
Wednesday, July 28, 2021


2 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 1 KJV Spell check has not worked as it should since election day...and seems mucn of the world has gone into a state of confusion and search for truth seems to be getting mired and snared into all kinds of info....some of which is intended to deceive and others just spawned by good intent to try and figure things out...and ending up with all kinds of speculations and theories...and without all sides being able to freel share its become a path going the wrong way too often....when we should be on the way to better and heaven on earth.. Iasue is always been the same since the first family of humanity...Satan and his 1/3rd of the fallen angels...and their demonic spawn....have the annihilatoin of all of humanity and creation iself gone,,,,demised...annihilated.....Their hate is the lacking of any kind of wisdom.... Yet they had the promise of the Almighty and blessed with wisdom and knowledge....and the prime drective of love for one anothe as He, (the DIvine Love) loves us...... And humanity has not quite learned a very deadly lesson....that having all wisdom knowledge....comes often great wealth and power as well as honored and even into worship by others.....and we ALL FALL...into a less that good estate...when we idolize and worship any but the real Divine....the I AM WHO I AM..who was, is and always will be.... We can find ourselves, leading the one who has become great to fall....without our hedge of protection of prayers and our not substituting another to replace the real... We all know its a good feeling to be celbrated and the center of attention.....we learn this early. as the cute baby and child.. and seems all are at that age...and somehow...we can fall into that desire...even as we grow up and have he responsibilities of life and living....and the higher one is in position in society......the greater we can each fall back into the traps and snares of evil and become like satan...did...defying the Almighty and presuming oneself is all powerful and knowledgeable.....yet in the end learns...that we have set our path to our own destruction, fall from all high and mighty...and to death....en the eternal end of hell and damnation if our fall becomes so great by use of that great power and end up leading the way to the pit of hell and not the heaven of etrenity....of a redeemed world.saved for all those who choose to accept the be part of for all of eternity... And why we should never stop praying for those who hold high postion or great wealth in this when they fall.....the harms and loss of even life for many or all of us.....can be hell on earth created by their defaince of trying to be god....and there is only One...who became part flesh....came and lived among us and died...from His flesh rise and live so we each can follow and have eternal life....and that is the act of the One of LOVE to do that for each of us...even as we defy, and forget and just turn away from all that is good.....or even be those who know better and then defy and turn to the one of death and destruction for one and all of us.... Yet, we honor those among us who do great and wonderful things and we do need to celebrate successes, but we also have to support the spiritual success of one and all we can through our prayers and like Nathan...who came to King tell a parable that showed the sin of this great King....Solomn's dad......King David...listened and repented...and but for Nathan...coming and caring enough to let King a way so he would listen and understand.. maybe Yahusha....christ would have had another ancestor of His mother to be descended from..... When leader's fall, we have to remember that we the people are ALL KINGS ND PRIESTS...and those we choose to serve us well....we can honor and applaud their good and wonderful deeds....but we are also responsibile for being a priest , even to our leaders we choose by our free will, and in our era, by our lead us....and serve us well....and WE MAKE SURE THEY DO NOT FALL INTO SIN...AND BAD THINGS....THAT DO A LOT OF HARM TO THE ONE OR ALL OF US....each one....can take our disgust...for what some of politicians do or have done....and even this taint of our elections....and know its on us.....we did it to ourselve as we forgot to oversee what our servants do...we hire....from local to the top the nation or and we need to be that priest...and say our prayers for them, even if we voted for do their best for us....and still let it be known in a manner we can get their attn.....of what is being done...that is not a good thing.... And we all know we have a real horrible mess in ths world....yet we have some real hope....that rests in the people of this world....who seem to be able to reach into our souls and find the best of what we were created to be we got sa that spark of the divine...when we were first created.....before we even took our first breath....protected in the wombs of our mothers.... We are in such as mess, that even the greatest human leadr of all knowledge and smarts and wisdom.... (Lost the Internet, and issues today with the older land line phone and staying connected...and now have the voice over the Internet..phones connected to the help desk at the IP that has only had music playing for a month and is anybody home anywhere.....?? or where is everyone....has the rapture happened and all of us here got left behind? Somehow do not think the sign line of events...we