
Saturday, July 31, 2021


1 CHRONICLES CHAPTER 25 KJV King David set up an order for the worship of the Almighty....of course in those inherited their careers....and women did not yet have equal the Kingdom of heaven....was only in infancy on planet Earth...and a lot of trials and tribulations to go through of human history until one day....the Kingdom of Heaven arrives with the second coming of the Victorious Divine.....of the I AM WHO I AM.... of no beginning and no end...and a concept of infinity when we are in the fallen state where death is part of the cycle of life...and was not, but the first family got into messing with knowledge before they understood why the Almighty said not to eat of it....and they dedied and now we are on that journey of learning why not? by living through the consequenes of our defiance of when we are told "NO" do not touch...its done in love for each one of not get into things that will do harm to us and all of us and even creation itself.. Spell check is still not working as it should...and one day...all will work as it should....but until then we rely on human ability without the full ability we once we learn...and study...and one day....evil will be removed and all will work as it should under the Almighty and we will only choose those things that help and obey those commandments of not to ever get into things we do not fully understand ever again....and if evil and its cohorts were around...we would not ever listen to that bunch ever again... Online is some info..of where is King David's body....apparently where all thought it might be buried...its not there... OF COURSE ITS NOT...the OLD TESTAMENT BEIEVERS WERE RESURRECTED....BACK IN 33 AD in the first resurrection.....and we do not now how many...but the Bible says so....and other Biblical witness accunts....tell of a scary time when deceased ancestors showed up.....And we are told that another such will the future return of some phase of the end times sign lines....and that is to happen before the Rapture of those still alive.. Why scriptures are truth! To me, if one has faith....and for even those pages in our Bibles to have survived over times with real evil trying their best to censor it....and at times some translations may not be fully the understanding when the events happened.....But one thing for me is to ask: not IF ITS TRUTH, BUT HOW IT IS TRUTH....and as we know more of science and how the intelligent design of all of creation is not just some happenstance....but a miracle of an all knowing.... that means its a miracle of survival just that we have the few pages of all of human history to read, Plus..the test of time....of human history of censorship by real evil from the an encrupted code inside....And to call the Bible the 'inspired word" brings a deeper meaning as for those words to be there and survive and then find out with our modern computers....we can now find encoded words in there only possible with high tech to locate a simple code of equiletter distancing.....but for the letters be so far apart....the only attempts in past history were those who could do the closer letters for the words....and, for me....was one way....for those of faith to maintain the integrity of the word that would be a check to make sure....they had the real thing in hand... SO as of 1970's rabbis were able to take the Hebrew first five books and began to apply software and find words and phrases.....and shocker names of then living people and even events....of recent pasts...etc.....its a current story, known and left to us...from the beginning of scripture....maintained in words... Then, by early 1990's it was discovered that each letter....leads to the verse of scripture....where its located....and that word or phrase helps give us the uncensored fuller Biblical meaning..... We think we are being cenosred now...BUT NOTHING LIKE THE BIBLE AS THE WORD OF THE ALMIGHTY HAS BEEN FROM THE FIRST TIME IT WAS PUT IN WRITTEN FORM....OR PASSED ON ORALLY..... AS THE REAL EVIL.....SHOULD NOT KNOW THE DIVINE PLAN...AND TRY AND STOP EACH ONE OF US....TO BE THE PART WE HAVE IN THE EVENTS OF OUR LIVES...... I have not become a coder....but have always believed it was real....for over 25 years....but do follow some online...who are serious serious they are being careful not to share all.. Personally, I think it was not only Sir issac Newton and some others who learned of this and did some manually....without benefit of scripture that even....Nostradamus...may have been taught this by his own Jewish ancestors.....and did get into some predictions of the time...and some attention....but woe if anyone decided to mess with the one world religion and empire to keep control of the known world....and all stay in place and even the holocaust of the have knowing that would lead to freedom of each...and exploratoin....even out into space....where he ancients already knew of such...and the fallen angels around and flew off when the Fkood happened....leaving most of humanity to die....and came back later.....and began interferring not good ways.... All in the Bible....but parts often skipped is this chapter of all the names...Yet if Your own ancestry has one of those find your own history...and their place in the worship of the almighty a long time human history....but how long in eternity? that is forever.. I bring this up, about the Bible we have some in the Christian faith....being ostracized and treated as if they are getting into something bad....for even studying this....and their ignorance....was not unlike the good people of first century....who screamed for Christ to be crucified...and save the real insurrectionist...who was going to overthrow Rome by force and violence.....and the real overcoming did occur as the story goes....the last Ceasor of Rome was of the descendant of King David.....and it seems so in the way of the Almighty to help us understand....things...over time.....He does have ways of putting the good order of things back in place...and when we go and create order in our lives and groups and nations and world.....we have a few