
Friday, October 29, 2021


JUDGES CHAPTER 13 KJV Spell check has not worked right since election day 11/20 and it sure seems the rest of the world is worse than being able to keep paragraphs indentations from disappearing and edit typos saved.... But the words get out so maybe someone out there that could use the information to save their own physical or spiritual life will succeed for the value of words..shared... And that is the way of humanity, as each one of us is part of a connected whole, but each is a special, unique and independent person......of the world of all, but a soul we pray is in good relationship with the Divine Good, the I AM WHO I AM....that manifested into the Word make flesh 2000 years come and be among us, and die for our sins of our fallen nature since the defiance of Adam and Eve and through His death and resurrection we have the promise of what is yet to eternal in a resuurected we once had when created? and evil is removed in a day of wrath after those who accept the invite to life eternal and reject evil.....will be placed in a safe place as all hell breaks out....vs Satan and his cohorts and pray not one among us has chosen that side....over the way of life, love and eternal good.... And in this chapter, we are told of a time when women were valued by the lives they brought into the world.....and Samson was born as a precious all of our young the future of humanity.....and we are given the aweson task as parents to them...and raise be of good character...and lives that glorify our Creator whom we always should thank for our lives and others..... as its the evil one that thinks life is not needed or wanted....and will try and take down all of humanity and creation itself...if we fall for its treachery.....A master of deception...that can draw us in...often so unawares....before we find ourselves on a path we have to get off of or lose our own souls.....for always and forever... history has blamed Eve the mother of all of us....for the fall of humanity.....and we often have discussions in Bible study...about how Adam...went right along with the deceptions done to Eve and why is it the wommen given the whole of human history to come back to her place of equality in the Kingdom of Heaven.....when each one, male and or accountable for what each of us end up doing....and we are also called to try and help each other not to enable a failing but to help in some way to raise each other up out of the trap of evil.....and find our way to the Kingdom of heaven....where each one is loved equally by the Almighty.....and all of us are under the promise of eternal life, if we choose to have individuals of free will choice.... But it has taken nearly 6000 years of human history to redeem the value of life for women....but we still hold that precious job of being the first home of each new life for about 9 months for each soul...that comes into this world....and needs some time to grow and be ready to enter and breathe without the help of a woman to give birth.... A marvel....that seems to be like in the Garden of Eden...but indicates was to be done in some other way.....without the pain and struggle of a birth into a world that is often not all pleasant and good....where evil is around yet.....and one day...when Yahusha will be removed.... after what some call te TRUBULATION.....and is it a short while before the end of evil in this world......or is it just the end enhanced struggle that has been going on for 6000 years of human we find our way back to TRUTH, LIFE AND HEAVEN ON EARTH...we too often fail ourselves and let evil and death and desruction enter into this world....and removed peace and life and love and goodness from our daily lives.....we are IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN...BUT ALSO IN THE STATE OF BEING WE HAVE ALLOWED TO EXIST ON THIS PLANET EARTH...IN AN EVER GROWING UNIVERSE..... In the name of us from what we can be duped by evil to let happen to us.....and may we all find redemption and salvation for all of eternity with You.......and we know its the promise as You are TRUTH...and You never lie...and love each one of us....but You made us with free will.....and Love is freely offered and freely accepted.......and FREEDOM IS BEING IN A WORLD....WHERE ONLY GOOD IS THE CHOICES TO DECIDE WHICH IS BEST....AND ALL ARE... Prayers for Doyle and he has interrupted care.....and no place to get promised would be transferred.....and....we live in a world of conveyor belt health care....and seems some who do not follow You are running the workline....and how do we get off this horror.....and hosptials and other places with no doctors in charge.....even if many say they are where are they? and this blog was started back in 12/08, when the shock of just how bad things really were......after being inside