair and just with each other....and have freedom from hate, death and anyone with commmon sense knows there are NO WINNERS IN WARS...and we hide behind....NO DECLARED why do we have all those buried bloody bodies all over the world...and seems never to fully get away from it daily in this world somewhere... Yet King David was said to have a good heart....and that is the redeeming heart of a repentant sinner....and the good leaders of wars...generals and commader in cheifs is ones who hate war and have no pleaseure in the shedding of blood...and forgiveneess of the sin of shed such a world..we have lived in since the fall of humanity into this world....with Satan and his fallen third of the hosts of heaven...around....prayerfully will redeem for life eternal...... as who did not commit all the sins of breaking every one of the 10 Commandments but King David....yet he was given an promise kept to be the anestor of Mary, the mother of come in part each of us...could be victor over death..and have our eternal lives and bodies back we lost in the Garden of Eden when we obeyed Satan and defied the not mess with all knowledge as we sure were not ready to resist the temptations of it.....and have we yet? Pray we do not have to face the worse bloodsheddng and horrors of human history on this planet before we understand...that the good way of Love for one another as He love us is the TRUTH, WAY AND PATH TO LIFE ETERNAL.....and we each be saved for eteernity...and that is always with no evil ever to have to contend with...and pray not one among us chooses evil over good....and loses that eternal life with Him and freedom and free will to always wish to have and choose the good.....a learning journey to overcome evil...when it tempts....and the promise is we will get there...and we have another "sign on the time line" (Paul Begley quote) when the Holy Spirit is poured out on all flesh....and some have had a similar salvation experience....but seems its going to be the redemption of creation level.....and evil is gone...and bound...and one more chance for it....and if no repentance...away to some place none would even wish to know of .... In the name of us from all the messes we have let ourselves get into.....and as Paul as apostle of yours after your resureection said....there are many anti christs coming....and ask if the four horsemen of the apocalse that seem to be riding now....are four persona..alive to day....emboldened by those 4 fallen angels at the Euphraties River in Iraq who got let loose a few decadea ago....and we have been under a NEW WORLD RDER of evil.since....and most had no idea...we were slipping into a way of life to end all good and caring and health and healing and goodness of life and love and nutrition....and we got diverted to a path of evil's ways and were deluded to think we were on the good road yet.......And were not.... Prayes for Doyle and me to sustain life with one thing after another.....of this path of death and desruction to obstruct health...and not promote healing....instead.....and....the proof is how the whole world...followed to face masks....and fear of a more deadly than...many diseases and yet we were cautions...but now locked orders of govts in fear of catching something....and we know many were lost to despair and lonelihess....and addictions of other lose our souls...and.....seems the four horsement have heading in to the last final battle....and we know not when.....but You gave us signs....and even the fall feasts are being celebrated in 3 or 4 or more dates none seems to be able to follow scriptures and the signs in he heavens...and the growing cycles of grown for thousands of years...but even the GMO's has upset the they grow faster.....and when ever its time for You to return...and the call comes for those who know You to get to safety...and where we pray we all choose to be saved for this is evil we are deadling with....and messing with computers at a nationwide phrmacy of one of the biggests in the world even/ is a warning of how evil some are....that is not some personal vendetta to find peace tween a couple of people or even groups....but an attack on humanity and creation You made wonderful and good.....and we let You down....and did not take care of things aftern Satan and his fallen ones....defied You...and did not do the job either....but please have faith that we will make it salvation of good for all of eternity...and we have learned that evil is not good to follow...and we know You have shown us the way to goodness and love us as evil does not seem to want love or care..about anything...and what a waste for such to fall..into a hell they chose....and may not one of us...ever be tempted again to do so.... Thanks for the blessings of family and all those who helped get my me.....and may some in this company wake up....and shut down whomever did this....and do what is right and good....and start following healing and life as You called us to do....and we let some some in and put us on a path of fake teachings to cause harms, deaths and worse health then we had over thrity years ago..when we had started into a world of curing and treatmesnt to sustain life..for long lifetimes.....and how did we get so fooled....and back then....and over time down to many been not regular murders of personal vengenacne but evil entity taking out those maong us who could lead us to the good away from the evil......and the battle goes on for Your way vs the one of evil , deatruction and death.....who thinks he is You, but powerfulless when the time comes for You to remove it and cohorts.....and may we all know You are the go and be with.... In Your Holy Name...Yahusha.Amen! Discussion with Doyle this evening....and how many names been given to be the same things of inflammation....and fluid build up before infections set in....and called this and that....and the pill that workes....said to for pulmonay edema works all throught he body....and when one begins to lose feeling in legs...from fluid all over the lumphatic system from whatever inflames like ozone irritant gas as no pure oxygna loud anymoe by he rulers of the WHITE HORSE OF THE FIRST ANTI CHRIST SPIRIT TO RIDE OUT BACK IN THE 1989....? and I just offer my opinion of the signs of the time line.....and what does the worlds Corona, face coverings and lance tha peirces the skn....sound like.....when we have been going to the GREEK FOR MEANING...AND THOSE WHO WROTE SCRIPTURES WERE HEBREW SPEACKING PEOPLE....AND READ THEIR SCROLLS IN HEBREW IN THEIR PLACES OF LEARNING AND WORSHIP....BACK IN THE FIRST CENTURY....IN THE BEGINNING OF WHEN...THE NEW TESTAMNENT ERA....FULFILLED PART OF THE SCRIPTURES OF THE FORMER WRITINGS OF OLD.....AND WE KNOW MUCH MORE now with final release of he Deed Sea scrlls and what was preserved from ancient times....and so much more now discvoered....and the TRUTH OF THE PAST...IS SETTING US FREE FOR THE FUTURE.... Linda Joy Adams 10/1/21

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