basic guidelines to follow based on love....and being human with free will....and innate sense of freedom....we do need to understand why? until we believe and then we know, ivine Love...tht has no agendas but love for protecting us....and we do get curoius and then we end up haing to suffer the consequenes of our defiant...and other choices made where we did not follow the few Divine rules put in place... And when we think of just all the laws of the USA...or any nation now.....its impossible to not all be lawbreakers of the human laws......and am about ready to break another and cut that pesky tag off my new pillow....that says some wwrning of not to do the content is to always be known.....and since I have no intention of selling it.....why? Why? do we have to have so many laws, and Is it becaues we still have evil running around trying to get all of us to sin...and do harms and all the rules....and most wishing and trying to be good and one seems the only ones who end up breaking so many laws....are the ones who have no wish to ever begin to live in peace and have an orderly socidety so not one is harmed among us...even unintentionally.... Order is good, as creation is created in an order of things....not of chaos....but love has to be the prime directive as that is of the Almighty....and without He taught us...we are little of nothing....but part of he chaos....Satan and his cohorts...wish us to be....of no value..and be part of the death and destruction of all of Creation....he is hell bent on annihilating and those who have been duped into following evil's ways....need to understand it does not love or care about you.....and one day....all could be lost of give up all of the future of life and love for what? a few times of being powerful and or wealthy in this fallen world....and then find out....the one who always loved you, you rejected and turned and followed another to the pit of hell.... In the name of Yahusha....pray all of us survive this fallen and really messed up world we are in....of natural and human made disasters and conflicts....and put love for one anoher first.....and ready for whatever comes in a moment of either we be cautght in the middle of or others of loved pray for communities....who becomes the safe harbors for not sure our govts of this world....have their orderliness ready right now.....and we the towns an citie may have to figure this out....until he final reckoning when You return....and pray not one of us....rejects Your invite to come up thihter and be saved from the final battle of good overcoming evil..... Whatever comes and when....we do , as You said always have some in need in this world...and we each cannot do it all...but we can do anything with Your Divine help....and as I see our places of faith....even in our arass have those new gynamsious built for acivities of their attendees...and places of worship....there is places of shelter....and nice big kitchens.....and somehow....the worshp of You....may all following Your words to heal the sick and feed the hungry...or hell is the end destination..... Is this part of the sheke us into realizations....that its time for humanity to grow up....and I am also an impatient one for all to be find and loving and good....and its not...and none of us...are fully its part of our being as we are now......Help us stay on the path back to YOu....and never lose our way...or be sidetracked into...until YOu return....and all is well....and healing is divine...from You... Pray for Doyle and medically survive....with intentionally done things to me and so many others already lost lives and but for it hiding under medical would be murder charges....and why is it just for intentionally causing one to die vefore they should...not always be murder.....when Your commandemnt is a few short words of DO NOT MURDER and isn't that intent to take life and then doing the overt acts to caue it...even wholesale genocide......a blatant disregard of love for anyone to do that....and we have some now in power who have done and are doing just thatn....and power is not always...holding elective office if they are mere puppets of some far sinster force........ pray for those dttained for months now without legal rights of our jstice system....who have not been convicted yet....and too many not even charged....for waliing througha door held open by thoe in aurhtoity in the Cpital building..or some never even went inside...and did no covert acts of harm either.......If one does such things....then the laws and justice need to be dealth with in a court of law.....and we must not forget our own sins as we deride those of other peoples or nations....May all repent and be saved and do what it right under Your divine just and goodness of love....rules and hate and destutcinon is not part of any of it..... In Your Holy Name...Amen! Those who have always followed some main media online....whther CNN or the other side of FOX.....take a gander at online....and find a few sites to help keep up with the real suffering and harms going on....and if one has some as we the people have a brans to sort out truth from a few not being so.....But much is going on....and not being covered at all.....and be thankful if your area is becomes a safe harbor from a lot....but expect some long lost find their need....and are our communities each hourehold has limits of how many guests each can handle....even if we love them all....All those churches enpty....may be the final aanctuary.....of the ourreach for the one worshipped there....and food to be we look at all those beautiful laws....and know we are not cows or goats....and little sustenance from grass.....and find our way back to growing food to sustain life....and find the heirlooms of he mosr natural are the creators gift of life for our own Temples of our bodies not always perfection in following my own....words....but we can help each other find our way... to a heaven on earth one day for all of eternity....and no more sorrow, as love rules... Linda Joy Adams 7/31/21

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