are pretty clearly given...have not happened yet.. and thanks to our son....who spent 1/2 hour getting another phone jack...and when I bought to phones for the land in case of emergency....a call can be made if Internet out.....they sent me..ones to plug into a usb port for a land line.....and we can use bedrooms...etc for emergency.....but have to search around on line for the kind we had up until now... we are traveling so fast down the new tech path....and we have that old grid to insert all into....and if one part if old and the other new....things just crash...) And too often when one shops online we can end up with not what we wanted.....and how often do things not get returned and refunds made....especially now with the long delays in delivery....for some things.. we forgot to take care of this world....and what is made here we can get....if the rains and fires have not interfered....and cause more disastrous hardships for many.....and the news cycle is like a horror movie...but we know in our souls..that..better is coming and evil will be removed and what we are all called to do is be part of the promise to not lose our souls...and use caution and real wisdom grounded in the Holy know there is only one without sin....and we have not been fully redeemed from this fallen state of death and destruction that can occur....and we have an enemy who wants all of humanity and creation gone....if we are not its zombie slaves...and finally gone and never more.....Yet who will evil rule over if there is no creation or us....and its hate is so severe the ultimate one to get rid of is the Almighty and that is a delusional state...and how does one deal with such? We, can/t but with not falling to it....and being tempted..and as for me...the worse things get....the less the attraction of even movies about evil is not even wanted to be the real world has plenty of evil, like my own demise and millions like my group being denied the right of life...of breath and those in the govt of the FDA knows full well ozone is killing millions before they should...and covering up the crimes of some few...who have taken our health care....since 1988 when it was headed to the end of much suffering and disease and cures even for injuries.....and led us into a world of toxins and chemicals....right the horrible propaganda wars from all sides of the vaccines....when they have known and proved by our own NIJH that 1/6th of the population cannot tolerate safely those 39 common chemicasl even into parts per billion and trillion......and yet NO SAFE VACCINES FOR MILLIONS IN USA AND BILONS AROUND THE WORLD....SINCE 2010... when our own govt stopped Novartus from mking a preseravite free won....and back in 1998 but that weaponized ether alcohol gas in more and more pills and meds and even supplements and vitameins now....that is going to cause horririd aadverse reacctions...and DISCRIMINATE AGAINST MY GROUP AND GOTTEN BY WITH IT SINCE 1989...WHEN A NEW GROUP WITH ANOTHER AGENDA CAME INTO THE GOVT....AND NATIONAL INSTUTE OF HEALT.H SA IF THEIR PUPPET STRAINGS WERE THOSE OF THE TOBACCOM AND CHEMICAL CONPAONES.....AND ALL THE GOOD SCEICNE AND NEW MEDS....AND TESTING AND ON THE WAY TO CURES.....FOR TOXIC AND CHEMICAL INJURIES....they decided to let the Gulf war vets go without....and anyone else before or after.....and CHOICE FOR EVIL WAS the highest levesl......and step by step in systematic intent....all that was good and healing and on the way to curers for replacement of burned off mucous membranes and inflammation as a major cause of a lot of medical issues......and DEATH WAS CHOSEN OVER LIFE.....and we haev had a path of death and desruction taken ever since.....and me, as one of the 6 cases tracked for treatment standards since as of 1989 as my whole office was left without....and I choose life....and its a gift of love from the Almighty and no human has the right to take it away from me or anyone else.....that is MURDER AND ITS NOT TO BE DONE....and one day....many, right now...we know their names now....were there in 1989 and their cohorts then, and over the years and now....decided to follow a path of evil and not the one of life and love....of healing and good nutrition... In the name of did we let this evil over come us...just as we were going to cure...and heal....and have good and nutritious food and we fell into a pit of hell of sickness and disease of our own we let osme get into power and turn us into paths we neveer should gone into.....and You know its not this or that politial party of label...but its each one of us...who did or did not do...what Yu taught us well to be doing....and some have bound up their eternal souls so badly......and caused such chaos and havoc....when they could have told the truth...or let this or that...go forward....those little actions....that some along the way...have helped me stay alive....and my immediate family.....and You have saved us more than once....and we praise and honor You and know You care and must have great sorrow for how we have really messed things up....and pray for revelations so many of us...are finding in Your scritures and teachings....and how we got misled by those who also were too.. of we serch for truth....and where to look....and somehow...we find our spritiual roots back to You...where You made us to be good...and do good....and we messed up from the beginning and pray we have gained real wisdom from know its wisdom from You..and always is..and was