
Monday, October 11, 2021


1 SAMUEL CHAPTER 16 KJV Spell check has not worked right since election day 2020.... and the world falls into more chaos and gradually the truth tries to get out with those who have grabbed control trying to hide their keep control....and then lose their soul for all of eternity.....But to those few, who have given up belief in TRUTH of the DIVINE PROMISE OF ETERNAL LIFE....have no regard but the fight for physical survival in our shortened fallen state of life...and worth for what? is who can scrap and fight to the top of the food chain...and hold power by might...and not be anything good of love and respect and honor being the choice of all to ask one to serve them...well.. And when most are basically good and sincere in this world....we can become forgetful that evil is still around wishing all of humanity and creation annihilated...and will use some among us to do us all its still held in some level of heavens...until one day to save all of creation and us....the Divine plan is redemption of the save and restoration of the good for eternity.... And how can we have allowed ourselves to be fooled and duped and think that good is bad and bad is good....But we know from books and movies like "1984' how real it is.....when the meeting held in 1983 said to occur in Dallas....of key persons of interest....of various fields....and knowing that with the next generation of systems even back then.....the world could be totally controlled soon, by all of our info on all of us 24/7 be contained...and analyzed to dupe us by ways and means....only evil would wish to study and understand.....and enslave all of us to follow its ways....and think its all ok.. and by 1989, leadership has declared A NEW WORLD ORDER....was here and step by step every part was systemically put in ways to fool us to think all was OK and going we also heading off into wars and wars and more wars.....and too often on made up blatantly falsified reasons and actors in a movie.....but in real life...and even in front of congress.... So here we are....and find ourselves..not even overseeing systems in govt and or private lives...all connected...and most have no idea...govt was defunded of oversight first by eecutive type orders here and UN and around the world......and by real official laws of the land....all over the same....And seems only a few dictators were not fooled...and would not bow to this....and they can under attack to be gotten rid of to find others who would be puppets of an evil group of puppet masters...and who is the head of this evil....from the beginning of human history...but Satan and his fallen third of the angels of heaven.....that still has cohorts around to recruit...even as some kind of hold is on their direct action....but is this part of the Revelation 12 star map we, the descendenats of those who walked out of Egypt with Moses (do the statistically impossible we are not from one or more) and learned the good way of living of love and those in authority are not gods....and tyrants....and we the people hold the authroity to not let such be in control as only the Divine Is...was and always has been.....and even in translations into many languages....we have...alterations....even with good intent....and sincerity that the meanings are truthful....but the world Covet has a Hebrew meaning of abuse of power when one is in authrity....and those who find themselves in positions of leadership over others....are called to be a shepherd and serve the people with good intent and service based in caring and protection from evils for one and all......and to have respect for the power of evil....even of be kept away....from harming those among us...and ourselves...when attempt to take us and end all that is good..and intended for some purpose...based in evil itself.... And we have one more take over of all of our rights and privacies...which....the GOVT IS NOT IN CHARGE....of much...and media becomes the pawn of he propaganda machine....and even some online who should know better...and pass on the fake news.....and THE IRS IS NOT DOING MUCH OF THE WORK OF GOVT...AND NO OVESIGHT OF THOSE WHO DO...and we have our perssonal and private info shared all over to ones who pay and can get all our ninfo to do to us as they GOVT OVERSIGHT BUT FOR DOD(not much under them...anymore due to Homeland security and others not under DOD) BUDGET CANNNOT BE SPEND TO AUDIT OR PROSECUTE THOSSE WHO HAVE CONTROL OF ACCESS TO THE RECORDS OF THE USA....and not even court orders have to be obeyed....and the wheels of justice...come to a congress made it law...and none will even offer amendmnetns to every put back the oversight so we have our rights...and a govt that even exists....of, by and for we have had NO GOVT in charge...for nearly 20 years we fell into a hell on earth...more and more...and buried or murdered if it was the Almighy's will and those 10 Commandments does not say...let tyranny it has no divine right to do so....and thankfully we and others in this world have peaceful means to remove such....and evil will dupe us into violence its a matter of many acting to oversee and do what legally can be.....and first is the taint on our all levels.....and illegally connected systems to the has been found out....and woe to us...for all parties and sides...not being prepared to oversee and legally should...and some training and legal sources ready for any call made of even a taint to be looked into....and we have let things get worse and worse....even as we were told its not good....and many got sidetracked into