govt since 1968 when such things just were not possible to go on and on and get worse and one thing the PUBLIC WAS RESPECTED AND there was not defunded govt to have no oversight of what is going we have had since 2002 officialy but in reality much already ignored and rules and laws in place to prevent such....and those in health care respected for the caring they provided......and we have an era of PATIENT ADVOCATE AND SOCIAL WORKERS IN HOSPITALS AND OTHER PLACES....WERE ESSENTIAL TO PROEVENT ANY GLITHCHES AND INTERRTUPTIONS.....and our doctors in charge were respected for their expertise to save lives and have best health......for each one of us......and....we have lost all that was in place to save our very we are on our own.....and we pray once in a while things do work out....and our own doctors in our community are allowed to do their best for us...and not threatened and coercied with loss of livelihoods....and more about the malpractive insurers management of the internnational cabal running things there and here and everywhere around the world and UN....and how did even major companies and institutions of healing end up with head jobs that seem to be figure heads.....and collect profits for the Boards of Directors....but the work is done by their contractors of the same ones running everything else.....and life is not the goal...or best health...but profits and to hell with what they the chaos that soon has become hell on earth...when You taught us to pray for Heaven on earth....and we had come so far, and so having that.....and a few decades ago.....a NEW WORLD ORDER ws declared and it sure has not been the Kingdom of Heaven come down...and most is good...and life and love are the way to be......we let this ourselves and now we come begging for You to save us one last time....and remove evil....and pray we do not lose any of us....who are invited to the good of eternity and.....Thank You for life...and Your love for me and all of us.....and we will struggle on and do what is needed and not just lay down and give patients all over in the USA are now finding themselves being 'dumped and its not about having plenty of health insurance...etc.. its things beyond what we even know of, but we are all beginning to find Your REVELATION OF TRUTH is alive and growing. and its not just profit but those in charge with NO GOVT OVERSIGHT TO STOP REAL CRIMES HAVE GOTTEN CONTROL and this is a cabal that is not wishing to give up that control and power over even life to end for the good of what? who? as You teach and share a far differnt way that ends with the eternal life...and not the annihilation of even...the ones duped into doing its dirty work..... A system, where even the one who wishes to do the extra mile to make sure things go well.....are blocked and someone giving order...higher up....that are to be followed even if they go against all ethics and even laws.....and we get into a stuper of let our thinking minds be controlled world wide by s mind truth is become lies....and tld that TRUTH IS THE LIE....BUT EVIL'S TRUTH SPEWED OUT IS THE LIE THAT HAS BROUGHT ALL OF THIS WORLD....CLOSE TO THE END OF EXISTENCE.....Help us get out of this mess we let all get into.....and forgive me my own sins and impatience.....and will WAIT PATIENTLY FOR You.....and me and m our family will do the prudent.....and help one in need be presented to the ones that are to help provide the care......and pray for our family doctors....who have daily struggles for life for their patients..caughty in a conveyor belt of health care....that they are not welcomed to even be part of....yet have to be the ones that are there when the whole of the rest collapses.... and anyone who thinks Your way is all becoming 'THOUGHT ZOMBIES " WITH NO FREEDOM AND NO FREE WILL......You did not create us to be like all....and we have to find our way back to You...and the FREEDOM OF YOUR HOLY SPIRIT GUIDE US....TO SOLUTIONS AND HELPS WE CAN EACH DO......SMALL OR MAJOR....EACH ONE....SO LIFE IS....AND LOVE IS.....AND HATE, DEATH AND DESTRUCTION AND WARS, AND ANNNIHILATION OF ALL IS REMOVED AND TRUTH IN YOU...."is" as we know Your way is the good, and happy and loving way.....and we have come through the tribulation and become the good and golden grain of everlasting sustenance for us and Your wonder of Creation... In Your Holy Name, Yahusha.Amen! After, over a year, each one may have to go back to an emergency room...and get back on the conveyor belt.....and start all over again....and pray for survival in a broken horror where GOVT IS DEFUNDE LAAWS...AND NO LEGAL RIGHT TO EVEN KNOW TO HELP WHEN AND WHY WE HAVE A WORLD WIDE HORROR OF GOVTS WHO CANNOT VERIFY ANY DATA OR FACTS AS TRUTHFUL.....AND WE THE PEOPLE GOT LEFT BEHIND ALL OVER THE WORLD...

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