and will be...... and as we persevere trying to put cords into plugs and phone jacks to share Your glory and goodness with anyone who finds their way to this site.....may You be praised and glorified as without You we have never been.....and we accept Your promise of eternity with no pain and sorrow.....and help us hold each other we WAIT PATIENTLY for YOU TO RETURN....and may not one among us have chosen the way of death and destruction over Yours of life, love and eternal good..... Prayers for Doyle...and survive for a few more years...and medical care not be obstructed....and healing would be wonderful...but understand that one day....we will be redeemed in body, mind and soul....and no way evil sickness or harm...ever agaon....LOVE IS...AND WAS AND ALWAYS WILL...BE..... May all find their way back to You and soon...then things can be a little easier...with the shared load of this world. and some in it following the way of evil and not You.... We are in Your precious loving hands...and always were and always will be... but some does get one down...and pain and May Blackstone allow me to get therpeutic oxygen....aproved for life for three federal health plans....and why am I on the wrong side of thoes in charge there..? does it go back to Topeka and the lynching of Obama's dad...and the other two who dies that day of he extended family of Rosa Parks when he was to have died , unborn in the womgb of my second cousin.....and cover ups since insead of justice and facing some of the evil in this world....that still surfaces vs one group of another.....and may Topeka have the memorail at Soldeir Creek where it flows into the Kansas former Kaw Rovr and heal the so much has been like a blood curse on the world....from what happened that one long ago.... and the world forgot the soul of a baby who grew up to be a world leader and may still be called for some high place or position....and we good people forgot to pray for him....and too many did the opposide...and got duped into looking all of for his Topeka nirth record...especeially those getting donations to seek the truth....and avoided even the medica admitted later...they had the Topeka paper birth records...and what evil let this chance to heal the wounds of the past of the lead the world to healing the hatreds and feuds among peoples and nations...and have world peaces.......where were we praying....and finally, I got into it for justice for three dead and none wished that...from either political side....and justice is for real and politics can change as the wind blows...from day to day.....but the blood of one or a few who just wanted to live their lives and have some happiness and succes in life and glorifu we should..for without You we are not even here.... May we all be redeemed and saved for all of eternity.... In Your Holy Name Yahusha..Amen.... Now, its been found out that Doyle is or had or will have 80 more days of physical theraphy....and none but what he has done get better for nearly 6 weeks and how can things get so messed up with systems to keep track.. and if patient or worse someone like me that does have some knowledge of the system and laws....gets castigated for even asking or trying to help.....and its past let each of us help as we this is a messed up world....and there is none in charge that is able to be god...and know and do all...and seems we all were created to be part of a individuals...and not 'thought zombies' and why hope is real ...and the Almighty has not given up on He made us for the future....and we are being refined and redeemed for the good of the future of eternity... Real spiritual warfare inside the whole of health care industry...and its become such...with patients and our good doctors shoved to the bottom and somehow the ones running things...have other prayerf ror our new wc of HHs and medice as all of us are under this and others of our govt funds....even if one has no health inse...or private or employer plans... WE ARE ALL UNDER THIS CABAL WITH NO OVERSIGHT SINCE 2002......and notify doctors to Ok this or that?? its not one place...its the entire health care systems...with federal funds...and no oversight since the law of 2002 and access and alteratios by some getting this money...not even the local places...trying to provide care...but now that an intl holding company has gobbled up our rights to health and life....and whre was ongress infighting as ueually....and they did hold a hearing on the elctirc grid.....and got to get to the basics before we can put the new inserting into the obsolete is causing systes security to say ' NO WAY"..Is J Kusner going in to make it work better for one and all? is that part of this as the report indicates..?? or is that anoter report or another sub company...or independent one?? Hard to find the whole truth now...when the media and congress is bent on internal feuds...with lives being in jeopardy of all of us....all sides...all political persuasions....all flesh and blood...and not one god....among us...nor magician...can fix it all by ourselves. Yes we can have a BETTER WAY...and its of by and for the people who do not forget there is a Divine we are all accountable to...that loves us always and unconditionally, but we are to choose the good...and acept the invite for eternal life....and that is up to each one of accept or reject and why would anyone choose hell over heaven....? Linda Joy Adams...7/28/21

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