made up grandma has no birth certificate to porve she is a citizenship...when she got an official letter from a fedleral agency she ia a citiaen..and date of birth.....and maybe ignored that part to see what the amount of her social security check would be......A FALSE MADE UP ISSUE....that got all sidetracked....into the real issues...of oversight of the election process itself.....we forgot to take we forgot....the be overseen.....of our precious right of rulership.....and all those who certified election results...and said its ok to have more votes than voters.....and signed their name to FAKE MATH...and never questiioned anything...over time....from local to federal.... and we are now seeing some criminal charges brought....for elections held..years various an awakened masses caught in a horror getting worse....and world. in wars and rumors of wars.....and nations playing 'chicken ' with fighter jets over each others nations and ships....and woe when an accidient....causes massive deaths...and the world erupts into Satan's hay day of end all of creation and we humans too....each one even those who worship evil instead of good... so back on 9/23/17 when Revelation star map showed the one born...into evil ready to grab habe we seem evil released into the world....around us and awakened before we the good side..began to realise we have some among us who wish all of us gone....and done with...while we forgot to take care of our precious world...we were made to oversee and take care of each other.... and as gone on in human history ignored and even turned on those trying to warn know and stop evil's take over....and here we are....on the front line of a final battle of good to overcome evil....and pray for thhe Divine help to come and save us from what we did to ourselves... And in this he mindset too ofteh in this world.....of Samuel going to one led to find a shepeerd anoint....and....why is it all the older brothers....were around to be seen.....and wehre was the all along taking care of the sheep...and protecting them from evil predators....and why he had a slingshot and 5 take out those who intended evil to what he was given a job to take care of....the livelihood and sruvvial of his human family......and they sent him, the least among be servant to a nation....and stand up to giants...and a king with an army...who had lost his evil....and the Almighty sent the priest find a servant of all....with a heart of love and protect and serve a people under the promise.... and the one chosen....was one who later did a lot of sins...but never lost the heart of faith....and repented of his sins....when reminded of them.... and became the ancestor of the mother of Yahssha...through Nathan....a lineage..that seems to be one of service to the Almmighty....and the people...even if not the highest place in the land.... In the name of us from the evils we let take over and seems we find out more each day...of what we let take over and do to us....and we fell into an ignornance and even me....who knew and tried to warn....have been shoked into what else has been going on....and harmed even more....and...pray for survival for me, and DOyle and all the rest of the people.....facing real life ending intentional a few evil and others duped into service of evil to fool us al even more of evil's propaganda lies... and how is it in a world of finance and credit card...that we can have a law to violate our forth amendment rights againt unreasonable search and siezure...being passed so that ever financial trasnaction....will be gathered by govt contractors and used for anything they mind control us even more with our habits....even good be corrupted.... TRANSCRIONS IS EVERY FINANCIAL BUYING AND SELLING.....and is not DEPOSITS...made to a bank account...which we have a one or a few each month....and that is also a transation....but every use of a buy a transactions....and its what they are called....when we check to make sure...all the charges on a card...are our own transctions....and not some kind of fraud... BUYING AND SELLING WITH NO CASH IS NOW GOING INTO A NON OVERSEEN GOVT CONTRACTORS....AS they have to go through all ...and all is captured to find and repeot the $600 or more one...AND ALL THAT INFO IS UP FOR SELL TO ANYONE OR ANY PURPOSE....AS GOVT CONTRACROS CONTORL ACCESS TO THE DATA OF GOVTS.....EVEN TO DEFY COURT ORDERS....and that info can be control behaviors...even into not good ones......and not for retailaors to know buying habits and what they can make we will buy...... Help us as we go into no privacy but to pray to You....and even that....they are searching for ways to maniupluate our brains to try and cut off that behavior and if we cannot ask for Your help....we are able to be seaparated from You....even when we wish to be connected. Has Satan and his cohorts...gotten to that level of destruction of all we are to be?...In Your Holy Name...Yahusha.Amen Is this the final abomination....of removable of who we be able to freely pray and be connected to the Divine Love...of the father...Yahuah...the I AM WHO I AM....which JOhn says in his gospel as Love...and far more than the Greek language can it "IS" and from such came Christ in part flesh....and the Holy Spirit which seems to be not around so univerally to connect to...until the ovecoming of death and esurrescon at the first coming.....and the next vicgory and evil and its cohorts removed...and may none of lost to eterntity by choosing the bad over good side.... Linda Joy Adams..10/11/21

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